Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 28, 1977, p. 3

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Wednesday December 1M7 Pages do with wood A family grows Continued from Page after anyone who doing his or her snare Discipline Is Ink en cure of by both parents but Joe said We don wait tor the other before we discipline a child I board but she I Caroline thepresid She runs the whole show Monday night is the family home evening the whole family participating in some activity just staying home together The family has a gripe session whore mem ber or Ihc family can bring up a complaint about anyone even daddy with no fear of punishment Thi kids have to realize that even though I daddy I human too and make mislakes Children will follow to end If you set a bad they They re just little things Caroline said They re people Neither Caroline nor Joe come from a large firmly Caroline has two brothers ind Joe has one sister A big family I think is a lot more fun Ciroiinesnd She added that she had never been around little children before she was married and had never done any I ve wanted twelve child I wis ilwijshnnf children home when I w is younger My mother could correct anything I thought If anybody at school had a prob 1 d bring them home to mother Because there is space of seven years Jo and Gardner when Jo family Caroline was a bit mom and dud fur time after became members of the family but now refer to is aunt and uncle Some of children needed physical contact and proof of when Ihiv first Jo ind Steven nee did i lot of touching Caroline sin sin sin 1 mt billing mil Thi Its but for both District Memorial when an put hi school where all lunger children iiund The wen jusi super with Carol I n I think my schioljn the world e id it imehouse school ichors in jood and the principal is excellent afternoon when the children home is the time which lie consider iflffllUll child The trouble I hive is re mindine myself that they are ihey can do tilings said I have lendcnc to do all the things The artn on the but may soon At prescnl ihe children gel anything they ml lie said he is considering inj ihc children sum of munev roughly equivalent lo ihc child monthly firmly nil met cheque to cover alt expenses such as movies and It would probably coat mi a lot less thai way Joe said though if wed thought i mom we w t hive one or two Tht children art really a dihcjit ind we enjoy them said re nol sun have more foster children but we d waii year All kids needs is lovt and discipline and not too much of one without the other Joe Mid Shi suit si iscirtirned to solve their tlcc l pm When I got J i I literally drove the doctor crazy Caroline said time she turned over I w is calling him Finally he said Slop calling me Go horn ind be a mother The think ivi to this lime is pit king things up after mc again slit iddcd The period for some children can be difficult Caroline said especially in case of an older child With a child old enough to remember you re competing nalural par foster parents Car said Deb by Jo and en called foster parents A Wealth Of IN 78 May you find your pot of gold in the coming year let it be filled with warmth and love for everyone To a II our friends and customer Kay and George KAYS GROCERY Wow Room Bobby Fisher Canadas own Ehfts it Includes Hot Cold Buffet ir Champagne at midnight Naltemakers hats Balloons 5 couple Gala Party NEW YEARS EVE in the Red Barrel or Wow Rooms Tickets on sale at front desk Dont bo disappointed Get your tickets early Rooms available with ticket per room Red Barrel Room Stormcrow Hats per person 3 Per person Includes Noise makers Balloons Buffet available HOTEL BRAMPTON Queen St Brampton 4516000 Woodburning stoves promote conservation iivioniTWLon writer Those days when father up early to light fire in the wood stove and warm the house for family hi no gone forever if J Bowles Company con persuade people of the con value of a wood The J Howies Stovi Com pany supplies wood burning equipment from slaves to fireplaces furnaces Owned and operated by Jim Bowles and Alls the company is involved In promoting wood as fl energy source for healing a home Mr Allsusesn wood burning which operates in lonjunction his enisling oil furnace to heat his square toot home Hi estimates his heal lo he comprised of two thirds and one third oil This is in alternative method of heating not necessarily just an addition to the pi iscnt source Mr Alls said He added that wood burning furnace will heat 1 square foot on lis own withoul a up oil improvements In stoves and make more efficient than they were Mr Alls said Then is more if wood burning and more heal recovery in modern Moves Modem insulation In homes also makes a A normal fireplace is about is per efficient as compared to to per cent ifftciency for a wood stove Mr Alls said He pointed out lhal ad vantage of having a heat source or a back up healing unit which docs not depend On lo operate A wood burning stove or addition lo an oil furnace can lake over If Ihc power cuts Mr Bowles said a number of places In Slates arc cutting bock in usage by shutting down power at Americans ore buying most of this equipment as fast js its Mr Howies said He added thai one of the company suppliers doubled and rented a warehouse for storage but he has used warehouse Mr Alls said that figures have been released by wood stove manufacturers com paring oil and wood and how much heal each produces A full cord of hardwood will provide as much heal as gallons of fuel oil Then thi old saying too lhal wood you twice once when you it and once when you hum it Mr said company im put its customers in touch suppliers Mr Alls harvest wood from his own property class A chimneys They also Mi said a loocn suggest routine cleaning of Ihc properly forested would chimney and pipes one a year probably a home Mr Alls said that wood TheiompanyalsoLnkcscare