THE HERALD 8 ON THE HOME FRONT Dieting EMBROILED IN DISPUTE WITH TOWN Developers fireside chat with Georgetown Jaycees By My husband bad to perform some rather Intricate gyrations recently in order to squeew into new suit Ruefully surveying his expanded waistline a legacy of the holiday season bo announced be was going on a diet My man la not usually noted for suffering in silence andflnnlybellevesthatirhahastodenybinuelf so should everyone else around him After all where Is the fun in selfsacrifice if no one knows about if Consequently with his pronouncement groans of dismay arose from the rest of us who being somewhat on the svelte side believe we need all the sustenance we can scrounge up at the dinner table Now if there Is anything worse man on a diet It is an Italian man on a diet for whom food approaches a mystical experience far surpassing a mere lifesupport measure I could not help but wonder Just how this in credible shrinking man act would be accomplished Knowing him well and realising that his agony would be difficult if not well nigh impossible to bear we decided to make things as easy as possible for him and pixza pasta and bread were forthwith banned from the house Admittedly we did attempt to put up a bold front at the dinner tabic We tried sparkling conversation as a food substitute even managed her elbows off the table as a diversion However with his soulful eyes watching every morsel of food leaving our plates the guilt trip simply proved to be Just too for us to take Our meagre evening meal being rapidly cleared away with hardly a saucepan in sight after all how many pots does It take to prepare celery stalks we waited in impatience for the man of the house to carry his fast weakened body down the television set Three starving children and their mother mediately degenerated Into closet attackers Barley giving father time to totter shakily down the stairs silent in fighting at the door of the refrigerator began and massive platefuls of crackers and cheese peanut butler sandwiches and bowls of com flakes were hurriedly distributed Fleet footee children dispersed with their secret horde of goodies to the bedrooms while I hid under the kitchen table clutching a precious energy sustaining slice of salami and this grown was only the first day How long the cry went up would It be before Dad waistline returned to normal and we could all eat openly and honestly again at the table Naturally it was not too long Two hours after din if such a poor repast could be so dignified by the term the first complaints of weakness and dizziness plaintively floated up from the nether regions of the recreation room While to my critical eye he did not appear exactly Vitiated Ihavrtoadmit he gave the battle of the bulgea good try And as tried to reassure him if Burt Reynolds chest every slips to half mast why no one will ever be able to tell them apart Limehouse news Developer Bruce McLaugh came Georgetown to deliver fire and brimstone speech after dinner wilh the Georgetown It turned into a fireside chat The fed him his choice of veal or sale fined him ten cents for a minor infraction then let him pull up a chair and lell them why he is embroiled In a battle with elected of Hal Ion Hills ratepayers The last time he was in Georgetown al council chum trying to speak to the planning board he was ejected from Ihc meeting and held a press conference in a windy parking lot His appearance last Tuesday was an enlist your to reverse the decision of your planning board and council he told the His conflict with the town has become a of morality judgment and fair play he slid Is prepared lo sue Elation Hills for millions and millions of dollars The bailie will go an so long as 1 live he vowed because I m right and for justice Bui the real losers In the ordinary Joes who can afford housing he said When voters go to the polls in November will have loask themselves If there is room for their neighbours and room or their children and Can there be a prosper wilhout growth Mr McLaughlin charged Hills council and plan board being grossly unfair and acting contrary Ihc rule of law He look an opportunity to recite that ere do of the Club which slates That government should be of laws rather than men If vie lose lhat he added lose and we ha The of Hills council is lo obligations lo leg in Planning Act Hit express objections of senior mm islers he said Through all I such municipal lies have doubled and tripled Ihe price of housing And when councils arc voted of will say took away the opportunity for an ordinary Joe to his home councils are turning ihe into per pushers rather than pro ducers who are getting His company which had assets grow from million