Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1978, p. 6

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January 13 itn some of the from Loblaws on grocery meat produce regular or Colgate 1 ml tube S3V6 was special toothpaste 69 68 tin tomato or vegetable SSNB was special soup 13 26 13 Babies Only Please 2 ply all colours 2 roll S3V6 was special bathroom tissue 18 49 Tide powdered 101b box Save was special detergent 32 561 529 Borden instant regular or 581 grjar S3V6 was special hot chocolate 28 217 189 all varieties Ib tin tie bag was special Snaps 40 169 129 McCain frozen raspberry or slrawberry pkg Save was special shortcake 10 189 179 antiseptic ml Save was special mouthwash 30 199 Imperial 14 lb squares 3lb SaVB was special margarine 20 219 Games 2 kg box Save was special beefburgers 14 273 259 Red Rose orange pekoe 2 cup bags s box S3V was special tea bags 20 199 Stokely fancy Save was special sugar peas 11 37 3f Slokely fancy fl oz tins Save was special cream style com 41 3ior1 i4ii S3Ve was special sliced beets 04 33 29 jug SaVB was special fabric softener 20 199 179 in tomato sauce ft tins Save was special Heinz beans 05 36 2ior67 Van Camps tomato sauce fl tins Save was special beans with pork 1 1 37 3for1 Libbys sweetened 6 I eimssieevo S3V6 was special orange juice 09 119 110 Save was special orange juice 09 119 110 s unsweetened 6 I 6 tins sleeve S3V6 was special grapefruit juice 09 119 110 s unsweetened pink 6 fl 6 tins sleeve S3Ve was special grapefruit juice 09 119 110 Heinz fancy 10 fl tins Save was special tomato juice 08 29 3i Save was special ham spread 05 44 39 syrup pack tidbits slicedorcrushedl4fl tinS3Ve was special pineapple 05 49 44 Save was special 20 405 385 Nabisco Mix nEat 275 box Save was special cream of wheat 08 71 63 Bee Hive golden 2 lb tin Save was special com syrup 07 89 82 Tldewaler Down East 15 fl oz Save was special seafood chowder 10 89 79 with pork and tomato sauce 1411 tin Save was special Clark beans 06 49 43 Swift Premium 12 tin Save was special lunch meat 07 101 94 frozen fancy box Save was special broccoli spears 06 63 57 lb with coupo sliced Save was special side bacon 87 174 87 fresh breast or leg quarters S3VB was special chicken 30 98 68 fresh thighs or drumsticks SaV6 was special chicken 30 148 118 fresh over lbs prcdrossod Canada grade A S3V6 W3S Special roasting chickens ib 11 99 88 lb SaVB was special wieners 20 104 84 lb bucket Set whole cut up S3VB was Special fried chicken 31 379 348 fresh Save was special chicken wings 10 74 64 fresh counirycui S3VB was special chicken parts 14 82 68 large size ScN8 bananas Florida oranges produce of U S A cello bags spinach 10 save 60 save 30 Floral Dcpi from iho up to 12 tan save rubber plants 100 pineapples 71 from quart box cherry tomatoes from Hawaii flown in daily Save was special tea bags legs or breasts Saw was special chicken 24 132 predressed grade A frozen Save was special comishhens i 135 124 frozen Schneiders chicken S3V9 was special meat pies 10 78 68 Loblaws sliced 1 Ib pkg mock Save was special chicken loaf 17 125 108 2 Ib box fried Save was special chicken wings 31 329 298 frozen Schneiders lb box fried Save was special chicken legs 21 379 358 D Smith II Save was special garden cocktail 06 75 69 Save was special table syrup 18 173 155 ED Smith apple cherry igflozim Save was special pie fill 09 93 84 E D Smith rhubarb strawberry 191 tin Save was special pie fill 10 87 77 Kraft pure 9fl jar S3Ve was special grape jelly 06 62 56 ED Smith pure 9fi jar Save was special raspberry jam 10 79 69 ED Smith pure jar Save was special peach jam 10 65 55 York smoolhy lb jar Save was special peanut butter 20 179 Creametle