Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 7, 1976, p. 1

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And still their yards keep slipping away Backyards or which Metcalfe Court homeowners paid a 000 premium far have not stopped sinking since the first house went up on street near Ihe ravine at the eastern edge of Georgetown In 1966 Ken Hutchinson moved his family to 19 Metcalfe Court At the time his backyard fill put in by the developer he said in on in last Saturday When they had bought the land they ere under the impression that their home was be on a piece of solid land next door Mr Hutchinson said Upon discovering that their home was not whert It had been indicated It would be they put It down to an ovenealous salesman who was unsure of exactly whert the homes were to be Two years later the first crack in the backyard appeared Two more years and five more backyards sinking brought out a headline in a July issue of the Herald saying Metcalfe Homeowners Say Stuck With Useless Backyards The story reported tint six residents had banded logelhcr to hire a Inyucr to git action from the concerned Mr Hutchinson slid list ifternoon the lawyer hired got no action nee 1J74 four more feet of land have disappeared Mr Hutchinson sud He pointed down to the bottom of the which sets is on open storm sewer fed by a culvert under the bridge it the intersection of and Metcalfe Court Its gone down there he slid The gone everything going out it you sick Mr Hutchinson and his are the worst of Ihe five homeowners losing their backyards He pointed to the other side of the raum which wis of the backyards of homes fronting on There wis an ipproximate3Q degree slope down to Ihe bottom On Metcalfe Court side of the ravine ihe slope wis more like degrees he said and not enough to support 100 slill on Ins luck Along with affected homeowners Mr Hutchinson feds the homes about his he his no lint would been belter with a out bisement to lake advantage of the Incline needed to stop the problem is a retaining will Mr Hutchinson said Trees and bushes ire useless topi to stop erosion because they don list long before they end up it Ihe of the ravine tree which was about 100 years old had to be down because erosion hid it to lean in the direction of the house Mr Hutchinson said When the problem of sinking backyards first occured the homeowners brought it the attention of the builders Skopit two year of dealing wilh Ihe developers the homeowners look their cist in to the town council which was idv scd by the town solicitor that it wis a matter between the builders and homeowners and the own ought not to he Involved Mr Hutchinson said that Ihe best his knowledge a representative of Ihe developer had never come to the problem He slid thai a letter describing wis to be sent to town council Monday night If the iroslon continues the steps Mr Hutchinson hod from the backdoor lo Iwckyord w be useless Already the beneath one the bo irds porting Ihe slops his sunken leaving a space between it ind the bottom en the matter was discussed at town council Monday night Councillor Harry Levy called situ itroclous in tilling for a long hard look it what has laken place He recalled that Ihe matter Ind been before council previously ind jet the milter Councillor Dick who inspecled the site Monday morning reported that one woman retiinmg had fallen over Councillors have asked that the matter be turned over to the works where it will be further discussed i i- dm- mi Home Newspaper of Hills 24 Pages Ashgrove sludge site a filthy operation A sludge disposal site near which has made residents inspecting the area physically ill merely by walking by it wilt bo the focus of town regional and provincial investigations The site is located on part of Lot Concession west of Although it has been in operation as a ap proved sludge disposal site for well over one year it has only been this past spring that the stench and health hazards from the operations have created concern among area residents Use of he area was limited for the past year to nearby residnets until this spring Now up to 12 large converted gasoline tankers per day travel the 10 Sideroad to get to the site where the sludge from septic tanks from homes in the Georgetown Milton and Acton areas is pumped into an abandoned sand pit The residents claim that up to gallons of untreated waste arc pumped into pit each day by Blue Spruce Ltd the operators of the sludge disposal site Fart of that waste is from Maple Lodge Farms Although the ministry of the environment has given residents no health hazard Ashgrove alliens remain unconvinced They point to the fact that the sludge is being poured on sand which although it has a filtering affect will eventually reach saturation point at which time they fear the sludge will run off Into a nearby stream The smell is another concern of Davt who rents a home several hundred yards away from the site recalled that last summer even though use of the property was limited westerly winds often brought a sickening smell Another complaint that the residents have voiced Is the filthy operations at sludge disposal site They noted that all sludge was supposed to be pumped into a lagoon but a tour of the site by not only residents but some town councillors have shown that sludge Is being dumped elsewhere The tanker trucks are also spewing their material on municipal roads the residents claim Because the site is not fenced off adequately the site has been termed a potential danger for children Spokesman Dill Manderson met with town night to review the residents concerns and he drew support not only from a lirge delegation present from area but also from two councillors Hie Morrow ind Dick Both councillors following a tour of the site earlier that day were upset with the operation of the site No words can describe what 1 saw there commented Councillor Morrow Acting on the citizens requests town council has asked the ministry of the en nment to Investignl the operations In order find out what operators can provide hot sludge being dumped there will eventually be pumped That was one of the points by Blue Spruce when it received permission from the region to set up the site Police will be asked lo enforce the weight limits on the municipal road which Is a B road The town solicitor is also Invest gating whether or not the operation is perm bed under Townships Official Plan Questions still nag victims father Its what we sort of expected said Glen McTavish of the recommendations returned Friday by the coroner a Jury Into the death of Eric James Couture Mr IBycarold son Wayne was one of seven occupants in the John McHugh vehicle which was struck by a vehicle driven by Couture March on Hwy south of Acton All seven youths died in slant ly The coroners jury recommended that the Regional Police establish a high speed pursuit policy convey the policy to all officers provide a more senior officer than a constable in the radio dispatch room and look around for a more