the HERALD Home of Halton Hills Tilt- HERALD A Divison of Newspapers Company Limitid South Georgetown L7G Ontario 1 1 DOhlMOI I Publisher JOHNSTON I loss Mall Registered Nimbi r OiH Do we need a new town building Do we need a new municipal building That s the million dollar question S600 that laces our town councillors If we do need one is it more important than a new library a new arena a new auditorium Which should come first From our vantage point we believe that to construct a new municipal building simply because some town facilities are becoming if not already overcrowded is an un wise move at this point in Halton Hills history Make no mistake about it regional government is here to stay If it going to change at all it s going to grow stronger combining more ana more services that local municipalities have to this point been handling A central super government with the prodding of the provincial government is growing before our eyes One tier government is still not beyond the realm of possibility particularly when the provincial policy makers are fully convinced that that is the direction wc must take With that future in mind the regional government with the blessing of the provincial govern ment nas approved spending million on new regional headquarters To have Halton Hills going ahead with its plans to build a new municipal centre at the same time is questionable Politicians know well that old saw about testing the current before jumping in why are they not using that same cautious in deciding either way about the new town hall We certainly can predict the hazy future of regional government but there is tint possibility that town services may have peaked and that from this point on the amount of staff and facilities needed to operate Halton Hills will decrease Any businessman considering expanding a branch plant while his head office is also planning a major expansion will take hib time see whether both expansions are necessary In the meantime there certainly may be some inconvenience and confusion but when you weigh thai against costs it should be obvious that haste could indeed make waste If there is such a dire need for more facilities for town personnel then perhaps entire idea of what is needed should change Has a complete town hallarena library complex been considered Consolidation of facilities saves a considerable amount of money both in capital and in operating costs Our councillors are well aware of that so perhaps they could start thinking in those terms when facing the mediate problems before them Those problems when they re all whittled down comedown to whether our limited tax dollars go into providing facilities tor a great number of people or a limited Somehow somewhere there could be grounds for a compromise Lights are all right if Lights the intersection of Guelph Street and Sinclair Avenue Good idea if If the second entrance to the Gordon Alcott Memorial Arena goes ahead If a pedestrian bridge or tunnel is put in If a No Left Turn is put up at the Guelph Street exit from the plaza If turning lane is put in on Guelph Otherwise forget it Years Ago- Zellers construction to begin in near future From The Plies Of The Herald George Miehm In honour of his revilallzation of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce was framed citation by past president Irwin Noble at the recent dinner meeting of the chamber held at the North Golf and Country Club This year a Georgetown high school blood donor clinic topped last term Initial effort by 13 blood packs The clinic held last Wednesday afternoon In the school s was attended by 152 students and 10 staff members of which were rejected Dave Hastings was presented a gift from the 1st Georgetown Scouts Group Committee this week In recognition of his long service as leader of 1st Georgetown Cubs and Scouts Mr Hastings has been an active leader for over 14 years The long awaited move Into town is now officially confirmed said Mayor Bill Smith at this week council meeting Con of the ft store In the Georgetown Market Plaza will begin In May YEARS AGO John Riley of Moultrey Crea and Jim Freeman of both with the Georgetown Scout Troop have reached the top step of the Scouting ladder and were presented with Queen s Scout badges this week Mr and Mrs William H Taylor of King St celebrated their wedding anniversary on Sunday The Taylora have been own residents for the past years They entertained members of their family and friends last Sunday Georgetown Kinsmen Hurry Ins been named the new Governor Zone A District 1 of Kinsmen dubs Mr was named to the position it in ill day zone conference in Kitchener on As centennial project the I mors Association of Ontario will creel Century Farm Signs on farms thai have been for over one hundred years i letter sent to town council explained KC Lindsay been asked to check old maps and send names of eligible farmers to the association Marly Wheeler of Glen Williams Public School who recently won the township lit speaking contest was the top speaker lost Wednesday in the school Area 1 which includes Georgetown Oak and Nassagaweya A cheque was handed over by the Georgetown Kinsmen Club to the Memorial HosplUil Hind Monday i at a regular meeting of the Kinsmen Spencer Church ips the oldest man in Canada who I i weeks ago had a few relatives in tin i rea Mr uncle to Mr and Mr Alex Brown of Victoria retandtoMrs Clifford of Terra Mi Total losses at the Mcadowglcn rowers plant in Glen Williams fch is hit by fire twice on the 1 elimb as high Fire Chief Bob yesterday Viewpoint On The Home Front Shut up Violet Susan ippiars have become lilcst in ur lives and enough thumbs proliferated the population to propel secdhousts nunery ind flower shops into a brand new blooming era gardens springing up in every I ick garden summertime ire ridiant with and pttunios cascades of lush greenery overflow from a variety of pot holders dangling from every ceiling across the with every other passion that dined go just i little too far I rooms kitchens md even bathrooms now resemble jungles tint have to he not fir people comfort