Home Newspaper of Hills A Division of Canadian Newspapers Limited Main St Sooth Georgetown Ontario I BOB in Legislation pollution 37 functionally illiterate Study Harold president if Hub ills Hit of laws ligisl I opt ml We do recognize there is much v ibli being primmed but aloi with il unfortun is ihnr kgislilion thai simplv riprisciiK i continuinj of person ami freedoms tin lusts of duly iitivitus of pet In s lS in till in And so Huv I mn it liws uuptcil in xpirv Mill or ill t mis mil pubis It sunt pngrmis 1 ithtrs disiiieil till I mil i Hid it hid MX ilu si iturc under which been passed These refill nous in in itnntl without In hi thin 1 itorv iimnd minis ri pissitl it s to public Nol dots in irisuni f I iiiun I ix nit to 1h tin proper direction hvirttt rniirdipulv r Out ino ill scribed isl wu k In t supporters in Hie ft it lt i rjetiiwn rulmj Hi lit s f mill with tin burner icy if jon rutin ill it t nil for sunst I ildiU of I i tint I isvstimof whin iih i if print if jt i rumen mil help put n world ill mi to J tin Ihr Ilu si tverv Unfortunate situation I lint mi i mil in ml I it i It Hi it lit nun her unlis thi nit rt irlv I pint I opt it in mill and I r pi of Don 10111 in I His Looking through our files mm dud tit r hi I 1 v in will im pir Mill i h is no i tin roll il is possible Hi it somt mpltyid workers might pi liilv fir tic sponsi rid works projr mi is eligible for TO mm a I in t Hid to rinivt t Ins rit ml Hi In I suucsmg Iowii iiwrd upkitp if i ago parking in Norman Hill lias by Mom iys milThurs acclamation to fill l hi lounul d no i in to created in Ward of ft tin rm rs from now on or Mr Hill if SI l j viol Hum A w by I for position wjs t lilfi Aim hi II us by I muni ill rs Km s I m iks il illi il spins yonsdidnil Mr Hill is oil 1 hi rsd i wilhiul Ihi w ird whirl hi j grur using tin mi ti Hie form King Quit M mi I North is undi r goni ilion this MIS yt IXlrex in r rud at mil old hristi in lounul his lor mil tin riliro 1 imist dicision on rt of land for building rut Hon of tin two w ss houses in thur n it blinks in itlilituin In 1 sum who think that illlli Kurd World think iiordinj lo intl published in il of poori t fin million In liny arc it liisii hi fills tin imph should in the iduciliin of idulls lliroujhout lid tin of IKelnnR irning more opportunities for piopli who Inn dropped out of school to link with rLlunnnguf dull 111 Ms sitrpr tltlinid In fir ippllldtollos rihsMikuigthiri lot of a ill mil fill within iHriiidiiiwhiilidll dun is inosl f ir pirluipili tinployminl and pirinit ift of poorly it is lust in igi i plus till in idequacles art ilosely nlatidto in an lilt kills will in themselves ihnnniti of mini i r low is only oni which interacts wtlh in divilopmcnl is insuffiiient in itself In his six irs with aims tint industrial sonitiis situ similar to in in i 1 on whether that lifimil will w idts dilim of Hi fills riisinji tin ilunk il s or peopk in sihool longer ml In In id Tin pn inildilfKUltli In in Western to dale little lo imj liws II s mil jusl tiutstiiti prondis Hums niid mil nil fir nd molivilid to si i primiry or liss of Ihcm tfnilntl presini i fact lhal To or A world of apes French delicate important to Ontario Canadas future sih Hi ribli i in syslim And is lo iiurisof Ihi provm t His nit in And of tin pubhi siv il should Hit govrnmtnl s no tint Hi jppro should tin us mi in tin ml inform ilhisis ls It iii is istd 1 ft Inmiir Willi im IhIi vis il In wen to lo offlil il st ilusl tin re would lnj pohtn it from in provinii who imsl Irinkly I fills is sellinj Hit unit of Ihosi for olfin si is it this would In i rt I irds of which would show Hum tint Out mow is Ilui ollurs with i tnort and knowkdj of loda unset risult I i il rujirded down on is stritcpy tnik aflr it wns hindled to try anil win Cm id f mil keep Qui hoc in ion I his of lould tin LtMMl Jusl mike tin rim thin is iinsl ill this sludy of the on of jusl i Nobody sums in I p irliml irly or tint ill id hi r il documints of iltin to puhlislud in rcncli us tl is Tins would Ik a hup job what Isi liavt In prut shurl Thin is somi fi In Hut likely it is lr of run mil of Ihi mn nil r knows and I ivtr would know Federalprovincial conference leaves me confused 11 lly of in ilion il wnsn Hi I w is di ill or anything like is jusl llnl hi doctors decided that I had to rimain in hospital during that pi rind which happtnidlo coincide with the great in theJitn known as Hit pro vlncln economic And hat my undoing bod enough when you to one of those federal picnics but ill least you an in a position to ask when you art overcome by confusion it s matter when you an lying on your bock In hospital fcOIng some mysterious obligation lo keep In touch with that funny television set Ihatdanglis over the bed To be honest I probably would not have watched conference except not li id tin sit lb it pisodi Isl hi diviiopid a for Tin if ruiption is lousy on showing when I i ghmpsi of 1 i hunt- wedding I thought provincial rum olfir somi till tin ilily it work out that way or from being soothed I found myself In my rlsh with and frustration Ilu time tin ended I was ink to days after this the other path begun complaining about my kibbling It I Hie departure of Premier Item that upset mi premiers iitlnug early from fideral innfirontis former premier Jinn Us ijii r dip from meeting hick in 19M I would like lo know exactly how loik his leave Various torn mmtators informed mr that he walked out Hut hi ran