Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 4, 1978, p. 4

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1816 Home of Hills I A Division of Canadian Newspapers loniumy limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario II 11 BOH HI Meed more than guilt pit lines of iiuluni ptoplt I irgi fundus in tins of fitml iliildrm ml in Is in wink in tlu r on thin World vision it his ill aei Willi skills Ik iimstintlv In took birth pills us tin plight of tin rest lur two sons dud linn sin tier ttllr lift is in I mud St put on mil struts or hour liui i sinning irving In pictured nun illi JiuUhildrin Stirling r Hiked dist Elm tin piumistd tin would do gaunt from their persnnil ilu if hist lo kit p suns dm And mi fir survival Ihnliulilnm So lusituiHv tin Wire sun il wis successful hut Im nun in in In Iht int Hi it hud use method sin inlitid inlo with dot tors knows thin i ring world pros mil ion s of it mi hi ii ill i liu i king thttuirninillsloriluiL In smiling ihimis to World mi tint in touldfeil Hi r world mil ours lie i in iook Hood ist tin mi i to lur ttonnmit tlnsni us from And tliit responsibility for lit we t win helping kvond doctors pills in to more thin Ih it is milled sun it our tr nit policies muilenl dun turn In into btceir invwy shnwid us th il implic Hums of driving lit r itmK off tins firm- of Avilhgi hi r two son to in iv suimd i lukiipkr in Date ingkdish sons In in king ir ought our iniiiiunls worn inlotjki Ihtir for suddiul it s not plight but ours no mort I il is mid her slit kntn lining into il worn s is well did ihit will surely dm in ptopk for loo food r our of End illegal postal strikes positrons it tould miki strong nun in Hi it print r i Hits III 1 ml oil is i intial which our pmra rthlbi lo do inylhing l no lint indfod it In Hum his i ili Hunt iLd ins must In in was off message on economy Mini3krTrudiiu kid molivcs jnd lu in iv h id Hit proper whin hi us show f Ins w i hit li si tonlerenu to till us tint its for us lilt fail trusl th invest in Ilu tounlrv tti to but hopes could be destroyed if our filth it of jrniUh of in pioplt md ustimihk is of in on opinion v is til it I Villi is the i lit up in turrent is Is of it i rifili ritt on i few fa itlinn lie I jnd luh I It Sttll for uptoiUi kndinn tomort of confidence irks vicrt Hit gov ills But o llit prime mini hi tilt lit sti tor it when priottupud ilu rnnient own economic You will lhal more in u jro Auditor J J hi inninl report with dire irniiiK Ilu kdiril his losl or is lo losiiij effective the public pursL a not dtsignci fur lie purpose of inspiring fjltli answer to i ltoyil Commission on Financial Mi Account And be- us lo keep the faith Hill royal by Allen of the TorontoLJominlon Hank decided down in Interim report The answer to establish Commission on I ihilltv And just Trudi lukBMexlollintu in tin lint pub hit i iioiih llnl strviu too III I in his into i v If m md il pi rh shimlil i r turn lo tin old fashioned me 1 WMtMM tinned Inch spmilinK and Inch then will fnrtlii r dth Hi i o for Stout r in the dtp irtmt of indinduslry md Mow it lit is tin tsimminti of i win tin r Hit i ommi slim s gloom tint him If I I touldn he he replied adding there some Rood things as will askid Anyway tvtryllung its munhtrs wok vtry difficult to tonccntnik on Irudt ivanHiliui apjieil or faith hi is right it our it itonomk mv is pisiimhit hut lu lnii dm mi foil I it littk Hut Hydro line iiifHy livlor nun f lonlroirsinl rlglily timet 1 Jus 1 is not iltprivul lint i irj in slniltd tin Ilu run of ilu inunslr irli it us of shim mm mm Ins linn 1 prtdittr tin roups sink is tin rigid lor kiltlnif up of nueliar this Hirtioii of Hit and toiiHt for future 1 oplinnedftr r i inj furthir from collision i tins mouth of I l ix m or as Ion I 1 or ll itd out routes lineally more in i Capability It Slat also million for Iht sjxin nki i mill pendent study over years Is hat he behind the lint in Ihis lotalion would full public scruliny such near the southern it Milton Station is it noted on page of the si Hi The distance fnmi junction to the Station will short thus tin risk of rruption all i ircuils ibis Out Hydro look Ihis IHnll mil iw ill Hit Ssl Ihis will nolottur irs tlu in Unite Ion id J it tins point then quest of Hit mil In Hit Ministry of K J of Slaltr I Int submilttd topes in mid lJ77 prtsintuiK in in dtpth rizid study ill ft isiblt systems Using own a total forced ouligt is simulilid note mil Hie on sing hi a raid r ipabiliiy of il too wiih ill r Systt Hi lorsistm It islhi lowest il MD i out oi tht mulli in limit Station Using Hit link up grid isinvisjged in 19U3 or than that in Shi n would ruliiit thi from to