hut to provide the right level fir the The in indoor gardening has lo I the en of lint enmmuiiKilor a device lhal is in mln the soil rescmllea lor an outlay of ip On Parliament Hill J nu will actually enable plants to talk back to j ou series of soft linking noises will inform hit jour plant is free fed and sufficient with my other idea however I cm certain drawbacks I if they can plants must also possess personalities Supposing ou were enough to idopt a bed tempered II could quite conceivably proceed lo click click click ou out of jour mind Could plants suddenly up in the excitement of expressing themselves rapidly progress from mere clicking actual How would jou hindle the influence of i oversexed iv Would our children ears or cut off her speaking device Would she Ihen possiblj retaliate against the gagging i 1 slrongling the poor African Can you imagine the sounds emitted a Trap is it masticates and digests Us unfortunate victims Would it even be to lake a bite out of the hand that feeds it ifou were foolish enough to chide its table manners some day Have you ever stopped to consider that it may be no accident when the top of your I constantly comes Into painful contact Mexicanstvlcpof Mabc it occupant is merely trying to start up a meaningful relationship with you assume one would have to converse with a plant at some length before purchasing It In in effort to determine its personality What guirantee would you have though that the two stemmed thing wnsn lying in its leaves lo only show it true petulant nature once arrived home with if No call me a chauvinist If you will but quite frankly I believe plants should remain beiutiful and dumb Three children are sufficient to provide me with a overkill situation now If a bunch of leaves and stems ever si making demands upon me here would be no alternative to get polled Mr TrudeauCan we ask you Ily Stewart Mac I tod Ottawa Bureau Of The Herald Prime Minister Trudeau appears to be developing a remarkable interest in communications these days And this is great news for Ihose who Mr Trudeau for a generally uncoopera live at toward the press The prime minister has survived without an official press secretary since last August and many interpreted this is a lack of In tercat in communications And others assumed it to be associated with his plan to trim personal staff by 10 percenl Everyone wis obviously wrong The prime minister now has decided that Richard O a former press secretary to Lester Pearson will return to the East Block from his ministerial Job at the Canadian Embassy in Washington But Mr O won be a mere press secretary He will be special Adviser In Communications lo Mr His salary will be perilously close to In other words he will be earning about as much Pierre Juneau who was hired by Mr is i special adviser after his brief cabinet stint ended with his defeat in a Montreal byelection Mr Juneau former head of the Canadian Radio Television Commission has spent entire life In communications including films So it was assumed this would be his speciality in the prime ministers office Other But he must be doing something else to earn his salary because Mr a former relations consultant is definitely in charge of And he soys that one of his first jobs will be to hire a new Director Of Communications And whoever heard of a director without an director Please don ask me an silly questions about what the director of communications is going lo do don even kno whit the Special Adviser on is going In fact I cheerfully admitted that I don t know what Mr Juneau is doing I would normally hazard a guess thai the director of communications would com municate with the press this can I be so because Mr announced that he be appointing a new press secretary Ths Is not lo be confused with Ihc acting press secretary or the two isslstant press secretaries Since the last press secretary Pierre Nell earned con assume there are some attractive job openings in the making Incidentally the only clue we have about Mr new responsibilities was when he said 1 am there to ensure the public ac cess lo information la facilitated the degree practicable and reasonable Mr will be attending the prime minister s dally briefing sessions so presumably he will know what going on since his new press secretary will be the one dealing with the press all this Inside information might not do us much good It is encouraging that Mr will facilitate all Information that is practicable and reasonable whatever that means but the chain of command worries me What if his new director of communications decides certain Information is practicable but not reasonable and then the press secretary decides it Is reasonable but not practicable They could spend all day in committee Anyway with this new spate of high powered a question was put to an official in the prime ministers office about iheir effect on the staff reduction program No problem he replied The staff of had already been cut by 10 It just a question of replacing a lot of privates with some generals he said Now If can just get the generals to agree on a bit of communicating Queens Park Commentary Provincial taxes going up jurrn s Park Bureau Of The Herald Toronto We will be seeing lax increases in Ontario this year A short time ago McKeough in a speech said that if hi hid to raise axes this the new revenue would be applied to debt This was ill the signal needed to tell us lhal ax increases ore on the way No likes to have to increase taxes he even mouth a word about them unless they are Inevitable I though it will probably be an election uir we assume that boosts arc on the way Natural the prospect of increases leads to conjecture as just where they may hit And the most logical area would seem lo be in health insurance It has been several years since health Insurance rates were increased in the province In fact the last time they were adjusted there actually was a decrease This was in 1972 wl en the Id separate premiums for hospital and medical insurance were combined The new single rale was less than the total of the new former rates Another string