THE Wntand HALTON HILLS AREA PARADE OF HOMES 1B7BP1RCZ1 HOMES TOWN HOUSES By MACK PARLIAMENT in persons lifetime the question will be asked Should I home It is 1 question person or couple must answer for The range of ihoicps in Canada today is so wide thil even deciding on the type of home desired some thought There is a considerable saving in costs for instance in row house protected on two sides neighboring homes Vet there is considerably privacy ma singlcfamilj detached home on its own of ground separated from neightiorlng houses both air and land An apartment condominium is jet another alternative for some purchasers After weighing the advantages those who in favor of home ownership join a group representing more than per cent of Canadas population and soon discover purchasing was a wise moie Tlie pluses acquired with home ownership are not all economic The range from gaming tax shelter to being keep ft pet from being ones own landlord with all the privileges thai implies to a hedge against inflation For owning a home whether its only partinlh paid for or entirely paid for per cent of Canadian homes have no mortgage on them represents an investment and 1 sound one It represents equity which is like a savings account As a mortgage is gradually paid off with iieh monthly the build up more and mure equity the monej avaiable to him he sells There may come a dm when a major financial arises and money can be borrowed against that even if the owner does not want to sell Director of Publications for home off ones own mortgage ansapei on is auUirlng 1 major ssi thai in value the price homes said in Canada up to the end of jU r Ibis ve11 was iniriiM- of Si with wars and an rease Of 111 vial earlier he ri siui homes like fine wine iVe against inflation In tin last vial alone this has to 111 r I per lent or SJ on a Canadian Real Estate Aisociation prove Ins proper with No landlord has to lie insulted and ill improvements increase the equitj circles do not seem be complete ithout a eat or dog or some other animal so most rental buildings restrict pet iwnhomea family can have all the ed KM I will roperl ills Compare that with a rental rent although the tenant has 1 money down the drain The throughout the of Ihe ept for shifts up or down in rales at tin end e ich term rent continue lo with the tost of hung lien under tit lint while mortgagi are reliliveh wagi an pari and panel of inflation tllli means is being paid off Willi cheaper loll nl as tin of wages rise mortgage reprisent a sm mil small r portion of in ome making them asier to Although there his pressure government lo make the interest on mortgage pavments dedui for purposes this privilege has never been all of a principal residence lhe profit muli on the sale of the is considered lo In- a capital am but unlike capital gams it is not subjevt to lav So the 1rivaiv means differ nl things to different people but be summed up in the well worn but 1 urate phrase that 1 person home is his or her castle line can a musical instrument or operate a cleaner at I a m or any other time without ear from In an apartment lower this just lould not lie as pandemonium would result is also having to light with neighbors over a In hurt the ownership a home provides much more than just a plate to live A home of ones own offers lomforl and economic a value which cannot be inisisurid ml dollars and tents lhe home in individual or can afford mil meet their dream home requirements llut that lo a job or earning capacity Men women don I sti out as the boss or president of a com tliev work toward that goal they will never reach that goal if ttlij refuse to take a job al the bottom of the ladder on way to the lop The same thing is housing one can often start with ultimate dream home but the first step is the important one toward the ultimate objective SEETHE PROFESSIONALS JON ZORGE REAL ESTATE Inc Realtor 4572624 metric guide for real estate MEASUREMENT UNITS Length metre is basic unit length replaces lhe loot and metre rm be described as equal aver i door is ipiHoimately tvi m THERE ARE ADVANTAGES you would not know about until you see this almost new bedroom home plus convertible den Its a a com split level design with sunken living dinlna and kitchen area and See it now youll be pleasantly surprised BLUE SPRUCE ADORNED this brick bungalow sports bright kitchen large llvingroom ind a special romperroom in the com finished basement Con financing Is available and Its listed at or Residential Areas n in Commercial Volume cubi Larger ess the symbol lhe NOW IS THE TIME to buy your country place Over 3 acres with good access to plus a home to write home about wlthcathedrakeiling and fireplace extra bedrooms in the loft room and billiard room Inground pool greenhouse and more Observe price Just SOLID BRICK WILL LAST AND LAST acre country property ust Georgetown with bedroom brick home angel stone and large livingroom A home to decorate to your taste Priced it SN0WC0VERED TROPICAL PARADISE Enjoy your swim year round in lovely heated Indoor pool surrounded by tropical plants and trees Beautiful large fish float to and fro in ft long aquarium Set In cedar lined walls hiding sauna and With the Impeccably finished bedroom home containing com family room fireplaces gamesroom etc placed on secluded treed lot it adds up to a very desirable possession FOR NEWLYWEDS A low may settle you In this roomy corner apartment with a view Located close to shopping rriall and recreation facilities itll be a great first home tor only FOR RENT Stately old farmhouse excellent condition large roomsfamlly room and Asking 7o month HORSE LOVERS Completely fenced property K barn paddocks Tin home is in has bedrooms ground Hoar room and fireplace hist Brampton See it now BUILDERS HOME Quality throughout featuring unique semi circular custom fireplace dre ft master bedroom closet and bedrooms plus spare lor more on lower walkout level car garage economical hoi water healing system All in ill 1 very special place Asking Thinking building your We have some lovely lots square kilometre km mono in WRITING METRIC SIMPLIFIED CONVERSION TABLES 1 1- an re estaly surveys deeds and legal have Iter units lie lab inversion tor litnir Noli existing Canadian units to metric do not use numbers imply a accuracy Id was k rentable in the Dimensions stuiulrl be expressed in melric units to Length I rn 1 ii 1 1 rn loot 3018 yard it APPLICATION AND ACCURACY OF METRIC UNITS Canada Trust 8779500 noon do LOW COST FARMERS bank 0 1 All lor SPLENDOR 8770155 4572624 Mountainview Georqetown VIVIAN SALLY REED VICKY LUKAS ANNE WARREN CRAWFORD JON ZORGE HUNTER REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LIMITED Georgetown AREA a acre in Nerval area well treed Ideal location tor a prestige home CALEDON 17 ACRES seclusion this well treed acres offers with over ft frontage and great possibilities for large lake a very unusual piece of property Interested Call and well show It to you OFFICE 0774141 OR KATHLYN BURNS IRENE CURRY LLOYD 8776546 HUNTER HUGH HUNTER A APPRAISAL MANAGER