in 1972lo million in and he himself are in for more we get if we have to put up with Ihc law councils Wllhoui the of councils it is almost Impos I achieve development he said and charged the government with being afraid to lake away the deve loping authority from councils after It Ins been abused Hills council rules according lo their whim a mode of behavior he described as foul ploy elopers used to say Lets keep a I profile and don fight hall but all thai is h now he said Vic really don approve ru iota of what councils arc doing he slid Developers do build just for sake of building ii fulfill the needs of people for housing he said We are He said lh a since lus develop mtnl par of reason why have such poor I in Ihcse Our ir in the development Industry is quality jnd builders are among ihe best in Ihe world he said Ask as you go live Where will our neigh live When will we w And who will be able to afford anything aflcr this con is a con dsease In com carried from council lo council he said As far as Mills council is concur Ballinafad district news Mrs A Herald core pendent TheW I thchomcof Mrs Anderson on evening The president Mrs Booth read a short item and Ode and Collect were repeated in Notes of thanks were received from a number who had received gifts at Christ mas and thank you from the Sick Children Hospital Foundation for a donation Mrs accepted an appointment as delegate to the Officers Conference at Waterloo University Moy to Bring a craft and explain It the roll call brought samples of needlepoint macrame tatting hooked nigs rick rack flowers even a chair a needle pointed seat Convenors read short reports and Mrs read current Mrs Benton Introduced crafts woman Mrs Roger Beck who showed samples of wood from the fleece to yard to knitted and woven articles She demonstrated eroding drop spindle and spinning by wheel She had yarns from various animals Mrs Booth thanked the speaker and extended teslcs Mrs Anderson and Council rejects advance Halton Hills council over ruled a recommendation Mon day which would have given members of the press a copy of council agendas the Monday morning of council or committee meetings The motion was lost on a tie vote which councillor Walter chairman of committee of the whole decided by his nay vote Councillor is a former newspaper man who was edit or and publisher of The Herald for about 30 years Coun Roy Booth said if copies of the agendas are given to the press they also have to be given to everybody By withholding the agendas until the meeting time staff would be free of a bombardment of questions all day Mrs Davits served a nice lunch after Mrs has returned from a couple of months with her daughter Mrs John Foster at Head Lake near We like to hear of homes burning anytime but in winter it seems much worse We are sorry to hear that Mr Louth lost his cottage on the line by fire late Saturday night By MRS G DENNY After a month of can the Brownies had their first meeting of new year on Feb 1 At the meeting the girls planned their project for the upcoming Thinking Day Future trips events Januarys sleepover at Brown Owl Wilsie was set for another date In February The Guides also had many cancellations In the month of January due to bad weather conditions We did however manage to go on swimming outing to the Acton Lions Pool on Jan After swimming we enjoyed drinks and pizza at the drive in It was a super fantastic trip and must praise the girls for their excellent behaviour We were very proud of them nil By WINIFRED SMITH Herald correspondent The February meeting of the 1 was held at the home of Mrs RelaShortlll Mrs Jamlesan as president opened the meeting by reading a few words of wisdom lowed by all repealing the I Creed and Ode Fourteen members and one visitor answered the roll call by naming a Shakespearian play and quoting a few lines from it Ada Kirkwood was ap pointed the delegate to attend the officers conference in May Mrs as convenor for education and cultural ihen look over the meeting and called on Mrs Smith for the motto which was Heart is Her Child Schoolroom Mrs Given gave current events There were some tot creating reports given by the standing committee conven ore Mrs Grace McEnery gave an interesting rending taken from a teachers publication The program ended Mrs Shortlll showing lions of beautiful paintings by the artist Ken Danby was voted lo have coffee and dessert before the March meeting begins Instead of the usual afternoon lea Mrs Viola and Mrs assisted the host ess with Ihe serving of a dainty Every one will be glad once again to receive their copy of the newsletter put out by Community Centre Congratulations to the new editor Sandra Henderson for informative