THE HERALD Wednesday February 1BT8 OyiB hearings to rule on capital expenditure not architectural merit The original plans for ex and renovation of the existing library building were submitted in evidence to the Ontario Municipal Board hearing Thursday in spite of comments by board chairman C G Chorron that the hearing was not called to decide on the relative merits of two architectural projects We re here to decide if the capital expenditure should be allowed Mr said It a question of need It a question of ability to make that expenditure Paul Martel the architect of the plans to expand and renovate the existing building presented the plans to the board in his own words after informing the board that he had been subpoenaed to pear and was not appearing out of self Interest This was the first opportunity for members of the public to see what Mr Martel design entails Mr Martel said he had been commissioned by the Georgetown library board in 1972 to prepare lily study for expanding the library in Georgetown When government was formed in new Hilts library board commissioned him to design to and add to hi existing building on Church Street tost estimate or the renovation and addition was in 1974 This figure repairs known to be necessary at time but did not include furniture and furnishings and architect fees The tinders received ringed from to llalton Hills council considered these bids too high and ordered thai be allowed lo lapse Mr said that of the items listed In the estimates as needing repair could be dropped from since a number of these repairs been completed Hi this would reduic the ripurs estimate by approximately If new building 1H figure Mr Mar lei of lit maty The toll com of the work sit out in the original 19711 is US to the existing building including insuhhon w Ihe present building would the lal to This total doesn I include the architect fees which are estimated a for this project The includes all built in furniture and slacks does not include bringing floor up to standard That add i to the total The I to intone the floor in existing building is brought up in by A iean civil struUural who was lihnrv Im ml In the Traffic report Reduced visibility main culprit in an number or accidents during last week heavy blizzard suffered minimal injuries hen the car he was driving was struck in the rear by a vehicle driven by Jams of The car driven by Mr had Line near Milton when blowing snow made visibility zero the vehicle came a stop subsequently being struck by theothercar Total damage in the accident wis iccident on Ha I Ion Road near was also partly caused by poor visibility A car driven by Dons Duff of Burlington was stopped in due lo blizzard conditions police said when another driven by Johannes J9 of Hills slid into the rear of the other car The police report slid the second car slid on in ice patch before striking Mrs Duffs vehicle Tolal damage in the building was templet A third accident involving visibility on s wot Road North last of Thursday driven by Mint Gibrw of town a whileout stopped A second dn by Colin also of Georgetown struck the vehicle in the rnr Tola dam ic in accident was estimated it road wen i dent las A car driven by Presley of Georgetown is east on Road appro the intersection of i agn if the road conditions point s Thi entered ion striking in Vernon KKI This hid been southbc on Mi Rend Total dim in Ihe iccident wis at SI OHO Holy Cross parents w pound per in in Mr 1itk the floor hi brought up loot i fool Holy Cross Parent Association decided last week to proceed with thi erection of a playground at the school or the use of students in both Holy Cross and Sacre Cocur Schools A presentation by Holy Cross principal Barry and creative playground com chairman Sullivan was followed by a talk by A manager of Children Playgrounds Incorporated the Toronto firm which designs and builds the equipment used in creative playgrounds In addition to explaining how the playgrounds are built and how work Mr also told how tht various models ean be used for round The playground in Ik designed so that agi group is in rither than ill the ehildren in loe ition in tht sthool he the group voted to with the projett the of modils to l built at Holy ross his not bun 1 lip Brook the arthitect for the diMfn ol proposed new building is Ihe opportunity Get movin to Metro Trust How to make your money earn its daily bread When you earn monthly interest your interest is only calculated on your accounts lowest monthly balance But with the Metro Trust J Golden Acorn Account youearn daily interest Your money earns interest from the first day of deposit to the day of withdrawal each and every day it remains in your account you make money J With a Metro Trust Golden Acorn Account you can get an Absolutely Free Chequing Account Free Travellers Cheques and Low Personal Loan Rates I To qualify for your Golden Data Balance Monthly Intorost Daily Sept 1 Sopt Sopt 18 Hore a typical example at how you can earn mora through our Golden Acorn Account every month Acorn Account you need to keep a minimum balance of 2000 Contact your nearest Metro Trust Office today Because your money should be earning daily interest for you every day Metro Trust The Metropolitan Trust Company Member Canada Deposit Milton Ontario Si M lion Moll Tel Directors named for farm organizations ll J The 107B Plowing Match is scheduled for October In Burlington area A committee George Marshall and Hois are lo locale a site For his annua Din cased with Hilton iht attendance RAIDER TICKETS Tin trie lib of tickets for senior his been suspended for the Raider match coming up Fib John lliyce of has purchased tickets and is giving Hum to senior Above staunch Haider fans Nora and Tuck gel a pair of from Mr work You may soon ache on an empty stomach Match held In especially with of Milton their match Officer- Jnd Directors win as follows Iresidmt John I reckon Burlington President May Hornby 1st President Lloyd 2nd Vict Murray Bllurlmgton Jack Taylor 1 Appleby I Burlington Secretary George Court St Milton Director May and dion I- Nancy Milton Directors II Hills John A reckon May John Clifford Jack Mar Pickering I John M