RELOCATION The Canada wide real selected real estate offices in commu nilies across Canada TORONTO LINE NESTLED AT THE FOOT of the escarpment on a huge lot on the edge of Georgetown Brick end bungalow format dining room llvlrg room with Credit Volley stone fireplace rec room and bar breoieway attached car garage Don t miss ihls one at TOO Call Herb HOW COULO YOU MISS this new J bedroom for 151 Real smart modern home boasting a fireplace In the living room end attached oarage Private back garden Is fenced and looks out on woodlands Mortgage all ready to take over A real buy call Reg Cooper SPARKLING NEW LISTING Brick and aluminum J bedroom home finished TV room L shaped I ving dining room fully broad loomed Super large lot Is any gar doners del oh Mature fruit trees Shrubs and hedge Listed realistically at It won last long Call June Carson Vat ONLY FIVE YEARS OLD only asking 155 BOO 4 bedroom solid brick new on two levels new decor wet bar fully fenced private lot Call Ross Irwin SPACIOUS BUNGALOW In Park area of town Exceptional bedroom brick con cosy fireplaces family room den cedar lined closets and windows make this home a must to see come view this immaculate homo today with George MODERNIZED MINI FARM on acre of good farming land Also huge barn and driving shed Asklng139 Vendor would liketoseeanoffer Call Val Taylor JOHNSON CARNEY REALTOR 8775261 FOR YOUR CHOICE OF HOMES INGEORGETOWNBRAMALEABRAMPTONMISSISSAUGAORANGEVILLEREXDAIiWASAGA ELGIN MEAFORD MORTGAGING TO PURCHASE TO REFINANCE TO CONSOLIDATE TO BRIDGE TO CONSULT WE OFFER A COMPLETE MORTGAGING SERVICE FOR THE HORSE ENTHUSIAST roll completely set up horses containing tack room etc You a home oiler you bedrooms large II room d room and kitchen finished room down detached garage All thli only HO Call Tena to show you bargain SIX SPACIOUS ACRES on edge of town with year brick end aluminum home Three bedrooms main floor den or 41h bedroom Attached garage double paved drive small horse barn plus heated Inground pool Many extras so don delay call Don today for In LOVELY OLDER storey brick home 3 bedrooms big front sun porch A great starter home at only 900 Mortgaging available For full details call Clara Brandt RAISED BUNGALOW Only 4 yea Backs onto area imma decorated and fully brood loomed 153 Call Taylor OVER ONE THIRD ACRE LOT Just on fringe town Older home for the handyman with large garage Beat high cost intown living Spring Is on the way enoy at mojphere of small town living for only Phone now or appointment George EXTRAS GALORE bungalow with Ingroui tached garage professionally rec room appliances drapes and more maculate home at only Call Fred BARGAIN HUNTERS DREAM listed low to sell The Vendor Is transferred from this super home A 4 bedroom large I wo car garage and big yard wllh pool plus a bedroom and a bedroom apartment to help you over hurdle of home owner ship Call Ross irw ONLY buys you a bedroom detached raised bungalow In quiet village setl ng Walkout from Kitchen Full basement wllh lots of potential Call June THIS HOME Is not a mansion but It could be couple or a single Situated only miles from Georgetown on beautifully treed acreage The price Is lust right to got you slarlod Asking 139 Call Parker SUPER BRICK BUNGALOW This bedroom well maintained home features aluminum soffits and Brick fireplace In living room attached end only 153 Call Millie Adams BETTER START LOOKING for that How about acres with huge century brick home with a bedrooms Excellent barn with high stabling Land Is scenic and mostly table with some bush and pond About to Georgetown Coll Reg Cooper WINTER WONDERLAND on the edge of Georgetown Beautiful wooded lot paved drive in living and dining room kitchen 3 bedrooms rec room llreplace built In bar Immediate possession Asking Call Herb COUNTRY ESTATE minutes to slorey solid brick family home Four spacious bedrooms delightful dining room fireplace Full open attic lor your finishing touch Lot site with barn and garage you re thinking country under call Don Jervle rlghl away EXECUTIVE 2 year old home In town Lots extras Family room with walkout and Call and I will take you this delightful home HILLS minutes to skiing and golf new custom built antique brick bungalow Four spacious bedrooms enormous en tcrtolnment sized dining room kitchen with all the flropaces washrooms sets glass walkouts double attached garage and more plus acre lot This extra ordinary home will suit the most discriminating buyer For more details and Inspection lust for Clara Brandt STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME Super brick bungalow on town Large mature trees All aluminum soffits and facia drapes and carpeting Included car garage Call Barb BUILD THE HOME Of your dreams on acre usl north of Georgetown Building permit available and lol