CLASSIFIED 8778822 We reach over 12900 homes every Wednesday morning CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS 1IWORDSS1 Words each SO PLUS FOR EACH LINE OF POETRY THANKS WORDS S3 50 words each ENGAGEMENTS DEATH BIRTHS MARRIAGES J SO CIRCULATION Free Carrier Ma I Del to Georgetown most Hal FOR SALE WOOD lor sole split lace cord IIS GO Ltd CO OPERATORS insurance Alloc tire family and farm Mao I ace dent and Penney Charles DeltacroMS Factory vc Monday Teakwood Furniture STONEHAVEN GALLERY Oil Pa nllnos 877 By Appo COUNTRY PINE SHOPPE 4721 FOR SALE WEATHERED Bam Board pint plan gralnary board rooting rafttri and roollng in HI iV 19 J 5 GENTS bike CO sum years old 8S3 Wanner and Duchess Cooklno apples a SO bushel Cistercian Monastery of Noire Dame Main SI South Maple 1011 Closed Sunday AUTOMATIC dryer white Drown leather field n and spin dryer ST ER EO record player set plno pong table book cam dining room suite stove Avocado green carpet master bedroom suite picnic table and single mat tress reasonable otters 77 IS 877 A TASTE FOR PINE w th hand ling Already made such a dry sinks towel bar chests buffets tables plant stands CALL CARS TRUCKS PLYMOUTH PS v roc ilea FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE Seconds and sconl nued 1 nes Cocktail Hexagon and Commode Tablet Coliee and Tablet Also match bookcases FREE ROUND CIGARETTE TABLE FOR EVERY PURCHASE Thursday day Saturday only am Call at H H FURNITURE Armstrong Ave Georgetown BOB PHILLIPS HOME OF QUALITY USED CARS 347 GUELPH ST 877 8322 75 FORD GRANADA door Model automatic power brakes power ring radio Bucket Seats 71 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA VB speed radio for Christmas handmade gifts books collect ablet h yarns and fibres weavers house Mill St ntj On a Toe Sat 106 CARS TRUCKS I track 11iDOO8S3 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES cc twin clutch PETSLIVESTOCK P December 1977 LEE HOOKER Brampton NOV I ynamew Itiout C Dob Oil lls Georgetown Ont ages Dating L iptonS3 1M1 SOD FOR SALE SOD lor sale delivered or pick up in f eld Now culling at Hornby greenhouse on Road west of Trafalgar 877 TUITION WANTED Barns wanted WANTED Hard or soil w suitable for saw logs or wood experienced Iters Snow Bros or me WANTED GIBSONS Dead Stock Service horses we can tell you all Fergus colled or IS IT or Brampton ccnce344C WANTED CANADIAN STAMPS Top prices paid lor mint used singles blocks collections accumulations Call AUCTION SALES WANTED Consignments for upcoming auction sales Call Credit Valley Auctions HELP AVAILABLE FOR RENT Space Bachelor 1 bedroom 1 bedroom All Included 853 adult building Close GO Ira ly 459 Sid FOR RENT SQ Ft INDUSTRIAL 453 1565 r Mr Mitchell REAL ESTATE ERIN or Rent New home carpclcd throuOhoul Full BUILT TO LAST features car garage room with walkout well nsulafed nches In walls This lit SSI Call D ck doom 4770 Royal City Really Ltd Reallor Sir MUST BE SOLD car garage 1 baths ly room replace on ma and foil basement distance Brampton and Georgetown Make your 457 4770 Royal City Really Lid Realtor Ont Sire Looking For New Home Read The Herald HELP WANTED WEEKLY PROFITS ga by Delivery of a route own takes lust a short me each Wednesday morning and the benefits arc If you would like to obtain details on how your son or daughter can become part of group of over loo en boys and girls call The Herald Circulator Department at REAL ESTATE PRIVATE SALE detached a fenced lot shaped kitchen Recently decorated and Includes gas bar TV tower and paved driveway Beautifully landscaped NO REALTORS 8774018 LOST FOUND LOST Pair read In black case Monday November or follow ng Monday In Business areas TENDERS TENDERS on win receive lenders tor supplies tor the Elementary and Secondary Schools Tenders tor each classification will close at j EST on ihe date schedule elementary Science and Supplies- January Physical and Health Education and Supplies Caretakers Supplies Secondary Science and Supplies- Del at the Ad strnt on Oil cc L7R D Morion COMING EVENTS RED CROSS OFFICES closed between Christmas and New Venn Call Contact Centre referral YEARS EVE DANCE at Ball naiad Community Centre lis per