J 11 iojh REED QUEENS PARK REPORT OFA presents brief to Ontario minister By JULIAN DM Hal ton This week the long awaited Select Committee on Ontario Hydro Is beginning Queen Park and should run for at least the next year As a member of con directly affected by the Ontario Hydro expansion program to the proposal for corridors us the Energy Critic lor Opposition and tit a Member of the Select Committee itself it is our feeling especially during this time minority government that the recommendations resulting from these hearings will be most profound far reaching and will probably go down in history us the most effective and important Select Commit tit ever in Ontario Ontario Hydro has become a giant among giants being I hi lar employer in any in dnslry in Ontario placing demands on cap funding unprecedented in our history and directly or in directly homing an influence on the live of every citizen in Province The Select Committee work mil after a brief period for membtrs who are not fumilnr proceed to study tin problems of cost over runa incurred by Ihe I Corporation it thi Bruce These over runs were first brought to die attention of the people of Ontario by the of the Opposition early in Fill revealed at hit hit costs hid I the est mates up to list I about one hundred and fort mill on dolhrs There v ill be questions of waste on Hit job the of the I Corporation open ended contract the terms of the contract so on The second phase of discussion will centre the rccommendat the previous Select his made both Hydro Government reg Iht maximising and of Hydros system The Select Committee will to know what Hydro has done Ihc recommendil in how it is prepared logo whelhtrnr Over the past couple of years being involved with the energy question I lave developed an opinion that nuclear power will be part of our energy mo at least into the years of twenty first I am strongly of tht point of view that while it should its place in mix of energy choices it should not be allowed to become Ontario sole destiny thert are too many other options available which ire develop at he present lime and of course there is the whole question of both quantitative both at consumer level and at the utility level whieh will thread through the d in a very meaningful ly I of Important in formation gathere by Hit ion on eletlne pi inning under the of I will be cons by the Committee This invalu will Committee lo beef into the best of Ihc Commission Committee for i ye alike and no doubt will hive a j rofound influence on the direction of whole energy in order to improve contact with constituents illy during this very busy I scheduling regular off in at my office on S mornings rather thin on dtmind be Of my Secretary Mrs will be manning the office as al during the would The Ontario federation recently presented to I I r i William Newman Minister of and Food in res ponse lo Ihe itunistivs Plan for ill II Ralph he Vice President pointed out today hat the brief strong ly en Food Guide lo miinluin a secure and micnlly viable Industry for Ontario woul I for HAVE ONE ON US lie in opcr ition Willi McDonalds w to Inve irler Pounder on us bur next Ihree weeks e ich ly in I Her lid I will be w thriul Hill n Hills lookup f r invom we ring a lulton are will with Iht Poundtr il Ihc fit Murine If die of our spotters sees y we give you a for fret in form to you eligible to win a 1 of mid and a thante lowinonto12McD I Shirts font I of m i there over forty and when fully should im prove efficiency of the electric power generating a better cost Ire ik for con of r Included in this d sou on will be on Ih il of the etn utilitus versus more decentralised systems and it ih at this time that tht whole power corridor juesllon will be introduced It his been my consistent feeling that mor decentralised system would place far less pressure on need for gigantic power transmission ficilities also of the opinion in creased of el power by industry its encouragement In Hydro and would rtdut demand for these lines It is be hoped that nj debate the methods I tine employed for the selection siting of power corridors will recommendations made that hopefully will system of study selection and for any future power corridors If the Bradley fiasco is an example of best methods that ire bung em ployed at the present time then we certainly have room for drastic improvement then will be debate on the whole question of nuclear power in Ont There are outspoken op to nude power is there ore outs poktneopontnts A reeommendilion will lie mode to Government about the future of nuclear power There ore many important con lions The spent fuel waste which will continue to fur instinct Hydro have just completed Ihe purchase of short of uranium fuel from Mines which will by the produce tons of nuclear waste when I is expected to be used up Thtrc is the question of re processing a subject which is being approached with ex treme caution by many of the most learned nuclear people in the world at the present time A subject of a political power of a few highly trained technocrats who will he run our electrical power system If It becomes mninly nuclear will be the question or consideration and of course the health and safety aspect of the processing of the fuel Initially before It Is used in the reactor The safety of the reactors themselves of course will also be consideration It should be pointed out however thill of all the nuclear hard ware that la in use In the world today A Condu system Is without a doubt the safest and carries with It the best record of performance TO SUIT NEEDS THE HERALD 8772200 chicken lii in J I CARPETS UPHOLSTERY DURACLEAN SPECIALISTS SNOWMOBILES J SERVICE ROGERS SHELL 8778123 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS OUR SPECIALTY l ill 856 4771 EARLY YEARS 747 DINING LOUNGE Music no The Supper Hour Tlurs Sill censed 853 KECKS BEAUTY CHALET L NO 877 BIG DONS AUTO SERVICE Small 8778122 SUPERIOR RUSTPROOFING LAST WEEKS WINNER MRS THELMA McENERY MM St Georgetown id ell it v en the guidelines we must of most lb give any liireclion provincial or id lo Iim ly tlese same glide or politicians We mended Provincial Ijind Use Co mm Is lion mposed of Mr Barrio Another problem is the Code of present is far from perfect and it revision should be enshrined in Inwi as Is now proposed ed to Mr that f I iciice should only It el as a Mini their land use mi i Mr tinted out One of lie Ihe per lis future lo It ineinlivcs to redirect urban nd industrial in to with potrer soils Without this tin development pressures of the list lvenly yenrswillc Imd dded The O I m muiMhil hen of Ihe el I I eon HAIRDRESSING CRESCENT GEORGETOWN cph ZELLERS JANUARY colorful sale January 1214 Flannelette Sheets Tho Ri To Limit Aronelle Yarn City Fair Fashion Sheets And Slips Cty you or pretty I of gold no I nine TV Thermal Blanket Sayvlla Yarn Dvzzlo Yarn By Esmond SiyoMe nylon in 9 J ply colours colour 100 gm I DuPonl a