Red Cross awards at annual meeting THE HERALD Wednesday November 1T7 The Georgetown and district branch the Canadian Red Cross Society held lis annual meeting and awards night last week the North Golf and Country Club The awards presented were volunteer pins appreciation awards volunteer crests fifth donation scrolls and Dins fiftieth donation scrolls and pins thirty fifth donation scrolls and pins a Service Award and Pin a citation nod certificates of merit Past president John received a special pin In appre ciation for his work with the society Connie Nleuwhof received a special gift since she has already received every award Riven out by the Red Cross Mrs Ncluwhot received Citizen the Year award this year for her service to the Cross and to the community Disaster expert speaks Albert Batten who worked for almost years with the Canadian Red Cross Interna tonal Aid staff was the guest speaker at the annual meeting and awards night of the Georgetown and district Mr Batten who has been officially retired for seven years is still associated with emergency services Online Division He was awarded on Order of Canada for his work with the society Mr Batten brought a film entitled Humanity in Act Ion which described the many fields In which the Red Cross operates The text of his speech however dealt mainly with the need for preparation for disasters and emergencies He reminded the audience of disasters in Canada such as alt It can happen here he said We should at all times be prepared Mr Batten sold since the government established Measures was allowed to die the bulk of the responslbll ity for preparing for emergen and disasters has fallen on the Cross with nothing concrete done to replace the It Is responsibility of the mayor of each town and city to organize plan In case of disaster Mr Batten said The Red Cross is training people to assist municipalities in aid prise he said Disasters of a major nature have occurred in Canada and they will again I would recommend to each and everyone of you to lake an active Interest In being pre Mr Batten sold The Red Cross Is training people to assist municipalities In or old It is mast essential that we should not be taken by prise Disasters of a major nature have occurred in Canada and they will again I would recommend to each and every one of you to take on active interest in being Mr Batten said he knew he was preaching to the audience but We Canadian Red Cross you mi and others must be ready to go Into action The new executive commit tee and the committee chair man for the next year were announced The position of chairman in Service For Seniors Friendly Visiting and Arts and Crafts committees arc still open The guest speaker of the was Albert Batten who although he is officially retired is still associated with Emergency Services Ontario Division He showed a film called Humanity In Action which outlined all services provided by the Red Cross He about the need to be prepared for emergencies and offered his ii the and District branch on its thirty eighth anniversary Margaret Pope president introduced Landry the new medical advisor to the Georgetown and District Branch The audience recelv greetings from the Ontario division of the Red Cross by Louise Roberts and from the Town of Hal ton Hills conveyed by Mayor Tom Hills office as Mayor Hill was unable to attend Members of the new Committee are past dent John President Margaret Pope first vice pre Tina vicepresident Ross Rcnmck Honorary Treasuruer Grant Johnston and Honorary Secre lory Mrs Chris The Committee Chairmen arc Mrs Erica Thompson Blood Donor Clinics Mrs Con rile Van Loan of Sick room Supplies Mrs Blanche Minor Disaster Mrs Sheila Word Individual Emergency Aid Mrs Tina He ill atmn Mr Ross First Aid Mrs Ivy Assistance International and Mrs Rose Marie Red Cross Youth Mrs Jan Water bate ty Mrs Connie Public Relations Mrs Alice Volunteer Servic Mrs Rein Culler Social Mr John Wickcns Campaign Mrs Jovce Awards Mrs Cathy Martin Nomina tions Landry Medical Advisor and Mr Waller Sop- ink a Legal Consultant Three committees are still in need of chairmen Services for Seniors Friendly Visiting and Arts and Crafts Anyone inter In one of these positions can contact Connie at Breakin Thieves are hungry in Hal ton Hills A resident In a rural area of Hilts reported that a person or group of people broke a pane of glass in the rear of his collage and reached thro the window to open the door The suspects ate four packages of cookies and then according to police re ports apparently left The damage the broken win and the stolen cookies HIGHLAND FLING The Milton and District Highland Dance competition was held at public school last Saturday The competitors from Hills included from left to right Ellen Pauline Lesley Phillips Not seen in the picture arc Sandy Phillips JOYCE BEATON Getting together One of the most exciting encounters of my life happened at an International Conference on women Seventy countries in all were represented with delegates from Israel and the Arab countries and some from Rhodesia and South Africa The women were lawyers and doctors and business women They were members of Council of Women and lnthedcvclopingcounlrics in particular organization Is vital political one and the women arc making social changes and offering a voice for the women of their country These women regardless of world politics spent two weeks presenting opposite views and listening attentively each They were not group of giddy club women but an intelligent responsible group leaders in their own communities The developing countries came for Ideas and help and the countries already developed were studying ways to help My exciting meeting happened on the last day of Ihe conference over a cup of coffee in ihe cafeteria of thi University of British Columbia A very black African women Gladys Enderky of the Republic of Cameroon sat across from me and we were both listening