THE HERALD 13 Fitness or career goals a choice at dance classes The curves of contoured bodies twisted and turned the sic rhythm during Dewey dancing classes held in hall Wednesday Instruction is offered in let and modern dancing for children Two of people take dancing lesions hose who ml lo combine fun with physical and those who like Mrs Dewey of on the road with a dance company of tier re Chess mess By The Doubled Pawns Thompson Brian MacLeod Brian MacLeod took a lead in his CFC match with Thompson on Sunday October played a fine opening and to have a decisive edge but missed couple of winning lines and eventually lost a rook allowing Brian to score the fortunate win The following are based on some en analysis by Steve MacLeod and Tony Smith 1st Came White Thompson unrated Black MacLeod Sicilian Defense A surprise Blair usually plays but he booked up on the Sicilian dragon MacLeod favorite defence to el for his game 1 d4 is by the of chess openings was baler It 10 Bxb5Qb6chJ kill and black has a line position bf3 I mistake which loses the exchange wis still 13 nd5Ql815 17 Smith and were 19 the text move also looks good i Attemplingn attack to stop White offensive on the misses which seems win eg Suggested by Smith ghS24 Kh7 Q moves threatening mate or with the threat of Bxg7ch and mates Simply maintains a winning advantage Smith sugftestcd Black best reply but after 25 lUe7 White wins easily The move played loses a rook and the game Now white is obviously lost and the rest is easy ltd Bdteh Kfl ItxtJ rh3e3 Kcl Bel 45 Ital kil2 Karen King whose dcparl ment dance courses called Mrs qualifications impressive Choreographer of he movie Tommy Mrs Dewey he Jarvls in Toionio anil loured with Allan I among other performances tor four years she had her own school of dance near which she left re luclnntly because was cliff cult to commute back and forth to Toronto where she Studies With a degree in English and decree in billet Mrs is masters in met it York University Though perform mi is been her love tver since sin started ballet lessons in the Mrs Dewey teaching and the past four tars Her to potential pro dancers is Begin ballet lessons about age She explained thai though he concentration level of a nine is often fully developed child can be come with dance before Ihe prime learn age of 12 Creativity and fun arc in her children classes so youngsters can use their while oping phjslcally Willi modern you in do anything innovate said Mr and jjii is thi most dynamic form of However she stressed thai the prerequisite for j and flexibility everything a dancer has to have It like learning how to crawl before you walk The lyricism and grace of I intrigue Mrs Dewey to this specialized arl form And I find music she added ex plaining she lys aw from stud records produced sole for ballet practices and chooses selections ram real or her classes The music makes all the If Ihe music is dull then be dull agts her students do Most of the pupils in her former dancing school near were isked lo heir own routines they were familiarized with the Insics Some of the said Mrs Dewey who believes interest in ildiice is he key A natural d nicer watches me like J and fiels mus instinctively she said The attitude Is impor but some people naturally awkward and they can see me do it and know how It should be done but can doit themselves Mrs Dewey enjoys watching the on going development or progress of her When dancers she said I pour everything I want to do on ihcm Mrs Dewey added it was like giving up a part of herself when she the act he choreographed to the lead fe male dancer In the movie Tommy Dunne the lessons in ballet modern and jazz dancing The witched her conduct Wednesday Mrs Dewey often paused in the middle of a routine to give a student vidua help If the is really the people are really keen ind the class is a success sht believes Because squeslng Hall has a wooden floor with soring to it preventing cramped leg muscles Mrs Dewey said It is an excellent place tor dancing lessons Registration for the Ian course continues and enroll men permitting classes In ballet jaw and modern at beginner and second levels in January Li eh use note Thirty one little folki enrolled in kindergarten at Public School for the fall term aid esdm ncilhii Billet is the only training tor professional dincer she st You lieu for developing strength buy about records ill nonce listen them anil choose puces for my from the music her own routines i when Inching I stay may from in lie original move mtnts she said and Vandals hit two schools damage but no thefts club features fruit ideas Dur first meeting of Feit fruit lice in on Sept it Knox Hill We opened it by the pledge We then hid our ilections the st follows icKm president