Bill Collier returns Bill Collier had only visited Italy once lie t see the canals of Venice or the leaning tower of Pisa but Instead the bloodshed and ruin of the Second World War Bill recently returned to Italy again with the Armed Forces but this time to commemorate the 30th an rdvenary of the Canadian Campaign Two members from each iKVUH Canadian regiment that had furthered to plough a field like it was done 30 years ago The cities are now rebuilt but shell and bullet marks still serve as a reminder of the past Streets that were filled with rubble and debria are now major transportation links throughout the growing country ana served during the war in Italy In spite of the change in the country aver the last 30 years the people haven changed They still are J at alle ftutor Carafes THE OWN GUIS A WORM TO WE i MacDonald services held at Ortona friendly and were selected by the com preciatlve lhoe regiments to form a 190 member delegation A package to attend ceremonies Inking vaa the freed their iirJSX The tour also included vlslb Met rf to cemeteries and memorials yea re THE LIBERALS WILL BE READY The the executive arc vicepresidents Jeanne Servos Burlington Association was born Monday night In Georgetown Dolly Moulden executive vice- MlltonasthecomblDedEastandWcstHaltoDAssoclatlons president Alice Walker Georgetown treasurer Grant got together to form their new group Heading the Casely Georgetown and secretary Paul of Georgetown seated whowas Georgetown elected president of the Liberals riding executive Also In betting on fall local Dolly Burlington Liberals Mr Allen there are live other en t belting on a spring Georgetown or Esqueslng election although they plan to residents on the executive be ready for It body At the founding meeting of the Halton Burlington Provincial AssocStlon Monday night in Milton the newly elected president of the group Frank Allen of Georgetown noted that It would be highly unlikely for the Progressive Conservative Party to call a spring election because he noted here la too much going against the Davis government at the present time Mr Allen who previously had been the executive vice- president of the Halton East Uberal Association predicted that Premier Davis an election until he has a lot of fences mended If the government did call a spring election Mr Allen added It would be a shoe in for the Liberal party He predicted that October 16 was a likely date for the next provincial election However he cautioned we must be prepared to fight at any time The local riding association formally came Into existence Monday with the acceptance of the constitution of the association and the election of the new slate of officers Georgetown will be well represented In the ridings executive Besides GEORGETOWN DECORATING CENTRE WAUPAPERS STORE HOURS Men Wed tarn Thur a and Jeanne Servos Georgetown were elected vice presidents of the croup Grant Casely and Paul DcsRues both of Georgetown were elected treasurer and secretary respectively as well as major battlefields of the Canadian Campaign Wreath laying ceremonies at Casslno Ma River and Villa nova were part of the tour Two Georgetown men Reg Blair and George Latimer lost their lives In Italy and are burled at Revenna and Vlilanova Mr Collier noted The battlefield at was the scene of a special service for the dead of the many battles in Italy The group arrived at the beginning of the Liberation Day festivities which now celebrated as a national holiday throughout the country The official party that the 190 men were J Macdonald minister of veterans affairs General M Burns com mandcr of the 1st Canadian Corps Major General Chris Vokcs 1st Divisional com three recipients of the Victoria Cross Major John Mahoney Major Paul and Major Ernest Smith On the tour we passed the battle site where Major earned his Victoria Cross added Bill In addition to attending memorial services for the war dead the trip also Included a tour of Venice and Rome and an audience with the Pope People from all over the world were there to see the Pope explained BUI Addressing the delegation the Pope stated Veterans are among the few people of the world who understand the true The Liberal supporters present for the meeting meaning of peace decided that the executive could select further executive members with a minimum of six coming from Hills four from Burlington and four from Milton They will bo selected at a later date The country has changed over the 30 years since I was there lost said Bill are lots of cars highways and service stations Occasionally we would ox being used THE LITTLEST HOBO favorite television personality and the World most intelligent dog along with his three brothers MONDAY MAY SATURDAY MAY Three Shows Daily 1 2 noon 6 7 30 THE LITTLEST HOBO understands words in languages plays chess types letters and even speaks English dnmonil on II that dags Who so do dog was dumb CENTRE THE TOTAL SHOPPING CONCEPT HWY 7DIX1ERD Bill added a poster from Ortona as an extra special souvenir of his second trip to Italy Bill was selected out of the many men of the Lome Scots Regiment who served in Italy B O K THE BOOK SHOP Main SI S 8778861 SPRINGBR00K NURSERY Location Quoon St Brampton PHONE 45JW11 SPECIALS ON SALE TO MAY 20 SILVER MAPLE CLAY POTS I WHITE BIRCH OFF Rsfl 1145 HICK OLD GOLD JUNIPER 11 SKY ROCKET JUNIPER JUNIOR EVERGREENS SCOTCH PINE Mil 1115 J salt Rtg Ml If JO Reg sals 4 Rlfl Ml till 3 Rtfl IT 5 till 111 JO JOHN yaars nursery experience Look For Other SPECIALS SHADE TREES FRUIT TREES EVERGREENS ORNAMENTALS ROSES SHRUBS PERENNIALS ANNUALS PEAT SOD STAKES SOIL PATIO TILES FERTILIZERS BARK CHIPS If you hove Green Foxtail in your feed cornyou should have Ekko in your field Annual grasses part Foxta I are the reasons you need Ekko n a corn after corn operat on a safe economical one package cide that saves you grasses to plan on two years t nuous corn operations so only CIBAGEIGY CANADA LTD corn can be planted the year low D v ng cation One Westside Drive Etob coke method Ontaro work wh le controlling weed and grasses offers the same flex lity of application t been accustomed to will plant incorporated pre emergence and post emergence in an I water And Ekko safe to n and effective up to the three leaf stage of grasses Ekko was designed to season long control grasses in con of corn Use Ekko the first year and combined wth a short residual grass herbicide the second year Then your f eld II be ready for a change of crop in the th year Ekko Tie convenient easy to use one package corn herb cde that prevents grass Id tip elds right up to harvest CIBAGEIGY Agrochemcab D vis on T IU Q Red I ft J I I Is I I MASTER FEEDS FARM AND GARDEN CENTRE Georgetown Trafalgar U C 0 ITED CO OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO