the HERALD l 1970 Home of Hills pages After almost three years- Release of wife from Poland expected any day now These very llkclv are going to be two of the weeks in Psnrski life my moment the yearold Georgetown resident is hoping to receive a telephone call or telegram telling him that iftcralmost lonely years he going to be finill reunited with his wife Joanna She as of laic Tuesday remained stranded in Poland a prisoner of in temitioml politics and bureaucratic red But for the first time since the young couple wis separated in June of holds thin a small glimmer of hope his received word from Ottawa via Tom IPC Leeds Hut I ambassador had notified the Canadian external affairs department that as of last permission hod been granted Mrs to that Mrs Pbarskilndtodo according to the Polish and Canadian officials was to pick up her passport it police station in irranLc her departure However when Mr telephoned wife list Tuesday evening to conlirm the report he discovered Joanna had not yet he the new s so the day todoy lit his begun Wilting for news his become second since June 1J7T It is then that the recent arrivals in from Poland decided to risk a trip by back to her to comfort her mother following the death of her father Because they had not applied for per mission to first leave the country but instead left for a vacation the realized that iy were liking a chance on Joanna return but her mothers poor health was serious enough that it warranted the risks they felt Polish officials confiscated Mrs passport upon her arrival Since then she has applied many times for she has been turned Many people have attempted Intervene on the behalf including MPs and Stanley Lt ind Joe Morrison president of the Canadian Congress Should Joanna finally receive her freedom she will be coming for the first home Georgetown Mr moved to Hills from Toronto shortly wife returned to Poland in order to be closer his work as an industrial engineer wllh Georgetown company Joanna and 300000 cut from hospitals budget not a setback Morris Willi ft rushes five year ifter the young Howard struck by i old in Hooper to Georgetown Wriggle 1 School was afternoon MOO cut in the five year budget of Georgetown district Hospital by council is I setback to the hospital construction plans according lo hospital administrator red Moms but its not a The cut from the hospital a 137G won approved by regional council last but according to Mr Morris It w is not totally unexpected would assume that their decision was based on the fact that we received Principals object to 15 per day cut in supply teachers pay A recommendation that supply teacher n take a cut in wages of up to 15 per day has been strongly protested by north Hilton principals in a letter to the of Education The recommendation nevertheless was ipproved by the board last Thursday and It takes affect It brings the wage rites for levels 1 and supply teachers downlo per day plus four percent holiday pay from their previous rate of Levels four to seven teachers will have their present per day wage scale cut lo per day plus four percent holiday pay The north principals In lelter to the board stated that any reduction of current rates of payment will result In of them withdrawing their services with the result that substitute teachers will not be available to meet the needs within which will disrupt the school program of student The letter notes We believe that in our teachers we have a moat com pelent team of teachers who are the best possible substitute for regular staff mem on principals and vice principals the letter To expect them to issume a substitute teaching role creates an additional workload for the vice principal ind principal beyond those duties which ire ilreidy his or her full time responsibilities ind beyond those which vice principals and should be to carry We feel such a workload is grossly unfair and the vice prlncipil or principal so involved cannot do the duties for which he has been appointed which of themselves con a full time responsibility Suggestions that students be dispersed imong other classes when their regular teacher is ibsent was also strongly criticized by the principals who signed the letter We ire only concerned that there be no restrictions on the engagement of teachers for teachers who are absent for reasons of illness or other causes as provided in our sick leave policy We arc satisfied that our teachers are not abusing this policy and that absences claimed under it are Indeed legitimate and unavoidable and controllable We arc quite prepared to forego calling in substitute teachers for all other absences of staff over which we can exercise control it from the province he said The five year forecast still contains a remaining and could be altered if the province considers the increasing of facilities a serious enough problem to irront spending additional If we hive to get into a crisis situation before Is liken we will Were quite prepared to mike do with what we hove until the crunch comes That crunch however may not be for off said Mr Moms is not being looked ifter idequalely at the present time bee of the Georgetown hospital cramped situit ion He referred to the provincial government bed to population Legions project clean up Remembrance Park Sorry Bi they ratio which is four beds for every of Gcirgetowni is 19 for every I residents liking in il of Hills which is whit Ihe region seems lobe considering Is the hospital irea of if il wis simply serving the Georgetown said Mr Moms it would still be well below the provincial standards the hospital future plans is a two storey iddition to the hospitals wing Tint would add i further beds Mr Morris said it would also be hoped lhal the hospital could provide proper psychiatric facilities the lack of which is lulling extra pressure upon hospitals outside Hills If worse comes to worse we may have to turn to the public fo funding he said Representatives from he Georgetown Legion met with towns works general Monday nght outline plans they have to Remembrance Park wllh fountains and gird ens Past president of the Legion Norm Ward told the general administration committee that although the Idea is yet to be placed before the general membership of Branch 120 the Legion executive felt that it would make i fitting project to mark the Royal Canadian Legions anniversary Denny Wright president of Branch explained that it would be beneficial lo the entire town to beautify the He ex plained that sunken gardens floodlit tains with reclrculaling water and or cnlal pools could nil be i the very lent dive plans jet for the park He that because of drainage the creek that runs through the park Ins been at very low level during recent summers promoting the growlh of ilgie Councillors all greeted the idea en thuslastically and gave the suggestion their ipproval in principle Councillor Morrow that the region and town engineering staff first in vcstlgite the cause of the disappearance of supply to the creek that has been worsening for a number of yeors but which dire stages the pasl two summers In the works committee Councillor Hyde suggested that the Legion organizers consult with a landscape artist in drawing up their tentative plans Cops solve 71 percent of incidents in February Theft and liquor offences headed the list of crimes In District one Georgetown and of Region in February There were cases of theft under including five In dents or shoplifting and seven cases of theft over Liquor offences for the month totaled and charges laid against offenders Break and enters accounted for Incidents during the month while six automobiles and one other motorized vehicles were stolen Two coses of fraud were discovered and one charge was laid Possession of an offensive weapon accounted for two cases in the month Assaults known or reported to the police totaled during the period Other criminal code in fractions totalled incidents The total number of In fractions of Federal Statutes in the month were nine eight of which were for drugs Provincial statutes broken discovered or known by the police during the month were 12 while municipal bylaws were broken The actual number of fences for the month was 199 cases The police had a solve rale for the month of per For the months of January and February there were 199 offences handled by District one with a solve rate of percent New rates for firefighters The 1071 rates for members of the Georgetown Volunteer Firefighters Association has been approved by ihe general administration committee Overall the new rates will result In an Increase of approximately as Councillor Morrow commented at Monday night general meeting there another town with equal population within a radius of Toronto that gets as good Ire service as we receive from our depart The new rates which had previously been approved for inclusion in the towns 197ft budget show one district chief receiving up over last year one district deputy chief receiving up three captains at an increase of one captain and per captain three lieutenants at 200 each up one lieutenant and 50 each one fire prevention officer at up five vehicle molnlenance personnel at no change and firefighters averaging increase of five firefighters and an proximate average Increase of didnt want you The name of Bill Wicked Johnson is a familiar one around the regional council cable but it not often that regional councillors get a chance to vote on whether or not approve of him or his attitudes low irds protection of the environment Last Wednesday they had that opportunity and by an vote they decided they At stake was the inclusion of Mr Johnson name and those of three other regional residents Mitchell of Georgetown of Terra and Betty of Burlington on the list of members sitting on the region special ad Environmental Advisory Committee The other three were Mr Johnson wain The three additions bring the committees membership up to after council on a motion by Councillor Ric Morrow had cut out two names from the suggested list presented to council by the planning committee Councillor Morrow opposed three of the names suggested because they were non residents of and because the committee is overloaded with too many and socalled experts He pointed to the fact that with one exception all members were professionals in the environmental field Also Councillor Morrow added the north end of Hilton was represented despite the fact he major part of the region which this committee will be dealing is comprised of Milton Hilton Hills The people who live there have gained their knowledge of the area by living there and not by reading from some distant book The committee will be presenting their conclusions to the planning committee for consideration In the drawing up of Official Plan Mayor Harry Barret suggested that one of the three residents John Walker be retained He ex plained that Mr Walker Is concerned with the en through his position with engineering department The name of Frank Dowilt president of Quarries was proposed by Milton Mayor Anne MacAr Ihur as a representative of the aggregate industry In Halton It also was approved 1 10000 set aside for Glen cemetery wont be spent total of been allocated in Ihp in lit Conservation Authority lTi budget for work on the bank of Ihe Credit the Glen Willi However according to Hills or Tom Hill its the money going to be spent Miyor Hill suggested in fact to the CVtA s executive Inst that they leave project out because the controlling organization of the cemetery the Glen Williams Cemetery Board would probably oppose paying onequarter share of the cost of the rk which wiuld to will over When asked by the authority s Grant Chrkson if Ihe town of might consider paying fir the work Mayor Hill replied that because the town had no it ill in the cemetery operations mid I received no revenue from It Ihe town would nut consider Itself the benefitting municipality of the work He suggeslaLlhat own might ecu sldcr providing part of the 10 spent by Ihe authority on engineering study of the eroding bank at the Glen cemetery The Glen project was one of two proposed water mimgcment projects for which the CVCA will be applying for to the province for funds despite the fact thai the projects will very likely not lake place The entailed spending In In total the has outlined five proposed projects which could cost Maple sidewalk delayed because its too expensive VOL HI- WRONG If you think that a to collect the burrs and minutes to slick elephant beside Nancy Vetricck 13 Donna them together to make the the Craig Carlisle and hurl its not your average Carlisle It s a and the kids cuddly toy they think they might Just make a made it out of burrs they collected along tic whole family and enter It In the fall fair bank of the Credit River It took three hours The sidewalk along the south side of St Market and Main St in Georgetown thai the works in lumbers of the Monday He said the short stretch of sidewalk needs a retaining ill in one place to keep up ill t Hi I ink sidewalk Me suggested to the com that since there was no In the budget for sidewalk the committee wait until fall and see how pedestrian traffic manages in if its decided I nil in I the coal in the 1977 budget although they are leaving as It elands Lie recommendation to have