couple Tuesday Call- meet at St Johns United Church St Tuesday oner help BINGO I Every Wednesday I at Royal I Canadian Legion pm J EARLY BIRDS I Regular Games at Jackpot NO BINGO I Wed Dec 28 I J Proceeds to Retarded Children Minor J Georgetown Hospital LEGAL SECRETARY Georgetown Law Office requires experienced legal secretary Applicant must be ex In real estate corporate and estate matters and be able to handle files without constant supervision Applicants should apply to Box No The Georgetown Horald stating experience and salary requirements All applications will be treated In strictest confidence HELP WANTED WANTED Full time stenographer position Banking ox pcrience an asset id to words per minute Reply Box The Herald licensed Mecnanlc or 3rd year apprentice Apply in person or call Contact Manager EXPERIENCED body man wanted for Jim JIM CARRIERS WANTED ACTON TIDEV AVE ELMORE from Tidey to Jeffery ELIZABETH from Elmore to Jeffery WEDNESDAY MORNING DELIVERY NO COLLECTING ENQUIRE AT THE HERALD 8772201 COMING EVENTS concerl STRUTTER Letter Pearson Theatre no m BIRTHS December 1977 A DEATHS Gordon J On Friday Decemoer 16 at the Green Acre Nursing Home New Market Gordon In s year Dear brother of Eva Mrs J Erin and Mary Bel Mrs j of Son of the late Joseph Henry Hilt and Eleanor Resting at Jones Funeral Home Edith Street Georgetown where service will be held Monday Interment Greenwood Cemetery WOOD John retired clerk on Wednesday December at Kipling Acres Rex dole John Wood husband of the late Annie and loved lather of Gladys Mrs Earl Scott and lather In law of Earl Beloved grandfather of Garry Scott of Georgetown and Trudy Mrs Daniel of si Thomas Lovingly remembered by eight grandchildren Predeceased by one and three brothers Resting at Jones Funeral Home Edith Street Georgetown where service was held Friday morn 10 Spring In St Pauls Cemetery In December Eddy and John Ick In loving memory of a or father and grandfather 78 s thought unknown Lord CHRISTIE December 1976 II is sad walk the road atone instead side by side Out to all there comes a moment ways life divide me years of Happiness Thert came sorrow and tears Bui you left me beaut tut the years GREETINGS We would like to wish our friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Ron and Etalne like to wish all my friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Thanks to everyone for kindness to Walker Merry Christmas Happy New Year to all my cards a donation Is being tent to the Kidney Foundation In Toronto General Hotplfal Margaret Davidson sponsors In l to r Council meetings slated a lion council has decided on he dates of regular council ond committee well as special meetings for the rest of December and all of January On Dec there will be a council meeting I media lei before or after a planning meeting scheduled for the same evening The expected topics of discussion at that meeting are the final warding of a job description to replace cerk administrator Doug who has resigned so an ad vertisemcnt can be placed In publication Municipal World and to discuss the parking situation In Ward i On January a Friday council will have a special tilled New The Seminar will be in council chambers and go from 9am to in Council inaugural meellng in the New Year will be Jon tut at the only business is likely to be approval of minutes and election committee chairmen works and finance administration committees will also be held that day and planning he next Council will meet Jan then hold its third meeting of Ihe year on February by which the regular cycle of meetings will have been established Works and a dm in Is Ira lion finance committees will meet Jan will planning board meeting on Jan Warrant issued A warrant has been issued for the arrest of a former employee of a gas station in Georgetown The suspect is allegedly to have locked up the station on Dec izand left with approximately belonging to company Police received a report of a male causing a disturbance in he of the Del rex last weekend A suspect has been charged with resisting arrest after he allegedly struck out at two officers while being placed Under arrest MORTGAGE MONEY SECOND