One of 5 family passes to Royal BotanicalGardens for our Magic & Mischief Weekend. YEHJuly 30 - August 1 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.WINColour this picture and send to RBG!SDIfor Judging by July 22/11KName:____________________________Address: ___________________________________________________________Phone:___________________________Winners will be notifi ed by phone.They are just normal growing pains, right? Wrong.=FFK :C@E@:?`YY\ik 8jjfZ`Xk\j=Xd`cp =ffkZXi\ Xe[ Fik_fk`Zj**( J_\[[fe 8m\%# FXbm`cc\ ? 0',%/(,%'0.(fXbm`cc\]ffkZc`e`Z%ZXGet Your Wheels in Motion tuobA ksAseitraP yadhtriBn Fue thinoJkatinglic SPubBowlingGiftsBilliardsesVideo GamarSnack Beclaa PrlleoR srteoocSJuly 30 to August 1; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Imagination Grove, Hendrie Parkve ri Dindsorl WyaoCalling all gnomes, fairies, pixies and sprites. A touch of magic awaits you R5012signs of mystical creatures, secret leaf messages and face painting by the magic(just west of Southdown Road)Burlington, Ont., L7T 4H4www.scooters.on.caPainting Fairy. Come dressed in costume for discounts and more.1-400Sponsored by:(905) 82331 Thursday, July 14, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER