Page 30 THE HERALD Wednesday December Win McDonalds Gift Certificates and Radios Got your crayons and felt markers going to win Gift Certificates for delicious food at McDonalds En tries will be judged on originality and each month there II be a draw for a unique McDonald radio Enter as often as you like Send your entry to The Herald Main St South Georgetown Ontario Draw mad Monday noon Mall your in tarty NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGE McDonalds I NOMINATIONS I THE CITIZEN OF THE YEAR WILL ACCEPTED TILL DEC 31 CONTACT ERNIE 8AKERY LAST WEEKS WINNERS NDREW AVID GEMEAU Georgetown ANN LANDERS Oops A mistake Ilea ir a woman was jrnualnlanccs at parties on knowing what she did for a IMnjt It so happens she wrote have a little a husband who pays a check from government I do nut nerd to work at a job but figure I get along financially business Please tell me how to respond the question when It comes up and It up all the lime Mi ice Has Look the person In the e and say I a hooker That should bring the quit to a prompt hall It wilt also hair a erse humor I hope few later I rrcriird a letter on stationer which carried the letterhead of legal firm It read as follows Dear Ms Landers my clients recently brought lo ant of jour columns in advised Mrs A AC to respond the question Where do work I a hooker client did the very thing you suggested however the man whom she made the remark did not promptly hall the questioning but pursued joke further The result was that my client was subsequent arrested for soliciting prostitution by in offduty vice officer She was booked mugged and now possesses a record for a criminal charge which today suit carries a burdensome stigma Fortunately the prosecuting attorney recognized the event as a lark However my client still suffered the ignominy of an arrest three public appearances in court and costs of retaining on attorney Yours very Name by Request I responded immediately Dear Sir 1 our letter arrived hii morning and it has unhinged me completely Please write at once and tell me are pulling me on I can get a good night yours Ann Landers This letter arrived a few dayi later Dear I can only say that both my client I wish my letter was all in fun the facts as described by me were true If it were essential that I keep my clients name confidential f would gladly provide you with the case number and court in which proceedings were held I also wish point out lhat suggestion you made a different son of unhappy ending Should tit be convinced although thai the is in act a hooker he might subsequently resent refusal perform and cause her physical harm urge you lo rec insider ttjc advice given Sincerely Name Withheld Dear Header tram now on If anyone ask what do for a living and you don want to Ihem lay Mi work dull Lei a talk about your There is a big difference between cold and cool Ann shows you how play cool without freezing pie in her Teen Age Sex Ten Ways I Send cents coin and a long self addressed stamped envelope to Ann Landers Box Chicago III GOGH FIELD ENTERPRISES INC Propose no expansion of Acton sewage plant A fifty per cent expansion of of the Acton sewage plant won he proposed to the ministry of environment in the next six months least says the region engineer Robert Moore was com meriting on a proposed ex of the plan by It Anderson Associates who have indicated they could increase the capacity to I million per day the equivalent of 15 population Mr Moore said the con suiting firm claim it could control BOD Biological Oxygen Demand discharged into Black Creek within the limits set by the do not take into account nitrate of chlorine content He added that the present favoroblc performance of the plant might deteriorate if called upon to treat any volume of industrial sewage The engineer reminded the Three lot approval An application to homes on properly on south side of Eighth I me portion which has just been widened north of Highway won sent to the planner last Monday evening Ron represented owner in explaining how hi hopes In subdivide property Wlldwood into thrct rang ing from I acres to two acres in size A house already exists on land which is serviced by municipal water and a septic lank The three lots would be by wells and septic Mr said The existing driveway would be turned Into an Interna road to serve all Jota although lot could lie exiled onto the Ighth Line The i to service Inter I from its value in the plant effluent consideration of different official plans the engineer said may provide some in formation to convince the MOL that it should re investigate the ability of the lit concluded that another approach the MOP by the ill Holdings I in six months time may be overly optimistic The firm wishes build homes The object of the report receiving streams to east of Churchill Road BtfORt CHRISTMAS OFFER STARTS MORNING LIMITED QUANTITIES DON T BE DISAPPOINTED SHOP EARLY CASH CARRY ALL MERCHANDISE GUARANTEED 72 MAIN STREET SOUTH GEORGETOWN 8776642 Ghost of Christmas past My ghost of Christmas past visited me this week She look me by the hand and we flew back across the She showed me 1B38 when I opened my stocking In a darkened room because of my doubledose of measles and chicken pox fin those days doctors protected children eyes from the bright light In 1940 at eight years of age I reciting Christmas Carol and speaking so quickly I mixing up the words II a a school Christmas Concert and I realize I ve made a mistake when I hear the giggles And they had apple and smashed potatoes I blurted for Father It 1M2 and arc five small children shopping In the local dime store for gifts for heir mother and father Our mother said she wanted salt and pepper shakers and said he needed a tie clip Mother got five of salt and peppers and father you guessed received five tie clips His favourite and one he s kept all these years is the one wllh initial for Father The Christmas spirit shows my happiest as a child It a 1915 and daddy is In the navy and are expecting to spend Christmas without him for the first lime in our lives We sneak down the stairs Just as dawn is breaking As we the living room a sailor can seen passing the window He has his duffle bag his shoulder and he I have looked more like St Nick if hi d planned that way On fanciful flight Ihe spirit and stop by the church for midnight mass The soft glow of the candlea illuminates face of a young girl as she sweetly sings Christmas carols She is feeling very close to God and she is All of sudden thai little girl is grown and married has children of own December 1955 and her first child is two years of age He is silting on the floor in of Christmas crying He if was Christmas morning and ripped open every gift is young mother had carefully wrapped night fore fur delivery to relatives The poor Utile love thought hid forgotten him Happiness turns to sadness the following year 1956 sees the young couple a week before Christmas at the funeral of baby daughter They cling each other and their young son and for ihe first lime in Jives celebrate Christmas alone They know baby Christ should console They hope in lime it will do so Christ comes their door In the guise of a member of the local I ions Club asking if there Is anything they are In need of They say no thank you and are thankful they are In a do so True I say loChrislmasPast Show me something happier But she can for a while So she shows me kindness and consideration instead She shows me when here was no money for personal gifts between the husband and wife She shows me love when my young husband gives me a gift certificate listing ill do for me during coming year Somehow this seems be gelling closer to real meaning of the Christmas Past flashes Christmas in the before my eyes The overspending and over Indulgence She sees a conscience emerging about the Christ of western world As our children cried out for expensive toys the children of world cried out for food A funny It back basics In 70s and one of the funniest Christmas stones emerges Grandma gift is a big ball of wool and some knitting needles They ore stuffed in a soda cracker box to fool her When she lakes off the wrapping and discovers someone has given her a box of crackers for Christmas she Is gracious enough to quietly slip them back on shelf The joke on us As Christmas Past turns Christmas present I look forward to continuing of a special tradition No doubt again this year my husband will wail until the boys are all in bed sneak out the trunk of his car and bring in his sick of goodies This is his shopping I had no pari of it but 1 know what will be there Happy Childhood There II be a spinning lop and a Utile car that won t fall off the edge of the table These are the reminders of his own happy childhood He keeps the spirit of Christmas by passing tokens on our children It nostalgia and love The spirit of Christmas Cost per pupil increases The cost actual of teaching each child in the Ha It on school system has risen in the last year Board of learned Thursday Business and finance superintendent Bruce I tabled figures showing that the 1B77 budget cost of teaching each of elementary pupils is SI 130 an Increase in figure of for pupils The 1977 cost for secondary school students is up to each from the 1976 figure of when enrollment lower at The cost analysis Indicates that the cost per pupil In for various tunc of board compares very favourably wllh that of other school boards Mr Icy said The Roman Catholic separate school board spends 131 to teach each of Us elementary pupils enrolled this year according the comparison figures the lowest of lt boards surveyed me board with the highest cost per elementary pupil in 1977 Is Ottawa where it spends each on 18 pupils followed by Metro Toronto with pupils at a cost or The board with the lowest cost per elementary pupil besides the Halton Roman Catholic separate school board Is in Durham region where it cost ft 114 each for In the secondary panel the boards of Metro Toronto and Ottawa are tied for first place with costs of per pupil The Metro board has an enrollment of 231 and Ottawa board The lowest cost per dary pupil was achieved by the board followed by the County board where there arc 15 students enrolled at a cost of Ashgrove social notes MRS JOIIMIMIHODDY 1 1 correspondent On Tuesday Dec 13 the rain was falling outside but all was warmth and cheer inside the green room of Church for the Women meeting with Mrs Harvey Nurse as hostess at 40 members sat down to decorated Christmas tables done by Mrs Gordon Mrs McPhail and Mrs VemPicket and en joyed a lovely luncheon At all went up to the 1eUowship Room which was also decorated even a lighted Christmas where the President Mrs J Hunter had everyone sing Come All faithful minutes of last meeting were read and roll call answered by early memories of a Christmas concert Some amusing memories were told A committee was appointed for a euchre and a dance later on letters and cards of thanks were read from families in Cobalt whom wt had helped list spring when they lost ever thing by fire Program was in charge of Mrs Carney who led us in a sing song Mrs Ruth Thompson gave the motto Peace will come when power of love is greater love of power which had been prepared who le with us A icry delightful piano duet by Mrs Norma and Mrs of a medley of songs sang I m Dreaming of a White Christmas which made a ending Mrs Milton Bird introduced Mr Mrs Coulter of town who showed pictures and gave commentary of their trip to Holy Land saw Damascus Jordan Ml where the ravens fed fhtah in built by Herod the rial Jtrlcho Bethlehem the fields when the shepherds tenth flocks Jerusalem of the all very which interesting Mrs John McNabb con ducted a contest on the Christmas season Mrs Clayton Wilson gave the courtesies After an exchange of Christmas gifts meeting closed with a drink of punch and Christmas cake Mr and Mrs Bruce are wearing big smiles these days over the birth of their first grandchild Dennis and Cheryl had a daughter on Dec to Congratulations to them To the Editor and the staff a very Merry Christmas Christmas brings a gift of peace no words can quite impart Christmas gift of love that blesses every heart Christmas brings a gift of to lighten all the way Ma all these perfect gifts be yours this Christmas day IN THE MATTER OF Section of The Ontario Municipal Board Town of Halton Hills Recreation Department Special Christmas Holiday Programmes GEORGETOWN MEMORIAL ARENA Public Skating Monday Public 1977 nny Wednesday December IB 1977 Public Public GORDON ALC0TT MEMORIAL ARENA Friday December 23 197 December It Tuesday December Thurtdny December December ACTON ARENA Public Skating untie Noon Hour until JO A M 11 30 AM Noon Hour OOP 30 A AM 1 Hon 1 Noon Hour until A M until 3 A no 9 until AM 30 P IS 11 A M Toes Dec Parents Tols Public Public Skating a m 1 3 jo a m I3 25p JO m 40pm fl 1 JO m JO m a m 35p Skinny Hockey per person A a prosperous New tear to of our Patrons Act RSO 1970 IN THE MATTER OF Corporal on Town cat on by The f Mallon lis for an order a the library altera on Area at an estimated cost money therefor and and add n the Georgetown of and the borrowing bl Issuance necessary debentures by The Municipality chargeable to the pi leant corporation the amount IN THE MATTER OF a previous application for an order approving the amendment of the previous order the thelllhctayol October by amending the description contained In subsection a In style of such application having been approved order of the Board dated the day April and subsequenlly rescinded by the order of the Board dated the day of July IN THE MATTER OF a present application by The Cor of the Town Hills lor an order approving Ihe construction of a new library near the Intersection of Main Street and Maple Avenue In the former Town of Georgetown si an cost of whereof debentures In of have been Issued by the Regional Municipality Hallon chargeable applicant corporation APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby Appoints Wednesday January at hour of ten clock local lime In Ihe forenoon the Gordon Memorial Recreation Complex Hall Guclptt In the Town Hills lor the hearing all persons who desire to be heard In support or In opposition to the application Any person may register the Municipal Clerk prior date set tor hearing II you do not attend and are not represented at hearing Board may proceed In your absence and you will not be entitled any furihcr notice of the proceedings In ihe event the decision Is reserved persons taking part in hearing may request a copy the decision from the presiding Board Member Such decision will be mailed to you when available DATED at Toronto this day November SECRETARY I