Pan DMwmber a ltTT I Good Neighbour service helps more than 80 families SS The Poll Department collected of rood from the local on Wednesday Roma and her packed the hamper and bagt of toy for distribution on Thursday Friday he volanteer Including a Dumber of Georgetown Club members distributed the parcels for lie Georgetown and Good Neigh boor Service The Brampton Salvation Army provided hamper for 13 single widowed or divorced people In this ares and left theiOofamUleitotheGoodNelghbwir8erlce service Herald photcfeature By Maggie Hannah Jiirtia Van carried of groceries to Itie dour for the volunteers to distributing the nerd In and din trie I Bags were piled the or the stairway to be added to he baskets ol Good Neighbour Service wis distributing last Friday After Roma Tlmpson and helpers filled the hampers and sack or gifts lor BO families in Georgetown and area Don Jarvle look over with the lis and sorted out which hamper belonged on which delivery route Many of the volunteers who delivered the hampers tor the Good Neighbour Service are members of the Georgetown IJons Club Committee chairmen elected Ha l ton separate school board chote its chairmen for various committees at Its last regular meeting for the year Dec Bob OBricnof Burlington was acclaimed chairman of the board for the coming year and Georgetown Hartley retained his place as vicechairman In an election against Burlington member Harry McDermott The decision of Burlington member Cord Mackan not lo seek as chairman or the education committee opened the way for on election in which Oakville member Bonnie Brown defeated Angus King also of Property committee chairman John Visier of Burlington salary neg oils Tons committee chairman Hartley were both returned to their positions by acclamation Finance committee has a new chairman because member Peter tiers declined to take the office again Mike was acclaimed iff the Public relations committee chairman Tor 1977 Bonnie Brown also stepped down and her place rilled by Father J Mlhm of A special seven member building committee to overs the construction be bsjft me toattonm committee have not beat appointed yet handmade gift collectables yarns and fibres the weavers house TiMStlO5 January 51978 Extra one million dollars for bonus prizes of each A buck and youre in for both Get your ticket now win Debbie net II picked canned goods the boves collected In the local schools and her twin sitter Carolyn put them In the appropriate pile so that It would be to pack the same g foods In each basket when Good Neighbour Service chairman Roma Tlmpson and her helpers began the task of actually filling each hamper The twit of everything in 1976 to ill our wonderful friends and patrons WELDING LTD FRED BARNES GEORGETOWN for from Joe and Frank at Georgetown Fruit Market FLORIDA SWEET TANGERINES FRANK We thank you for your patronage during the past year and look forward to serving you again through 1978 CANADA DRY GINGER ALE AA bottles Lb Bag CELERY J for NO Cooking Onions BANANAS iu pome PLUS MANY MORE INSTORE SPECIALS G MARKET Remember We are Open Sundays I ST 100 Yards East of the Former Store 8778882