Home Newspaper of Hills WEDNESDAY FEBRUARYS A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown WILLIAM Publisher BOB Editor PHONE Mall Rcgtiltrtd Number Mennonite virtues society s cornerstone There are people In our society who believe that nonviolence is a virtue thai personal morality and virtuous living arc he life ordained of their Creator These arc he same virtues that were the cornerstones of our social order These people believe that human energy is alternative source of supply and decline to on renewable sources of energy These people believe In community living and mutual support And while hi rest of us stand about and Racism light seems to be slowly dawning that racism long bought to be a problem of the United Southern Africa and a lew other unenlightened of world has raised its vicious and evil head in Canada We suspect it has always ixisted here if the treatment of Canadian Indians and Inuit is any example fact thai our immigrat ion policies and the of whites in our big is becoming cause for concern has brought out in the open is almost It is based simply on the belief thai one race color or creed is superior any other is bigotry phin and It is also illegal ihe law in is too ollcn not enforced There is a theory being impressed with frighlenmg frequency the viclims of racism deserve it After all this antiquated mode of ihmking siys host people came here from country because they nought Cinada was better place than the one which Ihiy liaving Therefore these bigots they must be prepared accept ice ill Ihe insults abuse and discrimination is tossed them is the way others had moke in Thenon while the minor My should be humble ind preferably and should show for being mlo nation of freedom and equably by There is i cure for racism requires stern measures on the part of our politicians police churches schools all insniutions of society who must declare uncompromising that racism is able illegal and will be dealt with severely folittcans and police must enact and enforce rigidly the laws possible in a society against these such practices They must begin by rooling it in own arenas AROUND THE RIM Better idea ByBOBRUTTFR Herald editor Fred has come up with a better idea In the fight to conserve energy Or ralher Ihe yearold Nova Scotlan resident has a step backward and come up with a winner A wireservice story recently detailed how the Air Canada technician built a log cabin and insulated his roof by using sod It alive and he mow every now and again for dandelions and see that it doesn create problems But it sallowed him to heal his home a wood stove since it dried out and indications are winter weather sees no heat loss through roof because frost a on the grass Not only is he achieving a saving on fuel coot and consumption but he total coal of the roof whs about to per cent of he coal of a conventional roof His idea may start renewed thinking among home designers to provide what may be Ihe ultimate insulation for roof construe lion ft also a renewable resource that can be used and reused without great concern about the loss of a valuable resource I and don forget you read It here first sod roofs will become the rage In new home construction within the next decade Meanwhile out on the west coast a new radical approach Is being taken to hillside construction on he shores of Vancouver Stilts arc being used construct homes bulldozers ore allowed remove any of the and natural growth is maintained for drainage in an effort to prevent erosion and other problems now experienced in such settings But there have been problems associated with the development of a of homes In hat area Local authorities while endorsing the plan have no criteria for inspection The provincial government which has two ministries involved In inspection of elevators and trams can decide who has the responsibility for a tram cum elevator an inclined railway really which will lake residents Up he side of the hill from large parking lot below well federal mortgage inspectors have been caught in a over the lack f bulldozing of tree stumps and other ground level growth under homes as regulations now prescribe will be Interesting to watch the development of this subdivision because the principles applied In this case may also be applied across country in other areas Some day we might find our present hazard lands which do not provide a censer ration environment natural habitat or cultural use becoming an area where our expanding population can dwell for Ihe good old days and wring our hands impolenily about loss of values or spend hours over decrying ikdown of family and the advent of I fit permissive the nonviolent hard working communities do some- ihey live heir beliefs But look what they gel for Do we try In some small way emulate them Do we encourage their peaceful attempts to live us they feel right wilhoul infringing on our rights lo and spend more Incredibly no seems we persecute them for living as we ought in Ontario the Old Order Mennonite dairy farmers who produce milk using or no outside energy supplies found itself in direct conflict the bureaucrats at Queens Park Believing as they do that electricity is not for them the nevertheless produce high quality milk chilled to regulations without benefit of Hydro The