1 3 W ed n esd ay, A u g u st 10, 2011 O A K V ILLE B E A V E R w w w .in sid eH A LTO N .co m Artscene BOTTOM THREE PHOTOS BY MICHAEL IVANIN / OAKVILLE BEAVER TOP PHOTOS BY ERIC RIEHL / OAKVILLE BEAVER It's a jazz-osphere AT FESTIVAL: The Downtown Oakville Jazz Festival played to large crowds this past weekend. Pictured clockwise from top left are: High Rendition Jazz performing on the Centennial Stage, 13-year-old Mackenzie Boyes-Eddy performing Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles songs, a member of the Jamie Ruben band performing, Chris Roberts accompany- ing Treasa Levasseur, Tony Monaco playing, Levasseur playing and a sea of people listening to Oliver Jones playing on the piano.