Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1978, p. 15

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Home Newspaper of Haltan Hills February 1 IB7H IS A REFRESHING SWIM l nil c Resignation shakes Milne economy dominates meet Herald slatf writer I m really shaken up by the resignation of So lie I torGen oral Francis Fox Ross Milne liberal MP for Peel Simcoc told tome of his constituents at a town hallstyle meeting in George town Monday don 1 hi nit you can realize the effect it had on Ottawa Mr Milne said in a brief reference to Mr Fox an of yesterday at lemoon He added that Mr Fox has been a close personal friend and said he was sorry to sec him resign although he admired Mr Fox sense of the ethics involved in the situation Mr Fox resignation was only one of a number subjects discussed by Mr Milne wiih the member of the public who attended the meeting Prob lems in the Canadian economy dominated meeting with the national unity also a major concern The northern pipeline and the issue of native land claims were also discussed Although Mr Milne Is pre sently representing riding of Peel Simcoe once federal election Is called he will be running for election in the new riding of Brampton Georgetown Mr Milne said that with the former towns of Bra ma lea Brampton and Georgetown this riding will be one of the largest In Canada In terms of population I think one of the things we should talk about tonight is the economy Mr Milne said I think economy is reason ably strong I t want to be quoted as saying it per feet but it isn I as bad or as gloomy as some people say it is Mr Milne said that even with high unemployment there are more people working than ever before Te problem Is In the extremely high entry rate into the job market partly caused by peat war baby boom which Is fading now and partly by the unprecedented number of third wagecorners In the family who are now out working There isn really must sat for someone whos unemployed when you soy Ca nadn isn doing that badly compared to other countries Mr Milne sold But I think in the only country doing any better than Canada will be Japan and they re doing that by reducing work force Mr Milne added that uncm In countries which are considered to have strong economics is usjully very high Mr Milne said he is very encouraged by the turn around in Canada a export situation with the United State In 1070 the United States was In a recession he said and dian costs were higher than American That was one of I he reasons for the wage and price controls being brought in Now our labor coats and our manufacturing costs are rising at a lower rate than those In the United States he said I guess wc all have a vested interest in what happens In April when wage and price control end Mr Milne said He added that he was one of those behind the idea of a monitoring agency to watch over wages and prices even though the government doesnt expect an explosion in wage demands and increaseityrices The international tariff ne gotiations currently being car on in Geneva are a major i sue facing Canada right now Mr Milne pointed out He said the first reaction of many people is in raise tariffs to protect But this builds a wall around Can a da he said and limits the market to million people No matter which way you go there is difficulty he said People say Well why don you just say this Is how it going to be Mr Milne said One of the things that a happened is that the world has changed a little bit in how we operate as a country with all the small European countries Canada was pretty much an equal Now with the European Community Canada Is one of the smaller countries Mr Milne defended the govern men handling of the national unity problem saying that the government Is trying to set up a situation where the referendum will be defeated Canada can really be th same again after the election of the Parti in Nov ember of 1976 Mr Milne said I think the economy and the national unity issue are equally involved with each other The government basic position is to show English Canada and French Canada that federalism is the best The question of the is the most important factor in the issue of national unity Mr Milne said He said he believes that if the refcren dum is defeated the situation leading to the referendum will have been very for Canada Canada is a country that was put together by two large groups each group too large to be assimilated by the other Mr Milne said He added that the problems of separation arise not only from French English conflicts but from a for country to divide up Into six regions I know some people are discouraged that the govern I been more force ful with the provinces Mr Milne said The bill launching the con of Canada northern pipeline should be introduced to parliament in the next week or so Mr Milne said bringing with it the issue claims The land should be settled before the pipeline is built ihegovtrnmenl can guarantee it because the peo ple here In like to hear their gas funnies come night Mr Milne slid Ben one of Ihe attending the meeting brought up the issue of opening pmile mill and the problem not being able trust Ihe man in charge of the portfolio Mr Milne responded that according to the minister of justice the press report staling that Mr Fox knew about break in at Parti some time before he informed the public was In error In a number of issues wilhtheRCMP lis fine to say Well I understand why they re doing it Mr Milne said But maybe w should change he law lo allow police do their Job break ing the law In response to Mr Milne s statement opening mail appeared to be necessary In Ihe of increased drug trafficking by mill Mr suggested that a war rant should be required before the police can open mail such Is the with wire tap Ping On the problem of personal freedoms and Increased government inter vcntion in people private lives Mr Milne said Most of the things governments do arc in response to a problem not being solved by Ihe people themselves Demands on government arc Increasing and the demands have be cut back before ihe tion by ihe government cm Whiting another mem of the audience called on the federal government and the provincial government lo provide direction for those people who are interested In setting up their own business so they can put into reality what they have the ability do The small business people arc ones who make Ihe community and strong and the effect spreads When you have a vib rant community you have a strong vibrant country Agendas now at libraries Copies of the of Hal on council and committees will be available to the public at the libraries in Georgetown and Acton Finance administration committee decided Library decision in to 8 weeks Continued from pullet said she knew that branch libraries were not ided for populations less than but the Georgetown librar sen iced three distinct areas Susan of Main Smith ltd w is opposed the In must the high traffic both ind vehicular which would be the corner of Maple Avenue and Miin Street She idded Ih it the libriry in would be subject vandalism bemuse of iritis in the park president it LI or rding nioi on Street told the thai she had never been approached with on application use any of the land there or a library site Mr called upon town planner to I nil ilk way Terry Court is planned to funnel traffic Into the pirk from the Subdivision Mr Vinditll also said town is considering more in addition to ttdnrvali thief librarian Betsy Corn will testified that the figures used by Mr ispiuall the circulation figures must be looked carefully in context As for figures she said that In 1974 were seven stuff of which only two were full time In staff Including three full time and Ihit tuff OS full one hilf Shi said lint studies across North indicated that traffic to libraries rarely exceeds a Ihne block r mm In his to Ihe Mr Steele reviewed Ihe cons of the site to the proposed site and said town ifford the for Ccdarvale which would include 16 square fit parking spaces i furnishings shelving for volumes and luxil and engineering fees landscaping Any evidence Ihe would J is imrelll able he said The L is expansion to TO squire feet with GO parking spates Mr said lonlnst the money spinl lo I ring the present site is In neigh or 00 Wi ire getting more the money Mr aid did not mike a in illy irresponsible decision On the point that the site is presently zoned open space and not in stitutional Mr Steeles said llnl the town planner the dlrcclor of parks and recreation Phillip Brooks Betsy Comwell in ill pointed to other ireas where parks are used In part libraries Mr Is concerned that the site might become a white elephant ind it there was some dinger to pedestrians at the intersection I Bert Arnold said that pronslon In the official plan to rezoning Is that the land tic used in established character of the zone and the park Is presently open It does not coniorm to Che official plan The loss of parkland can t be Mr Arnold said docsnt include the value placed on parkland anil social cost lo the community It can be punched up computer Board chairman Colin said Wc have to be convinced that the proposed project is not viable and that the money is better used for other projects Ihe consensus of those in attendance Is lhat no clear decision seemed obvious One person said It s a toss of a Opponents outnumber supporters of new site Ihe opponents of Iht pro posed new building outnumbered Ik su porters of the project when jublic Wis allowed its to speak at the Ontario Board OMB hear Thursday ifternoon In spite of the poor wc conditions Thursday a num of people it tended 11 e at Me Areni in hopes of sp ng to Ihe Among those who the board wen former board chairman Join I and Walter Mrs lister who spoke in support of project said Ihe had not rejecled the if renovuling and adding to Ihe existing I until the tenders for the job i ma Hilton Hills council said were too ordered lht board not In proceed and asked the board to the needs of Hills She also said lhat the library in Georgetown will be acting as Ihe library in Hilton Hills and will thus rtferenci which Acloiuans will use even though hive their own Taxes ire going up I e in set going up pay r Ihe old building William of own said In my opinion far too much emphasis on memories of Ihe pasl and I i looking forward Mills of George is opposed lo is Ihe site of Ihe