government has said change or go out of business The peaceful lo the end are not fighting An even more case exists in Texas where of Mennonites was ready transform the arid land hey had purchased into a paradise using deep wells and hard work They did not know and the immigration authorities did not tell them lhal faced an series of obstacles legal and otherwise such as water sold to others thereby making illegal lo drill on heir own land ineligibility work permits making It impossible to cash and now deporlatlon as aliens All this for wanting o work land others wouldn louch Something is clearly wrong in both these when in a the a group of decent hard work ing people arc persecuted so by Ihe representatives of all of us Who will lake up the cudgels on behalf peaceful cudgels The road to anomally There appears to be an in the taken week by public works in seeking a redesign for widening of Trafalgar Itoad at Ashgrove asked for the possible redesigning of ihe roadwoy possible bend around ihe community take in farmland ralher thin residential linds he drafi proposals for the regional official phn v before public seems odd that while council professes lo support the pnnci pie of saving farmland one of lis committees is innsiigiiing the use of farmland for road purpi ses When ihe phn for redesign of Trafalgar back for it is hoped members will attempt approve the project without need for farmland use If not hen would appear lhal he good intentions and principles under which council operates applies only to devel of homes If indeed the spirit of policy is lo save farmland then it must be lo ill situations and become a loose policy where discrelion prevails Abortion on demand is murder It in I A few columns back wrote in open It Iter Mom from Baby This was meant as a tender pica against abortion Because of the rcponst lo we offer la be considered What reaction would jou have if told of a doctor who lost i young woman on the operating table and said the following her husband sorry about your wife nurse check my schedule for this afternoon oh yes well like I said these things happen you win a few you lose a few But hove to dash now 1 due to tec off in an hour You know how is Too ridiculous to be token seriously I wonder What comes across loud and clear is a total disrespect for human life or human dignity of personal prejudices or cultural exchanges we would probably all agree that no such person should ever be doctor should ever be in the position of holding another life in his hands Such a person has a complete lack of human understanding compassion sen but most of all he disregards the sanctity of life and places little or no value on No matter how often a doctor looks upon the face of death it Is something he never becomes comfortable with The life of each and every patient is a sacred trust a trust that is never taken for granted Each day doctors face life and death decisions They never come easy it never becomes a matter The willful taking of human life is a heinous we call it murder There is arm thing about an act of murder that strikes a cord within the deepest part of the human soul Who among us remains unmoved upon a brutal slaying How much more so if the victim is an innocent child Today there is a mass of faceless sheep in guise of womankind who are led to believe have the right to take a human life These misguided souls seem to be under the illusion thai an abortion is a simple operation in a few weeks you forget all it Looking through our files THIRTY AGO nice to see the Start of a new month on this week weather summary January was something remember It is note that average minimum for January Is 13 degrees whereas this year it was almost 10 degrees below normal 3 degrees Ten of days registered below zero temperatures and we never did see January this year Gondii I presented a Idler from Town foreman Collins on behalf of Ihe Town men an Increase in wages Poison at Queens Park Queen Park Bureau Of The Herald what need There has been comparatively little recently about mercury and mercury poisoning of a squawk before the Hart Commission perhaps generally has been off for quite a while The Dow Chemical suit is being dropped by ihe government after five years with some kind of a settlement supposedly being with the commercial fish been as though a of fury and hoi had passed over But slorm is brewing again And where Of nil places In the federal A valentine poem It St Ma Vincent In harmony iwo lovers stroll They feel yet one with all Each gives Iholr heart the knows true love grows And so Ihey plan a future life He 11 be Ihe man and she his wife Blending their ways no harsh pride With and Joy shared side by side Unknown to this winter day and downs may come their way if each bate their love on Their In marriage won i be When love enfolds their family These lovers can look back and sec Thai far beyond the wedding glow There more love than love will Parly member Cyril from ihe Health Minister Begin about the English river sysiem which province has refused close to recreaiional fishing And a combination of an and wtmin in indignant action Miss Begin said her mini Iry was studying closing the system by action What a mess One hat probably could only be stirred up by an NDP er and a woman minister In he