Home Newspaper of Halfcon Hills WEDNESDAY A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St Soulh Georgetown Ontario V II Publisher BOB Editor Clin Mall Number t4 Welcome move by politicians TV violence may harden us Ontario politicians face an un certain future now that a decisive recommendation has been made concerning pay and salary increases The proposal made by the provinciallyappomted special committee on education costs would have the increase in salary approved by the out going board of education immediately pnor to the election of a new board The increase would be paid only to those elected to the new Board Such a commonsense approach to the always touchy subject of giving oneself a pay increase can be seen as the kind of approach which will likely be implemented and might even be passed onto such other elected lositions as councils and the Certainly the effect of such a system would leave open the ac countibility of the elected representatives without having a two- year waiting period during which the taxpayer might forget the action taken to raise salaries What this will result in is greater public participation and involvement in what are normally now dull tion campaigns for school board positions The proposal also called for the provincial ceiling on salary levels Should any politician therefore en dorse an increase in pay which meets with public disapproval he reaction might be known quickly It is a logical method of setting salaries and the public has Its say in its implementation by approving or disapproving the actions of its in cumbent representatives By Him Violence Each day we pick up papers anil of increase In senseless brutality directed appears almost aimlessly We arc living in times thev say Wereadof killings as in Hit Son of Sam murders in New York more more rapes more senior lieinj attacked in the of Hit homes Wc read headlines such as TV net won hurl a sound mind Yet man ledge thai a steady dose of violence on 1V breeds tolerance and is tolcr ileil loan enough is accepted The message of through the V Is one the violence win hornier Ontario Chief Justice George A lie I who is now chairman of the Law oniniis said with Ihe sic Illy diet of served up by and the news i Is llllle wonder lhat children i vt illy go out and try iclisc what set We watch war brought into our hung rooms In living color we set first hind assassinations murders ste did of violent brutal acts The media hns an to bring under when uptodate now to be living In a lime of Apathy is lack of feeling or emotion we see an act of violence and we walk around it our eyes and cars closed to others i persona liza I Ion and lack of self worth ire main factors for what we are of rapidly dunging values We have allowed ourselves become duped by the false TV advertisement The beautiful people flawless Individuals perfect bodies large glistening cars spacious homes nig faces a Utopia that exists only in the land of TV commercial Our young people a re con fused as to what we expect from them and rightly so for we ire confuted as to what we expect from ourselves How many socalled adults ask Ihe question of who am I where am I The result lo this confusion is and violence a lashing out at thing bee iuic the real problems In lifestyles and both personal torpor lie cannot be immediately fought Joe Type Dynamic analysis of a lightweight bogie By STEW Mac EOD Ottawa Bureau Of The Herald For lack of something better to do I have been thumbing through a list of contracts awarded last month by the federal govern for research and development The idea is to sec whether our money Is being well spent But alter examining the worth of contracts awarded during the month lam incapable of making any judgments For all I know the money could have been belter spent at the race track For instance who am I say whether the ministry of transport made a wise decision in awarding a 976 contract Tor a dynamic analysis of a lightweight bogie Ive never had any particular interest lightweight bogies not even to Ihe point of trying to learn what thev are Then there is that 42 contract for a research program in respect to the lion and interaction mechanisms between the and Ihe alio at the tip of a crack which results in crack I am sure it will be handy to know more about Ihis particular problem whether il worth 000 Is quite another question the bargain of the century TIDAL POWERS The one thing that did surprise me in the list of contracts was continuing studies into a proposed Bay of tidal power project I though this had already been investigated to the point of exhaustion it seems that the mere investigation of this power potential has become a permanent Industry Last month there was one con tract for a review of the environmental aspects of tidal power development Seems a bit for a review but there may be good reasons for it Then was another contract for a review of the financial aspects relating to the development of tidal power in ihe Bay of This is quite separate from the contract for a review of socioecono mic aspects of tidal power developments although could overlap a bit with that contract for a Bay of Fundy power assessment of socioeconomic implications of manufacturing potential for various aspects And can all look forward to results of that contract for an assessment of the socioeconomic consideration surrounding the manufacture of powerhouse and caissons in of Bay of supplemental phase one studies Another Interesting report will come from lhat contract for a study into the potential effects of tidal power development on Idem en transport and deposition within the Bay of All in all it s been a good month for the Bay of Getting away from tidal power briefly I am going to be Interested in the results of an review of he attitudes and behavior or youth towards work and unemployment Isuspccttheresearcberswill discover that altitudes tend to