in on the conversation of two Canadian delegates as ihey were am making plans share a taxi lo the airport These two women were going on at great lengths about Ihe breakdown of the family and the reason being the women of today who are always on the run they stayed at home until the children were married before embarking on lives of their own LOTS IN COMMON Gladys and I arc about the same age and we were dying to get in our two cents worth We arc both working mothers of large families and have a few things to say about the responsibility of the rest of the family to the mother uncontrollable laughter when the two women had lo leave their lunch uneaten and rush off to their taxi It was rush rush for two who were lamenting Ihe fad lhat today women seem be rushing here and rushing there and neglecting their families Our laughter brought us together and Gladys and I sat for three solid hours and compared our lifestyles discovered we were both the same age We had stayed home while our children were very young and we were experiencing the same problems trying to reeducate our families Ihe fact that we arc people In our own right with brains In our heads and abilities to offer something to the world and to ourselves Gladys told me of Ihe typical day in her life as a Justice of Ihe peace It paralleled mine so exactly we could hardly believe It FAMILY IMPORTANT Her children and husband were having the same difficulty adjusting to her as a person as did mine after I broke from the wife and mother role I d lived for years Gladys and 1 share Ihe belief that the family unit Is vitally important but feel there has lo be some changes made in the feelings of responsibility for the unit by all members No longer can onus foil on the mother Father and kids have their parts to play as well not Just the housework but In their attitudes toward what 1j women a work This change In ihe role of women la obviously not a North American phenomena Gladys and I discovered that the women of Africa and the women of Am erica are In deed sis ten Car rally held for Acton youth project A group students from Acton High School sponsored a cor rally last week lo raise funds for a coffeehouse The rally held Friday was open to any student with a driver licence per car and per person In the car There were 1 entrants Entrants over IB were sign waivers Students under IS had to have parental perm I is ion None of the entrants were told the length of the route before they began At each checkpoint the entrants were provided with a list of quest ions about things along ihe route Each the question had be answered and the correct answers taken into consideration when deciding the winner In order to help ensure that speed limits were observed during the roily penalized for arriving at a checkpoint too soon The of was another factor Into consideration in deciding the winner The winners of rally were Don Harding George and Doug Jordan The trophies for the winners were donated by Lome The car rally is not the only fundraising activity the stud have organized on behalf of the coffeehouse The male half of student body Is holding a beard growing con test with the judging lo take place at the Christmas Mark one of the rally dliployi the donated by Lome rlhtln The grand prize won by Don Harding George and Doug Jordan Auto body graduate College In London graduation ceremonies recently for students enrolled he plumbing sheet and auto body repair programs Among the graduates wos David Armstrong of Georgetown who graduated from program ClassB Apprentices College receive a combination of on IhcJob and training These ore some of the Red Cross Society members who received awards at annual meeting and awards night From left lo right are Connie recipient of a special award Flo Street Brands and Ivy recipients of a Certificate of Merit and Henry Kroes recipient of a citations Those officially recognized Belly Baker Mrs lor Pat Burroughs J Court Mrs Judy Dobbte Mn Sandra Ann Mrs Jennifer Green Mr Mike Ham Iton Mrs Helen Hansen Mrs Ilk Harvey Mrs June Shirley Mrs Isabel Jack Mrs Ma Nellie Miss Peggy McDonald Mrs Sandra Mrs Georgette Mllllere Pat Mrs Betty Mrs Belly Parry Mlts Peelers Mrs J Per Mrs Mrs Mrs Nancy Mrs Clinics and tor her outstanding Allan tor he service the blood donor Mrt Ivy Women s worn The solo recipient a Seventy fifth Donation Scroll and pin was Mr C ally WERE id Dora Murphy Mr J Miss service CI Campaigns for funds his leadership and enthusiasm Barber Mrs Jessie Bunion Scroll and P were Mr Collin A Mr Mr ft Henley Mr a MR J Mr Miller Mrs Mrs M Mr Cameron Mr C C Carpenter Mr A Mr Shepherd Mr van dt Mr Mr J E Mr A J Mr and Mr J Wouldbe robber nabbed at store McDonald Re a Mrs I Bridget Mrs Tucker M and Mis Cathy Willis apprehended for theft of from a cash a the A and store on Sinclair Road Georgetown The suspect stood in the express line to purchase a chocolate bar According to police he placed cents on ihe counter and when the till was opened he reached over and scooped up the money The suspect then ran out door pursued by a store cm and a customer He was caught and taken back lo the Hi JOINS LEAGUES I Tim to take liit to Honda Inkss JLthan 1 be come selling model in Canada luck thai And thats anions imports in the Fmm Cadillacs to VoK to Rabbits But its not surprising hi n ou considu how game hit a home run with the Made a double and with the sie Til d to left w ith indepenik sus pension stole home with tin gas mileage With statistics that its a someone hasnt named a chocolate Honda And the series This theres a new spied Hatchback styling More A new three speed And a list Honda dealer will be happy to show vou that just might make them the majoi league champ Features thatll help sell yourself when come m and take a test drive at your Honda dealer LEAGUE SHNMNG ll hill Sin J llvmnutl I lll oil Si II 11 in HONDA Baz Motors Limited Guelph St Georgetown Ontario L7G 8775286 or 6761813