Win McDonalds Gift Certificates and Watches Get your crayons and felt markers going to win Gift Certificates for delicious food at McDonalds En tries will be judged on and each month there be a draw for a unique Ronald McDonald Watch as often as you like Send your to Tho Herald 103 Main St South Georgetown Ontario NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGE LAST WEEKS WINNERS McDonald s We do it all for you Help your Heart Help your Heart Fund DAVID SCI DA irk DO ANGEL Pet 1 SI Rape prevention explained to Georgetown PWP group Till Wednesday March IDS Page tOIUiFFVAMILk llernldslafr writer best way for woman to rapt lb Id place yourself in i situation where it in occur police Anil I hi Iksi defence a worn in has got ma rape is think SKI McQueen is speaking on the rape In a mixed telling what i worn mi hi told woman should do and show id a ii film the Hum to No to i Itapist and is i finl istic film polici s ml is mil the fivonti film of ripe crisis centres They a liri goes When lln Roes hotm MiQuetn sud if his ind spoiled hi got a problem If woman is in a room she shouldnt winder l hi int ixplamed Ihi point role in i r is prcvinl ion of Ihe ail and apprehension of ipist when is rapt irtsis lentrts offer it il counselling advice l up lo or Hint lys or more Tit i tin ibout the spirited by lull rkb needs ANN LANDERS Physical contact wont pass flu Dear Ann Landers We ire Catholics During Miss we ire asked by tile priest to turn to our neighbors scalid on either side of us hands and say ice husband 1 Hot the flu and we sure we picked il up from tint bit Tins yeir we iendcd nod to the people sealed on cither side and Icice No handshaking You would not believe the dirty looks we from socalled Christians When we tried explain ibout our experience with Ihe flu last year gave us the back of their hen On the way heard of neighbors say about those l ills meaning us of course I am Will you kindly express in opinion Trouble in Our Pew lit Trouble People in normal good health should not gel the flu rum saving Peace and shaking hind with J people I suggest get plenty of rest cat properly and do as your priest says Dear Ann Landers I do about a couple of who when I meet them on ihe s Mow ire you they tell me For example I been tied up for is long as 15 minutes listening details their surgery mother in proh lems and bid business Why don realize How ire you is st grilling ird nol an imil ition to problems How people to me I am all over Maybe if you print this they will get Held By the Lapel I do have some advice that might come In handy for however If don I want to know how people arc don l Change your standard greeting to Good to you or some other affirmative statement Ann Landers I have a hang up I me so much in my youih but now I a man pushing and every lime another man winks at me 1 pop him in mouth Sometimes I look In direction and give him obvious freeze Often these are people I work for Others are just social acquaintances I have always had a deep suspicion thai men who wink at other men are either gay or they feel superior to the person wink at T don care for either What do you think and No Nod Dear I think you ve the problem In the first sentence of your letter and Ihoppyougetovcr When I get wink from a member of be same sen I consider ft a sign of approval or If a third parly Is talking the wink can mean I in buying his are you CONFIDENTIAL to Was She Being Truthful I read your letter twice and I believe she was She said she marry you for religious reasons She worships money and you are broke Christmas Seals return higher is Si 1 of bis Sol dun tin it Us Fibril ir Tot il id In iTJI pi r mm iseinr fijur Per return tun of in ind imps f due ill n in ind if the lichiiiiiies wo urn mighl room isti ihit hid due to ition of salesmanship will I ouch of hi reviv il lent ind tin s reaction is amid his chilling points hit not knowing to Sgl MeQueins iidusln nil listing i Iht is till nil I of Ibis figure wis mid per housilioldir non id dnssidiiml r new respondidtolhi il meed moving of Hit in i so inform from Minns office it ItH lis Drill Ml progrims ire provided frit of from the pnguproietds riecived from governmtntiliiody my s llnl is i Kites in Out mo Wilhsomi piopli hub is in Hi ind ibis new of wisfnliliug i m unguium Hit bo ird of dinclors is confident lhal ill progr ims present will irried on in 1U7K Smoking KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION The Halton Roman Catholic Separate School Board lor those children will no in Schools Georgetown ind THUR MARCH 2nd 1978 am TO NOON pm TO pm AGE OF ADMISSION AND REQUIREMENTS r Classifieds help hunt buyers Call 877220 1 or 8778822 A pastime for a lifetime GIVE YOURSELF OR YOUR THE GIFT OF MUSIC ELECTRIC BASS GUITAR DRUMS PIANO instructions from people who care Complete line of Accessories Yamaha Acoustic Guitars Amplifiers Northern Electric Guitars Books Sheet Music etc MILTON MUSIC 162 MAIN ST MILTON boodles TSHIRTS MILL STREET GEORGETOWN OFF ALL PURCHASES Wed Mar 1 to Sat Mar Take advantage of our Grand Opening Special today Save percent on your purchases Come In and see our wide selection T Shirts transfers buttons iron on embroideries novelties tote bags posters costume ewcllery and engravings We feature Rock Star bOOdlCS TSHIRTS Georgetown Thtr ihe bits of evidence link the rapist lo the crime in Hie parts be ind in public The Crown must prove penttr ition In rapt ises before court Shi will ilso be to hive a medic ex munition lie s Mi suggested that rape victim who hid jn opportunity to cull Iht police pi lie her Irust in i pers in of like molher father I or m In Hills he also sug gtstid the Contact Centre as long is the present people ire running it C AM RAT A IS COMING AGAIN Friday March 31st at Holy Church with SOIREE MUSICALE For contact ihe Hills Arts Cooncll Box J Georgetown Phone Friday April 28 college Freiltnc diredorof i for Irivinlion of It message to woman is not to do inytlung th it cm inn you ixcept if vou in in immediate difinci To repel she notify Slit should is or should try is my details ih ripist ind the loci lion as could assist police In identifying and irrcstmg the With a good description of therapist for inslance his Are you dreaming of remodelling your present kitchen WHY WAIT FOR THAT DREAM KITCHEN CALL NOW 8770244 In the convenience of your own home The Cabinet Answer will Help you design a that suits lifestyle you a excit ng styles Shaw you now to save dollars by installing yout own units Provide you with assistance reasonable tales you tun into AII n the convenience own home SAVE HUNDREDS of Dollars with a DOITYOURSELF INSTALLATION WELL SHOW YOU HOW TO DO BRAMPTON Squire Mews Plaza St East Behind iho Crock Block FOR FREE ESTIMATES l8770244 GEORGETOWN Guelphnew Square NoxttoNoptuno