Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1978, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Halton Hills JANUAR IB78 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 103 Main St South Georgetown Ontario ILL1AM V Publisher BOB Edllor PHONE Second Clan Mill Let us see the proof of Acton who wish save and restore their old town hall have our complete sympathy and support in the worthwhile endeavour For a town as old as nol to have a visible munjimnl to its heritage and the town hall is the last remaining slruclurc of that heritage surely would be an injustice who made the town and those who are going to make the town Common sense weeks of heavy snow and icy roads seems have brought out the worst thought lessness and insolence buried In studcnl population as they saunter down main roads side by side seemingly daring drivers to avoid hitting them Drivers don blame students for not using uncleared sidewalks If they would walk in single file Its their arrogance and or trust in a driver sabihlylomuke unexpected slope on roads so treacherous that even don I always work The prospect is I In of Acton hard work before Ihem to raise the needed to restore Ihe building lo a can be proud of and Ihe stmitureat the focal point of life in town And he key to raising this groat sum surely must be in to operation Jut lo ilus remarks by the chairman of ihe loan hall committee lhit regioml government is something mure dictatorship by a majority destm of Maybe for a little common identifiable and independent personality in its on n historic right cannot be regarded by an one as designed lo closer lo goal In fact the tasteless comment has had just Ihe in that local politic appear deal with someone capable of such and And if indeed there is an insensitive diLlatorship whose goal is destruction of The Herald will be glad to print Ihe proof of it It would be our duly to do so Bui we believe that there is no such thing and never was and thai unless chairman can prove such allegations the people of Aclon who wain see tow hall brought back lo life i thriving of winch they can proud the chairman would be serving Ihem well by stepping down Heart disease stroke a billion problem These days most Canadians are aware of the better known facts about heart disease and stroke They know that these are diseases of the heart and circulation system and that the major cause of both if hardening of the arteries particularly the hearts own coronary arteries and the arteries of the brain They know thai heart disease and stroke kill more Canadians each year than all other causes of death combined and that more than million Canadians have some form of these diseases Not so widely known perhaps is he fact that heart disease and stroke cost the economy well over billion dollars each year and this only in those costs that con be measured with Home degree of accuracy Because of the lack of adequate information on private hospitals nursing homes nursing services and other factors many costs have been omitted Nor Is Ihere a way to measure the emotional and financial drain on a family when a member Is affected or the cost lo business mid industry of highly trained men and women whose careers are prematurely ended by heart attack or stroke of these omissions the billion dollar figure is grossly underestimated How is billion dollar figure arrived Based on a two year study supported by the Canadian Heart Foundation and headed by a prominent economist it is estimated that lost wages and production account for over one billion dollars and of course there is a corresponding loss to provincial and federal governments in taxation Another BOO million dollars is accounted for by hospital services while physician services and medications account for the comparatively minor sums of 190 and million dollars respectively This then is the annual cost to the Canadian economy of our maor health problem Because of this financial emotional and health burden the Canadian Heart were created during the last twenty years and ore now matched by national Foundations in many other countries with similar problems All have one objective in mind the elimination of heart and S of premature death and disability This lias Riven rue lo intensive to find the causes eures and means preventing Ihem our research have made outstanding tjintn but Jons which fur exceed we might have expected from a comparatively small scientific and the dollars available to Among the pioneered in aiiaiia are irnnularheurt rhythm iVwiary to Improve blood supply to the heart own replacement of heart valves by human valves coronary care unit in hospitals which have reduced the death rate among those admitted to hospital after heart attacks by a surgical procedure to correct one of Ihe major defects resulting in hluc babies and hypothermia technique for lowering body temperatures which allowed the first limited surgical entry the heart An additional dividend has been that the level of excellence in our scientific com munity has enabled us to benefit quickly from research advances made in other countries These include lung machines which made open heart