Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 28, 1977, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Hills WEDNESDAY 1977 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario Publisher BOB Editor A turbulent year is 1 ir in iIil short ippln lor Nil homes to developed Hills It marked tin first south of truk in Hit Hollow lime ihTi residents bee inn ittiveli opposed Fmrgi James Tailor tin Mir on this lawns goals for development it 11 ns roup toll in independent Aclon opposed in gin sink if tin proposed high 1 ullage corridor fill 10mesiKin within unified Hills All mil more issues must Im instituted iittmpis 10 resiort municipal sometime within tin next 12 status to the limn wink others in the months satisfactory ins community to restore the others will sei dilute prolonged own former town ill Ixiomi mired in ilions whuh might irstnnitnomc Cornell wn result nls Urn issues will iddnssed opposition to iffices txpiiision mirk tilt nine whuh is resurrected In 1 eoutuil ilmosl mi ill is elected on an expansion ticket iu tint rtd iiim ht n ins theloc it And the propos in build it 1ml Ins Ihk mi tin rt thin tursorj Tie drew strong opposition supervision of lilt dint lion 1 into Properties Id rmillv secured an must mint ilntthiri Out lio he mug into its but gn ink ilof work An early budget Hi It isi I neck ot Hie lull propos for diligent work has pi up lie hind thi semis to insure hit would budget Ik sti istirli ispossibk but tint some form of to control rising of eouncil ikpulv trt and Milton Don Gordon should remit tht credit for tht outstanding joh in formul itmg tht new budget Gordon stressed larhir this si it council should begin mil into tht ntw ions ind sit suchincrnsesinhm wiiha limit by This jear council set a a per increase limit while some ircas hive inert iscd in t figtiri tht our ill will within Hit Ml that is tht for funds low tin or 1 rtgiond landfill silt The forth shut would then intrtast luwivir diffitullits ill Ihciusi 11 Ih si mtludi Hit of ihsnh mils fir II7H 1 1 should I thin t Jan with tfforts last icir us I under null llu pripar if ion of tin proposed ss liiil dm not in Hilton will in irli budge I hut dots mi in it tlu il kvil it rested insetting Ihe 1 that in ixptdiled without A young activist shows or Ming audience is up art shown and hi w to htr icfoss s to juslifjiblt Shi tan git to set s vision put for bee iu this are sthwlukd to in Mil told tht m should schedule shows in d itimt weekends And dash il ill Kathleen is the consumer Si rprising firm should hire Miss is 1 rcsidtnl and Nadir Mr pnbihlv ri firing off wtlldocumrnttd consumer 1 And Will im Shi up sij find 11 off to Hit all tiki isi si tions lor itttt sin ful turn to other of TV What do tht women think of all ill gums And why a thane to set soap lint could hied ih shows from tht slits and them wilh fine I ifi to I Kilhkin Drea as negotiator in national unity debate IMJNOm inn I irk I or rh ii r I out Inn end to llu programs of I thin it Though w And is thi might put of ACTIOS For one thing rea gets action In mort Hi in Hi months in office he his announced j id it fin for a long inn urn 11 Hi it FUNNYSIDE ml Inn wo I- wis of gov mud Hut In w ml hm dud ind r that exist ind s ilu idy id 1 ilks with fiinhirhi wotild lorvtnually oik ssKm if institutions 111 the d of tin il ptnilcntnries ingh hi tin I rfor ihis he hopes 1 hi is at I iking with fids illy then is some lo link ind Hob inn to git Unrigs done I iiim tut pushing And ire original thinkers Macau 1 so ninth so that he was the man bring in new legishtivc pohcj since George Drew led the parly hack in 1W1 wisinthehospitil recently for quite a serious before surgcrv he had drawn up a plan of reorganization for the hospital Two dijs he was diilatmg lo his iry on the is to have been successful Trip slightly delayed jndlOltlTWlOU Itrraldslairwrllrr Hi No Oh it you Ik llr find Mrs will I hold on Hut hurry up This Is Win sK it No Imnol hill I they did show up I Hit 1 d Thi good At I di where they 0 i in j 1st gu mysilf ill rested Jon A reluctant goodbye to Hi I a siv goodhje to inotlur ilni Ins racttl all loo iiiuklv iiiiltinihouihthipirlingis iys s id is inotlur older bui i tit we grtit thi ntw with iht si of is HII of and rising h irdships on most people will off had l sit to losi much during ilhs of and r igu Ihil millions felt as loss Hold mm gin so much in us sort 111 it Ihtir niusit will live on for tin In inni I Mm during mihts did n IJTT in hilt nun stitedihit its ilih to somi Hung Tin public ill as fir is si is concerned and to get bored and consequent films I the same Imitations Who knows Star Wars then Son of St give rise to Grandson of St Wars for Tht whole I is Si with the countless tin r h ipimiings mil us ith Tin ripped our knuckles or are loo flip too loo much the ugh PS tin all il ill go nut iw us with us is i in ion ntvir from oik to next just whal or who will turnup dcarreadcrs mitrest mikes it all worthwhile Wi look forward to your hoth good ml bid in So Inn stori77ihigoiHf thi bid for Hit most irl id ind sttmed to i stronger Id wi look ml with to ml ilu of ITS TO 11111 1- I Hnii touched imili is Ihe of perhaps this will help bring about relationships of deeper meaning in ihe years ahead Mini expressed emlarrass mini it publiuti tenitring around iu ind il life during m nil swipt ic sidl wilh this lining worn in tills ils it i i r no m bow fulfilling cm I pi ict of mil mini young such is will distour his for Though Former Grit takes initiative after breakin as Tory MP mi w Hurlail llinld striki his it proiin the unions iKsrome loo powerful in ins still lo Iht I ml i pun of the th ml ill too soon will til It othingsunivisconsi mi iking wilhoul niht mil Ihough hit rosin his us i and now I In is spuing it a dib of humor he hi ihi md fating ins of inuli ins If not ii vn l Tin mold mil is ihi sttlingTori MP from is ni oni to sit in whik dehalt mud hint Km is new i I find it so dumbfounding 1 ttNTSIH whin tomes lo ihe MP has spi iking this is how our tat rinkmg could In a idled of si fi lor I pells i hit kchon ht is lifiniK nK li rh is iw ikening our identity that will help us see this crisis through and keep us in unity wis of great scart wis linked to mil wis to be binned from nnrktt John wouliln I stint for it tin siliululul rtmoi wis rid whiih gits to Hit old giw wlnl mt inn if it kills ihi in pnk dc gris I llngilte is such a rful in mice that in the inking in tn I will what she night twinked Ihiy ire going to bar il jhIIs from Ii Id Ihi us If this gov rnrncnt is mi guts in will ir the r iti It is gr so to Tht iioiiomvoft in id us m sh in group or Whin I minister of fin met I isk miscl how mjni nunisii rs or in tan d mci on ik f i pin Hi is with lo mi mix rs of Iht opposition hi goes on it the idid pulsing only wlun Ik nil i i gut ohvio ill to ilnrgis llnl sell hunting is cruel i liked how poor trench groups ire tr implid lo di ith just to nuke some From the ichm it wis Looking through our files few Hie ir TIIHIT imthousi il Hall on Monday ifti the rsquesing Township wasreclettidbi Council mem for will lx George line Deputy George If raiglicul and Georgt The onli other nominee for office is councillor tt who was present meding and declined an election his name in The caboose of a sianding freight train was demolished iwo derailed and mother damaged In an accident which occurred it II Sunday morning on the Nit line of the Mam Street bridge A four car freight train coming from Acton hit the rear end nhhe standing freight residents in Ihe district many of whom burned lo the scene Luckily no one was in ihe and no Injuries occurred A Christmas was arranged by I Ihe union local Smith and Stone for children of employees The party complete and Santa was held last Tuesday night in the Hall Altogether presents were distributed as well as a hag of tresis to each child attending TWfNTVVFAHbAGO Because province will approve a rate sewer charge on water bill council has hid in reuse lis opinion on how to Hit twil proposed new sewage dispmal plant Originally council decided mil si of the general lax rale plus nuiuU water ouilcis visited over 1001 ions lub children hi irena Itose on Sunday afternoon is tin presented Ms second annual hnsimis pirty Tht members and their wins win also on hand or fun il by Jack Hob of impton his organ In the in tin singing of and ill Hie old is funnies The thildrenswarmid around ind his three helpers when hi made his neir the dost of festivities danced to rollicking tunes Bob Binlsley Saturdiy morning al a spetnl meeting Police Commissioners appointed Acting Police Chief irlev Chief of the Georgetown Police Department Chief joined force in when four mm into three planning are is w is proposed to County Council Tuesdiy when Itobcrl i reported for he