first place it is doubtful If Miss Begin has any authority in his case very doubtful The constitutional responsibility in the field lies ihe province And if she tried to step in one of those snarly const tonal arguments could flare up That we don want In Tact even what Miss Begin has already done we don wanl or need Here she is opening up once again sad saga of mercury A story which would be funny if it I dealing with Ihe serious of public health It has managed to get the public seriously confused and In a good many cases scared If Miss Begin were properly filling her function as the first spokesman for health In this counlry she would state cases and allay public fears Sne would say thai so far as is known you practically hove to eat mercury fish every day of your life and for a prolonged period before you arc going lo suffer from And occasional sport fish won do you any harm As for has done Borne valuable work in environmental health on such mat ion as us boa I and lung cancer is like a liltlc leaguer whohashlta home run Vow ry time It goes bat It tries for long ball And looks ridiculous swinging wildly ami striking oul meet rising living costs Present wages paid ire Collins and SI This is on a salary basis with no overtime paid Cleave well known George lown farmer who is serving his second yeans Is new warden of County for 198 Those nice origin days of sunshine were noi hird take The of January was noi very far from normal for the of snow The maximum average was and is two degrees above normal while ihe minimum average wisnno below normals 12degrces snowfall was only ten inches and lhal is six inches below January average Georgetown has received approval for a SO bed hospital lo serve the northern pari of Hilton Counly The latest estimated cost con met equip and put Into service a spn is iHiwecn ixwanrt New government grants will reduce total wtnen will have lo be found by public subscription or municipal grant to a total maximum of Georgetown will add a sixth policeman to police force soon and may increase to seven later year TEN YEARS AGO One hundred and three library members have now registered their views on the proposals foranewllbrary The most popular first choice was to extend the existing library supported by 60 members voted for a new library with the existing library be used as a branch and one member voted for a library in the next high school addition Alarmed by possibility or a major repair job to Georgetown sewage disposal plant Council on Monday asked Provincial and to cease dumping mill waste system pending further Investigation of plant equipment On a split vote Monday council decided to advertise again for applicants for new position of clerk administrator Last week a man chosen for the job decided not to come and has accepted a position elsewhere FUNNYSIDE on demand Is their right Abortion on demand moy as well read murder on demand We have laws that protect our wildlife Save a Seal Save the Canadian Bison Save the Timber Wolf hunting restrictions ito preserve the species wildlife sanctuaries We protect defenseless things yet what Is more defenseless than an infant Where Is our cloak of protection lo save this most Innocents The danger of abortion on demand Is that it places little or no value on human life Where heart beats there is life and the human heart begins to beat on or about the twenty fifth day after conception By the time a woman finds that she is pregnant the infant tobe has a beating heart a beating human heart One cannot over emphasize the danger of ralionalliing when humanity begins If we rationalize the unwanted child should be denied life Tor the comfort of the mother the possibility of future neglect his safety from hunger hi right too lifeof quality how long is before we cry out against suffering blind weak the Infirmed the crippled who may all lack a life of or someone version of It Abortion Is something thai already exists The life of the mother always takes precedent but itts always a careful weighing of one life against another by those who are not emotionally involved No doctor knowingly endangers the Ilfc of his patient No doctor knowingly brings a off spring into the world Rape is an ugly crime no woman should have endure such on act without the righl to deman Justice for her human dignity But to use rape as justification for another human Indignity is equally wrong Abortion on demand does not safeguard our young it docs Just the opposite The young are now and always will be somewhat foolish and headstrong Emotionally ihey lack and experience You cannot put an old head on young shoulders It is often said if Is true that wc have to build our laws taking into consideration the emotional Instability of youth Abortion on demand allows an already highly emotional young person sanction for lack of preparation for lack of maturity Maturity is ihe ability to see down the road ahead maturity demands preparation and forethought For the older woman abortion on demand offers little Abortion Is not something that Is very quickly forgotten Paul a noted German physician and author says No woman can gel over an abortion without suffering mental harm Prom time of conception the body prepares for pregnancy The body and lie hormones have already decided on pregnancy