piece of read ing There ore extra copies left at the store for those who didn receive one The news letter was developed keep community informed of the upcoming dances also a variety of activities The Sweetheart Dance will be Feb 13 and you are asked to bring along your favorite casserole for a pot luck supper Tickets are avail able at the store Due to the efforts of Mr Ivan Bird the 10c movie will be shown again On Feb through the cooperation of the library the first of a scries of short features will be shown The movie will begin at so kids save your allowance and bring along Mom and Dad and make it a family night When was last time you went to a movie for 10 cents Susan O Connor who recent flew up from Brownies to 2nd Acton Guides spent the weekend camping at Clifford other members of Acton Guides Gregory Snow son of Mr and Mrs Bud Snow is spending some time visiting his sisters In Edmonton Alberta He rived just in time to see the older sister Louise before she with her husband and family made the move to B C where they will be living Some Interesting news was brought to our attention last week when we heard that Stephen a student of Pembroke High School the best In physical fitness program of the whole of Can a da Stephen who is is the son of Mr and Mrs Gorton of Pembroke and a grandson of Mrs Archie McEnery who is a resident here his mother be ing Yvonne McEnery before marriage Congratulations First chance today to see draft plan Hills residents today Wednesday get the first of two chances in town to voice opinions on Ihe draft offlclil plan which wilt take turn of century The meeting lonight p Aclon In Georgetown meeting Feb at Alcott After the public meetings in all the draft copy will be reviewed and according lo the planners represent he council interpolation of what the residents of aspire and whit problems need lobe solved Tilt final not expected until fall will need he approval of he minister of housing ind the Ontario Muni opal Board When adopted by council ho plan affect social and health services capital fund land management al rts urces housing water and sewer services and trans were going lo do our lo find why they don I likilhi lilt of our kill Mr McLaughlin explained me of contract hi has wilh Hills which lias approved by munici and the province aids Issues such as sewage real mini plants high an red in ended I waive the intent of honoril men The intent is lo build 1 homes on acres of farm land in south Georgetown below Creek on both sides of Mnunlamview Road is crystal clear he said The of a Is only as good as leaders and once a has been struck Ihey back out It said thai capital is a coward Mr McLaughlin con and these men arc driving of our country Tht re we cant ply Mr McLaughlin said that in the past decades he has built two million housing units and thousands of shopping cent res wh produce mil lion in lax revenue each year Items such as parks libraries and arenas are trinkets for what going down the drain In losl tax revenue The building Industry counts for IB per cent of the Gross National Product and is a generator of economic well being he said The economy is in trouble because of little men who don I understand the rule law who do get US a mesh of entangle In a question period follow fircidc chat Mr McLaughlin said Hills council cannot change the rule of law by benefit from a con Ira ihcnpassinga law wipe Thai is an act of bad Thais not fair liui councils are only ihc of province and ihc provincial Planning i developers have the right huiid housing and reply inMdays he said Since ihc Act was passed planning is being done In more hi not ten An in Planning however must due process of i the i be sent regional committee up to April Hi thai before 1946 land use was is you sow fl then came Ihi Planning Act Asked what of nous log he wanlcd to build below Silver Creek Mr McLaughlin said single homes We re prepar lo eliminate all apart menls There would be mod crate ranged houses about SO Other municipalities have allowed 30 foot lots but here it primarily 50 foot single dwelling Mr McLaughlin vice Ernest Bod who has lived in George town about ID years said the houses would be almost ident those In subdivision which has develo ped by Ilex from whom Mr McLaughllnpurchascdlhe Mr McLaughlin also gave Jaycees a glimpse of his philosophy There are I wo great forces in society he contended economic determ and political deter You often get idealists and intellectuals who say there is something wrong with devclopmcnl Mr McLaugh said in explaining econo mic And well as Ihcir ballots people vote with their dollars If you don I get the voles you go out of business Political determinism puts terrible amounts