reison for he premiums is that the share of benefits that these pay for lias been dropping si At the end of 1J71 premiums paid fi r percent of these benefits It is Hint the imi figure for this yi will be IB per Also if a new scale of fees is imposed would not be surprising if a new is taken Health Minister Frank Miller has said more than once that he would like to Bee some system which might cut down on the frivolous use of health facllties The proposal for deterrent payments has been coming from other directions So that perhaps might expect a deterrent principle to be written into the new schedule Energy Too One other natural field for Increases would be gasoline and other forms of energy Conservation of energy is becoming more and more Important and taxation of course is a conservation measure However there are two negative factors One is that basic argument of the province in energy talks Is that highcost energy hits the economy And taxes of course add lo cost The other is that energy might be very hard defend in an election Oh bless you money by Gerry Lands borough This week Viewpoint takes a look at culls and the magnetism of their leaders who attract millions of followers There is a church or socalled church In Los Angeles called the Christian Evangelistic Assn Church where a strange service takes place severe times per week The preacher a former Baptist minister is Rev Frederick II better known to his millions of followers Rev Ike His church owns and he makes use of Rolls and an undisclosed number of Mercedes Benz Bentleya and lesser makes His personal wardrobe according to Ike is nothing but he best According to Rev Ike each man makes his own God A mean man has a mean God a poor man has a poor God my God is i God who loves money Have it all now From one of his services came the following Money loves me Monty loves to fill my pockets Oh bless you money wonderful stuff thanks to his millions of followers who buy lock stock and barrel Rev Ike if you want me remember I m ex pensive philosophy Rev Ike is a millionaire in MO with expenses remember his 16 Rolls on lop of that In 1972 the S lax department said that the church Rev Ike took in million and the church s holdings exceeded million In lic fire and brimstone manner comes Heaven is here and now no pie in the sky tomorrow Get it all now All done to the tune of gospel music The strange thing is people are listening and paying keep Rev Ikp in Rolls up to his ears His is mostly black but welldressed people who have no use for a Poor God Why is Rev Ike a success Your guess is as good as mine People like Rev Ike emit a personal magnestlsm that draws followers by the millions His church appears to be a mockery of traditional religion and possibly his followers are those who arc bored with the traditional way dor know what ou would call it but In my book you can call Bless you money you wonderful stuff a religion Another so that is presently drawing millions of followers is the Unification Church Its main Indoctrination centre is In New York but small bands of followers are turning up everywhere It was founded by Korean born Sun Moon His followers are called Court battles are presently going on in the States by parents whose sons and daughters have been claimed by the Church and have brought charges of brainwashing and programming and mind control techniques These techniques according to the parents of these young people hold them In training centres against their will The cults leader Sun Moon 1 am you brain I am the vine ou are the branches A program called CEHF was formed by parents and members of various church seels in New York it for Citizens Engaged In Re uniting Families The main objective of the group is to de program people whose parents have managed to get them away from the main training centres There Is a strong fear that these groups have political undertones and when the time is right these young people will be used In political movements The young people being claimed by the Unification Church are often university students who drop out of university to witness on the street for Sun Nyung Moon The doctrine is dogmatic and cited by rote by the Another cult that has found its way to Toronto is the Hare Krishna movement It claims people mainly between the ages of 19 It was founded In New York In I960 and Is found throughout hundreds of countries around the world The cult originated in India and is on offshoot of Hinduism Again In New York parents formed group called Parents Fighting Religious Communes by Retaking Their Children They claimed that some of these sects were more dangerous than the notorious Manson sect Hare have the young devotee denounce parents and family background adopt a new psychology sociology politics and a new culture A devotee can be lost forever to his or her parents by the change In name and physical appearance and perhaps a move to a distant temple is a tax exempt religion Iskcon stands for the International Society of Krishna Consciousness The group appears to destroy the Individual sense of personality leaving only a blind dogmatic devotee The tycs of movements listed above are finding the core of their followers in young people who are searching for something The greatest danger of these cults Is the loss of the individual personality If used In a political move these young people are walking torn bles with minds controlled to an unbelievable degree Churches lhat make claims as seem to be far removed from our culture and traditionore piling up tax free dollars reedom to worship Is a basic right we all hold dear yet this freedom la being abused and perverted with these so called cults Rights and freedoms ore made of funny stuff A parent should have the right to send a son or daughter off to university without few of brainwashing or programming by these strange groups Freedom of worship Is being abused when anyone can come along and decide to start a church It presents a com plcx problem for our legislatures yet if left to grow the vine and the branches of these socalled culls may In a short of time us all