MORTGAGES FOR SALE 23000 YIELD UP TO PERCENT 416 7526 Forest Valley Development Trading Ltd Thomas St Oakville Ontario L6J MORTGAGES FOR BORROWER OR LENDER MORTGAGES Arranged Bought Sold AMORTIZATION SCHEDULES PAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ESSENTIAL FOR PREPARING YOUR INCOME TAX Telephone LIMITED Queen St E Brampton Ontario Wl report The annual meeting of the Federated Women a In of Ontario is meeting In the Lord Sim coo Hotel T onto December 1977 The President Mrs Herb Maluske welcomed thirty two Senior and two Junior board tors It is the effect of every blade of grass that makes the meadow Every branch member is a most important link In the total organization Silver Jubilee medals were presented recently to past president Mrs Harvey Ottawa and the president Mrs with the engraved in honor the Queen Silver Jubilee Miss Molly director Home Economics branch Ministry of Agriculture and Food said the County Home are being asked to speak at many meetings but per cent or their time is devoted to the H programs A million dollars worth of help is given by I members all over Ontario In their volunteer the and Senior Leaders Training courses Mrs Harvey Houston O stated the Women Institute is truly an Education organization over was spent for those purposes Many local and community projects benefit from their generous oversight in excess of J I Bo Mrs Houston a six year term and her sue Is Mrs John Brown Washago The Lee Home report by Mrs Austin New Hamburg mated that people visited the Home during W I week June Moth W I O own this historic Mrs Maluske attended the 15th Triennial Conference of Associated Countrywomen of the World in Nairobi Kenya The Theme Building for Tomorrow the general assembly of the United Nations has proclaimed 1979 In ternatlonul Year of the Child The objective to make the world realize child as its most precious resource The next Conference to be hied in the Federal Republic of Germany At the African Conference Federated Women in of Canada the President Mrs following consultation with delegates pledged support for a new as a gift Lesotho The original one is out The W I C Convention will be held at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon from June 21 1979 Mrs C Walker St George who has been W I Tweedsmuir History Curator for 23 reported there arc 1 copies of Historical Books in Ontario She visited all the is trie in in the province in 1957 She was also responsible for introducing 15 years the House Lags Mrs Walker was presented with a Lire Membership in Mrs Russell Campbell Station stated the Officer Conference will be held at the University of Waterloo May 1978 Mrs Beillsh President will pay her official visit to Ontario The con ference will be for Treasurers and Secretaries Officers elected were Honorary president Miss Molly McGhee Director of Home Economist President Mrs Clarence Diamond New Hamburg Sec Treas Mrs Earl Rodney Public Relations Officer Mrs John Brown Washago Officer Conference Sec Mrs Russell Campbell fona Station Committee Mrs Donald Caza Lakcfield Mrs Moore Mrs Cecil Bell Mrs Sam Koakl Fort Prances Mrs Herb Maluske Tweedsmuir Mrs Fred Howe Mr Robert manager of the Ontario Agriculture Museum Milton discussed the potentials of Hall situated on location Thursday evening the Board of Directors were entertained to dinner at the lioyal York the Hon W G Newman CORRECTION North Halton Sports Ltd will be OPEN UNTIL 9 PM Tues Wed Thurs Dec and CLOSED Mon Dec 26 and Monday Jan 2 See what you can buy at VOUnCfPHMflMCV LAURA CANDIES ELIZABETH GIFT SETS By Ilia bet Max Factor Evening in Paris Chanel Cachet 4711 BEAUTIFUL PERFUMES and FRAGRANCES fr Chanel No 5 Arpege White Shoulder Cachet Windsong In Love GIFT SETS and FRAGRANCES FOR MEN By Old Spice Brut Hal Karate Yard ley Roman for Men PIPES WATCHES KODAK CAMERAS PAPERMATE PEN SETS -HAIRBRUSHES- FLASHBULBS ELECTRIC SHAVERS HAIR STUERS GIFT WRAP MAKEUP MIRRORS CHRISTMAS CARDS FILMS LEATHER GOODS BY TILLEY We have hundreds or gift Ideas for your shopping convenience All priced to help make the task easier nan ever SAVE TIME SAVE OAS SAVE MONEY WE DELIVER OPEN em SAT VOUnCYPHMfflACY main sTa