Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 28, 1977, p. 14

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THE HERA W December im DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN Revisions to the Labor Code By Row Milne MP Peel DotferinSImcoe On December the Minister of Labour Hon John Munro moved second reading of Bill Ca which embodies the Canada Labour Code In support of his own motion the Minister reviewed some of the economic indioctors for the medium terra making what he called a realisticanalyslsof the economic situation What he had to say in this respect wasn so far removed from what the Minister of Finance had said few weeks before It was in the context of predictions of slow economic growth in the next few years that the Minister of Labour argued for measures to improve the labour relations system In Canada as we know it We cannot afford lo revert he said lo a situation marked by continual labour disruptions We have reach the point where our individual and national expectations cannot be met without increases in productivity And if in this country we continue to rely for our productive strength rather primitive notions of competition and conflict everyone out for what he can get from the system we shall soon lose ground to our trading partners the more successful of whom are now emphasizing the more sophisticated values of collaboration and coopertlon in the workplace The era of Controls of course has had a positive effect on our bargaining statistics Over per cent of negotiated settlements for example fell below the guidelines in Ihe second year of controls At the same lime the number of strikes in the last twelve months has declined by per cent from strikes in the last twelve months has declined by 63 per cent from our record in when Canada led the world in this category But how much of this Improvement Is due to controls and how much reflects a genuine change in altitude on the part of management and labour toward the Collect bargaining process It my belief that we cannot afford to slide back into the climate or labour relations which existed prior to the inflation Board For this reason the Minister of Labour introduced a 14 point program about a year ago Some points In the program were directed at improving the work environment itself others were aimed at the structural defects in the collective bargaining system as we have known it Not all of the points in the program can be achieved in legislation The majority In fact depcndontheestabllshmcntofconsulta live mechanisms through which labor man and government can work towards a more ccopcrativc system Among those Improvements which can be achieved through legislation are amendments lo Canada Labour Code now being proposed in Munro One of these amendments would extend all benefits of the Code except those related to hours of work to managerial and profess employees giving them some basic standards relating vacations with pay and general holidays Another amendment would prevent dismissal or layoff because of pregnancy And there are provisions to provide paid leave on compassionate grounds such as illness in the family The Bill offers basic job protection during periods or sick protection against unjust firing with the right to appeal and similar protections for the unorganized worker which all organized workers have long ago negotiated In collect agreements and now take for granted Apart from these basic guarantees the new amendments would require employers to pay all wages due employees on a regular and timely basis and the Bill declares Boxing Day to be a statutory holiday for those under federal Jurisdiction who this year for Ihe last time will be required work the day after Christmas without any additional benefits or pay Now it would be wrong to exaggerate the impact of the new amendments to the Canada Labour Code It must be kept In mind that the federal Code applies only about S per cent of all paid workers in the Province of Ontario mainly those who are employed by airlines railways crown corporation and intcrprovincial enterprises of one kind and another Factory workers and those engaged in secondary industry would normally come under jurisdiction of the Ontario Labour Code and would not be affected by the new amendments Clearly therefore the importance of the amendments lies not in the direct impact will have but rather in the example which they arc Intended set for a new era or justice in he workplace and better industrial relations in Canada For example the amendments break new ground by adding lo the federal Code a provision enable the establishment of em pi oyer employee safety and health at the worker level which will and ensure correction or work hazards And a further amendment allows a worker to withdraw from work situation in which he is exposed to personal danger without fear of reprisal Aside from the provisions in the Bill intended to bring some measure of basic justice to apply to the employeremployee relationship there arc provisions aimed at Improving the process of collective bargain Although the Government recognizes the worth of our colleclive bargaining system as the fairest and best system for settling industrial disputes and although we stand committed that system as a Government Ihere no doubi in the minds of Canadians that the system could stand some After nature lilt is If confrontation and labour disruptions are to be avoided then there is a need for removal of some of the tensions not only In the process of collective bargaining but In its basic structure as well The amendments to address the process by Improving the grievance arbitration tern increasing protect ion of the rights of the dual reducing unnecessary delays and very important providing for greater protection or the interest in labour disputes With respect to the structure of the collective bargaining system the BUI em powers Canada