Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1978, p. 4

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Small hospitals ability to face change constraints discussed r strong economic base their operation lie local clinic offers viable alternative Moses declared ihr name a technological change arc forcing those responsible for the delivery of health core to re think the role of hospital In terms of the current situation The subject was diseased at the Small Hospital Forum at the Convention Panelists were It J McQueen Executive VicePresident Hospital Consultants Professor Maureen Dixon of the Health Administration Program at the University of Toronto A Moses Trustee of South Memorial Hospital and II Executive Director or the Manitoba Health Organizations Winnipeg Alan Deputy Minister of Health or Ontario was resource person on the panel member of the panel spoke from a different viewpoint but all were agreed that small hospitals v ill not survive unless they are willing to adapt to change Mr McQueen declared himself at the outset supporter of small hospitals because they physicians lo locate in the community give a sense of physical security to local people and have such a strong economic base to their operatic went on to say however that when a s hospital tries lo be all to all people It should be chopped back or at least discouraged It is then serving the population properly and safely he said When the diagnostic equipment Mas limited and bed rest with tender loving care constituted he mijnr extent of treat ment potential the hospital could fill most of the needs for the slek ltul the ion slant advance of bio engineering linked with the growth of all aspects of medical sciences nude the small less capable of handling the potential for diagnosis care ind cure Mr McQueen listed ambulance service clinics and lelemetrv and said icptable alternative to the hospital needs all The lime concept he said provides an alternative to much of the function of the combination of doctors office and small hospital With what he called one of he best ambulance system in the world mdlelcmetrj Mr said he believed technical said that small hospitals in are here lo provided thai they continue to serve their hey have in the past and provided that develop their role as community health tentres Mr Moses that hospitals can no longer be crisis oriented but must reach out into their communities and educate citizens to lake care of themselves by healthy He suggested that hospitals should have a sales or rather an anil sales depart ment whose Job It is to keep people out of hospital Just imagine a company wllh he in vestment in land buildings and equipment of our average hospital employing someone to go oul and entourage people not to buy their product or use heir services scope is absolutely awesome is a prospect for this mil silcs campaign he said Mr declared the name of the gume a eis fur small communis hospitals is to aKack bad habits with all hoopla and of an old time evangelist Dixon however was about the hospitals ability to change public attitudes This change of emphasis at the local level is likely to be achievable only if it has enthusiastic support he local she sold countries suggests lhat the public still has to In- persuaded of the benefits of the preventive approach She added that public scepticism could be justified because there is little evidence to show the current approaches to heallh promotion and illness prevention moke any impact at all tin individual behaviour Mr llackley said lhat the ministry had discovered Ihts lo be the case There is no proof he said costly advertising earn aimed it changing lifestyles arc ef The ministrys own award winning campaign Arc Your Own Control Hoard advertisements had not been proved successful described the District Health System operating in Manitoba He Mem all Ihe and social servue organizations in a given are brought into one structure and arc forced to set common priorities The District Health Board is composed of representatives of the boards of hospitals nursing homes and other agencies One of the outcomes of this system Mr lew son said has been a reduction of aculc- beds in small hospitals There has been a tradeoff he said Beds been cut but no hospital has been being achieved immunities having a small hospital adjacent to the nursing div nod member the audience asked the deputy minister Incentives there were for hospitals to move in new directions Hospitals sometimes pay a financial penalty theWERALD Home Newspaper of Hills WEDNESDAY 1 1S7H A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company limited Mam St South Georgetown L7G Ontario WILLIAM BOB Editor phone Bravo of s should grateful tor the work la ha is ton sid winter slurrr Ins the rei w worked gen ly around the fours stranded molnrisls ami the Mil who worked round clock ensuring that cine was in a snowdrift is such as this which dock stopping when whiteouls and reduced visibility occurred midday Friday moM roads within and riainly the through the mumcipjliij were open and passable Gar carried on as normal Friday Another unsung group who should be thanked publicly fur heir during he big sliirm are residenls who opened Iheir Have a heart Great strides are made through small steps Thats whv jour Heart Fund Volunteer is willing to call on in the com munitj to receive their Heart Fund con When she walks up to your door shell be right in step with thousands of other leers throughout Canada who arc calling on their neighbours to enlist heir support in the fight against heart disease Get in stride with the millions of other Canadians who are also contributing to the Heart Fund in ide- a lint today and which us proud ll is said that you never know how good have il it is gone Tliil ma be the case corollary is that bad times bring people closer A ease in is great blizzard which struck Thursday AH of a sudden nature unleashed her fury on us and there was little we could do to survive thai over worked heme of literature Power Imes comedown as did parts of buildings and Ihe storm look its loll in human life and injury In a word was impossible The onlj note of warmth m the entire story is how people came together during crisis Tins phenomenon is one well noted during a natural disaster and no doubt is a sign of essential humanity When a natural disaster strikes it is Postponing the dealing with it lo hold a business meeting or go shopping or whatever is out of the question Wed like to salute everyone who look whether ih Cat PC I I A feeling we are over protected lFltm be society supposedly trials us We have products lhat protect us against everything you can think of from unsightly dancirufl bad body odor wrinkled pantyhose graying hair ring around collar lo ring around I tic bath for that We seem lo have been offered every conceivable protection from our bodies and what we put mi them At Ihe same lime our are protected the maximum we offer no protection whatsoever for our minds In this age of information explosion we in- fed a steady die of inform ion and misinformation This con slani barrage of fashionable thoughts seems in go in chilis and creates what could be called Ihoughl trends he seems lo latch on a thought trend and or a given lime period we are bombard with views exposing topic then corn a controversy of pros and Before you realize il Ihe subject itself a certain acceptance if from nothing else lhan and exposure I- rim this steady barrage Ihis stream of information and misinformation the public has no whatsoever The mam for hit i Die difference between the pub and the piople We all thai people today are more and in Ihe world around the public however tan have anything at all put vrr them on vlo Jerwc for The government commissioned 1M- report for a coal of approximately milium however Ontario hat no lout in effecting any of national mope thats a federal acpiai people Another in point is the rceeul focus on homosexuals and their rights People stem certain topics and belong lo a srhool of thought thai believes in privacy in Ihe bedroom whether or homosexual parties People really don seem to want bedroom antics of other people Jumping out at Ibem in print whether at the breakfast or the- dinner table The public however has quite an ap- for Ihe whole matter The public seems seem find distasteful The whole matter becomes unite confusing when one considers lhal public can only be made up of people The Sunday Sun ran a with a picture of Marie on lesbian Ms felt the world should know her story of anguish on how badly she wimled a child and how she became artificially inseminated the process involved Ihe of baby and the thai she is definitely going to try again The slory continues with all the details of who how when where and why In llns ease Ihe donors were Iwo homosexual male lovers helping her and her female lover How nice for I personally cant imagine of a stronger aberration than two scH con tossed homosexuals on their right to parenthood I believe in of people find whatever happiness Ibey can in this world I believe in Ihe amendment the Criminal ode which allows between consenting in private Private is the big word however and when lis in Ihe family newspaper Its anything but private A child has enough of a challenge loday when Its born into a heterosexual relation ship Why should any youngster be facet a choice of sexuality We are old that conditioning and play a primary role in the develop of child what kind ot development a child Into a lesbian relationship have Picture school the mlnule word would leak the child would lead a life of misery and ridicule for what We lalk a loi of how far we have come sexually yet the linker room talk boys and tinier on of men I remains the same some things dont change Ive to see a man who wanted a free and easy woman for a mnybc not his wife The same an be said of homosexual relationships le acknowledged more now but who do you know thai wants lo that her or his son or daughter is gay child should have lo be subjected such a life Let us sec legislation opposing between ho mosexuals as a Criminal Act towards an unborn Innocent child Why should a child pay or a parents inabililv function in a normal sexual There are many people who want children Deserving is the qualifica tion couples wilh a serious incdicil disorder have lo forego the privilege of having a In many cases a baby would be loved dearly Any by a self confessed lesbian on ground of l a baby very much Just doesnt hold Looking through our files Council approved the hiring of Willson as of Georgetown salary was set at anmuilly Efforts were being made to the cost of chlorinating local water The move was made after medical officer of health Mather reported a survey of local water samples showed grade reading Town works foreman Collins presented a letter on behalf of salaried town workers seeking an increase in wages to offset the Increased cost of living Annual salaries ranged from to Council offered purchase about two acres of land Ihe lower end of John Street or a pumping station George Cleave Township reeve was elected warden of County W AGO A head line on The Heralds front page reads Library Well Used Circulation Soaring Librarian Jordan reported circulation for I1H7 reached books The library has also been selected one of across Canada to receive from ihe James Hlchardson Century Fund a complete set of Encyclopedia Canadian J L Lambert of Normandy was returned as chairman of the library board IU Gray Coach has been asked to reroute Its service off Main Street The proposed routing would lake the buses off Main Street along James Street to Charles Street and then along Maple Avenue to Highway Council also proposed the bus firm pay a stopping fee to the municipality Council heard the company now pays Brampton a year for slopping in that municipality for operating efficiently Mr stated that the only in- is the hospital Boards desire to provide the best level of health services that the community can provide He stressed lhat communities should find their own solutions and that this is one of the reasons District Health are being set up The ministry is opposed to one set areas- differences of geography make impractical Professor Dixon however said that she believed the only or hospitals to change was authority Its not likely she said a community will press for preventive