When mind decides otherwise Kune says result amounts to a violation of Ihe soul by the mind Very often the price is a variety of psychosomatic disorders that last a lifetime pregnancy lasts only nine months Recently I was told that I should come into the century a man still zips up his pants and walks away while the woman is left to pay piper That fine but what of the emotional scars when dealing with the fact lha you knowingly killed your own offspring Whether women like It or not they have to decide to take a life Man has yet to make any great Improvement redesigning nature The lime for action takes place before conception not after true and being swayed by the moment is a human failure But do we have to compound that failure Abortion should only be considered as a life and death emotional death Included situation Abortion is something that must always beheld In the moat delicate of balance Tor if pendulum swings and a woman can demand a life as her right we will have lost forever the sine Illy of life If he blind m Mind nd right must push something let them push preparation on demand Abortion on demand does nothing to solve battered babies by stopping the of babies and barbaric solution Abortion on demand Is murder on demand and God help ail if that every becomes anyone right A friend in need indeed By STEWART MaeLEOD Ottawa a Of The Herald In looking at how the prime minister finds all these jobs for his former cabinet colleagues we mentioned the recent appointment of M Bud Drury to the further to see whether Trudeau devotion to this close circle of colleagues is in the beat interest of the country There is no doubt about qualiflc lit ions and experience He was educated at Bishops College Royal Military College McGIII University and the University of Paris and during ihe Secondworld War be reached of brigadier the age of He was a hotshot young diplomat after the war and in 1949 the age of only 37 he became deputy minister of national defence And entering politics In he held different portfolios until his resignation from cabinet In 197G During his entire period In Ottawa be established a well earned reputation a lough nononsensendministralor If he bung led any bureaucratic projects no one seems to know them One colleague has describ ed him as perfect company director mclhlng he did between his bureaucrat and political car era BIG INFLUENCE Within cabinet had an influence and it was obvious that rehedhcavllyonhimforadvice But when be resigned from cabinet 16 months ago he sold it was lime for younger voices be heard and he wanted to make room for them Drury was hen But when the prime minister establishes a profound rcspact for someone s ability he tales see them go to pasture There are dttens of examples of him recycling old colleagues through unrelated careen When resigned Trudeau lost no lime in recruiting his services as a special representative for const ilutional develop ment in the Northwest Tcrrilorics But this assignment I been entirely smooth sailing for the old administrator He has rubbed some native groups ihe wrong way some don i want to meet him and he has been criticized for not spending enough lime in But the criticism dtdn t rattle the prima minister When this latest vacancy arose and Trudeau looked around to see who should become the new SCO year head of toe National Capital Commission be slopped at whose work in the Northwest ics is not complete I have every confidence In his ability do a great job said the prime minister goes without taring But with al candidates availableforajobirtetlds it fair to question Trudeau choice STRANGE CHOICE The chairman of the National Capital Commission has to work different regional governments and organisations In coordinating the development of the capital The hassles are constant swapping buildings for parkland bringing on bicycle pathways trying to reach agreement on grants in lieu of taxea and struggling maintain a cordial relation ship with separatist government in Quebec which a federal pre sence across the Ottawa River In Hull And while Quebec I the federal government In Hill Ihecilyof Ottawa certainly doesn t want it either The biggest federal related Issue in the city right now the large scale transfer of public servant to ncwbuildingslnlfult Ottawa now has nearly four million square feet of vacant office So with this in mind it passing strange thai Trudeau should pick Drury whose hard nosed determination played a Urge role In the government moving so many people to Hull And later as minister of public works was ullimatUy responsible for the new office buildings to house these workers The mayor of Ottawa certainly didnt welcome the appointment and it unlikely that Parti Qucbecois government will regard the former Liberal a family You can respect loyally and anyone who knows would certainly respect his ability and his great to the country but in this case I think the prime minister should have looked a bit farther afield as though needs money Bible Digest Moreover as for me God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you but I will teach you Ihe good and the right way Samuel In light of this should never take lightly a prayer request or a burden that comes to our mind to pray another IMtt ly Milan IB Mvtrlli inoomt