Labour Relations Board to institute coalitions for the purpose of industry wide bargaining In some i lul the establishment of something tike a bargain ng information centre gathering dispensing reliable impartial data for use at the negotiating table and manned by representatives of labour man and government as equal partners would go a long way to facilitate settlements satisfactory to all parties I would hope thai this centre becomes operational soon In the end the amendments Introduced by Mr Munro attempt to bring a measure of justice into Ihe workplace for workers under and they a Iso address problem of Improving bargain system But any real and lasting in the structure of our labour relations system must await Ihe establishment of mechanisms for regular and meaningful consultations between labour management and government representing public interest Lion around Colonel GD Pre- mix and acclimatize groups of African Lion Safari exotic animals for this new exhibit This experimental re- near Rockton serve will contain Tibetan yak that commencing Japanese rare on Monday December 1977 camels and wild The the winter visiting public will mountain sheep and much monkeys will be on show In be irealed to an all new special more Overpast winters Afri splay of Asian animals can Lion Safari has expert African Lion Safari has been menled successfully with the working for several months to mixing of Arctic and black bears This has become a favour I with winter visitors and is now a permanent winter display as the buffalo deer and elk walkthrough Corner Lions in winter Yes the prides of lions cheetah and hyena will be on show WHY CHRISTMAS Members of the Knox Church Georgetown Young People held a dramatization Christmas Eve of Why Christmas The four act play was held prior to the Christmas Eve Service MiltWeTV sale DURING OUR AFTER- CHRISTMAS SALE Conifdor an roc SUPER SPECIAL DON T MISS OUT Tremendous Savings on ALL Colour TV and black and models thru out the store 100 Solid State XL chassis Automatic lino tuning AFT Smart Walnut finish Model Beautiful Colour Idnritnw PIKES I FRUICE Unlet M Wtihya St GEORGETOWN 8773405 a I 468 mop o mi 200 00 COLOR TV WINNER John Jacques of Churchill Road la Acton Is the latest In downtown Georgetown promotional contest Mr JacqaeawonacokrteLevittM Presenting Ike right Now its utter exhaustion SUSAN Hey Is there anyone out there From the pall of silence that hangs over our street at this wiy point between Christmas the New Year I con only assume everyone Is sla The mad rush of Christmas w over preparations Tor a great night on the town have not yet begun We as usual are reeling the effects of over indulgence In all the good tilings too much food too much giving and receiving and loo much laughter Now barring leftover exhaustion it s over It just does not seem possible that we are once again facing the arrival of yet another year and from all the visible signs of life around house I do not think anyone much Where did go and how do you analyse whether year set In such a fast moving lime frame was good bad or Indifferent I seem to vaguely remember planting my spring vegetable garden I have distant memories of a brief summer cottage vacation where the fish eluded me as decisively as ever and more recently a pre Christmas postal strike that almost was Once again it Is the time when I find myself lackadaisically deciding upon the ultimate disposal of a looking turkey spending odd desultory hours pick ing pine needles out of the shag carpeting a job that will take until at least August and attempting a halfhearted cleanup of wrapping paper gin lags and scotch tape while stepping carefully over and around the outstretched seemingly wall towall bodies or a holiday battlefatigued husband and sized children Somehow I think I have been through all this before There comes a moment however when thoughts of the coming new year will eventually penetrate even my dull post Christmas brain If one wishes wax poetic here isp new beginning being handed us another inevitable page in the book of time to be turned and what can 1 as an individual do to make it a better one My initial unworthy response to that much too heavy a question on a day such a this is the desire to limply give in the overwhelming urge to crawl back into bed pull a pillow over my head and leave the family with turkey as best Ihey may I hove no way of knowing what has in store nobody can I only know that some where under dirty beyond my doorstep lies a welcome hidden spring season thai behind all thoie closed and curtained windows lining the street are good people whose lives and activities are geared towards making the r particular comers of the world a better place I know in the coming year I will write off major concerns as being beyond my scope and continue lo haphazardly jog from day to day through usuol routine jobs forever trying to become organised and destined to lose on all fronts I know my children will outgrow another two seasons worth of clothing in the year ahead Louisa will probably discover lipstick and Richard will need a razor I con certainly predict that Teresa will remain my baby for another year and that my will go on a diet after dinner for Ihe next nights I have just glanced again at the inert prone bodies of my family that not even a prod of the foot can arouse still littering the floor and chesterfield Hey family Don you know a new year Is coming Oh Snore Grunt Well if you can I beat em join cm let young 1978 take care of itself 1877 and I as befits our advanced ages are going to lade tnlo Ihe sunset together with a pillow over our heads Set you next year SITED MlAIMSh MAIN STREET SOUTH GEORGETOWN AFTER CLEARANCE J oets ALL XMAS ORNAMENTS WINTER CLOTHING 50 OFF SKISUITS SNOWMOBILE SUITS ALL PANTS MENS LADIES CHILDRENS LADIES CARDIGANS TOPS WINTER BOOTS ETC MANY SPECIALS

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