Council told sharks are threatened by extinctionContinued from page 1Gillies said knocking sharks out of the eco-step, said Gillies.Montessori School who have been studyingCouncil heard from two delegations on this system could lead to a chain reaction that seesHe also said shark meat and shark fins are the worlds waters for years now.issue, Monday night, including former commercial fish, like tuna, disappear as well.loaded with toxins and municipalities may Damoff said Oakville has always been aBrantford MPP and current WildAid Canada Shark fin products should also be banned,want keep it outside their borders because of leader when it comes to environmental stew-representative Phil Gillies.Gillies said, because shark finning is an amaz-the health issues it may cause.ardship and called on council to show thatGillies said that while being eaten by ingly cruel process that sees the sharks fin cutOakville resident Wendy Perkins also spoke leadership again by taking a step towards ban-sharks has long been the nightmare of many off, often while the shark is still alive, and thebefore council about a ban on shark fin and ning shark fin and cartilage products inocean swimmers, the reality is sharks have far shark then thrown back in the ocean to bleedcartilage products.Oakville and calling on Environment Canadamore to fear from death.Oakville councils response tonight is to do the same across the nation.Sharks are being hunted worldwide rap-Shark fin consumption, possession andimportant, she said. Shark Fin Free Oakville The measures passed, Monday, also call onidly to extinction. About 75-85 million a year trade has been made illegal in the states of is a local movement to support this work, with the Halton Region to review the health risksare being killed for the very valuable fin, Washington, Hawaii, Oregon and in placesover 300 signatures on an online petition to associated with the consumption of shark finswhich is used in soup and other forms or ori-such as Guam and Brantford, Ontario. Thesupport this motion. Among them are Mr. and related products by humans and to intro-ental cooking, said Gillies.issue is set to explode with numerous com-Gord Phippen and his students at Dearcroft duce Regional proactive regulations.At this rate of culling, sharks will be munities such as Toronto currently consider-hunted to extinction within the next 12-15 ing similar bans.years and that has dire consequences for the While the banning of shark fin and carti-oceans, for the ecosystem and for mankind.lage products may be more of a federal orBUSINESS OWNERSA report by the ocean protection group provincial issue, Gillies said, neither govern-Oceana states the shark is an apex predator in ment is currently willing to act, leaving theWouldnt You Like To Know That You Are Paying The Minimum the oceans. 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