April mo D rcy Contd from 1 than In 1970 Toallow for he fast growing population in the regions altered this figure by measuring spending twins of the amount per household and arrived at a 105 percent increase In the How was the money utilized partially blames a special form of inflation it the salaries of the two old administrations which were region were not equal the lower pay cheques were raised for the sake of Fairness to the local municipal employees but not the tax payers The rest of he money nc cording was used to improve existing Increased levels of more firefighters more Childrens Aid cases and more land miles of roads for Since growth must also be taken into account a greater volume of services also necessary to accomodate the increasing population For example Ontario regions increased the sue of their police forces collectively by between and 1975 and total of to percent of spending increases are attributable to the in creased of all services Backlogs of demand for services took the lust bite out of the regional budget necessary to upgrade services in new urban areas might not have been possible if the of ihc region gov had unliable Some councils believes deliberately postponed expensive projects government was re structured To the was Lei region is formed and let THEM for it said He added that some post ponements were beneficial in the long run projects such as replacing a fleet of police cars should be integrated so that standardized vehicles arc used throughout the new region gover did not completely subsidize the projects to prove local services Financial issistance from the province to the regions increased more than 124 percent from lo and without this aid taxes would have been even higher Contd from 5 Church have had a busy month of activities for the month of April in the month attended the musical play South Pacific at the Lester Pearson Hall in Later in the month Lhej attended rates at and Tided the month by attending the Association held at the former dub Gel well wishes arc extended old Craig son of Mr and Mrs Bob Tajlor who spend several days in Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton Willi an acute attack of A speedy recovery is ex tended Mrs John who a patient in the Brampton Hospital Unit Two of United Church Women entertained Unit One and their sister from Grand Valley on Wednesday evening April 14 with Mrs Phyllis presiding Seventeen members of the Valley W came by bus and enjoyed he evening A short devotional consisting of a singsong of favourite hymns and a prayer led by Mrs Gwen I was followed by an intersting talk and slides by Rev Hilda Johnson of Brampton on her work as a missionary in India The evening ended with a dessert lunch and a social time Fruit growers are anxiously watching their trees for frost damage from the freezing weather and the wet snow of he weekend The unusual summer weather of last week did much by bringing the fruit blossoms into bloom too early Now Ihc heavy wet snow is causing that damage At Nurseries near the shade house from the weight of the snow sometime during Sunday night The shade house was full of heir spring stock ready for planting such as Blue Spruce Austrian Pine Sky locket Juniper Cedar hedging and many more Bit mate of he damage is at this time The shade house Is a complete loss but how much damage has been done to the stock will not be known until he wreckage has been cleared away ASP FOOD STORE SINCLAIR AVE GEORGETOWN STORE HOURS OPEN WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 PM BUDGET MEAL FOR 7 Under BOSTON BLUE CORN COB FROZEN FRENCH FRIES FILLETS FROZEN CORN 0NTHEC0B 59 Bay 3 loaves S A VE JANE PARKER SLICED ENRICHED WHITE OR WHOLE WHEAT SANDWICH BREAD 3 100 24oz I loaves Great Dessert Combination ICE CREAM Vanilla Butterscotch or Chocolate Ripple SAVE 44- I I litre JANE PARKER KRAFT 79 CH SLICES CAT LEE ASSORTED FLAVOURS SWISS STYLE YO J 7 COTTAGE CHEESE 25 FROSTED BALL DONUTS Orange Juice Pizza TINS I IE Meat Pies PIES Pepsodent LUNCHEON HONEY MEAT LOAF J J DEW HI OATMEAL BABY 70 PANTS CEREALS Butter Tarts Baby Food Potato Chips Tomato Paste 599 PRODUCE FEATURES CANADA NO 1 GRADE FLORIDA SERVE A SALAD EVERY DAY TO C0RN SPINACH FLORIDA JUICE FLORIDA om ORANGES 89 ONIONS 349 Margarine SAVE