IL1 E WORSNOP and BOSS Two benefits highlight theatre scene By GEORGE EVASHUK Herald writer The theatre scene In Hallon Hills was alive this weekend with two benefit Georgetown Little Theatre GLT lured he musical com revue duo of Neville Boss for wo performances of their original production A Bit of Both of Us The Acton Drama Club also calling itself The Pre tenders did a Saturday night benefit tor the Georgetown Christian School And as benefits go each was successful and in more than box office The considerable talents of a in on theatre front lines and Boss often described he first ldd of musical com ly theatre in according to release were mixed for potent impact at Howard WriRglesworth school as audiences there day or Saturday night will attest Accompanying and Boss in their finely honed numbers and routines was Derrick Lewis who composed the overture Enlr The Aclon Drama Club put on j performance Our da Sal in pol boiler in three St in the lead role of Sally Manner a country girl who knows her stuff and can show her slicker friends a thing or two was Willy Jong who led the cist of nine all of them speakers of Dutch with lish as a second language The Acton Drama Club how staged their per without benefit of a director during rehearsals and under which pro actors would blanch when the hung 01 hid lo be drawn iihe I it apart with I couple of hotkey returned to Iheir sometimes taking ihe long ij through the set imi between the actors So one to mind Besides Willy Jong ibli of in a we illhy my parlour were oul by All Kroecn Thei Thys Splinter Wilma Karens Mice Henry Jerry and llenny is Kit prompter The benefit over to Georgetown Christian press a mount r used by ihe Oil w is Town supports ICG seeks ministers meeting Ha Hon Hills council has re affirmed its support of the Interested Citizens Group by asking recently appointed Energy Minister Rucben independent study of the transmission corridor between Bruce nuclear generating slat ion and Milton Council has also agreed lo EMBARGO RULED ILLEGAL An embargo placed on board of Ion by Ontario Secondary School Teach Federation has been termed an illegal strike and violation of the collective agreement Emmerson Lavender director of education told the board Thursday he had received a telephone call from the arbitrator that day about the decision and thai a written report is on lis way District of placed the embargo Dec 16 197B in on effort lo the boards mandatory implementation of high school which would have all high schools In region on a chairmanship system rather than headships The arbitrator a decision has province wide implications for the future relations between school boards and teachers Mr Lavender said And because the decision took over a year indicates a revision is needed of Bill which regulate bargaining boards and teachers lighten up the lime lag Mr Lavender said the board has not asked for damages in and thai when written decision arrives it will be studied by the boards lawyers for possible implications A spokesman at headquarters In Burl said David president of District would not be making comment on decision unlit receiving the written Meanwhile OSSTF filed with the board a notice begin days negotiations for the 1878 col I 1 a meet with Ontario Hydro discuss mat I ere relating to construction of the line David ity relations II a son officer with Ontario Hydro told council Monday he wonts exchange information councillors so will be belter prepared to respond lo ratepayers ies when large vehicles and cement trucks are In area construct transmission low He said he was prepared to discuss Hydro property acquisition policies fores practice and policies or arrange a field trip Ihe nuclear station on Bruce Peninsula or high voltage dem site Council passed a resolution giving the meetings the go ahead for regular council meeting al which the public could attend but not pari id Council also authorized the town solicitor represent the town in an appeal by Ontario Hydro of a land division com mil tec ruling which denied a severance to public to build a transmission or on land not zoned for thai purpose in the official plan The appeal hearing will be Feb The town Is currently a decision from Municipal Board on whet her Ihe con go ahead TAX SALE PROPERTIES ell properties thai arm Itic WO to range service provides lists complete lor one year pi on is payable to TAX SALE PROPERTIES Dept Stn F Ottawa Ont K2C3J1 THE Februarys Page REJECTS HIGHER GRANTS Board cuts French immersion classes board of education Thursday dumped an optional French immersion prograrr for Grade which was to being in September A majority of trustees sup ported Milton Trustee Bill