the same us and udfiid bv Hydro is Hi it corridor must high avoid mil possibly pom r out i dip hue in IHI iJCi m loping md north Sides mil jil too mm In mi hi is on inhialhni when toui iritis Ilu I- sa mil Ilu on balance they offer belter in r ill pro h by Ontario Hydro HI If The public ifr of lth Government Ontario Hydro In having sptrtus ions from of Milton corridor Media coverage iiiinpkli till Hi ltd produit il Of undi rgrounding an corridor stems from Ihe J foot In width p which rutlil riuinrid for Hit in rill inki and Bruit a til it it Hill burgh in J7S and Acton in wis likrattly alerted whilst Hie other wis latt r recorded sufficitnt mnutndo and deletion of is to ikt it worthless in iiiui nt unking Without undue irror i st hearings may k discntud is In en expressly for Hit use and hint fit of Hit corporative legal prof ion AfiHinilTlItU 1NSAN1T Mmy idi ins sulfi r from fusion our w is illrihul wstiriy llinlk hi III in cosily ml halt ton is Hit hub jet studs and ingle ar To TAKS OR THE II itm I I II thi lur on fire I Hi i is robkry with Hi Ht s prohlim is 1 it Two ye irs in will have the unpad on Iho- boys as months any major hospital in the burn care The problem Willi the way we ileal with Is they hive to Hit full extent of Ihcir wrong I bill illy It tonvirttii tin pirl ding limits no in pirnrnpli is insirtitl iriur ruled in no limits In tin llrunsiiitk One mort blow misl in tin mil of Mi Int tan destroy a years teacher notes private possession Willi a Hung robiti rishluhon as as worlhliss Whit Is wrong n o III inn lb it boy is in prison is irs old surt tlfbtt IS guilt lor boy sill Ih is if if pi in slur iroitiid li l bill nut It i our skip to in luoiulhtlit I in iitdrtphi roup pouir huiiji ho light in hum int pin i Is for mil lunt up ilu is lib i ir in thm hit pun I sv to lull wiih in in Hum ill hi on milt in in shmld md il ik or any on nd fie txliti i si for tint miltir had physic stnsi for e I m would change In Iht Hit wo in young mm ibivt working in I burn litre might do for Hum thin tin cold gray walls of any 1iptr idffuis in the news and tht On inn I- inn r isn 1 taking isdy I uni r director David sud ftlmv pi opk bury their dogs belli thin ptopli want to bury Mr bill what good is then In burying your parents or any loved one in a funeral well beyond your won bring hem and I anyone yet who slid ihey lo he buried in only the money could buy lis usually guilt that bums the deceased In high finery for nil the kindnesses that should have been done but somehow were year to forget sIiimI i till 1 o fur nil for the living Ihe in prctlmii and me llitr Is wrong in a card ink ki I hid It Is outward appetirnnte sot by an industry llnl If my thing it would In Ihu it is i a slight was all i issiu in tin mil spin oils and inflation This prisnitetl Hit most mil confounding situation that tin provnut ol Out irto and si of Ilu li id lor mills is dont And stunning fnt I was tint i until he ilom Hiotit it for Hit at or most of Hit thin was mort or less for a lol of talk towards Ihe nil Iht year then was Hint the and Hie I beginning realize rent depth and radical of the problem I Ikrnl lend Smith had proposed hit hi fori lure be a prat lit alupproath solutions had to broken down Ik tonipom and these defined and hod Are there inditntlons were In this direction 1 jnr pollution and Amendment It sit up a whereby all major loo through an they be proceeded On the Impluyets and At I giving employ the righl to refuse work In mines was pissed Bill a expanded version of this act which will it lo all was given second ridding in the full and should become law in the spring i him affai in would sliengthu Hi isll lid 0 till ii piitmr hips Hut tins tin mil th i link slim our 1 i Mi nil first run No only v ill it it gime has been g in pi ins his resulted in nod for A continuing race to foolishness V in idi list nitht il Hit Heir mil Council it which Mil r ti Herbert and In sin or liiml win to Invs groupio proud s if futur low binds I- irv i house at i st hnsim is mil Hit Inn in hour litiriirc Ill to Acton their first At r w nil i top of 11 111 ml 1 Mo in of pionitrfinn is Ind II if mi r full tun Mayor ibkiis to on 1 111 111 1 mm p ul should deil ving to retii st fordtvelopiug it i south si sittion of town Next ill 1 IK i building and a li bogged in the of the In Ilu and Youth In a high school proved that youth in i k in revolt but the hundred in met are certainly dissatisfied with the llieir life in high school There Is evidence of lot of dissalisfaction here slated David pit out of the spcikers of the and sonii of it must tic HERALDS Phone

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