partially fenced Asking Call Fred Harrison COUNTRY HOME from bedrooms for the large family or in suite Large ground Moor family room w beautiful stone You must see quality of this home Come view Clara Brandt CUSTOM BUNGALOW celling stone paved drive plus more so and stone two f room with floor to All this and 1 delay call Don Four year old brick end a It with sunken room family room stone fireplace Full finished basement double car garage and best or ail Is the price of only 000 Don local Tens MOBILE HOME Cheaper than rent and something you can call your own Is this bedroom mobile home ng fridge stove and drapes Ideal for young couple Best of all only To view call Fred Harrison COUNTRY SPLENDOR This designed home oilers many extras seldom found in a home under Fireplace In main floor room floor dan and laundry central vacuum Over on one acre with small barn or shop or horses Call Murray Baker VENDOR MUST SELL this Ideally located bod room storey home on extra large lot on quiet court An excellent buy with Immediate possession Don miss this Call i details right away Park Bill Ellis Manager 8777526 Herb Spitzer Don Jarvle Mortgaging Alice Pokluda 8770345 Millie Adams Reg Cooper Murray Baker Alex Glenn Ross Irwin 8772895 June Carson 8775926 SERVICE WE BELIEVE IN IT HILLTOP HOMESTEAD Rambling room spacious storey brick home beautifully kept with original charm 4 bedrooms targe kitchen family room combination stone fireplace formal dining room Good barn and shed on 15 acres Priced to sell Call Murray Smith Excellent town shopping SCENIC LOT Well treed over site and driveway fr this spectacular acre I Owners ground you always own homo built nd your plans and 3 TWO STOREY BEDROOM brick aluminum home on quiet crescent with ma floor room and walkout to patio landscaped A home lor or SPRING IS JUST AROUND corner so If you re planning build now Is the time buy and acre parcel Tree lined wllh bush back Asking 900 Call Parker COUNTRY RANCHER Huge living room country kitchen room fireplace den for Dad ched garage Jusl north of Georgetown I acre lot with photogenic Im llato possession Full price 179 900 Call DOLLS HOUSE In shape bedroom 1 storey on lot close lo down town It s small but cosy and cute as a button Listed at Comoseo wllh Ellen Hogg BRAND SPANKING NEW lust waiting lor you to loll us how you would like It decorated This 2 storey bedroom garage Full ask ng price 173 WORRY FREE LIVING can be yours in this splc span fully air condllloned spacious 3 bedroom In beautiful area close to all amenities Full ask ng price 147 Call A J Glenn to see this one otters bungalow on lol backing onto open elds and trees Home has large oat In kll lovely stone In living room Partially basement a I pc bathroom Asking 900 Pokluda BRICK outside as well as inside rustic look to this custom built ere lot near Georgetown main level master bedroom built In brick Come to with Alice USE YOUR IMAGINATION to picture the home of your choice on this beautiful treed serviced lot In one of the best area of town will build from your plant or ours our plans you still get choice of ceramic tile and colours or drop In and talk about your plans with Murray Baker SPRING IS CLOSER than you think and It you ere building your dream home this year now Is the time to look lor tho perfect building site and you will look a long time before finding one more attractive than this acre parcel mature hardwood Asking Call Murray Baker COUNTRY RETREAT acres partially cleared Modern contemporary home bedrooms main floor laundry living room Central air and many more features Cell Barb or Info iTTTIiritPT accommodate air basement unfinished Right In town on extra large lot Come see with Ellen Hogg 9B ACRES It room brick ho view Excellent shape for restoring staircases large bank barn with stabling for horses or cattle soring fed pond 25 acres Vendor will hold good 1st mortgage Spring possession Call Murray Smith WONDERLAND Inanyseason ft of genuine quality throughout this fantastic home on rolling acres lust 15 mlnules from Brampton on paved road Call A J Glenn to COUNTRY LIVING i Georgetown Three bungalow with tlreplaci and completely bedroom ranch attached garage room with bar IN LAW APARTMENT helps ease the cost living In this homo until someday you can take over whole area yoursalt Good eat in kitchen living nd dining room 3 bedrooms Layout downstairs equally suitable for large family needing Asking 500 Call Alice Pokluda for more Information BRICK fl ALUMINUM bedroom large living room with brick fireplace full divided basement 2nd fireplace Partially finished main floor room Good aero property wllh small barn Ideal lor horses Call Barb lor further details Clara Brandt Barb Dunleavy Parker George Taylor Murray Smith Acton 8777731 Fred Harrison Ellen Hogg Kroezen 8772722