Lawson that the prog rim be withdrawn for further study resolve the questions of whclh it can be afforded and its effect on school organization To the Issue of costs of a French immersion program Lavender director of education old trustees he had just received details of ministry of education grant structures for funding programs Most ordinary programs ore funded per cent by the ministry Mr Lavender said But in case of French programs that support was boosted to per eent It means that the board could hire 14 French teachers above the It anticipated for a French core program at less cost than for the original he Under the regular grant for salaries for teachers are estimated at of which board would pay Under the increased grant formula estimate cost lo the board of teachers would be If you dan spend it for French Mr Lavender said don get it Mr Lavender added how ever thai the history of mini grants was uneven which makes long range plan difficult Trustee Fred Armilage said the Improved grants for sweetheart deal for this year Bui once the program is under way in and accepted by the public we can t cut it Trustee Bert sold the needs lo be and deal wilh core is no pur In i the core merely to add another program is a mailer of record thai the federal government sup ports the French program to the provinces Mr said And historically the federal government has pulled Ihe rug out from under all And as for the provincial subsidies for the French pro gram all the taxpayers arc paying shot anyway Mr said French immersion pro earns arc an lion Mr said The people who want a program from Grade Grade fi area group who are very small part of the region popula Trustee that speaking on Ihe subject brought forward criticism hot You re unity but students need to be able to graduate from elementary school with a chance of success in secondary schools Trustee Judy Alexander said that In light of the Increased grants from the ministry We have to say it is worth doing Other trustees supported Mrs Alexanders position in that extra teachers would answer the concerns of teach and principals about the amount of planning lime and leaching time available in the school system Trustee Edna Robinson said there arc hours of I true lion daily in Halton schools while other school systems have only five hours Tolmple men minutes per day of French instruction would re quire finding only ten minutes more per day she said Expansion of the French program should be one of the top priorities this year Miss Robinson said Trustee Cameron Jackson urged trustees to focuss not on bargains but on pact of French program on a student at the critical Grade and level Trustee Florence Men res said that expanding Ihc Ian gunge the needs of children But although the board cut the immersion program it did vole to set up a per cent Grade 1 French immersion program at Strath public school In Burlington In light of the number of applications for the program received from parents The deadline for accepting applications for Grade 1 French Immersion was ex tended to 10 and the figures for cost of the program are to be before the board Feb A motion to set up French immersion classes at an Oak viile school was tabled until reports arc in Crime prevention seen a success Tli I Hilt lut Ihe of stu chores be in handled by ml Hill turn rv in south n rlh mil Iht recruiting of new pi persi both rmtd mil clerical When bureau is set up last June one of its thief goals was reported lo the curbing of Ihrtuglaut reg ion work of police men in this other ire is relies upon rgul reports from the district SI iff Serge ants including Staff JihnBirrcttof Serge ml commenl is they In the insnbli- h si I ists effort MLtUtt SM till LIMESTONE ALL SIZES GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL BULY HAINES 3 DURHAM ST 877 FIRE IS FINAL We would like to help you improve your chances of escape SMOKE SIGNAL Early Warning Detector We Carry the BRK ELECTRONICS SMOKE DETECTOR MODEL NO WE ALSO HAVE HEAT DETECTORS SALES SERVICE SPECIAL AMERICAN LA FRANCE DRY CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LB PRESSURIZED MULTIPURPOSE DRY CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LB LB LB CAPACITY SALES SERVICE REPAIRS DONE IN OUR OWN SHOP AVAILABLE AT Mavalk SALES LTD AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ACCESSORIES INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT SALES SERVICE ARMSTRONG AVE GEORGETOWN Suite deal Pc SOFA MATCHING CHAIR All Soles Final All Floor Samples As Is No Refunds or Exchanges Tuts to Set pm Thurs and Fri fm CLOSED MONDAY robe r i Gougeon Main St Downtown Georgetown FREE DELIVERY WITHIN A MILE RADIUS OF GEORGETOWN