of power in council hand he said You need to be careful about who It is given lo Political determ In ism is more important and stronger ihon economic del Mr McLaughlin said he is ready to meet with council and discuss their differences If there Is fair play we 11 be extremely reasonable But If s confrontation tougher We are going to face up lo the challenge of the confrontation He said Ihe industry and business won come to a community which hon or lis contract There s a heavy dull black cloud hanging over community Unless a confrontation is avoided Mr McLaughlin said Your will go up But if he is allowed to build ihe subdivision your taxes won t go up because of any cost to the municipality of ihe is ion He old The ilcralt later in an interview he would post a band good Tor three or four years as a guarantee He warned the that private property signs will be erected on land he owns in Hills fences soon after and maybe guard dugs Council forces us to fight we will until wt win or are proven dead wrong His devclopmcnl is worth million and there are other lands no under contract hat we like to develop be said On that scale any prob lems Hills council has mentioned are without a penally to com To another questioner Mr McLaughlin explained an mlc formula developers use to their return on invest men The passage of lime drives up the price of a house and we can t regain lost ground The basis the argument him and Hills Is sewage capacity on which Would like to call on you with GIFTS and Information about Georgetown For Ibis Information and HouMwsrm Ing call Joan Gillespie at 8774812 Quality and savings are our concern PRANK Treaf your family grocery budget to these specials from Joe and Frank Remember We offer a good variety of cold meats at competitive prices JOE pes 59 31 RED pti POTATOES BANANAS 69 I 4 fcto ONTARIO DELICIOUS APPLES TURNIPS 99 CHECK THE YELLOW TAGS FOR MORE INSTORE SPECIALS G f MARKET ST Ws ore Open Sundays I Eot of Former 8778882 the Ontario Municipal Board will reopen May 1 when Ihe town a arguments will be pre Sewage capacity is the factor which wilt keep the lid on Georgetown at about population until a belter technology Is developed he said But there already exists he added on aerobic sewage system population of and where nothing goes Into the stream In an effort to take talks going he said he is prepared to contribute acres of valley land to Hills He said industrial develop ment could be attracted to town by selling the land cheap ly Mr said Hills council has been offered a planning study and a special levy to pay for Hems But It is irksome to be confronted by a financial anal by the town which lays on a level of service three times in excess of the rest of the town Mr said lhat without industrial development there would be a half a mill Increase on the tax to ratepayers for the cost of education The Impact of Industrial assessment on the tax toad has diminished be cause of regional education and regional services Mr Mclaughlin also at tacked a member of the work press He accused the reporterofbelng biased and having a closed mind And although it waa the first time either had ever seen each other Mr McLaughlin said I don like you He charged the reporter with asking tric But Mr McLaughlin admitted the reported over a handshake that kicking the media is all part of the At the conclusion of his Mr McLaugh lin accepted a gift of a book on the of Georgetown mingled with the and posed for photos BUSINESS DIRECTORY Robert H Cranfield DC CHIROPRACTOR ROY H EVANS D C Chiropractor St Phone Till PROFESSIONAL PRINTING THE HERALD Dr RR Hamilton OPTOMETRIST Professional Id Road Georgetown TELEPHONE CHIROPRACTOR 70MII5lrect Georgetown Dr Foley OPTOMETRIST Suite 10 Mountain view S GEORGETOWN 8777770 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Goebelle Wagner 8775155 tiumiM R Clipsham Limited Survt Consultinq KM It IS I I I I I 1 IK Get movin to Metro Trust There s been lots of talk about fret cheques lately Trouble is it rarely mentions the strings Like a minimum monthly balance Open a Chequing Account at Metro Trubt and we give you unlimited chequing Absolutely free No siring Open a Metro Trust Savings Account with a Chequing Account and well give you more than free cheques We 11 pay you high interest on your money Money management is our business And we re willing to go a little further to make it nicer for you to do business with us now and in the future For example to make it easy for you many of our branches are open Saturdays too the first step is yours Just step into Metro Trust and tell us you want to get MetroTrust The Company Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporauon Milton S M Item Tel