the HERALD WEDNESDAY MAY 1173 Home Newspaper of Hills Snowmobilers dont want country curfew THESE GENTLEMEN served on the first ambulance team formed In 1057 Doug Herrlngton left and Ed Hall right were on hand or the Ambulance Week celebrations that serve to Inform the public about the operation of this valuable volunteer com munity service A threeman delegation representing the Georgetown Snowmobile Club appeared before the towns works committee this past Monday In of having the proposed snowmobile bylaw altered Hugh Campbell John and Hark Oi bourne held two points of disagreement with the bylaw that will come Into effect for the next snowmoblling season The major point of contention was the curfew of would be imposed on all public roads within Hal too Hills Including the rural areas that were formerly Township Rural areas are different from town ones explained Mr Campbell The bylaw shouldnt apply In the rural sectors On that point Councillor Joe Hunt chairman of the committee commented that many briefs and proposals were considered from a variety of sources before the final draft was made We even had Sergeant Jason Fields In as both a me of the police force and your club to check the bylaw out furthered Councillor Hunt It was also noted that man of the letters received by the councillors from their con st tents were favour of banning snowmobUea completely from Helton Hills People living In he country hive the same right to peace and quiet as the towns people do added Councillor Hyde Why cant you people live by the curfew Many farms are located by our trails and It is sometimes impossible to be back at the clubhouse at that time explained Mr Campbell The bylaw prohibits snowmobiles on public roads from the curfew time of 11 until oclock the following morning but there is no restriction for use on private land We cant and wouldnt drop the curfew from our bylaw concluded Councillor We want to be fair to the club but we have gone as far aa we can go time should be set at 10 p rather than the hour of 11 It wasnt easy preparing the bylaw added Councillor Hunt only Input from council we had to work with was ban them completely and now we have a bylaw that they have approved We shouldnt change it now The bylaw alio prohibits the use of motorized snow vehicles In public parks unless suitable trails have been set and are only used as a means of access to other recognized trails A trail has been planned through Cedarvale away from the children play area and using the private property of Bob Lane that abuts the town- owned park Its Police Week Films and demonstrations will be featured at the open house held part of Police Week by Helton Regional Police at their headquarters 83 Mill Street Beginning Thursday and ending Satur day from 13 noon until pm the station will be open to the public for inspection A slide show has been prepared by the members of the regional police force depleting the chain of erect follow a motor vehicle accident within Halton Displays showing police operations will be set up at the offices and the public la In vited to stop by and take part in Police Week May Second PC candidate in A second Helton Hills resident has tossed his hat Into the race for the Progressive Conservative Association nomination in the next provincial election Gary Dawkins of Acton Indicated early Tuesday morning that he will stand for the PC nomination Mr Is principal of M Bennett Public School In Acton The change In the riding created a area opportunity Mr Dawkins commented I realized if I was ever going to consider get ting politically involved tola would be the time to do It He noted tbstas a lifelong resident of the north Halton area be held very strong ties with the area I think Its a great place to live and I would be honored to represent its people Mr Dswklns has lived entire life in Explains Lords Day ruling According to the bylaw which will be recommended to council by the finance and personnel committee the pool hall In Georgetown will be allowed to operate on Sundays between the hours of 130 pm and 10 This Is a section of the Lords Day tario Act which allows public sports and gomes to be played on the Lords Day It is the responsibility of the municipality to pass the bylaw if they wish to conduct public sports or games on Sunday Doug clerkadministrator felt that it was a good time to review the Lords Day Ontario Act bylaw because of the pool hall situation Within the bylaw there are various times listed for certain events to be conducted In Halton Hills public sports and games can be conducted at 130 pm However any events which relate to agricultural matters such as fairs and showings are allowed to begin at 1200 With exception of the pool ball which must be closed by 1000 pm all sports may continue till ro At the finance and penonnel committee meeting last Monday evening Councillor Pat stated Im not trying to promote Sunday sports but they are going on all the time Acton He attended Robert Little Public School and Acton District High School where be was very involved In high school sports He obtained at WaterlooLutheran University For 13 yean be taught Public School serving 10 of those years as principal Two yeara ago he was promoted to office of principal at MZ Bennett Public School He has been very involved In a number of educational organizations including the North Area Principals Advisory Committee and the Halton Elementary Teachers Council He has been a member of the Acton Rotary Club for years during which he has held every office in the club including two terms president He la also a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 197 Mr Dawkins Is married and has wo sons He has been active In the PC organization since the early CBC considers town IN SEARCH OF A PRINT SHOP that could easily Corporation talk with Garfield of the Herald represent the to film An Enemy of the People about the presses which might be used or the David Moe and James Jones of the Canadian Broadcasting drama Georgetown may again host the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Its film crews this summer In preparation for a pedal program to be aired this fall Georgetown has already been the scene for several film production I Touting the CBC series Durgens UP A dramatic presentation of the Canadian abort story Postcard several short