Page THE HERALD set for Jan at Percy Merry school Merry innl W off Trafalgar ltd its Jm I lo5pm Activities for he ily InUudt Cross country skiing volleyball loom moving folksinginj I folk dancing Si John Ambulance Milton in ixhilnts ends litpla anil sale including bin mi to festivities local sculpt ork is bought mil intern illy will dun ill iitlini Mr 1 NEW FIREFIGHTERS EXECUTIVE Members of Hie Kalian Kills Volunteer infiRhtcn Association Area 2 elected its executive for 1978 are front row ID Paddy Woods Bill Cunningham District Chief Ace Bailey District ImentChlef Bill BarbcrtCapiain Jim iFire IVluiiih Minn IT ml Tom Secretary i Mayes isurcr rife ON THE HOME FRONT A commentary on identities Del- I- Did you happen to read the feature article in the Toronto Star recently depicting Hit sad plight of the young wife who claims to have lost her identity since becoming a new mother Which identity la she referring to Presumably she has been labelled a wife for some time so that has not changed Mil daughter a sister her siblings and a niece or to various relatives The only loss I can and I do not know the young lady is that she has probably the identity of being Mr So and So secretary or worse still his girl for the old and honourable title of mother Whit this particular jounf mother has yet to discover is the broad ranging title of mother will provide her with so min identities she eventual lose count of them A mother usually becomes in expert in the behavioural sciences first She soon learns to stop worrying over the little tot who insists that mushing a fistful of peas is more fun than eating them learns that Washed sweet potato Into the hair promostes a healthy shine and consoles herself tint he fine the child is developing will make in outstanding student She will become proficient actress able to switch from the demanding tenia t ion of Santa to Tooth to faster Bunny i thou 1 having to first study role motivation The mother will necessarily earn the title of shortorder Please clear hydrants Chief sin The Town of Hills clear snow away from fire hydrants So much lime can be lost looking for a snow The ability find a hydrant might mean the difference of a lifetime In someone trapped in burning hous Chief Holmes also states that during winter months the threat of fire increases greatly because of the amount of timt indoors People art having all sorts of and get togelhers at this lime of year and because of the festive season arc perhaps a little more careless about where we drop cigarettes so forth Our firefighters enjoyed i quiet holiday this year and would like wish everyone a fire safe 1078 took It possibly will not bo of Cordon Bleu calibre but will sufficient to keep neigh bourhood children from Her reputation as a culinary guerrilla will also become fi established as her skill at Invisibly concealing spinach within smirt in tie world h is kid hi raonu until important Is will you snip ripidly back ith No wi s di nitty I don know i Star I hive more than I can handle I considering going to work for the sheer joy of bicoming a complete She will master the art of nursing and learning to between a genuine temperature and a school ith test when the child wakcr of from broken leg an onset of the black plague A mother can soon lay claim to being a schizophrenic and with only a little practice mentally transport herself away to i world of Tony candlelight and wine when the children insist on ixpliuning in full detail at the dinner table how they I a frog in science class that day it is identity with an of Lille that you are looking or relax You will eventually and inevitably become president or chairperson of everything from the A girls minor hockey brownies and home owner association to chocolate bar sale coordinator ind hawker of cookies This one also leads your taming he rank of official family chauffeur earned in your spare time via music lessons ballet classes baton wirhng and driving through roads six feet deep in snow to find a ski hill You will become a computer Your mind honed raior sharpness will need to be reminded that while likes corn and peas but not sprouts abhors peas and only wants beans It on the other hand easy turning up his