new library bee of Inffic problems I very much the Iraffie n Mr Mills Eve had some expenenee is i spare crossing If lights were inslallid M iple it would difficulty for trucks and buses on tin incline in the conditions People having at thai v ilbohwe d Mr Mills added Kathleen pre pant i report of Hit reasonj for her sill n to the pro jee Ihe rations she listed win the that the site is bought as a project and was to le used for porkhnd She fir is danger on that lx in hill is concerned tin poppycock Mrs Pap said Nothing there in years Slu silt ilso the fm Ived in I m it poor questioned the lew building In Mrs expressed her concern over the file of the old building should ihe library move Join So in nu who was a member the Georgetown iry board before the tun of Ballon Hills library board in is aboul he fate of Ihe old building This church is one of most beautiful in George irhstically speaking Mr Summer said I would like In see this building with the wing built on and pre Mr Summers said prior to regional government ing structure of the library bo the was a wonderiul who operated library like i drawing Kim treated Ihe people who came in is her guests W liter who sits is the mayor s on Hills libnry board said he was speaking as a when he said he favored the plan lo renovate- expand the present build If Ihe choice was made for a new library he said he la opposed to Ihe Cednrvole site said the lions will save money over building a new building and mentioned that II seemed poor plinning spend money on a new building when the money could be used for an addition municipal offices Coun Ray Booth who he too was speaking a private citizen and not as a of council In my opinion council has never been aware of all the r imif cations of the program for the building I feel we would be doing the public a a favor by renovat the old building and using the money elsewhere Coun Booth also said that the relalioaship between and the library board the past few years I would hesitate to use Ihe word deter but we haven t been a close as before He added that If in time new library facilities are need In the area they can be put where Ihey can best serve the majority of the people MarjoneNaier who was Ihe for the lown Georgetown pnor to 1974 there Is a need to keep the library in the area If I had stayed on as librarian the expansion would have been built by now One of Ihe members of the public seemed to sum up the feeling of the opponents of Ihe library project when he said I would rather have a library run with a little more heart and a few less rilios and statistics LIBRARY OMB HEARING REPORT Sixstorey building needed to expand library A six storey building would be required to expand present Church Street library site In Ihe square feel which foronln architect Philip Brook eels Georgetown will need by the Ontario icipal Board was told Wednes Mr Brook said lhal 16 square feet Is the minimum sue for a library to scrsi Ihe populotion involved in the library However once new facility is built its use just plies so minimum standards irds he said There is nothing wrong with Ihe library site as far is us location is concerned he said its size precludes expansion lo meet the needs of the community for more lhan five years unless tin library board acquires mori I or erects a six ey bidding The Church Street Is roughly one third of an icre in size Mr Brooks feels it will require about two acres lo illnw sufficient room adequately house a proper Regulations governing pub- lie buildings require to allow handicapped persons to use ihe facility Mr Brook noted It will take a ramp 90 to feel long to achieve the proper grade to raise from ground level to the presenl main floor he said Although in theory the present library can be expanded Mr Brook said he would advise against because it would only provide i short term solution lo the space problem The site is ideal from lopograplcal viewpoint because entrances can be made directly from Ihe outdoors without steps It also eliminates the need for fire with staircases from the upper storey and thus helps lo trim costs The cost for the Ccdarvale building ludes a 16 square foot structure most of lis furnish shelves for books landscaping a paved parking lot for 34 can as well as the architectural and engineering Mr Brooks design for Ihe puts the adult circulating a refer Betsy chief urn for Dillon Hills loll I In board thai the Church sili is been itc since population pas the j mark Compared recognized standards used t libriry sizes The size of ihe structure is ily one third to one quarter of It should be the seating in ihe riadlng area is Georgetown library on Church Street Expansion plans shown to OMB eating one level the recording staff a staff lounge a quiet study area a meeting of board room plus the chief librarian office on a second level and a meeting room entrance the children area the adult visual area film clrrulallng area and washrooms on a third One Important feature of the design Is fact that the entire building con be controlled with as few staff as possible Members of the public re ceived ihelr firsl chance to view the original plans for expanding and renovating Ihe existing library in Georgetown at Ihe Municipal Board hearing Into the proposed new library building a I Cedarvnle The plans may still be used If OMB decides lhat the library board may nnl use a debenture of MOO Issued for Ihe renovations and addition to the existing build Ing for the construction of the proposed new building The plans were presented to the hearing by architect who was hired by Georgetown library board in 1972 and later by Ihe Hills library board when government was formed The expanded library calls for an addition of gross square feet the present space of gross square feet In the existing building The new addition will have square feel in basement and on the first floor and squire feet on floor The measurements In areas are from exterior face tor face and Include the walls which are approximately two feet hick Mr Martcl said he had made the design lo provide an additional 10 square feet of space If ihe board decided in the future thai additional Inn Is required Mr Martcl said would be possible to build another addition on the ground floor He also said it would be passible to add her storey but I recommend it He said it another floor were added an elevator would definitely be needed In the the rear pari of thi existing building would become a workroom in association with Ihe children library also a display area for audio visual displays The existing children library would become a slack room The children library would spread Into the addition as well as occupying part of Ihe existing basement The design has also Incorporated a race outside for such activities as Hour and other lib rary presentations The entrance to the library will be in the new section with three fire exists also installed As required by law there would be a ramp for access for the handicapped and the elder The first floor would con tain a multl purpose room for to people which could be used when the rest of the library is closed In addition he librarians office office the Janitor s room would be on the first floor In the new section The first floor In Ihe existing building would become a read room and circulation Mr work requires specialists In restoration and he said he made recommendations to the library board about those who should be Invited to submit bids on the repair work He said he was never consulted the matter again he heard subsequently lhat the board has spent 000 to Install a waterproof mem on the exterior walla Mr Mart el said when he heard this he commissioned his own estimates of the re pairs and discovered that the work could have been done for He added this figure represented only the work which he had mended Mr Mart el said his design would provide space for eight cars to park bul that there were approximately 300 spaces within five minutes walk Mr Marie I was asked It the plans were still workable In my opinion Ihey arc still feasible he answered sary lis children section u only half Ihe required size its film storage area is just of necessary size the reference section consists of a few feet of shelf space rather than the whole section usually considered a necessity she said The present library is ap proximately 4 square feet In size and all but the feet containing the furnace roor There is no further re for expansion or rearrange ment she said Hilts recreation dire ctor Glen Gray told the board thai pulling a library in the park would be compatible with presenl recrealional uses The only use presently being made of the hill on which library is to be constructed is lobog ganing in winter and sun bath jug or walking the summer Mr Gray noted thai tne site is dangerous as a toboggan hill because is too close to the roadway through the park The recreation department is lively pursuing reconstruction of tobogannlng hill south of the present be sold Mr Gray pointed out that the recreation department Is not recommending the us the Ccdarvale hill but the North Halton Golf and Country Club Is actively encouraging spontaneous use of their grounds for tobogganing and cross country skiing during the winter Halton Hills engineer Bob Austin told the board that plans arc afoot to upgrade Main Street South but even supposing nothing was don with road he forsees problems with the entrance to ihe park and the library Mr Austin said he was not aware of any accidents hap pening at the Main and Maple corner during 1977 Town planner Mario told the board that had been examined prior to the choosing of the Ccdarvale site They were Ccdarvale board of education property on Maple Avenue between and Main Streets two sites on Dominion Seed House property one on Guelph Street and one on Maple near he apartment building the old Chapel Street school property and at and in Delrcx Plata Some sites were not for sale others had unsuitable soil he said In the end Ccdarvale site was chosen as being a fairly central location in terms of major roads highly access vehicular and pedes rlan and highly blc Mr Vcndittl said that any facility can be built in any lone if there Is a need for it in that location Zoning would not pre clude placing the library in the park even though Is zoned rather than III

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