surgery possible artificial heart valves organ transplants artery grafts prevention of rheumatic heart disease cardiac catheterization angiography arteriography and new techniques for treating stroke and reducing disability Finally research has helped identify those risk factors which play an important role in the susceptibility to heart attack and stroke and this has opened up the of reducing the present loll of premature death and disability As a result of the successes in research outlined above the emphasis has gradually turned to the two mam problems still racing us hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure These conditions are the major factors in heart attack and stroke and about 0 per cent of our total hearl research effort in Canada is now concentrated on them Significant progress is being made and In some areas we appear to be close to breakthroughs of major importance In Ihe area of stroke research en progress is being made towards improved treatment and possible prevention through the use of drugs and surgery Con currently we are achieving greater knowledge of the basic mechanism of high blood pressure on he one hand and the means of improving patient compliance on These are essential elements In controlling this imporianl factor Fxciling developments have also been taking place in studies of drugs inhibiting the fo platelets and plaques in the blood vessel walls the prelude to heart attack and stroke One of the drugs being is the common aspirin Important work is also being done in several centres on Ihe problem of heart rhythm Irregularities and sudden death and the development of improved invasive techniques for early detection various heart condition So the tie goes on On one hand we have the implacable enemy Ihe group to heart disease and stroke one in four of our adult population and too much premature death disability On the other hand we have a dedicated group of mostl supported by publn donations Fund seeking llie answers to the remaining problems II the result the past are any Indication of we would appear lo a sonable chance of controlling disease and stroke in the foreseeable future TIMS What happened to Peter Pan Whatever happened to that bubbly chubby handed little who came run in with a slightly t rumpled book shouting gleefully Dog Sic dog Where did that soft bundle of curls that holds on tiiihlv to her favourite while dragging Teddy by one paw with the other hand and shouting to me now Daddy ready to me Peter Pan These 111 tie people tiny bundles of per motion of energy and that climb cupboards and undo screws In the places whirling swirls of motion that greet each day as though part pumped lo an overflow with Gen and Flmstonis eager open minds that soak upas sponges everything in sight Little human beings in in mature small sue versions of mommy and daddy whose words are See Show Me Show me mommy Show rne daddy What happens between five years of and sixteen What lakes place inside of these small people so eager to learn so en so open sight lasle sound and smells and touching When do the words J school I hole It I dont want logo donl make me When do these words first op Our most valuable source our only resource of any consequence is our children why do we let them down so badly What terrible tragedy takes place lhat turns the only human qua Illy worth living for the ability to feel inside to enjoy the spark of something within the human soul thai shouts I want to know I to understand I want to learn destroys this What blight of crawling malignancy what loathsome growth destroys the joy of learning the eagerness the delight the enthusiasm the love At five Ihia tiny human being Is sent from a warm sale home where he or she Is very special Away from home to look up In awe and terror a great stone building lhat towers overhead The new pupil looks at all the new faces rooms the desks and the figure of authority at the bead the class and aaaurae olc that of STUDENT What horrible blight lays at early years that will later raise its ugly head in smashed classrooms and headlines that Vaudala cause damage Geography teachers heart breaks as lifetime works destroy Teachers Slain in pool of blood Waterfountalns hacked from wall In vicious halchct attack What do you say too teacher that looks on a lifetime of notes and a personal semi precious rock collection smashed with Where from that bubbling energetic little toddler crying out to learn to the despondent fourteen year old who hates School hates teachers hates everything hates life Where and when docs this lethal transition lake place Docs part the answer tic in our factory system of schooling In Ihe morning knowledge dispensed quickly and no time to explain study It tonight move on to the next class hurry up youre late for science pages by Monday in digest It quick on to your next class hurry along there ninth is next you don understand hurry up move along next page YOU DON don I derstand OUT OUT Where do we go wrong what has hup to the quality of knowledge not the slntislic that tells us university students rtiid but the quality the desire to ready because rending gives so much