Norval and district news Sorry the mixed up the dole of Ihe next Night which will be held on Thursday evening January at 8 Hope the mistake will not cause any misunderstanding When the euchres are held every other Thursday night It Is easy to forget which night it Is to be 12th be the first euchre of new year The next Thursday night will be the Annual Meeting of the Nor Nor Con- Association on January 19th Hope the flu and colds will have run their course by then and on excellent number at Hope you have your calendar marked for the big Inter Dance sponsored by the Association to be held at the Way Jay Club on evening January There will be a door prize an oil painting done by Mr Vance of the Four Winds Gallery Norval pedestrians which include children going school and senior citizens arc dangerously this winter as lhe attempt to dodge the heavy traffic on No high way There lb no place else to ilk as the sidewalk arc piled high with snow by the snow ploughs kieping the highway illy from Ken to the Post Office the sidewalks arc and pedestrians are glad to get oil the when dangerous eomer special thanks to Kin Iah till Hunter Charlie Carney for their efforts in keeping the walks clear 11 a frustrating job as the snow plough often comes along Just when they we finished ind the sidewalk is piled high again Most home in the no to clear the snow such odds Traffic is not on the side streets so on the road on thisc streets is not too bad If one is careful but on Ihe is dangerous experience any time of the day St Paul Anglican Church celebrated Christmas with special services On Sunday December the Lesson the Carols service was held with at in pile of the icy roads and lad driving con Those rending lessons Catherine Steele Dobbin The church wis full for the midnight service on Christmas I by Rev It The i School held Iheir is pirty before in tilt A pot luncheon was enjoyed liter which nil classes the Sunday School participated in pri scntini the Huron carol dressed in costumes This is the post office si imps for letters w is based on this ye ir inta irnvid distribute the whieh ended an enjoy ilile went carolling through the i illnfie in place of their by carol singing and a visit from to distribute the ended an enjoyable evening Nural United Church Sunday School concert was held on evening December full Church or the excellent prorim each class part The Junior choir sang and priscnled two skits during the program One group ihoir presented Precious llabe w is Horn ind presented With Olher the beginning of the program Campbell ind I id I mi poems toilowca poem superintendent ludhw ii short talk on ihent Candles Anne Wilsons kin class sang Jingle Hells and Wish A Merry Christmas The el with Robinson Kislner is teachers the Many were surprised lo hear their youne singing the familiar at their front door They ended the evening tuck it the School Community Centre for hot The Brownies party wis held in the parish hill with ibouHO mothers the were I junn tut The Night Before Christmas lori and Diane Smith gave a demonstntion The boys s mtermediiite skit to Nature and the girl skit wis entitled Happy Jesus three girls presented a humorous skit Have You Tried Nicotine Watchers Gordon presented lliv Iter with a Hal Porter Exchange student selected by Rotary IH lorfTaIor lltraldslalfwrllrr Hoi Porter 17 yearold Georgetown distriit high school student will be spin ding a ye roid next is a participant in the Intern Youth program In the program students from different countries spend a year abroad living with families studying in foreign schools and telling people about their native countries present Mine Belgian student is spending year in Georgetown Thsisthefirstseir in which Georgetown Ins been involved in the progrim It his yet en decided which country will Ik- although he is to lo Belgium Hi is studying French and in at school hopes to continue studying languages it university Hal is the son of Mr and Mrs Porter He is vice president of the Junior Curling Executive it the North Golf and Country Club ind also member of Ihe boys curling leiin He is member of the school s country team and pi ijs In addition he is i member of the Georgetown Little and plays guitar is one of seventy students who originally plied for the opportunity to spend a year ibroad But because of such requirements is a fund replenished all year for any necessity which mieht arise the fill that the student s ire required to for the trip the number of ap had dropped to seven by the the Rotary Club interviewed students Dunne the interviews which were held it tin high school the students were asked questions about Canadian history and geography and were also asked a little about themselves They were required lo wnle in essay about themselves and whit they hoped to on trip ibroad I wis very nervous said ttiallwire wewereall in the same boat Hal will be leaving in the middle of next two or three weeks before school starls so he in settled in LEASING A CAR OR TRUCK Get movin to Metro Trust How to make your money earn its daily bread When you earn monthly interest your interest is only calculated on your account lowest monthly balance But with Metro Trust Golden Acorn Account you earn daily mien si Your money earns interest from the first day of deposit to the day of withdrawal each and every day it remains in your account you make money With a Metro Trust Golden Acorn Account you can get an Absolutely Free Chequing Account Free Travellers Cheques and Low Personal Loan Rates DUO Balance Monthly Da a 000 S10 37 S30 91 Hero a a typical how you can more through our Golden Acorn 2000 Account month Acorn Account you need keep a minimum balance of Contact your nearest Metro Trust Office today Because your money should be earning daily interest for you GIVE US A TRY robcrt Gougeon To qualify for your Golden every day MetroTrust Metropolitan rust Can ad i Deposit Insur inn 0nt Si ion Mil Tel STORE WIDE JANUARY LIQUIDATION I Living I I Lb Everythin Must Be Sold Terrific Buys Thru Out The Store Save Up To Open Tues to Sat 6pm Thurs and Fri till 9pm Main St Downtown Georgttown ruber J on of Sum i School Tiler Hip Tien ihoir and people I rouehl down he house with Iheir skit Ihe Show The im ops with injoyahle sing and clown help the until thin follow id by a delicious buffet lunch with inehirfie ind in Iteid roup were in of the Hill of the tickets and of decorating horns Garnet Glen jroup were in All report a very enjoyable chiree or Hie food Paul evening to send off the old Hi Julinson s were in in the new one gifts and and vemng ended time lunch of donuts in United Church lull In Id their New I jnrlv it the Stew Ii n r if from reious years is llu is still the round in tin omnium with some people qu with The enjoyed ay SOMETIMES FLOWERS ARE THE ONLY WAY YOUR HEART CAN SPEAK Whatever your message Caff as Today and on its Way FLORISTS Mill St Georgetown All ExService Personnel and Their Dependents Are invited take advantage of a free Legion Service MR J TRAVERSY Prov Service Bureau Officer from Hamilton WIN Be At CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH At 1 P MONDAY JAN To give skilled advice on veterans benefits Anyone with questions on war disability pension war veterans allowance burnt out pension treatment or hospital care Is urged to call or H E HALE Branch Service Who will arrange an appointment PAINT AND WALLPAPER SALE MORE THAN 200 BOOKS TO CHOOSE FROM SOME OF THE MANY SALE ITEMS LISTED BELOW SALE FLEXOVIN PREPASTED STRIPPABLE VINYLS FROM WALDEC Rag 69S SGLE spted satin latex wail painl peinlure spred satin latex spred latex semi gloss enamel 6mail semi luisant latex Dfen20 inly odour do 0 lor ilj and woodwork gloss I up re SAVE White Pastel Colors SAVE White Pastel Colors Georgetown Decorating CENTRE MAIN ST S DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN