The of magnetism attracts Gall Gold sack a child at Maple Nursery School Gail and her nursery school chums worked indoors Monday afternoon keeping out of winter s cold snap ADVENTURES Til Wednesd Janua Snow wind cause havoc on area roads BEATON A pleasant joy Scaling the sides of the pyramid arc Wendy Thomas left and David McRonald both members of the Maple Nursery school Looking up from the Inside out is Billy Limehouse news By Mrs AW BFNTON Herald correspondent Congratulations to Mr and lira Joe Brook on the arrival little daughter at hospital In Milton on January Mr and Mrs Harold Brown hasted for about members of the Brown families or Christ mas dinner in Me Hall on Dec Christmas eve service of Carols was quite well attend Several Sunday School children sang at the church service on Jan Those travelling during the holiday season includes Mrs Sanford to Edmonton to visit her sister and husband Mr and Mrs James Evans Mrs Noble with the Jack Nobles from nlal Manor where she now makes her home Mr and Mrs ItDB had their family home for Christmas holidays Susan from Kingston Robert from Toronto and John from London all going to Toronto for Christ mas Day Mr and Mrs Gordon Quint on Mcaford the Jack Quint of Georgetown and Mrs Benton and Neil with the Bert Benton Mrs Glynn to Wood bridge and Kings The Rough Icy with the Rev Mackenzles in Acton Mrs Mills and Miss Helen to Barrie Mrs Mileham with son Fred Morgan and wife Brampton after entertaining the Mileham families at her home for lunch Mrs Mitchell with the John MlehlcstoMrs George Mich and family homo at Schom The Walter with the Longs eels at Mr and Mrs John McLaughlin had the Robert Lindsay family and the Alien Jennings of The Crichton With the Hal nes In Glen Williams Mr Sam Gisby formerly of Limehouse with Mr and Mrs Fred In Guelph Mr and Mrs on Booth entertained their families as did Mr H Norton Mrs Booth I president presided at the regular meet held the home of Mrs Benton on Thursday She wish all a Happy New Year and read The s Road Roll call The first home rcmem living In brought Intere sting stories from all Canada and to Germany After considerable discus a committee was appoint to plan a picnic and rally to observe July 1 on the proper day Ano I he I k Jan and the Summary Day will be Feb Bat Church It a joy be sen by a good v a I tress Women should be of waitresses if for no other reason than they can identify so closely and so readily I don t think 1 vccier had what I would call a really bad waitress 1 it because I think anyone who has job needs all the help she can gel and I try not to make her task any heavier Recently I had the pleasure of so impressed by a waitress I left her a note of appreciation with my tip I w is particularly tired on the evening in question and hid to before going to an evening assignment Her perception was marvellous The setting was a noisy busy truck stop and in the midst of all her duties she took the time to smile as she approached my table and to You look tired this evening what can I get to make you feel better Served She w as in like lynn I responded immediately by deling ever so much better this is often the way when ippeirs to care I have never enjoyed alone but this evening in particular was different it my was served as gracefully as you can serve meil Under those circumstances She chatted when she hid i few minutes and mindless prattle w is the conversation of an educated young woman which intrigued me even more Why on earth would a college student wait on ibles to make i living especially one who had taken i year off her studies to iuvc some money Her answer was simple she could make good tips and 1 believed her I made sure mine generous Since my happy encounter with Sue who I now must is one of my fivounte waitresses I have been curious as to how women can stand the job It been my observation they encounter all kinds of abuses In what musl surely be one of the most thankless jobs in the world their gripe Here are a few of the things I been told a waitress must endure bile performing her job Then are customers who actually Insult and waitresses by a penny tip under the plate Most waitresses would no lip at all to this mindless act Even when waitress is wearing a name tag she Is often called to the tible by a customer by such chauvinist terms as sweetie honey or Tools Can you imagine a waiter accepting with good grace being summoned is gorgeous or big boy When waitress is obviously swamped with work customers will insist upon being waited on first and then want her undivided attention even when others around them sit down first It not infrequent for a customer to say no thanks w hen offered coffee a glass of water or dessert then holier for It later when the waitress Is busy waiting on others There nre customers who Insist on asking quest the woman personal life and think she should be flattered when isked whit doing after work It my there are few waitresses who arc inter sled in picking up the customers they are there lo do their s period Dumb Many males have the altitude waitresses arc nothing but dumb broads and today that Is anything but the truth are full or part time students paying their way through school or who arc for Jobs us nurses secretaries etc but take employment as because of the flexible hours This take ire of husband children and housework as well as hold down a job Hiving the ability to smile and act pleasant when some clod at the next tabic has just Insulted you or ridiculed you must be difficult indeed I have nothing but the greatest admiration an efficient pleasant waitress and I think It about lime their efforts were appreciated Committee offers service club grant The Lions Club of George Thel ions club was under the town got a break Monday from impression that fund raising Hills finance events for the Men orial areni tratlon committee could use arena free of The committee decided that charge and so they stated in a since the Lions club had lost letter In which they also money on their Windfall a the rent cheque project to raise funds for their Committee heard that the pledge for the policy of free use for service clubs and other organizations lai Arena have of the arena for fund raising to paj rent of for the events had changed some time areni ago If they mode money Coun Roy Booth said it would be different The com mittee endorsed a motion by Coun Booth that the service club should request a grant from tin town While people In the midst of a storm always see the present situation as the worst they can recall an Environment Canada says we were in exactly the same at this lime last year Last year had same kind of frontal wind and snow in fields was drilling around Driving conditions were poor particularly In the Borne area where most of the roads were closed he said As of press time Tuesday afternoon a forecaster from the same government service predicted that the worst would be over by this morning Wind was expected to die down last night although It was expected lhal brisk winds would for the next day or so and temperatures were expected to rise slightly Hills works super Frank Morette sold workmen would keep roods as well as possible while the winds continued There wore no plans to declare any roads closed The high winds In addition lo causing difficulties with maintaining roads made ding futile Mr said The sanding is really doing no good Wc can use sail because it too cold he said Wc re only sanding for pcarancc sake at intersect ions and stop signs He explained that sand merely holds the snow to the Motto Growing Old Grace fully was well explained physi and spiritually by Mrs FTC Brown Mrs capably handled current Delegates to the annual area convention where the theme was Happiness Is Mrs Anderson and Mrs Kirk wood gave splendid reports The stall rcillied GO adult course and projects will follow new pat terns the convention place may changed to different districts pennies for friend ship brought 15 last year a retiremenl gift to Miss Mc Including a joke 411 was one of the two who had a display The meeting opened with My Old Kentucky Home ind Hills schools were open although buses were n t running The board of said they would play each day by ear and parents would have to check the by listening for letins on a Brampton rad station Ontario Provincial Police at Milton and that motorists stay off the roads No roads were officially closed but many west or Gcorgelown were barely pass able Men running lowing strvi la say cars from snowbanks than pick up the pieces of wrecks Fred Tolion soys that that do happen in this weithcr tend to be less serious Drivers seem down and they bounce off rather than inflict extensive damage The snow makes great bra kes he says and damage cars when they in a snowbank Superintendent wantr of the Regional Police said that drivers seem to be taking extra core There were a number of in the police files in which poor road conditions were a ficlor However none of them included serious injuries and only one included extensive property damage GO Transit rcporled lems getting buses through George town GO spokesman Tom Henry recommended trains as the most reliable method of transportation under the type of roid conditions prevailing or the pist few days Georgetown and District Memo ho reported no drostic Injuries resulting from storm Fuel deliveries by and at one truck was rcporled on a ideroad north of were being mid as usual although a few emergency mils came Sid Spears of has been run off his feet with emergency calls repair fur The high winds place a greater on the because of the constant opera lion and thus older furnaces tend to break down In cold windy weather Bad roads gave the rural mail carriers problems yest too Deliveries went through as scheduled to all the Acton mutes except rural route 2 The lower portions of Ihe Third Fourth Fifth and Liberals name officers Sixth lines received delivery but up into Erin Township near Highway the roads became impassible and the mailman had to give up At priss time Georgetown mailmen had not returned to the post office except the one for rural route who had to back because on accident blocked the road As Mr Morctle indicated the only thing can do with like this Is ride it The Brampton Georgetown federal I Iberal Association held its annual meet Community Centre The meeting called to of officers for 197B heir from the outgoing elect delegates to a Liberal Notional Convention in and to listen to guest Boss Milne New association president is Hon Nelson a Brampton resident and a teacher at Georgetown District High School Other executive members ore rank Allen ice pres dent Cameron Welsh secretary treasurer Callahan vice president of organization Whir Alice Walker vice president for Georgetown president Llcthwood vice president for and Sam Stubbs vice for Brampton The Brampton Georgetown was formed to conform to new federal restructuring of federal ridings Currently until the next election Ross Milne is the member for Peel Dufferin During the campaign he will be running in the Brampton Georgetown riding Because this was the association first year outgoing president Rick said said in his report that it had been a year but he considered It a success He stressed the association was In readiness if an election was called Delegates to attend tic I literal party national policy convention In Ottawa and were chosen at the meeting During his speech lo the association Milne told the members that The con will show where this parly stand on questions like national unity There will be some very fundamental choices lo be made At the convention attended by delegates and alternates every riding association across Canada policy for the parly election platform will be debated The elected delegates from the Brampton Georgetown association elected are Pat Rick Weiler Norm Bill Jeanne Milne Itob Milne and Lynn Callahan Alternates elected are Leithwood George Henderson Marg Whlttaker Brent Brook Pat McCorthy Linda Reid and Sam Ballinafad Herald The first meeting of the New Year for Women Institute was held at the home of Mrs Leo on the afternoon of Jan A Twelve members answered the roll call which proved be quite interesting w hen each had i beef which could be used for a resolution Members were pleased to welcome back Mrs Reta Short who through illness has not been able to as regularly as she would like Mrs Emily gave report on the Area Convention she attended in November Mrs also com mented favourably on the convention Mrs Marshall rcjorled on the Christmas boxes which she and her committee had she said around boxes of fruit were given lathi sick and this year Mrs Eileen Mcrncrj as resolutions convenor took over the meeting She read Ihe motto which had been by Mrs Ado Klrkwood It was One of Todays Weak is to Distinguish Our Needs from Our Greeds The program was to end in a J debate Resolved that the liberated Woman gets more satisfaction out of her life than a liberated woman It turned out to be a good con versallon Item and members came to conclusion if women were happy in whatever Ihey were do ng and were satisfied was nil that mattered V I Grace was sung and Mrs Marshall and Mrs Smith hostess with lunch An impressive Sermon was given by the pastor at the church service on Sunday It was simply Praying Mr Paul Sew sang beautifully Sweet Hour of Prayer Holy Communion will be observed Sunday Chimney fire Hills firefighters were called out to a chimney fire near Monday the first actual fire call since Nov of last year The fire was in the chirm wood burning stove at the home of Ion The fire was contained with no damage being done to the Champion Man Doris Langebeck of Georgetown On her left won grand prize as best dog In holding the decanter and goblet which the show it recent all dog show In were awarded to YoYo is the member of the the left of the picture Is the and District Kennel and Obedience judge for the show of School who donated the trophy Ottawa Holding Is his owner Mrs YoYo is a top dog OConnor declines Halton Tory ticket lawyer Ttrry Connor his decided not to seek Progress nomination for Hal ton riding in the upcoming federal election He said Monday that be is not interested for personal and family reasons Last year O Connor a for MP for the area Indicated he might be Interested in seek reelection Is currently held by Liberal Frank of In the 1074 election he defea led 0 Connor by votes Connor had served as MP for one term The only declared idldatc so far for Ihe PC nomination is Otto Jchnek Progressive Conservative MP for Toronto High ark Hum Valley riding since 1972 Ills riding Is being split Into four new constituencies under redistribution wanis to seek re election In because he was brought up In and most of his business and per interests are in rcg ion He was educated In Oak villes Appleby College has occupied an on Marlborough Court since lost summer and Is pre sident of Jelinek Cork Ltd Probe store opening laws Before Hill finance administration committee comes with the Issue of designating the town a tourist area so that certain stores can remain open on Sundays and holidays the wants report Acting clerk administrator Del mar French was asked Monday prepare a list of all the businesses In Hills may affected by a bylaw which would exempt a shop from provisions In the Retail Business Holidays Acl The exemption has been re quested by merchants in Glen Williams who were represent at the meeting by lawyer Clinton Banbury If Hills council does pass such an exemption however will apply the entire town Councillors criticized the re port prepared by former clerk administrator Douglas by saying It did not contain he list of businesses ihey for Mr Prlt chard noted In his report that the Act does exempt ill businesses where or handicrafts are offered for sale where the number of persons engaged In the service of the public does not exceed three at any one lime and wlcrc total floor space is thin square feel Chess Mess By BRIAN Marl The open chess lourmmenl wos held recently and with a couple of upsets Dave Nichols and Kevin come tied or first In the lost round Dave Vichols was scheduled to play Tony Smith He needed a tic against Tony Is last ycarschampim with Kevin However Tony decided that he did not have a chance to win the tournament because he had lost to Ken Marchonl early In the tournament forfeited his last round game to Dave which would hive left Dave winner of tourney and Kevin being out However tournament director Glen Emerson resolved the Issue by giving Dave a bye thus leaving him in a lie for first with Kevin After a closely fought playoff game Dave Nichols managed to beat Kevin In the mil minutes of the game become the fourth champion of the school open tournament Thcother upset of the tournament was the winner of the unexperienced division where Colin Brown in a win position fell into a one move male against Jenny Smith leaving Jenny the winner of the unexperienced Here Is the between Dave and Kevin which decided winner of the playoff game WHITE BLACK K King Indian Defense I do 4 Nd7 Black should not commit the knight so early as sometimes It belongs on would be better g3c50 practically winning for White Again would have been better 7 Nf3cd5 10 10 would be safer This prevents black from casting would have been safer for Black Kd7 12 13 BhB 16 Nxc3Rae819 Reel This leaves Black bishop exposed for the following Black advantage lies In his superior piece position if he allows White to trade off all the pieces white game Is at least equal If not Ng4l NG Kd3 Blacks king should be the vulnerable d pawn Ng5 ha Nf3 Nxf3 nt this point Black should be trying to trade off rocks and blockade the pawn with his opposite coloured bishop However Black forgot about this forcing theexchongo ltd Kd6 33 Hal forces leaving whites Queen side pawns hanging ItalaQ39 IlblKe540 da Giving up the passed pawn may be a mistake 47 Bd5 49 Kxd5 51 Kf3 At this point both were In extreme time trouble however white went on to win game foully play in Black s end game as Black should have done no worse than a draw Candida match Russian Grandmaster Victor has taken a lead against former world champion Boris defected Holland recently and has since become very determined lo meet and beat World Champion Anatoly of the Soviet Union Thai World championship match between and the winner of ihe Korchnoi match will take place later this year White PsaU4 gl Black gfi Nflth2 Black to play and win SOLUTION Nflch 4 Colic A Pekinese show dog belonging to Doris jngebeck lorgetownwon the over all prize for Best Dog In the Show at i recent competition in Brant ford Champion a earold mole who been entering shows since he w months old won the prlie over other dogs entered in the competition The show Dec was the Brentford and District Kennel Obedience All Breed Dog Show as he Is normally called won first In his class over 73 other dogs before going on to win a decanter and goblet set for his owner In the over all competition The Judge in the show was Donald of Ottawa Mrs has six champion female dogs in addition to YoYo also has three children two females and one male All three pups are for sale Weekend Special WHEN YOU BUY A BUCKET OR BARREL OF JAN1415 0NLY STREET GEORGETOWN