Every human emotion can be brought into play through the reading or one book or another Why should a culture and society such as ours have sub standard schools Schools that look prelly have the latest in equipment carpeting audiovisual aids trips everything everything but leach everything but dispense knowledge Our schools turn out functional illiterates Our schools turn out dropouts at a higher rate Ihan graduates Eugene Provenzo Jr who has degrees in education a mile long behind his name and who is at present assistant Professor of Educational Psychology University of Miami asks the following In Have you ever faced a class of spaced out studenls on marijuana or boo7e Do you know what it s like feel helpless both as an educator and as an adult within the classroom More leaning goes on in the washroom and in the halls than in the classroom But knowing about Gold roach holders Angel Dust or how to trip out won get anyone through life life in he sense of the excitement and passion for knowledge and the rewards it can bring Life in the sense of fulfillment that comes from completion of one goals of excitement from learning a lifelong experience one is a life killer the other a life giver It much easier for a teacher to flip on a film and tune out than to reach out and strive for a specific teaching goal or objective Hut the end result is always the same If you re a student reading this do you really care anymore If youre a politician does our school system mean anymore to you than a large tax collector do you really care If re teacher is each day a succession of tranquilizers and a longing for clock If youre a purent do you just let it all keep happening Who really gives a damn Looking through our files THIRTY YEARS AGO A new clerk treasurer laxcollector for Georgetown will be chosen next Monday night at the regular council meeting Nine applicants applied for the position which carries a salary of yearly Coun asked how the situation regarding widening the John Street subway at council on Monday night and was told that almost all evidence had been collected for the claim that It was Ihe railways responsibility The reviewed the 1M state ment at the Inaugural school board meeting lasl week The statement showed expenditur es of of which had been by local taxation Teacher salaries to and this will be Increased by over this year due lo the hiring of two new teachers and the Adoption of a salary schedule which granted substantial Increases to all staff members TWENTY YEARS AGO Herald staffer Dave Hastings John St Is new president of ihe Georgetown Brass and Heed Band He was lo office on Jan when the band held Us annual business Police were kept busy conducing invest igations over the weekend in connection with a rash of break Ins locally In which nine attempts were reported However In most cases nothing was taken A quantity of merchandise valued over was stolen from Kirkwood Hardware Nerval on the nlghl of Jan or early next morning Twenty seven members of No Company Civil Defence Auxiliary police took their oath of office at swearing In ceremony in Knox Church Hall here on Jan Others of the man company had been sworn In a ceremony in Hamilton a year ago TEN YEARS AGO Large scale of residential land In he southeasterly part of will not receive further council consideration until March at least The landowner Metro Developments asked council to release the land for building recently offering half a million dollars In cash plus other concessions for the release Georgetown Council hired clerk admin istrator on Monday but the appointment Is subject to a with number committee discuss and draw up a list of duties before he accepts the position Esqucslng Township is still Interested In continuing an arrangement with Georgetown by which the towns volunteer fire depart ment serves pari of the township Alarmed at Increased charge last year advertised for lenders for a flrehall and discussed forming its own rural department A swing to congressional government Queen Park Bureau Of The Herald You almost certainly havent noticed for in mil a development is glaring or readily apparent but here has been en me here swing from the British US congressional of government perhaps loo far Then nothing at all for example In Hip of lowords the away from elected making Ihe cabinet nonelected and no responsible to parliament as Is he case with ihe government and congress Bui there have been some actions and Indications of others which has moved us a towards procedures MORE SCOPE One has been growth In number and scope of com mil tees As television viewers well know commit- play a very big part in the system and have very wide powers Historically under our system our com mittees have been much more formal and restrained But lhat has been changing Select committees Ontario legislature have been engaging counsel and experts ant have been conducting very probing Inquiries Now there Is a strong pressure to give standing committees which only convene when the House Is meeting the power to sit all year and be provided permanent staff along lines of that available to select committees Private members business