boxes Save was special macaroni 20 24 Siorl Creamette boxes Save was special kettle spaghetti 20 24 5 fort In tomato sauce cheese tm Save was special Heinz spaghetti 07 75 68 Chef Boy Doe spaghetti rings in tomato 121 was special beefogetti 05 39 2for73 Spratt ovals 14 box Save was special dog biscuits 06 65 59 Spratt s Total Diet 9 kg bag S3V8 was special dry dog food 130 729 599 all varieties was special family bars 06 59 53 Prices effective to Tues Jan 31 except produce bakery effective to Sat Jan 28 We reserve the right to limit quantities Georgetown only fresh papaya Schneiders 6 pkg sliced cooked ham sliced country cooked ham frozen New Zealand whole lamb legs frozonNowZeahnd shank portion or short cut lamb legs i frozen New Zealand sliced lamb legs i fresh veal leg cutlets fresh voal rib chops fresh veal loin chops fresh veal sirloin steaks fresh veal bono in save rump roasts 06 save 11 save save 10 10 save 21 save 21 save 21 save 60 save 10 save 10 save 10 was special 25 15 was special 158 98 was special 59- 88 was special 599 was special 149 78 was special 99 88 was special 58 was special 158 148 was special 158 148 was special 158 137 was special 168 147 was special 168 147 frozen sliced prepackaged S3V6 was special calves liver 04 1B8 frozen Canada grade A S3VB was special young ducks 10 98 88 fresh boneless S3VB was special chicken breasts ib 21 269 248 cut from Canada grado A boef for braising S3VB was special short ribs 05 98 93 freshly ground SSMB was Special ground veal i 125 115 Freezer Queen box S3VB was Special beef burgers charbroiied 50 199 choice 10 fl tins Save was special Aylmer peas 07 33 2f QuOn box S3Ve was special veal 20 79 59 Freezer Queen box Save was special Salisbury steak 20 79 59 frozen gravy meat balls box Save was special entreeFreezer Queen 20 79 59 Swin on or turkey 1 bo S3V6 was special TV dinners 10 119 109 Max I jo ly org box Save was special donuts 10 99 89 save 20 save 10 cube steaks fresh veal leg scallopini voai save shoulder chopsib 04 boneless stewing veal 07 fresh bone In breasts necks shanks S3Ve stewing veal 13 was special 2 58 198 was special 158 148 was special 168 158 was special 198 188 was special 148 142 was special 288 268 was special 288 278 was special 98 94 was special 125 118 was special 68 55 cleanser 06 58 52 16oz jar Save was special skim milk spread 30 159 129 Parkay diet tubs sleeve S3Ve was special soft margarine 05 83 78 frozen write or pink 6141 tins SaVB was special Cudney lemonade 20 24 5ior1 f rench fries 14 79 65 save 11 save 20 save 10 save 11 frozen Brand smoked S3VB Canadian kippers 11 Imperial soft 1 tub margarine chicken cutlets frozen Schneiders lb box triad chicken breasts frozen Schnoidors pkg beet pork or steak meat pies Siena Brand mortadella chubs was special 99 88 Palmolivo 3 regular bars bandod groonormixed9 S3Ve was special toilet soap 10 103 93 Easy Off 14 S3Ve was special oven cleaner 14 159 Sani Flush 34 tin toilet bowl Save was special cleaner 10 92 82 Scollios ply rodscovorwhto a box or S3MB W8S Special facial tissue 07 72 65 roll box Save was special Stretch N Seal 06 59 53 bolt to black currant Save was special 12 199 187 was special oz box syrup Dishwasher All 65 oz box SaVB was special powder detergent 274 ABC 5lb box Save was special powder detergent 30 239 209 for automatic washers 150oz box Save was special All detergent 60 559 499 Palmohve oz Save was special liquid detergent 24 123 99 Sunlight fl oz Save was special liquid detergent 1 4 93 laws more than the price is right was special 398 was special 78 68 was special 149 138 was special 79 68 save 11 was special 99 88

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