scenes in major motion pictures and a General Motors car commercial that featured the National Railway station before It was for the GO station Art director James Jones of the with assistant David Moe have been sear ching for a place that could easily depict the IBMs for the satirical comedy An Enemy of the People by Henrick Ibsen The story is about a town doctor who discovers traces of sewage in the mineral spring on which the town plana to build a prosperous tourist trade The mayor and a newspaper publisher begin a campaign to silence the doc tor before damage can be done to the town The play was originally set In Sweden in thelSOOsbuthaabeenadaptedbCanadaata time around the lS20s In order to achieve authenticity the has been searching for printing presses of that era and found them In the print shop of the Herald Four presses typical of those used in the 20s were carefully photographed by the art department of the for consideration as an filming spot for many of the important scenes of the production If chosen Georgetown will also be used for many exterior shots Bunnies on the block I No problems trafficwise Your Morning Smile I read your Mor ning Smile and I have one for you My frltndi and ware walking from the shop with s lowing with A kid started to stars at and Mike said Whats the matter kid havent you ever heard Waltsrson Dslrax Blvd No serious traffic accidents were recorded by Regional Police in Georgetown over the past week A car driven by Brian Johnston received damage when the steering failed forcing the vehicle Into a hydro pole opposite Royal Pizzeria The accident occurred last Wed nesday Slight damage was done to the parked car of Laura Lee Klvard of Weber Drive The collision between the Kivard vehicle and a car driven by Allen occurred in the parking lot of he Georgetown Market Centre but Wednesday A second parking lot accident occurred that same day in the McGlbbon Parking lot The parked car of Harold Henderson received damage when struck The Dairy Queen was the scene of yet another parking lot collision last Thursday of Ray Volan and Lawrence as damage was done to the cars A collision at the intersection of Durham and Streets caused In damages to the two can Involved Operating the cars were Leslie Wilkinson and John The fint accident of Police Week resulted in damage to the care of Clyde Legget and Diane totalling lost Monday on Guelph Street Repair and construction Sidewalk work scheduled HOW MUCH WOULD YOU PAY for these International Jamboree to be held in Norway fine specimens The rabbits not the Cubs KevlnCrockerandStephenSmlthbolhwouId They are holding Just two of the hundreds of like the rabbits for themselves but will have items that will be auctioned to raise money to wait for the auction tonight Wednesday for the local Scouts planning to attend the at the old School p m In order to raise money to send members of the Cubs and Scouts to the annual Jamboree held In Norway this year the group will hold a public auction tonight Wednesday at In the School Articles for the auction have been donated by parents and friends throughout the community Goods to be auctioned range from to topsoil antiques to books Auctioneer Max Storey has the group will need to make the trip Anyone wishing to donate Items for auction can call Norma Tripp at or George Smith at to arrange pick up of the goods Sections of Maple Avenue Queen Street and Guelph Street have been scheduled for major sidewalk repair and construction Once the final works budget Is set for this year tenders will be accepted for the three projects In the Georgetown area Several areas In Acton will make up the that will be spent on contracted sidewalk work with a further to be Halton Hills in Norway Upon request from the Boy Scouts of Canada Hills finance and committee will recommend to council that the town donate decals and 230 prints of the municipal arms description free of charge The Scouts and leaden representing Hills at the Boy Scout International Jamboree to be held in Norway will probably use the decals and prints for trading purposes stated Councillor Harry Levy The decals which will be given to the Scouts are a facsimile of the coat of arms However it is not an exact replica because it is prohibited to Issue decals according to protocol The prints have the accurate sketch of the coat of arms of Hills with a description of the arms spent on town construction projects The sidewalk planned to link School and the Centennial Apartments will bo done by the town of Halton Hills Councillor Em Hyde suggested at Mondays meeting of the works committee that the works department also bid on these projects At one time we had an excellent concrete crew that could do the job When completed threequartera of a mile of sidewalk will be Installed by tender which will represent a major reconstruction job Work done by the town will be limited to small sections of existing sidewalks Once the budget is set the subject of sidewalks will again surface at the works committee No guns in this town Bylaws restricting the discharge of firearms and outlining hunting areas in Halton Hills were recom mended to go to council by the finance and penonnel com mittee Monday The bylaws prohibits hun ting in all parts of Georgetown Glen Williams and Stewart town It recommends that any to has interim should have a prohibition on hunting and In such areas as Hornby etc where there is strip development firearms can only be dtschared feet or more awoy from a house Councillor Rubs Miller stated that he has received phone calls concerning the restriction of hunting and he admitted that no one has ium at firearms for hunting purposes Doug Pritchard clerk- administrator said that there would probably be strong arguments against a complete hunting restriction In the strip development areas for many residents of those areas he said want the right to hunt within those areas The bylaws also states that anyone wishing to hunt on private property must have Show their stuff What does the ambulance service do for Well the Georgetown Volunteer Ambulance Service will be only too glad to show you this weekend The has set up a special display at the Georgetown Market Plata showing the training methods of the service and the daytoday operations of the group The display will be open this Thursday and Friday from too to