vary a bit among Individuals But Tor Ml we II know for sure I see where an Ottawa man has been given a contract for a survey of Ihe adaption of unused public buildings for cultural use And so many public servants being moved to Hull and with all thai empty office space in Ottawa this survey could turn the capital into cultural oasis How about gogo dancers in the Senate chamber I am sure what benefits we will derive from that 18 study of the histological comparison of weincrs and uncooked bat but something good will come out of that contract for Meat research to improve value to consumers Actually 1 am surprised that the gov would award a contract for such a general objective Usually contracts are much more specific such as that research Into nonlinear pseudorandom se generation and character ration The contract I am most Inclined to question when comes to deciding whether our money is well Is for and it calls for analysis of the scenarios on Ihe rote of the automobile I would have thought that by now this role is rather clearly understood J Cold turkey only way to beat By GEORGE Herald Half writer It has been described as plug In drug and two of The Herald columnists are getting their licks in at it the television set and Ihe Images it delivers into room bedroom or den I don hive Strange goings on at Queens Park Broadbents opened a can of worms Queen Park Bureau Of The Herald There has been what might seem like a strange action here Thomas Coleman who for the past year or so has been the information officer here has left the party and is going to work for the Tory government He is to be of information for Ministry of Energy This has raised some eyebrows particu among relative newcomers Isn t this unusual Might il not even be dangerous The government hiring one of Ihe top staff of an opposition party particularly of the Wouldnt he have an temptation leak information to his old buddies Would Hitler hire Stalin the government setting a bad precedent No all Lhree A ministry hiring an opposition staffer la not a precedent has happened before as much us in Ottawa perhaps where it is common place But is has happened Perhaps the classic case that there is no principle that all opposition adherent are lepers with the late A A MacLeod Iwotcrm Labor Progressive Party Com munist member Premiers Leslie Frost John RobarLs and Bill Davis all had him work for them The public mistake in interpretation comes of course In thinking lhat everybody at all prominent rabid partisan And this just true Most political people on Ihe upper levels are quite reason able and In some cases even flexible Housing Minister John Rhodes for example has been a Liberal an and now Is a PC My favorite recollection along this line Is that of Leo Dolun who was tourism director for the federal government Leo was a Mortimer and In his early days was once chief organizer for the Liberals in Nova Scotia and ncxl year doing the same Job for Tories In New Brunswick NOT PARTISAN As for Tom Coleman the government is getting a good man in him He is a fine newspaperman who has always been popular with his colleagues He knows government and I doubt he really la partisan to any party f he had been quite probably Stephen Lewis t liave hired Kim For Lewis wanted his Information people to be credible with the press and wisely knew this ruled out partisans Ed Broad Dent national leader of the must be highly commended for keeping his cool In light of discovery he was the subject of a government security Inveslign lion In a democracy the knowledge that one was being personally Invcstlagcd by snoopers would provoke righteous rage and Indignation Mr Broadbcnt going to let the matter die obviously Theresa fundamental issue Involved But he has responded gallant and perfectly correctly an smacks of dictatorship states Of course Mr may be suspect In some quarters for having studied at the famous London School of Economics II is noted for producing radical Pierre lliolt Trudeau went there Extensive files are kept Ihcsc days on nearly all citizens There arc ratings SIN income lax records employment lies and so on Famous personalities Including political leaders arc subject of voluml nous files Coaches in baseball keep lies on players in opposing lineups So or course do political parties The back room gists keep tabs on their political opponents But lhat isn t Borne thing as being checked by Ihe solicitor general depart for security as was apparently the situation in Mr s If It turns out that somebody used government facilities for Liberal parly snooping then some bureau cratic sycophants deserve instant dismissal and his colleagues whobelanglotho political body In Canada thai has probata ly the least taint of Tiny could the s and tin Tor for rind tin Hit 1 a inch irerniasur i chiil fro Mils ilform tin imp id in commercials which pay for iIk program or violence seen on the tiny the late news or a scries based on blood and Ruts Tint Mrs and Mrs I should be reminded that if the lis and Ihe violence so disturb ihtm only they can do something about It Ij il up lo the government if past Is iny indication and Mrs roiiili ij it is to solve Ihe problem Is not a volution it may in fact make the situation I he world doesn end if you don gel it daily your television screen life goes on Ik it or can even Improve If the turn mind attention is locked into Ihe division screen is on something else be it books movies a cram or bingo All you have to do Is pull out Ihe plug get tin set out of room and learn to see the world first hand If ill you are seeing is violence and an what you ore as reflected in a i don blame the TV or the men mil women behind It Instead shake your idmonishing finger to Ihe person you see when you look in a mirror Plug in drug You bet Looking through our files The distinguished British historian Arn old Toynbee sees violence as a necessary and inevitable part of