has been another development Last year for the first time private members brought vote which meant Ihcy could actually become law Most significant Ihe vote on Is free The members arent obliged lo and dont vole on parly lines but rather according to their Individual consciences The free volt of course Is one of great hallmarks of he system ADDING SYSTEM Finally there was a threatened effort last spring gel a move for action on the Reed Ltd situation through the Ontario House by tacking a clause on a bill which was quite unrelated to it And of course Is strictly US practice A representative or example iH gel something he wants by adding a clause for It so some unrelated legislation and making acceptance of It has price for compliance with main legislation The move here in the spring didnt succeed perhaps principally because the didnt agree with the New Democr atic Parly on it But In a minority House where the combined opposition can over rule both the government and Mr Speaker if such a situation should arise again It might well go through and we would hove another S legislative practice added to our system Federal cabinet needs help It a Bureau Of The Herald The announcement by Justice Minister Hon that he will retire from politics at Ihe election merely underscores the poinl lhat Prime Minister Trudeau must recruit some heavyweight cabinet material from English Willi departure will have only six cabinet ministers who served in his first cabinet back in And considering fact there arc this represents a high attrition rate over a nine year period And what makes the situation more serious is the fact that the prune minister has lost most of the influential and outspoken voices from outside Quebec Officials at Liberal headquarters are known to be con eerned The only holdovers from Trudcaus first are Council President Allan External Affairs Minister Don Jamieson Treasury Board President Robert Transport Minister Olto Lang and Finance Je in Chretien The other have cabinet experience ranging from eight years to a few months And it docsn require any degrees in political science to conclude that the prune minister docs not have the cabinet strength fie enjoyed or perhaps be enjoy it back in 1968 This is me reason why efforts arc being made to recrutt prominent Canadians for the next election 1 1ST Since he assumed office Trudeau has loet three finance ministers all of them valuable members of his government Edgar Benson quit to head Canadian Transport Commission John Turner resigned to law in Toronlo and Donald Macdonald recently left the cabinet for personal reasons The list is a long one Eric Kicrans a refreshingly open voice in that first cabinet left politics feeling frustrated because he had been underused Maekascy left Oil fight separatists in Quebec City Jack Davis went back lo British Columbia lo enter provincial polilics George went on lo his senatorial reward Mitchell Sharp left for still unknown rcuards and Paul Martin after a decent interval In the Senate went on lo become Canadian high in London And there are more Such ministers as Herb Gray and Robert were uncer dropped from and others including Pat Mahoney and Bud Olson were defeated at the polls the available replacements appea red to be second stringers When James Richardson quit defence minister in opposition to the governments language policies the only Liberal from Manito ba was Joe So by geographic nec essity he became a minister and he happily discovered that youdont have to ben brain wave be in cabinet Its difficult to know how his revolving cabinet these days He has never displayed any emotions over resigna tions and even when he lost such righthand men as Paul and John Turner he said that he was sorry to see them go and that he wished them well There was no public hand wringing One minister was looking back on the cabinet and fondly recalled the spirited arguments that developed over economic and financial policies You had people like Kierons Turner Benson and Sharp all wiih strong feelings on economic Issues and if the bureaucrats were going to gel anything through cabinet Ihcy really had Ic do their homework He had another observation to make It seemed here used to be more politicians In those days with a Instinct for what would work and what People lute Gorge Mcflralth and Bud were uncanny fa knowing what the public wanted and Party officials arc hopeful thai at least half a prominent Canadians can be to run for the Liberals In the next general election Among the names being mentioned is John Evans retiring president of the University of Toronto And if all goes according to plan they would be offering themselves to Tmdmuis national unity team all ready to take on Rene Lev Whats equally important for the Liberals is that the cabinet would get a badly needed facelift Bible Digest This is the stone which wassel at nought of you builders which Is become the head of the comer Acts it In building your life donl by pass the only one who can really put It together with real substance and security Jesus said Without me ye can do nothing SheTHOSBSLH

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