inning Assoeiilmn Mr from some spot north should be as one planning area and ihi irn ind should each from Ihe two areas Hi form Institutions Minister Allan Grossman yesterday a million program ihe first leg of which will be a regional detention centre to replace the antiquated and peel County Jails in said in a press construction there will slart in he in or four years Since the goitrnmenl of in a most manner has iht of soil furs into inn of the allege cruelly of the and since the goiirnmcnl of France to ignore the fid that in the production of pile foic gras French nun with gnu cruelly the French goost which is force fed and in in to hi of ihe Frenchmen and the jaded ippeinesof the wnllhy I move roshie ihe federal government to diplom tic note of protest to Of hum got lo do my thing about it slid But Icasl I can ridicule pretentions of French government They don give a damn about anything do whether it be nuclear testing or miirlering in our affairs They then turn iround and make us out to be I going to give hem a bit of the same will be meeting Newfound limt Premier Frank Moores later this month when he will ask lhal provincial liquor stop selling French champagen And damn it I don I see why we can ban pate foie he talked in Parliament about the feeding of French Croabie seem be drawing on some inner source of outrage type normally reserved or use by sealing protesters he the this practice arouses In all civil red In terms of publicity came up with masterful performance And he be doing it again Al every chance he I am of kicked around by France In ioI run into serious scorch mirks on II Ihil s why in loo warm my suit started si I II the pants I know how hard you split them last year II all an ignore these snacks kids leave or the illy see it all anil this new subdivision Hills dtsnt win Well Siegfried snd something ibout mi in Properties subd vision so wi lo idtd up the toys for all tin kids on sstimption Only when I in Gurj iIoaii I und the darn thing idn I Iii en built S you sit I is ilriady ded wl I to Millon Thin ill those ickt those rich kiris forme wiiglicd me down too Oh you haven hear Yes II it seems that Georgetown is phce That why kids can trt its for iht team ind I Who ad if the Socicly I do Gee A wilking tthos I is just toasting along over Trafalgar when Ihis guy j tiled at me over his CB Apparently police were after me for speeding Would you believe those reindeer in jo kilomclres per hour I guess I is so angry the ticket Hut I gd tin nam upset loo Anyway the I know tripped over I got a hot i i of somi kind Hie ino Hydro fellows led stuck out in middle of nowhere near Milti n I think Iht rejoingloputupa power line on il or something No I don I know why it s thin All I know is tripped over il and is nose lit up like the last time we hid il t- tint s how I scorched the burnt my britches Wh ipiwntiP ider we humped it I sun I didn I break limbing Will myway I in rot this old building in Acton Jusl is well I picked the old one not nt w beside il I hear they re talking about It irn it down or restoring anyway I gave them helping hand towards the project Well if Ihey tear it down don ban lo bother wilh the piece I knocked out If they restore il d hive rebuild Ihe roof it was all rollen High Of course it nice thing lodobut Heck Jessica Im jusl ghd I I land on their brand new On other hind it a good thing I ThtyhadatraKicJam they d got 1 pumper if I d been too far Really efficient firefighters guys mj britches cooled off very No thevdidn take in Georgetown They wanted but my age was mt figured I d been shaken up enough Id nets extended rest after they patched up mi burned spot and they haven room for an ixlimlcd care facility in phc lusi go to Georgetown i i I I to rend Well their i the igloo low what will il Hit kids find where I am It be The hospital is under stifedisitis Thei d never manager with all people dropping by and the switch Im j mimed with calls It be worse died ihe a got I jusl bum I Mil weren I too worried io I v isn nth Hum I II just fine In sink up because we re thit is soon is I gel home How soon I don I know I got a Phil brook looking after me lias to be back for Parliament to reconvene so III within the next month or so I you then and tell jou exactly when to expect me Jessica I love you too Now be good girl and I II see soon Bye Wflis

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