furnaces arc a remind its customers of source of hoi air wilhoul the sarcty regulations such as cold and hoi spells lhal come installing stoves only with wiih an oil furnace He Siaff cut bid flairs tempers Limehouse News The officially for business on Dec li The pirlnership between Mr Alls and Mr Bowles rcsullid from Mr ML interest In conservation and Mr interest in opening a Mr Bowles is the former owner of the North Hilton dealership which he sold Iwu years Mr is i plot for Air Canada the my stocks wood burning furnieis combination wood oil pre fabricated fireplaces jnd pre fabricated chimney- If it has anything to do with wood were there Mr Mis said Mr Alls said he believes there in two reasons for the men in of wood burning stoves nostalgia One of the feelings is I m independent of conglomerate is supplying my oil he said There have been number of Mrs A Benton Herald correspondent report the sudden death on Dec at his home in Alberta of William J Lane a retired United Minister who is born and grew up at When he and his wife visited Ontario in early summer his niece Mrs Wilier I entertained miny of his relatives in honour of his seventy fifth birthday on lune The candlelight and Carol service 1 imotiousc Presbyterian Church on wis well tended I irrow read Ihi Scripture and the address Mrs at the organ her t popular during Offer The sang anthems us well as le for the Carols Season greetings to the editor and siaff and many reidersof ThcHcrild Tom erlini chair nun Morrow nol lobby fir mj support lie lor introduction of a to reduce the plan nine nl by three per sen s i in ruled of order rejected my in lie department it its previous Dei following on how to bring ill miller a second Unit Mr Sutherland v is told I pi ice il on I week Mis calls for re iizcl on of Ihe that practice is all that is necessary to learn how to build fire the correct amount of heat to suit the household Mr Alia entered the J Bowles Company because of his interest In ionscrvatlon He indicated that wood Is almost totally pollutant You can even take the ashes from the stove and put them in your garden to the acid In the soil he said policy be the official near completion and a planning a and s which has recently finis eu Ms studies in Mr Sutherland suggest ion was lermed Illconceived ill timed ind illogic by Oak villi Archie reporters Mr Sutherland withdrew his marks that motion position of the ilairmon He said motion ruled out because it did not agree wiih Vegetable Care Don t refrigerate egg plant rutabagas hard rind squashes and sweet they should be stored at GO degrees Terra Cotta Wl Reject route study the Tin siudj ref by director of sjlems planning Hill list ix rit r systems tiler including several that unlink it much dihaled Brine in link itruie in Milton route Mr SI iler s findings lie si mule by Ihi tit months do favorite ICfjquestuin liMHJIIIttf Tin Terra Women s hell lis milling il ihe home of Mrs The in of the which wis held not is Mrs mil Mrs Cliff rdCiwik roll w is responded lo Whit in you a his everything Tht mi ml lgriid that pro if this mil i il stilly ind nl il imp id if si e In most Mrs the n She look us to Ihi touts it took pi ici in when Unless we euii 1n I tnh and death i f our li mil Sninur we ire only is i shim illir i DONT MISS IT PAINT AND WALLPAPER SALE UP TO I Georgetown Decorating CENTRE the current events The meeting decided to spo Ihe coming Club on Living the leaders will be Mrs Hunter and Mrs Look Christmas carols were sung at the beginning and close of the meeting The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs John Lyons on January Al time Mrs Roy Westlake will of her impressions of the list AC WW Conference held in Nairobi Africa Choose it TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS Road HUNTERS INN open NEW YEARS EVE TILL AM 8777253 IN THE MATTER OF Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act RS0 1970 c 323 i application by The aj the library alteration and addition In the Georgetown Area at an estimated cost of and the borrowing money therefor and the Regional Municipality of cant corporation debentures by The chargeable to Ihc such having bee Board dated the day approved by order October IN THE MATTER OF a previous application for an order approving an additional expenditure and Ihe borrowing money and Issuance ad debentures In the amount JIM by The Municipality chargeable to the cant corporation application having bee Board dated Ihe day ot approved by the order January IN THE MATTER OF a previous application lor an order ng amendment Ihe previous order the October 1974 by amending contained In subsection a In style of application having been approved by the order the dated Ihe 13th day April and subsequently by the order of Board dated the day of 65 MAIN ST S DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN IN THE MATTER OF a present porallonof 1 lie Town Hilts lor a a new library near Maple Ion by The Cor order approving intersection of Georgetown at an cost whereof debentures the amount have been by the Regional Municipality chargeable to the applicant corporation APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Wednesday day of January 1978at of ten clock local lime In forenoon the Gordon Memorial Recreation Complex Hall Street In Town Hills lor hearing of all persons who re to be heard In support of or in opposition the Any person may register Municipal Clerk prior to date for hearing if you do nol attend and arc not represented at this hearing Board may proceed in your absence and you will be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings In the decision is M persons taking part In the hearing may request a copy decision from the presiding Member Such decision will be mailed to you when available Toronto thltii I day November SECRETARY

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