mm HOI THE ROSE OF An island by Ion Is a body of land rounded by water A holiday blond should be body of by water and i boats Such Is with I Isles is hi waters but round It Almost an Isosceles tri unfile In shape is on one side by Ihe an Sea and on Iheutlur by Atlantic while ill lln and the base the bodits of water mix prov lush rounds for a hum k iriely of marine Water spurts art of lift Ihen is surf fishing and i r blue In dolphin townhoo to jmlnrjaik to RA I AM REACHES beautiful while pink after passing and DMjMr Due steadiness of the the aircraft over southern trade winds the coast of 14 by mile from north is most invariably same a In thai first fiw minutes of swoop down the or mtroduil ibbcan a fairly has sun lies The aerial approach island of Barbados lonflrmi for the first lime visitor what advertisements and lrael preaching him all along range provides by cor body surfing and surf an opt the of in as surf It to ail Is of ureal ivitallon for killing and There are miles of benches sharp bank to port side dicing rfishin not so is it most of infl tan hired or mil ALL STAR TOURS OF MOTOR COACH OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES Ike cruise ships lh Jolly makts port In colourful bow bursts through the firsl swills of running sea fret rum punch other refreshments the Den lo would be Topside the Ion Hit duck boom as swings will and ptrhaps up nidi mints of civil nun Jolh lUmr plus sttadil north up Caribbean km of it passing a ilisionil fishing boat and pt litltr or for hi it a trusses trjstdiliir I iftxin Swim humidity allodia are discovering thai ummertlme villi to liar Li one of ravel available lluom rales mostly modi Hod plan all the hotels beach itub and J an Dared prac in half And with and summer not Wing In liar the for all other amenities of life nudge downward The- stores Ihal line busy Street In downtown Bridgetown feature super ales where of len the prices for the are even Ina than In duty free icru one thing that a tun at rates during a visit something lhat can be worn with pride all lummer long hack home a tan Canadas West and Yellowstone National Park Including for Calgary It ram California and the Golden West i Deluxe and Mantimes All Canadian Route Newfoundland and The Including No horn Now England AVI I Brampton HOLIbAYS BY WARDAIR SOUTHWIND HOTEL BREAKFAST DINNER DAILY WEEK FROM PER PER SON TREASURE TOURS HALF MOON BEACH HOTEL- BREAKFAST DINNER DAILY WEEK FROM PER PER SON SUNFLIGHT GOLDEN ANCHORAGE AN APARTMENT HOLIDAY NIGHTS FROM PER PERSON SKYLARK COCONUT COURT WITH A BONUS OF A MINI MOKE ON MARCH APRIL NIGHTS FROM PER PERSON GOIDEN ANCHORAGE COCONUT COURT TYLER TRAVEL SERVICE acton 8531553 limit Creative Travel MARCH BREAK SPECIALS Special arrangements have ltd with Creative tor the following March School Break holidays Space however is definitely limited so It you re Intereslid you phone Each holiday Includes alrtari Falls complimentary return bus transportation bttwifn Toronto and Nlagarii Falls meal plans sightseeing excursions and as outllnid In the operator s brochure Barbados March 7 nights from 499 HOII9 Kong Round Tnp AIR Transportation Accomodation for 14 nights at the luxurious Hyatt Regency from fi09 P Palma Majorca March nights from 439 Rio Janeiro March 7 nights from 609 TYLER TRAVEL SERVICE ACTON 8531553 BARBADOS FOR A BARBADOS VACATION BY SkyLark Holidays UTL HOLIDAY TOURS Wardair CALL 8772214 BARBER HENLEY OHIco Hourt AM TO IM AM To Noon Aon OkVn Main St S Georgetown Mediterranean great choices and a new cruise ship All new tor Summer 2 weeh intiairtare from Koine mills SinK Tunis 734 ismolTurkc Athens 1 My koiHis Rhodes imii it iitu ftlhrpn il ii luisiiin kind n don I k how t do II juil pin fat Ihr hulldanf I- in inltKhLii J lixlluKKiKr i or see your Travel Agent TYttR TRAVEL AGENCY ACTON ONT 8531553