Country Farm Pork Pork Loin Quarters Cut into GROUND PORK PORK CHOPS 10 Chops in a 2 Loin End Chops Rib Chops 6 Centre Cut Chops Brand SI led SIDE BACON Previously Frown Sliced PORK LIVER 168 BEEF PORKSausages 89 Burnt Hot or SAUSAGE Italian Style 89 Leaf Mb BREAKFAST slices 109 12oc Vac COOKED MEATS 89 of Canada VkPk WIENERS 7 Town Club Boneless ROLLS III MaDsGreaiestRecipe Can Collection recipe the lines rooking collec tions or All are plastic coaled ami easy to clean this week Sot Plus free bonus- Divider Cards and Index Booklet Frozen Meat Seafood Proton Boston 5lb box BLUE FISH FILLETS 85 Taillefor Frozen T0URTIEREPIESp419 All Flavoun Carton of 6 falls Action Cotts Beverages 89 MILD OR MEXICAN ACTION Mary Miles Chili PARAMOUNT Sockeye Salmon 129 TOMATO ACTION Heinz Ketchup 99 BEEF IRISH TURKEYCHICKEN ACTION PRICED Clark Stews CHOICE PEELED ROUND Tomatoes 2 89 Action Priced HERALD Wednesday October II 1B7T Pane Pollution Probe attacks packaging Georgetown Pollution Probe has Joined other members of the Ontario Garbage Coalition to pro lea the waste or energy materials consumer dollars and disposal costs of over- packaging Called the campaign advises what people can do to combat over packaging We re urging people to boomerang packaging gar bage right back to Its source addressed to the company president personal and confidential soys JoAnn of Toronto Pollution Probe If irritated environmental adopt bomtnerang as a habit and get It going on a muss scale then corporations will hove to respond with less packaging Instead of using the excuse that consumers want all the layers Mrs says We cant wait around Tor legislative bans on over packaging and recycling Is not the answer need a reduction In the generation of packaging and an end to disposmania in this society Pollution Probe states that packaging material accounts Tor percent of domestic solid Its an assault on the en burdening the corporate and consumer wallets says Mrs Op You pay for It the point of purchase and when it disposed The packaging objected to arc boxes around tubes bottles and cans cardboard backing and plastic bubbles over cosmetic drug household hardware and stationery supplies plastic or paper trays and coverings tn vegetables bubble pilfer proof and blister packages Packaging has some legitimate functions admits Probe but has mushroomed because packages do the sel ling job of the storekeeper in fast selfserve merchandising leading to obscenities such as and Pringles potato Chips with single serving convenience items such as canned pudding i and TV dinners lays We dont want people to boomerang ileitis like these They should boycott instead Probe advises citizens not to send glass packages in the mail It also recommends that people switch from large self serve chain stores to food co opers farmers markets comer hardware stores and warehouse outlets where people can leave behind most of the If you would like on In formation sheet on packaging history problems and solutions write to Pollution Probe Box 112 Port Hope Ontario No 1 Grada Liquid BILLY BEE HONEY Action Priced Aisorted COLONIAL COOKIES Mb tin tie bag 87 pick the best fruits vegetables No I Grids Ontario Freih POTATOES 89 Canada Fancy Ontario Frtih Dally APPLES cello bag I ONTARIO CARROTS NO I ORAM IMPORTED CROP CUCUMBERS 2 39 NO GRADE IMPORTED SPANISH TYPE ONIONS OP BLOOMS RE1GER Begonia 169 Library film festival a success The Canadian Annual Film Scries has been a success this year with a record crowd attending the film Lies My Father Told Me Each week we ve had a good turnout audiovisual technician Jcannettc Thomp son said Compared to what we had last year Its been marvellous For the first film Volcano The Malcolm i there were eleven people present By the third week people attended Lies My Father Told Me The Canadian Film Series runs for four weeks each fall with each evening consisting of one ture film and one short film Mrs Thompson said the ad of showing the films at the Acton branch of the public library Is the meeting room at the library where films can be shown When the series was held Georgetown it was necessary to rent a hall to show the films In The kind of people who come to see the film varies from young to retired couples For La Tcndresse Ordinaire a French film with English subtitles some teen agers Joined the audience The film librarian from each library in the region get together each year and discuss the films they would like bring in A certain amount depends on what films are available but films are Instructional In nature We feel Canadian film a a not given the same kind oft publicity as la given to films from Mrs Thompson said