Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 14, 1976, p. 11

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THE HERALD April 197 Improvements Its a banner year to fix up the home A number of passing realities make banner year for home improvements Families arc Irivcling less due to the skyrocketing costs of motels hotels and restaurants and staying home more And thus where improving the comes in Home style ic seem more desirable if houses can be remodeled to include such leisure like amenities is patios pools outside cooking and seating areas As a result wise homeowners arc investing more than ever before in improving their properties with as expected to increasing their energy saving potentnl With heating costs soaring better insulation installation of storm doors and windows and even roof ing arc high on the homeowners priority list investments and realities 111 J be your prime consider Hon Jin Ax compound- or in 1 lilrcn a it muy i out product example- n lie opener RRllt mill liquid train til lnrrnf Avoid bathroom hazards with safety checklist Home Improvement take many remodeling and redec orating But while pretty accessories can add much to your rooms Its tant to consider the safety of your home as well Bathrooms In offer many potentially pitfalls or and your family So to Insure that your bathroom Is as safe as It is attractive compare it against the safety ehecklist 1 Date and label all medicines and knov their shelf life Medicines that are used pait their tion date or used can even be harmful 2 Children and pets don always know good for them be sure all medicines and caustic cleaning compounds are stored in locked And use caution even when discarding old cines or empty cleaning product containers keep them out of the reach of your small loved ones to prevent accidental intake 3 Harsh chemical cleaners can be harmful to adults If accidentally used Improperly Always read Instructions before using any cleanser and Ahenever possible avoid hazardous ones For example Instead of using drain cleaners which contain dangerous lye and acid use Drain Power the first drain opener to use air pressure to pipes To reduce the risk of sJIps and litis on bare bathroom floor pick up hairpins and other small as soon as they are dropped and your floor surface is the type which slippery when wet be sure to mop up spills Immediately 5 To prevent falls In the bath line your with a rubber mat or with dec rubber decals In stall a handle or rod on the shower wall for extra protection Never use electrical appliances In or near wa or damp surfaces If your family relies on bath room which re quire electricity plug them Into outlets away from the sink or bathtub and unplug them when they re not being used If your bathroom ures up well to this check list the chances of bath room accidents arc lessen and that means more peace of mind for you on advantage It is to be that home improvements properly pi inncd and not only can produce substantial ivings in heat and cooling costs but also add value to the ex properly Thus there is i way for homeowners to cope with inflilioniry rends Advice counsel is avail it the level from experts in planning and improve According lo ir V Hall executive vice dent of ihc Home Improvement Council the investment in home provements m ye by homeowners amounted lo billion The Home Improvement Council his sever il councils operating in is many cities to issist people in their pluming Since loins for home improvements ire easier to get thin mortgages people ire tying put miking whit they hive to suit their needs m my are all or it le some of the work them selves While money w is lujit and cosily in 197S there is every indie it it will be only costly in 1976 Swings and Lorn As have noted i dramatic in tv of s ivings for home improvement loin pur poses and ire inxious to find homeowners to ide them to in ike homes COME GARDENING with Doc Hartnoll TIME TO TEND THE LAWN IH I mil tiled in ill turf if it is The best net ads f r actual I at starched in the lal rat ry All I for April ring mint hey will leaf you want I make on Iici1lii ivtring When fust danger I lit pruning shears zip riy bed tin In Hull nut fut liuil r I I 111 and to iyi fit I fir fn- llowLJing beauty in II gjidLn if applies tn hybrid tow inlns I lonbunda lost Ret lie light Hutment I leave all IS ihlIi of for lo ill lii of I loom My eliml seldom if ever a pruning Hutment All I i l havL been damjed by Hie bud swelling and an to bunt jJ my their first will ViRoro I J any It I etc the hit fill I like gel on in micUiLi Ic in Hie g year I vc a with lime sulphur Ural I use on II frull vli over wintering fungi early plan your food garden Many of my fglluwcd my lail and ii vegetable grnucrs fmni jM In Id me lull lowing my net ni If you are jtiil i ip a He and I II sec hat you have u eupy 1 1 lime planting Have good of planning and planting Send any garitiunx iutaio is may ha me at Informal tit Centre 165 Avenue Ontario Please a Most people will cither ike out separate home loan or add the cost of Ihc improve to their mortgage It is important lo note that not all home improve result in higher In m iny cases size iblc improvements can be m ide without changing t it ill Most tax increases re suit from improvements which new living spice major iddilions changes and re purs or new gingc or patio Itnprovrmrnl In many arc is the home owner in put on a new roof make my rep to existing replace lighting and plumbing fix if they ire not part of i complete modernist lion the entire inside outside install I sprinkler systems put in twos md no limit 1 ind se iping mike complete pi rep and redec or ite idd closets put in new ceilings weatherstrip ping ill i new dnvc ly add or replace downspouts re pi ice i worn out furniec with i new he system restore or rep ice porches md steps til without of tax rise The Nilionil Home Improvement Council re minds the homeowner it even with a higher nient rise home property more fort living Windows and doors are the worst fuel drainers Windows doors arc the blRgest fuel dr liners in the average And since million units use per cent of all the consumed In the US the home owner holds i rt it deaf of responsibility which he can use to save or lose money not to mention the conservation or the nations supply According to the Home Improvement Council the