Sherry isurcr and reporter Let In n line for our club is we haven decided on one Mrs Kirby our 4 It showed us how to mike strawberry cooler Dale Mallow chews Some of us took part in unking then while others watched We ill night they wire dtlicioiis Meeting net time Beaver Cub and Scout going up ceremonies resigns The match will being the first to score There wis no game I due to the Toronto Thinks giving Open vh eh we will have i report on next week Of some interest is the foil offhand game played after the issue was decided in Thompson MacLeod mitch White Mid cod Black T Smith Piano 1 4 the two knibhts Gambit is The fried Liver attack a centuriesold line in white icnficeb a piece bring Bhcks king ke6 wis d4 not 10 I 10 waste of tempo finishes though his position is fir from comfortable in any I de5 IX BJiel 13 nxd5 Black gets mated on 15 anil white won PROBLEM White Kalgl Black Kate7 atd4 at a d3 Black to play and win Solution next week up held John United hill Monday evening Oct 1J6 for the tour grijups of Georgetown for Beaver Blair 1 irntrt took place when he bid f irewcll io the and then ht is escorted up to Cubs by the Silver Wolf ilhgher Mrs Jean 1iym in welcomed Blair to pick which was his of while After giving heir promise Jamie Beecktr Michael irkt up to the troop Absent w is Michael Stone Paul Wilson A presentation to Jamie for his out standing work during the past year wis the Gold Medal award plus a Robert received the Silver All boys received a knife ind fork spoon set The Cubs were received into troop by George Henderson ind Scouttr Jim J liming The Scouts gumg up from the to I Stephen and They were wtlcomed by leader Howie games were played and the evening closed with refreshments prepared by he Scout Ladies Auxiliary and served the Venturers Monti It by the pledge Vti sugisiions for colour our Record Book we decided on lieht blue split up into three groups group midt fruit strt the first group 11 iked Apples hc second group in and third ejonp Iresh 1ruil up They were served Ihe meet inc we rtally enjoyed Mrs some such as Kiwi gran lie ivot irlo ind rosehip Most of Hum wt hi I never html of but thiv ivied he meeting was ended after talking ibout our rttord books types of dried high school and Rob ert Liltle Public School were he target vinduls this past week police said Police suspect two youths of entering the high school cafe teria 1 and a Sept breaking off four door handles At Robert 1 school van dils entered by knocking in a wooden panel previously used to cover a broken window Sept police said Cup ind drawers were messed up and obscenities written on though nothing was reported missing Pilict ipprchended a who had stolen a Cam in lag from a car aerial belonging lo a police officer police slid The juvenile was referred to the juvenile officer Sept Police ire investigating a break indcnler and from Main Street South store Oct second when thieves off with two self propelled mow Square dancing Square Its In at Community Stew in Tht issts which run from JO pin ire des gned to It tht basics and dincmg Picktrmg spike- Prevenlive denial coverage Is available y family through our group Plan Lets tailor a Dental Plan to meet no of your employee group I BLUE CROSS YOU THOUGHT YOU HAD SEEN IT STILL HAS A LOT TO SHOW WORLD CHAMPION KAREN STARTS NOVEMBER TO NOVEMBER NIGHTS PLUS matinees Sol ftMJ l5lm BOX OFFICES T I Stores Simpson T A A Records Tap Marl and charge your your Eaton Hoy Atcounl Eaton Simpson Tht Day M LEAF GARDENS IS YOUR GAS DRYER AS UPTODATE AS YOUR SEWING MACHINE 80 Hale Road Unit 6 Brampton Phone 10494 Get a free nononsense ex planation and estimate on a quality central air con ditioning system We will come to your house at your convenience day or evening and talk about your heating and air conditioning requirements No sales pressure Carrier Central AirConditioning Whin grandma used to her old si wing machine it was a true labour labour For that old treadle look a lot of pedaling lo make it work But today Modem sewing run them selves With special stitches for special and designs Yes the years have really done wonders for the sewing machine You know the same is true about modem natural dryers They come a long way too Why right now you can buy natural gas dryers with vidunl settings for today special fabrics malie selling that won l lei the dryer stop until all of clothes art fluffy dry builtin sensors actually tht moisture level of the gar ments ignition spark or continuous pilot light And all natural gas dryers tome with the mstanl feature Thatmmnslhcyn busy the turn on Visit your Union is show oorn or dealer today and sec the colourful mode eas ones with the dependability and cost effi ciency thutcomi naturally withallnaturalc isapphances