was wise Home Newspaper of Halton Hills JANUARY 1978 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 103 Main St South Georgetown L7G Ontario Publisher BOB Editor Mall RcgnlirfO Number OH Lets crush pollution nations today are Iruly indtpcndent Hi is most of he world countries in in very much interdependent They mi I t ich other and this is so in the ise nn idn and he United Stales hi iloui between these two countries our Great Lake pollution fur mslanct twist with to extend the scope of IK to the problems of pollution in a Lakes ire being ought on both sides of the border Cities towns and mumcipilitics are building new sewage pi mis Tht United Stiles is considering a ban mi pi lie- in detergents nations Tilt pollution targets tin here differences exist Is In the of pollution police work The I mild St His is set king at least on paper a nitlitultius of anil pollution by all communities officials siihdirdsto govern discharges into iilribuiiry rivers whose iters eventually inlolhiGreil lukcs Thismiy hit it mikes sense immunities industries would then lint a lctil ohhgilion to gel discharge from lilt fedtnl Government in bifort lln mild dump or wastes burnt ixperls say this is going too fir Ihtreshtllt need lo worry about ivory small low or pulp mill so long as Hit ir effluents do degrade quality of the Pollution is something tint must controlled in the Lakts also in tht rivers flowing into these lakes and indeed everywhere else This is a serious global problem Ihnl his entirely by pressures Vi ttndlo forget that a million years ago rclitivcli brief period in our plnnet Ihore were but i ft it thousand people en They were doubling lOOOOOyears Today Inert are more thin billion ptople tin lurn of the will be about J billion in help control Hun is tht result of material bent Ills people halt sought and gained Now Ihtri is caused by too many pcoplt demnnding too many and services ind then being too illeduc or too unwise In ipfuie tht The of all this is CRUSHING It HID Of The Herald 1 don w nit a big dial of it but I somth iw doubt our federal mint spent wisely when It dislud out toll Hit outlook for tin pi a Hit study of Is not a It mdj limits but In thtst limes of restr s m- like a big hunch or bucks And since Hurt an fewer than in Hie country and since study was dene by w of nuistmunairi I think the government should have shopped iround a bit before letting this I am nut sure why this contract sticks in my He knows there arc greater examples of coming to light day tor instnnti I prob should get worked up it the spending fur and isscssmcnl of the slaliof Hit art iilm id is of ships led ipptiid ies And I old rl likt to know mort ih it tonlr for feasibility of r dispatch fur pit kup In 1 of urban I know tbi pi mil of urbui goods is impi rt int lo in but I think 1 old inclined question the pon rn ll WOO with the problem in si limes of 1 suppose it s tun to governtntnl Mould gum it grant to University 1 lo a In Hum in in Perhaps Multicultural Mil i- dead when he this choir will contribute to academic life it a iUtstun of whether we can these immt isur ible mil 1 would sty that we art not in dm need of an evaluation of the Impact on tin reading dibits and of of Hit Cultural bonus wc iregetlinglt And the government Hut the was lit as a result of in proposal propo ils arc being for studies into of Ihe The one Is costing us only thai cash in government circles am just why we need of manual on code of practice or hways and for i t by fu Id per writing various provincial hljhw the it should be possible to pick up the good without too much expense However I mi beginning hen My ordinal today is lhat there Is rather uncertain for insect experts It here is some of the inftrmilion from lint under I iking pilt the d aura of in v in the some optimism wis reported that their expertise Will be s Hie first time I hove ever heard that Ihur wis not Rut liiiiifleirntdthis I im to i Ih kind to In supporting Hi s rnment he it v is is providing a useful model it hi employed other to issc the supply dun situation in thtir profession Now just it lick mi witch roll in With that kind of invitition I the government will be swamped Willi for studies into the career t every dlscipl me sword sharptnint lo eel skinning buy tin esliois Global effort needed is still killing the I ind feeds im ereeping rcnnin one of the ert11 problems that seem to defv solution The challenge for mankind is hither we halt whal the scientists call desertification or we risk the prospect of even greater food shortages in future decides do not just happen The ruins of in the Middle East prove it poorly managed agriculture and urban deslniyed lands ifo moving people and an area before its vegetation lestroved would save the land in fu Mars But far too often by livestock overcoming of forests abusing wntcr resouries and improper tillage killed millions of acres of land recent conference on spreading robi Kenya wastoldlhat of this planet land iurfice is desert or semidesert Land is being dtnuded destroyed at rate of million And unless the trend is sloped a third of the arable land amiable us lod i will lit lost by the turn of can do about othtrworldl deserts like Ihe the South in deserts They look fascinating from or in films They hue a rominlic pari In liter dure in fact they grim symbols of the way men misused this planet The first need is slow rcclimation of deserts through rtplinling and Hon programs The lowering of birthrates and more development from richer countries will help So will education since poor people in those countries like we in do not know lo use their land wisely The creeping desert can be halted Hut will lake a global effort by ill nations great and small nations alike Solving todays problems VCRV SCHWARTZ BUT TO A MAT MEAN GOO Intense politics in but no Ontario vote MIS Park Hurt HTIirllrrjkl inn iclivily Hi perh behind tin Minis seems will III it thtrt will he in Tin 1 is might ant out Tli Ixrals though on the mint ujiw in be in it Iht it then irty is on ind i strong undid in sight this neuter Mi the leadership con ruiuint bus consider this i to ll people Hut learned in I June s vote that tin dotsnt like whit it considers And of ink by IcgislTfiie in He is milling known now m the it rce rejection of the nermntnl by I hi mil could conn in ill Tin is due to in Neither opposition party will ml ihis But iht government probahlj will tome up with II hirdU be keen on fighting an lion allout on rent control a motherhood TORONTO OILS there should be other action Thi government has to find at least The generation gap which caused such a fur still but the problems that face young people are I the same face everyone and wed gel solve them or human is in danger the most profound statement one n ghi I considering where it comes vir con meaning for us all In ion for the fourth World Synod of p hch is just under way in j he ad or the an delegation Mr fti of he synixl is he and ho lo m Carter sent oul a pie in his rchdiocesi lei him d hi told hi rt in Thi gap is cause south are as pornogripbv drugs as art their parents Thiy ire confused and opposed to much of the church official teaching about sex II is loo and rigid They find Ihe official teachings boring and irrelevant They long to see a world in which justice racial and peace hold is clear alienation from the structured church same lime there is a deep One young person said I pray in church 1 talk to God a lot Interestingly enough the retiring mod of the United Church Very Wilbur Howard told the of his church the same Hung people yearned for God that was relevant just and litey finding It In existing church structures ll seems ax lhal Instead of i about youth living by a sexual it is not ours we should them slop and lisltn The problems of skiiIj ihil make adults as dependent on chemicals or relief from tension as our is ore the same problems younf face As irter said we re all in he and will sink or survive r Violence rears its ugly head By ft IUIY Violence we turn in so today some aspect of our lives Whether here at home in Hills or in n thriving metropolis violinu re Its ugly have become accustomed to continuing the ugliness the diprnvlty we merely nod tin held in token it lie violent even the word ilself his a sinister sound a shrill start then it ends Only a few years tribe of Abongirieswereeiiscovercd a culture tint survived without acts But modern man took the well In hand and invaded lilt Tasnday and will soon take Us loll The culture of id offers substantial evidence thnt man is no violence and aggression as Tories bounce back in latest polls Hurra Of The Herald good of help from public opmnn plls there his been a remarkable eh within the Tory caucus during few months You don he ir any more of those snide remarks iboul Hit leadership of Jot Clark nitre no whispers of Internal There doesn seem to any more of lhat brooding about the inevitability of a Liberal in the next election The parly appears united And Tory MPs seem quite Three months ago on the hand you could easily gain the Impression that the Conservatives might not hang together long enough to fight another election Clark leadership was under constant criticism internal factions were gnawing at each other Prime Trudcau was being swept down along on a pinnacle of popularity and It npptnred that mosl Tory MPs 1 Inm the slightest hopes of ever ruling the How the Tories hope to win an tleelion when only per of population supported the parly compared Willi an astonishing SI per cent for the And only 10 mouths earlier Tories had It all over the Grits leading by a percentage score of Its little wonder he party suffering from severe bout of pessimism And to make matters worse many of the Tory MPs were convinced there would be a fall election resisted nil pressures for a fill vote some of his advisors art inuoyed by this and gridually the public pinion polls begin dunging Tht figures show that the I iber ils now are down to per cent and the hive up to per And alter long si ignition around 15 per cent the Ntw its hive bounced up 18 per tent Sinn the I in igcd lo sweep lo majonly in Ihe lJ74 collecting ptr cent of Iht vole this 1 pull I indicate Tory lory Ihi in But In relation lo list summtr there is for si me jubilation We II be ihead by spring said lory MI been mil i Joe irk critics Joe is doing rent A of and mfl won conlnbuli much I ibcral forluni and now stems to be widispread feeling it Trudenu won I tall an iltctiou until fall when I is to Improve The for Economic and llev has said that Canada is facing gloomy economic until middle of 1978 and that unemployment may slay very high HITS- WW his recently been devoting most of Ins speeches the economy hammering the government alleged lo create Jobs and hold down living His supporters say he has been highly sutttssful In respect and a major reason for the party s popularity Another reason is I p irlinmcnlafy ligui pea ring on television In October Clark has appeared for more confident and en us a leader He litis come off well in his confrontations with Trude and mail coming pirty lit irters reflects this Apnrl from pi well Clark enjoys he intnge of hi ing in the opposition so he is on tin offensive while govini menl rcpresenl in to defend positions Television Is easy on prime jIviii normal tyclkal of opinion polls could be i turnarounds before election in the meantime Tories are enjoying somt long enthusiasm as they close ranks around leaders and slap each other on the back They arc like a bunch of I in rent of his nature The Commission on Violence has tost tin million during Iwuyr This large and hi fly figure included rather high costs or I meals limousines and other expenses lint ijer the imagination When on I ixpayers much slipped ihrouth the of the commission it might lend to the fire ind spnrk a little bit of violence of Its Of course we can place all the blame on the commission government commissions cost and us ith nil government spending is accepted is not corporation funds where you iccount firm but the I Hint is footing the bill so Hit skys the limn enough on commissions fwh it wi know lire exists Violent ammdless rage system lint Ins min nr umber on nsocnl security card blob in nn lineup a broken hum in bung lying in a senseless stupirin i ited youth in a frightened teacher and studmls lint re illy tin class Violence is mindless rage from in immature whose doe cry anjmorc lies Ihtre with an animal whimper a mindless rage from n white collar executive whose buttered wife tries softly behind the locked bedroom door from a society his lost Ms worlh Atls of vintl lhat shout loudly of the of our youth today Bul these louder still of what has our youlh of today to respect Teachers thai openly express their dislike or the studenls Teach who openly express fear How can any el function when there two opposing forces at work us against them No longer unit lowirds a common go il of knowledge How can people in work function for good when art two opposing that loudly procl s manage mint It igainst it us ajainsi litem Twenty ye ago a students read today they tell us first year university students arc illiterate Whin con Irol was taken from teacher in the classroom and each act of individuality is viewed i for Ihi office the sroom lo function is i the classroom i ixpcrnntecoistd to Violenct i twofold purpose like pain it serve as a warning device The teacher that uses a strap as a warning device says enough is enough is using the is the violence or i Centennial high school Incident leaves trnil of bodies anil a trail of blood One is n needed the other is a mindless r As pain tells our body something is wrong small imounl of force is for loo much force becomes self destrue live as feeding oil to flame Our people Hit Inuil a legend of how Great Being Ined to ike people His firs attempt was a failure he midi the whiles The second the il succeeded he made the limit human beings As long as we have whiles and hi teks red and yellows rich and the poor the strong and the weak the Intelligent and Iho hick wnrd violence will remain with us Ihrough and the time of the human beings begins violence and destruction will and human beings will live together with respect for one nnolhcr Basics being Inside man you take lhal which Is inside Nor can you legislate on human behaviour again It comes from Ihe Inside Being born entitles every mnn woman and child lo human dlgniiy and Is human dignity will the lack of It that will destroy mankind Looking through our files Titiitrv I- will hive an auslenly prog ram fur tht few ye irs if predictions of iyor Gibbons in his Inaugural address council art Mujor pro Jeels in 1947 will boost Ihe lux rale by per cent this ycir the estimitis ml he recommends that only iry expenditures consistent with esse ntlal services he contemplated in immediate future 1 Col James was burled with full In Greenwood on allien who had resided lor the past at his farm Georgetown on Wednesday Jan to stroke no ttie previous Sunday Hill Is expected to hick flying for North Wing airline within the next few diys Gonl been spending rtcoviry period home following his from Islands Hospital In Northern Quebec where he token when pi me he was Hying crashed at ake dm lunding apparatus I resulted from a fire New Day at the home of Kay Bowers William Firefighters were called in to ihe house when in back of a kitchen gas stove broke into flumes The was put out Immediately limiting damage the wainscoting and a charred portion of the wall above Iho stove Marketing production facilities for the Howard Smith Division of Pulp and imltcd have been nt- for ilei Ihese in the il Tin si its hold now hold firmlv Soil ins toll kio Hit urban and northern eitslh lids i number of which willb injKP lis in lie to do si me work in Ihese ml rating To win I the parly would in I rt seats it is I tint even hope to d Ihis would lo make a substantial Toronto sials And its prospects nren I encouraging Tin has never been a happy fir it ilK in recent limes its best is five sens it i tin of losi vvilh the Toronto voitrs ilso wilh The look a vale of f It Id which dominates lodiv is simply isn it home Ils w June And it is with of who will shnvil in fmt steps of Stephen Lewis slriw in thi wind is that labors the coming minium who ihink the pnrij could nearly in not It also is si ils it holds firmly personal or perhaps as 1ohtic il futures a great improbibli but a foresight it is possible to si perh many ears of continuing mini The Editors Nolabook that loday is your op Tomorrow is fellow William Feather renamed Fine Papers lid The change became effective Jnn The Howard Smith name will continue lo be used as promotional Identification for some of the company grades of fine papers The of is pari of a program lo the corporate style of all In the Domlar group of a 150 feet lower lo topped by a television signal receiving aerial storied Monday near Camp Nerval at Georgetown eastern limits The tower Is being built by Georgetown Cable TV Ltd to bring cable television service to Georgetown homes of Georgetown was unanimously elected Warden of Tuesday Counly Council Warden Bill first entered council In 1960ns councillor He served as deputy reeve from till becoming reeve in 1906