sophisticated com system The three man twowoman Jury also called for legislation prohibiting the leaving keys in unattended cars Const Tom driver of the police ear chasing Couture was formally commended by the jury re pleased said Mr who wis represented at the inquest by Georgetown lawyer Walter Soplnka John McHugh whose 17 yearold son was at the wheel of the car Couture smashed into could not make a comment on the jury lions Immediately following the close of the inquest But later In an interview in his home he said We with practically everything had to say I think it Ithc Jury recommendations is good Constable did his duty to the Mr McHugh said and I congratulated him Nevertheless I was Just disturbed about the discrepancies of some of the slntemenLs Mr said Const testified twice at the Inquest causing considerable consternation to Inspector Craig of the traffic investigation division of and to the Solicitor General Mr said he felt the jury could have gone more Into the subject matter of chases although I don think there any way to stop high speed chases if he an offender wants to speed away Mr said he can do so But since three or four days after his son died in the accident Mr McHugh said he has been wondering how to atop chases and how cars can be designed to make leaving the keys in them even more difficult then it Is Mr said that some of the ideas which came him Included a yet to be In vented device which the police would activate Complete report on page 2 John the Solicitor General had said publically outside the legislature following the accident that there had been no high speed chase according to a report prepared for him by he Ontario Provincial Police The ictual point of discrepancy troubling him Mr McHugh said was that on March Const Roduck gave a statement to Inspector Craig saying the roof lights were activated Sideroad Then some two days later said Mr McHugh Const gave another statement saying the roof lights were tivated at Hold while travelling al 55 miles per hour 11 leaves me wilha question mark in my mind Mr said But 1 m not all that uptight about it in their cruiser to knock distributor of a fleeing cor out of operation It would certainly stop any I igh speed chases from hippening Mr McHugh said Surely In this technological age some means could be designed As for keys In the ignition Mr McHugh felt the automobile manufacturers should produce cars in which the door locks if you leave the keys In In addition Mr felt that oil private and public vehicle should go no foster then or miles an hour with the exception of certain emergency vehicles And if anyone Is the governor tampered with Mr McHugh said a damn good fine should be handed Key to the city KF TO Till- IT IF South Carolina is held by Cathie Barton a firat grader at school here who went south for mid term break The Georgetown SC Bill gave the key to Cathie If you look at that smile you know Johnson will run again for NDP Wicked Willy is raring to go again Hill Willy J is first to throw his hat into the race for the New Party nomination for nexl election NDP in I I falls provincial election in which he finished i third behind the Julian and Progressive Con The election of the provincial for Burlington nding will like place this m in in Milton cine lire f the llnl he will run Brown himself that he would defiuetly nol be running In the provincial election it miy be have set his slghti instead on federal campaign Johnson in an Interview wilh the noted that he had on election night list fill when the in It swing of polls Hint he would he hick ind I m i mm my word Guest for the meeting will be Philip Mr I Is the NDP critic of southern and Iroadcister he wis a member of the ind the Creative Fducallou Foundation Efco union renew talks Labour and will be silting down together II is week o try and iron out Ihe Inferences which have kept about workers on a picket line for four weeks out the Forms Corp plant in The workers members of United Steel Workers of Local went on strike March in an effort to bock their demands for a dollar an hour across the Management has offered a 17 and a half percent increase In the basic wage with a cost of living clause ind productivity increases in the Inst two years of a three year contract as well as some other fringe benefits amounting to was discovered at the strikebound plant on March when an outside light and interior window of a tow cut and some wiring torn out or cut but police have arrested no one The decision to get back the negotiating table was a mutual one said Tom manager of the plant Strikers on the picket line said they got about in strike pay last week more than had expected at he time and were looking forward to about this week Changes to school year not possible at present STARTING SCHOOL In September will be registers her for kindergarten classes at Holy shown here reading while Cross School Taking registration is In the background her mother Alice Fro Brown A report by spec committee in possible changes to the school yeato permit the changeover during Ihe is Ins concluded that such plans ire presently unfeasible The report by II l force n a modified school year w is i direct response to request by Hilton Hills school trustee Emie tint he semester turnaround be scheduled wilh the lo cut down thi number of wisltd diys tint are presently occurring of on top of Trustee Itodnar lad suggested that ex tended school days the first me to Jinury would enough time for students to tarn The task force however led lint do would require lengthening Ihe in struclion period per day lo tig minutes The subsequent effect on tie day to be ise one hour and to approxim eight hours per including lunch Students would rt have lo begin Ho dock In the morning and until in the The implications would sixfold I hi task font conclude d programs would be affected during he first semester ihe scuid would days longer since according to provincial renditions number of school days must hive I minimum total of IBj Time blocks would have to be adjusted but the total school Instructional day ex elusive of lunch could not go below five Course lesson planning would have to be different each semester to It different lime blocks and Ihe different number of leaching days The resulting number of days saved in June would be the Ihrce day turnaround If exams were held Im mediately prior to Christmas holidays reports could not be issued until students are into their second semester The task force did recommend that the of re adjusting the school year be continued One alternative which they noted was a system being used In Lcthbridge Alberla That system starts In August and extends to Christmas vocation period In December Final examinations for the first term occur prior to the Christmas break The second term then extends from early January the end of May The report of the task Mil be presented to the Board of Education at Its regular meeting this Thursday evening In

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