University or Illinois his calculated that ten 15 foot windows will leak 100 more tallons worth of oil per If they are only single ej With a typical throe by five foot single Blazed double window al most three times the en would be lost the window as is lost around the ana Storm doors help too licit loss or around the Is about the sunt One square foot of on lose as much hent as ten square feet of wall For these reasons few In tallationn In the home pay off for thtmselvts is quickly as do storm doors and windows and replace mtnt windows that In four to live years the homeowner will re cover the cost of his In Ground fault circuits protect family at home your family it home aKilnst possible tal shocks with new ground f circuit Interrupters These new electronic vices offer an additional level of protection protection Tor people not provided by conventional fuses ind circuit breakers which dt signed to protect house wiring only A current flow as small as can freeze you to a power source and current as low as mllliamps or one third or one ampere can be fatal Conventional household ruses and breakers however trip at levels In excess of their norm tl ratings Most electrical shocks from ground an caused by careless use of electricity or by break down of Insulation on electrical appliances in wet or damp areas circuit breakers made by General Electric are used In new home con particularly In the bathroom and out door receptacle circuits now required by the Electrical Code receptacles arc ideal for retrofitting ground protection In exist ing older homes THE BOOK SHOP Main St BUI Custom fit windows not cut loss of heat reduce Millions or dollars of expensively heated air will go through jour windows this winter What makes this even more painful is that millions of American consumers think that they have avoided this money and heat loss by using stopgap measure- to cut rue bills In the summer of course this money losing process will be repeated as air escapes and warm air en via the same route Even with recommended Insulation which Is very important you re not no to the heart of your Insulating problems unless your are doing their part to stop heat lews Who says so for one the Department or and in HUD says that almost 70 per of a typical single family unit heitlng load associated with windows and doors Frank Don 11 president of Season ill Industries Itic worlds mm of ilumliium custom madt storm win doors ind re placement windows pin points the problem prf It Is sad to see so much time and effort go Into partial solutions like and caulking All the caulking In the world will not stop heat loss through glass Engineers have proven that one square foot or glass can lose as much heat ten square feet of wall And Is equally negligible If you do not have first class windows with mul tlplc pants of glass or storm windows Why Because know that with a typical single lazed hung window almost three times the energy Is lost through the glass as Is lost around the sash irta The only effective rem for loss says the use of good prime windows which pre vent air Infiltration or heat loss ir these prime win dows are bad they should replnctd with custom fit windows the most economical way to For more effective stopgaps fuel bills storm windows late the frame as well as the prime window Other measures Include replace windows with lnsu glas or thermally Improved windows which are here today and rep resent the standards by which tomorrow windows will be Judged Gorell points out that caulking and weather stripping may cheapest but they are also least effective win which are worn out with custom fit types can be a simple job which be dont even by a do it in less than in hour There no need Tor carpentry or masonry If the window is made to fit the opening Best or all its ready to save real money as soon as Its instead of making you think that It does said For a booklet on things you should know about replacement windows write to Fred Schmidt Season all Industries Indiana Pa 15701 Home improvement planning tips to help knowledgeable homeowner nil it lie andldate the same spec itlo Nam Listed hen points to help you ttt tin most and satisfaction when embarking on a project 1 Put your on paper Keep a Hie of from tdvertlhcmenU as well is editorial your rtmodtllng Involves any il iltirttlons He can proviili you with rough ketches or working drawings ilso on tin Job sui irvl ion rush when sl time to ihnk a s bank rtfiritiris ilk with some of his forme r custom trs look it a w of his i Gets at li thru lontriclors In vltc i ich to a bid e know you re rint other bids and Ive models product types Make certain the con tractor you hire carries adequate insurance work men compensation prop erty damage personal liability coverage fl Ask your contractor lit compiles with the Code of Ethics of the National Home improve Council Don t automatically nap up the lowest bid for your remodeling proj cot Consider the Interest and attitude in Individual contractor shows toward your proj fl Make absolutely tain your remodeling plans ire not it odds with any codes or zoning regulations Don t try to handle a Job unless you rt iirl knowledge iblc about mitt rials This Is t dally true plumb work Don introduce a lot or work changes once the remodeling is under way These can be costly will slow up time schedule and cause unnecessary between you and your con tractor or architect Insist that the con tract Include exact date work to begin a of step by step pro and an approxi mate completion date If delays seem unreasonable and unnecessary you have right to take action Don t sign certificate I If work is financed or maki final payment until the con tractor gives you from liens and you rt 100 per satlsflt Ask for a tors guarantee usually for one year 14 Finally ask for a clean up provision in your contract so your house will be turned to Its original condition after the work is completed it the contractors expense BUTCHER SHOPS DOWNTOWN STORE MOORE PARK PLAZA 8771311 8771811 FROZEN TURKEYS 79 rtf DINNER HAMS QUANTITIES NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE Roasting Chickens Caledon Smoked SIDE BACON RIND OFF 169 lb FRESH FISH DOWNTOWN STORE ONLY Fresh Rainbow Trout Sole Winkles Cod A OF the HERALD Home Newspaper of Htlla HOME IMPROVEMENT

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