Murray Mr A if in ml hi hid i lildr to lilrary hi i pnhminirj report hid doai iven though v is anil not used as basis toy discussion Ik hi wis not of pol situation at the time is done Mr M what Mr Aegan is i leg il ill of the floor must to support I weigh of l rtgirdlt ss of i is to In for irk lonsulling engineer the il ode Ihi latino Building Code for pi r squirt fool support Of II fir lo ike up been doing Ml ictunfi Iheir v it not rising fist enough Ihe high cost of luxurj gooils But soon mi bed ing their bellyaching in in empty mach illnj I I drastically If they hail It would hue been front page We would ivcluard ill kinds if tries or But whit when fell cent mi the the news is that mmg If igrlcutture is going lo prosper we need some ma r changes If dint git Hum will lo many of our farmers It time that Can id ins ike up lo Ihi I ludclnghs is in big trouble It because farm ive but true hi of igrlculture lock the facts rdingt arfiinl Dcpnr mini report spin I less heir foixl in any i this have high stand hung food Is so i As i result they have m ikes it ill possible I his the farmer nil in The ins lit at the i mi fell 19 per rear 13 pi r cent hi year lied I a Whin you our in BULLETIN increased food firm rceeUedhlllentlention No slopped to how fix prices could incriase while the time farm prices wert falling Ob don I ind or don whit is to the fir Nil will come to regret it t are Kitting mil discounted Mm ire leaving firming ttursi s me ilri id firced well Ik kill the goose that the golden lux our firmers who is going to pro vide the I sipplj of food in the world An they to rely on Imports did that with oil and I k whil No Canadians cm ue to a high standard of ijnctilttiri in Inn hi unless f rs markets ind gel fair price for whit they produce If this is to thin ire ing to their Thev an nig to hail that if there is food prices Ihe the retail price the Canadian cattle in Europe III Spoil if United lire idtrslm ilueph MG in th it pi iplc world wiat snd t us ji in si cent of duel is fluid Imeragel i ifyiudon I si lei solids they willgodiwm mireisp Ik on to explain for miking an aunc pn of bulls ileouillnisin J d bills hid excelled i I r lit 1 ill fir Starlit bull wood llumi John John Held Carl Honour J Hoy Carrie J frank Hi Ross Henry Wilson Hall Soil Crop it Cl on Thursday Jjn iry for their eelli irdhouse of id of S ll Crop than it for r the pist 14 e Director He is indinf his as our ripresenlattve Milton was nominated kid inf till from Ihllon Peel and York Don Sherwood Milton was nominated as our delegate with Bob Merry Milton as ill legale to am mitluif ofhmbs going ihingi their attitudes Thiy in to hive stop the dump if priwluct in for slIIiiil mdnslriil ibroid in lo have to us reis riff ills I CN BRAMPTON EXPRESS CENTRE the people who give you prompt reliable service Ship with us We II move your express traffic on a schedule you can count on every time We re central to the area yet close enough to the forwarding centres at Toronto and the International Airport to tie easily into the main express stream And we don t stop there Fast pickup and overnight delivery to most Ontario centres and even metro Montreal Rates that are truck competitive courier competitive More destinations in Canada than any other carrier From Brampton Georgetown phone subject eh incc mi inn EXPRESS Fast Reliable Coasttocoast Is also resistant to Jim Myslik Engineering Specialist discussed some of the problems arc occur ring ilh plastic drainage tile problems with rodents eating holes through It tile collapsing with Improper infilling of dirt and damage caused by machinery in wet seasons such as the past fall Following lunch Mrs ler was presented with a certificate by John Nurse In recognition or win the World Rye Cliamplnn ship Norman 1 representative on the I arm Association stressed the importance of safety in entering silos at filling time Several deaths In the year due to gases Galen Driver our new Dire ctor the Soils Crops Branch Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food discussed the importance of stabilization as if affects crops in Ontario He feels that these lion as if affects crops in Ontario He feels that these stabilization plans will give the cash crop producer much more thin in the past with fewer fluctuations in the return per acre Georgetown to Federation of Agriculture from aged everyone support the corn m plan as pro the Jack Ketcheson from the Soils Department of discussed tillage problems following our wet fill He stressed the importance of i plow ihe iieid for to build up soli aggregates the of manure to help in building up good physical con oris In soils and the need to not over work land In order to down the erosion duo lo wind and water The resolutions were sent to the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association Annual Meeting Ihe first supporting complete resource recovery of garbage for the econd requesting the Ontario to paw legislation to with availability of parts for equipment All farmers were cordially invited to the annual meeting of our West Central Regional Soil and Crop Improvement Association on January the Cara Inn Airport ltd Toronto which features discussions on soil structure and tillage The new Officers and Directors of the Hal ton Soil and Crop Improvement Association for 197B arc as follows President Frank Anthony resident Milton Vice President Norman Oakvllle 1 Henry M A Milton barely Counil Rep Harry and Delegates to the West Central Soil Crop Im Association Frank Anthony l and John Nurse Georgetown Directors Keith Bill Alexander Murray Dawson Arnold Fish Doug Gardhouse Hansen Art Bob Merry Dennis McClure and Wilson TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS THE HERALD 8772201 chicken CARPETS UPHOLSTERY DURACLEAN SPECIALISTS SNOWMOBILES SERVICE ROGERS SHELL No THE PURPLE PLACE FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS WEDDINGS OUR SPECIALTY 8564771 EARLY YEARS CHILDREN J DINING LOUNGE Open I Day A Week Special Organ During BEAUTY CHALET Sen or ions Set Per 5 8771214 BIG US SMALL EM ALL DONS AUTO SERVICE 8778122 SUPERIOR RUSTPROOFING LTD PROTECTION LAST WEEKS MRS J PRICE WINNER Willow St N Acton