out that he stomped out mil Iliat he st ilkcd of a gymnast perhaps No bothered me a good deal more was lcvcsque charge tint the conference was nothing a prcelccllon manoeuvre a sponsored by I ilurals It s nut lhai 1 believe federal Liberals an ibovc suih a ploy Heaven knows I dun l that bul I be darned if 1 can figure out how such a meeting considered electoral coup Would you for Insianci your vote Just because Prime Minister emerged from the to do our to Hit economy rciovei Or would move to the- lory camp because Premier Piter announced we reallintiristedlnthecounliy and a continuation of if And was a turning point in history when Ontario Premier William Davis said thai I am no happy but 1 think the conference accomplished a great deal so but In my weakened Hon 1 was unable to put my finger on any of these great accomplishments Even when I waded through all in Ihc final communique remained in a slate of contusion over what had been achieved Surely II could not thai agreement that government should lag behind economic growth in Ihc next few years There 1 been any apparent disagreement on that for years And I eanl whip up much enthusiasm tint general agreement by the provinces to support llobjective of a per cent inflation rale by Since no one said how this was to be achieved why not subscribe lo an of zero inflation Could be thai agreement to hold down thegrowthof the bureaucracy Hardly since re has been unanimous agreement on that since Lord had lo fill out five forms to gel last spike for the completion of Canadian Pacific Railway And I am certainly not gohiH to get carried away by agreement wage a cooperative war on the spruce bud worm perhaps 1 I have looked of specific achievements since Trudeau said the main purpose of gathering was create confidence from which jobs will flow I don know how struck ihose Canadians who happened to be in tin upright position but for those of us on our icka there was certainly no inclination lo take up our beds and walk MIH I w is running folks As a Still to this trim you potpourri a ill wild rlulwieky world Hi n s i lndon whue Mil nit In sweit little Br sums little mi in whin rhngs were at a John i Ijtiausi uslerctle was the little horrors occurred during sum whin tiny ran out of lie cream They wml omplclili mid Mr said Two llrownus i more Ih in nine years of age put Hit knit in kicked me They were lucked up horde of hysterical children I fell lo tlu ground nihmj my hick Now now and I always Hit lend i hilping hand ml put lo him said These ire Mob rule Brownies strikes ondon lhibith Niw is where John unit thought his up ind coin 1 He was dining with his lur parent in their home when he got up from ilu went upstairs sit fin lo Ins fulurt brides wedding Unfortunately the fin spread causing Mr pleaded to arson Needless to say Ihe wedding has been cancelled No doubt the parents found Mr just a little too hot Ifert s pip from Sin hrancisco Jayson bid ither ambition in lift I ilw wanted to be to tell my jr it I hit i Wilcrgale ipie And just what he did a former Nixon White I w is enuring the elevator in the h iirmout Holt I hew is struck in th pie thrown by Mr mil hotel lechnid to press ill Wcchler admitted fit 11 him with Si Wech whin Nixon needed re Rood story Moiitn is iur stop where we swnpilhiri Willi irch lect Norman it It seems it he is in the bank when piototriiphed him during an irnudrohlxrj robber stuck a gun in Mr Spit hick Somehow the photograph to sinr il newspapers showed Hie with his hands up mil il I show Hie robber or the gun Until tin pictun was Ihe following A 00 riw ird is to information leading to the of bandits entire mistake came a head when neighbor tried to arrest him for Ihe BOO riward Picture the scene I know weve been friends for long time Norman but I never did like the w barbecued steak so you lire under arrest a not Ihi its duty but the WOO will tome Which just goes to show make sure the on always right because neighbours what they used to be Away to ban Diego now where we we about to look In on the happening In a long time Carol Louise was tryua lo kill her husband and eventually succeeded Her methods however seemed rather unui to say the least Some of her plots revealed during her trial fur murder were She and a girlfriend NalhiDepe put LSD in his toast they served him blackberry pie containing venom from they placed several ilibre m the of his truck tlicy tossed a live electrical cord into his shower she friend injected air Into his veins hoping lo induce a heart attack The women Jlly killed Marine Sgl David by dropping in his beer and him with a heavy weight while he slept All for his to insurance Can you believe If To Los Angel- now where two children digging in i backyard came across what they believed be the roof of a car just below the surhceol the sill Joe Sabos and Lenny Carroll with a and some helpers with shovels a green Ferrari worth at least Just how Ihe Ferrari came to be burled In the backyard is yet a myslery The car was stolen from a man named Crui and the Insurance company had rclmburshed him The car is reported be in excellent condition everyone Is baffled by how It could be burled attention Itsnotllke planting cabbages quipped Sgt Well dear readers I must leave you now I have some work do In the yard of with my luck 1 probably find Just grass and weeds but I hac everything ready tor the cabbages then anyway Tilt next week keep on smiling or digging the case may be