nose at everything except Kentucky fried chicken or pfna When your young teenaged daughter comes breathlessly flying through the front door with the news hat the tallest YOUR WEEK AHEAD By Look it those ileitis you plan to Mar Apr discard A surprise is in store Take id vintage of opportunities present TAURUS Apr IBMay Gr MINI t An unusual person is seen on center June in circle of friends and present a problem for you I Avoid getting Involved m mother person JulySJAug problems Stick to the job welcome VIRGO Poor judgment on your affects part Aug ncrship finances Slay ilert avoid the inevitable I told you so LIBRA Impulse buying can be on the budget Sept Put week SCORPIO There may be i slight upset the Oct first of he week You can overcome it quickly by sound thinking SAGITTARIUS matters should Ik tended to Heed Nov Dec a warning from one concerned about your CAPRICORN Expansive on the job could impair Dec good judgement Success could prove costly AQUARIUS Be of those whose thinking Is at Jan IB your own They could be right you know RYDERS TV SALES SERVICE TOSHIBA QUASAR HITACHI MOORE PARK PLAZA Serving Acton and are RYDER TV MOORE PARK WW GEORGETOWN MARKET Next to Golden Fish Chipt WITH YOUR HOLIDAY FILM PROCESSING Kodak Fuji Agfa Prints Only YE USE KODAK PAPER FOR THE GOOD LOOK By Youre Eligible To Win GIFT CERTIFICATE Draws to be held each Friday in Jon RAIDERS VS YUGOSLAV FEB IS TICKETS HERE seen in the Toronto Heal ite on Yongi One of bis bronze murals the all building nearParhamentllill Mr has two children in Percy Merry and he is a member of the Home and School gifted artist rich will demons rite how he carves sugar pine and bass wood into delicate figures inimals in and New pioneer fig ind scenes Mr pursues his in his Bra ma lea workshop He his living is maker at firm in it Inner of wood mil illy hi does Homer he ids of the Music Department at the lersilyofCuLlph performs in i disco club in four nights a week He ind thi have produced lw reeords Maple ind Canadian Fiddler Music forSyeirs She Is a memlwr of the Guild mil for his disphved her work at tht wnh Hie if She Ins w fxtensnely Ontario Mrs Wills is an exec member of the Hilton 1 me anil Sell but pre lull is self taught and be will perform with mo of which his lee mist Mr rd in collects moles anl stands firms in ft Iks ns Hon with I rolhy BUSINESS DIRECTORY Robert H Cranfield CHIROPRACTOR row ROY H EVANS D C Chiropractor SI Phone PROF THE HERALD 872M1 UWhllHf Dr RRHamilton OPTOMETRIST TELEPHONE CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTOR Dr WB Foley OPTOMETRIST Suite GEORGETOWN 7770 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Goebelle Wagner E Clipsham Limited Co tticiit f is Georgetown Lions Hall you are Invited to a PREVIEW MEETING of the DALE CARNEGIE COURSE For years you heard about this world famous Course and the extra advantages It has given so many people Here Is your opportunity to find out more about the Course and the benefits It can offer Plan to spend a fun filled evening to see how the course can help you Here are a few of the the Dale Carnegie Course can offer you Increased confidence in your own abilities to meet lifes challenges Build new and better relationships with your business associates your family and friends Greater skill In expressing your ideas effectively interestingly and convincingly Plan now to attend this free preview meeting The Dale Carnegie Course can be an enriching experience offering rewards immediately and in the years follow Thoyve discovered how to enrich their business and social lives Through tht Dal Carnagi Cours Improve my public However that I aspect of my WALTER Executive ICO Furwjrdlna SANDY WATSON creased sett confidence thi alill to relax and be myself and get know FREE PREVIEW MEETING WEDNESDAY JANUARY 11 Georgetown Hall 802 PM FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 8772201 Start the new year off right FRANK BANANAS Treat your family grocery budget to these specials from Joe and Frank USA No 1 Bunch JOE SCIBILIA 3 FOR CARROTS CHRISTIE E PLANT SECTION CUCUMBERS ICE CREAM RUBBER TREE uc tf BREAD PLANTS 4 6- PLUS MANY MORE SPECIALS G We are Open Sundays I ST 1 Eatt of th Form Store 8778882