the future He said a society that is declining materially may be ascending spiritually In some respect what we see may be a blessing in disguise If we can only lo Ihe It would appear thai the answer lies there Can we rite lo the occasion Do we cart enough to speak out now or will we regress until we go from dependency to bondage The wheel of history has always been a repeating one Each change for the belter comes from within group that requires II most The legal profession is not made better by doctors the medical profession is not made better by bricklayers and people are not made belter by Ihe government Change in society change from a violent aggressive people lo a more satisfied produc tive always comes from the people itself When people that you and I are ready lo effect a change it comes No one else will fix society for you society Is loo violent Ihen society will have to change That is ir It is of any Importance to us If we as Arnold Toynbee says care enough rise Ihe occasion Sales pitch bugs her By SUSAN De I resent being he target for a While I have nothing personally against the deliverer of the varied spiels whether via the television or tele phone I find the whole commercial theory behind them that each individual Is a patsy ripe for the picking extremely objectionable If I wanted to read a magazine I would either buy it directly from a or fill out a subscription form requesting delivery I certainly would not wait Tor a telephone call on that always interrupts me either in the shower or up to my knees in garden mud to offer me an absolutely free lifetime sub scription to half a down journals and then add insult lo injury by informing me under questioning that my free magainzes will cost me an arm and a leg in mailing costs Last week I ran full tilt up the basement stairs to answer the shrill demand of the telephone well It could have been fame and fortune ringing my chimes only to discover some Miss Super announcing I was the lucky winner of a noslick trypan While I did not wait around long enough to find out cost of that prize I imagine I was expected to either purchase a stove to go with or an additional 30 pieces of nostick cook ware neither one of which would Im prove my aptitude for cooking one Iota Having an Italian surname guarantees additional nuisance calls that I have learned to handle quite cleverly The first soliciting message Is delivered to me In fluid Italian that comes to an abrupt halt when I explain that regretfully I do not speak Italian I then wall by the telephone Sure enough within live minutes I receive the identical pitch Ihis lime In perfect English I then cunningly respond in Italian and explain that regretful ly I do not speak English and replace the receiver with delightful visions filling my head of their computer shortcircuiting and blowing its mechanical mind Well lets face it we housewives have to find our limited jollies wherever we ore able The worse lender is of course televi sion FortunatelySOweeksoftheyearlilndlt easy to avoid this despoUer of family hie However at the cottage it becomes a way of passing an evening and I discovered during those two weeks that Ihe only thing surpas sing the hard sell commercials In poor taste were the programmes they interrupted Two unforgettable evenings stand out in my mind when we were subjected to a doubleheaded consisted of something called SWAT and Starsky and Hutch In the former countless numbers died messy deaths during a fake diamond heist and in the latter revolving around two who cleaned up the Mafia while ogling topless dancing girls in their spare time at least six people died before the opening credits stopped rolling So intense was the general mayhem being perpetrated on the screen that It was almost a welcome comic relief to see some mindless ad man concent of a housewife doing arabesques to Swan Lake as she joyously dusted her coffee table One ray or hope did emerge during those two weeks however when I saw that delight ful little lady who has spent years of married lire her head in a dirty oven With her opening line Mother always me Bengoodcookandyouugetaman knew instantly that she and I would be entirely Now if only the advertising powers-that- be would give hero fully Justified reward and send her out Tor an Avlance night the world of salesmanship might reach a new and belicveable plateau decided to use of 2 budget to install in of the Old Town Hull appeared on of the It mid said they eon Id mi clear of iliigi of the in put in proper Ik Council accepted in of Central mill Homing to half the cost of si pile lank Installation in Housing ihlirufsilesand gull the nutting to talk r IIk qui which when the town fiiinid the agreement called or the town lo install the tanks and funds had been fur this purpose TWINTYVIAHSAIO icorgt town high school enrollment at Inst week an a new record high In the r of vindicated the construe this year of lit eight room wing the total up JO from last year caused temporary daggering of classes which will give students four day week this situTtion will be rectified when three new classrooms will be ready later this week A 36foot span sailplane has been played in the showroom of the new Station in Georgetown The machine la a primary single scat trainer and was recently acquired by the newly formed Georgetown chapter of the Aero Club Harmonic TEN YEARS AGO Glenn Street in Glen Williams will not be closed at least not by Esquesing Township Township solicitor Terry Balncs told council Monday that it Is doubtful ihe township has the right close road He said the township has never maintained the road as far as he can find out and therefore the township lias no authority over It Twentysix teachers new to Georgetown system but not to teaching started duties in six chwiU schools bulged with a record of newt pupils half of which were swallowed up In Georgetown elementary schools DO N