care at the expense of acute or other kinds of care be She said lhal communities will nol prepared to accep less lhan Ihe are forced to do so Mr reiterated that the future role of hospitals will have to be examined closely He stressed that It was not governments intention simply to remove ports of the health care system Everything is a priority DON Life is a matter of priorities for us all Example Shall I buy drink or save the money is very much a matter importance government loday There are so many demands on it so much lo be done And it cant possibly all be done There isnt ihe money for il all so there musl be decisions constant decisions on jusl what can be done What comes first And must be put the side NEEDED There have to be if government here genuinely appreciates this recognizes the general act that its spending be cut back therefore Its restraint program But then the question Is how much further does go Does it realize that there must be more spending in some areas even though there is overall restraint That if there really is to be progress in our problems of loday certain areas and activities must be encouraged meaning largely thai money must be spent on them evidence Isnt reassuring One has a firm suspicion that Ihe government believes restraint is an end In doesnt realize Ihe further job It has to do SAVE MILLION As one example the government today should be encouraging development new development I have mentioned the importance of small business in Ibis And what has the government done about small business Practically nothing Perhaps a better example is energy and energy conservation There is one common piece of knowledge around here This is that the Ministry of Energy has a hard job in getting We started speaking about prolectioi and the ironic protection is available us Ihe superficial wcgiiec while we allow anything at all to pi through our minds When any issue is presented often en il gains acceptance Our guideline for vhat normal Is thai which is accepted am tolerated In near future have a device called talk back television A push button will allow you to signal a personal response This little will change the whole structure of society as we know It We will become a government of the people by people and for the people Public plehisclie will be taken and the results tallied immediately The lime for the people and Ihe public lo become one Is now later will be just late Yet its a ministry of A ministry thai is key lo the particular conditions of As just one instance of what can be done in area there has been a government energy bus on the road now for some surveyed some plants and has been able lo identify possible annual savings of 30 million for these plants or per cent of their consumption But even though it has been going now for more two years and has proven Itself this program still has only the one bus At its rate the plants in the province might be covered by about Industry consumes more half of our energy The government has a Policy and Priorit ies Committee of cabinet Just it does isnt certain a first task might be to look at us own priorities Writing phony communiques beats opening letters HUH llurru Of He to further upset Henry the former commissioner of Mounted police who thinkn lime the ticking lb twee Itl difficult Ml lust w the revelation by Vmx pox who tells us about members writing of those frightening communiques In and the headquarter not learning the until a Seems passing tor lo operate this I mean its one for a highlytrained officer to sit down and write that Mao the Irue revolutionary teaches us hat power flows from the barrel of a gun but its another thing for tho head of the security not to know where the communique originated For close to seven year It Wan assumed In Ottawa that the came from the Minerva cell of the And the solicitor general of he day was never told tho the revolutionary diatribe iKAit The revelation come out when Fox held an press conference to as ho so delicately put It clear he slate of known wrongdoings Bother than have various Illegalities exposed by the method he thought It would be better to display the whole slate at once And this In cluded mentioning possible physical or moral violence against members who were questioned by security men for up to 12 hours In motel rooms Quite honestly sold the minister It Is not our intention to reveal the one by one What we are trying to do this morning Is clear the elate to reveal all Illegal acts that have been committed Earlier suggestions of lllegallUei had come out In dribs and drabs The Illegal by police of a leftleaning news agency In Montreal was disclosed before it was revealed that the had burned down a bam to prevent a meeting of Quebec terrorists and Black Panthers And then among other things there was that bit about he RCMP Intercepting and opening mall It has been upsetting for Henry who wants the media to lay off and let the McDonald Royal Commission which Is Investigating the Its work In peace As things now stand he says the public is being with the impression mat the forces security service systematically breaks the taw There are no more dedicated people In this country ho says I certainly wont quarrel that On the other hand there Is little evidence that the media have attacked and oven Tadeson could scarcely expect us to Ignore Foxs news conference about fake I am sure the solicitor general Is correct in saying the communique was Issued lo sow seeds of discontent within the then- feared but 11 says something for chain of command when headquarters was not Informed about the fake Not only headquarters but the Quebec Provincial Police alio took it seriously continuing the Investigation with probably llllle real coopera Jan from This Meanwhile and 1 hope Henry will forgive me Its difficult to erase the image of one of those cleancut officers silling down a pen ning this lypc of prose Together the Mlnerve cell and Its supporters will continue to liberate the race from the oppression Imposed by AngloSaxon and their marionettes In governrnent and from all other enemies of our people We triumph Sure beats drab letters

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