Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 8, 1978, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Hills 1BTK A Division of Canadian Company Limited Main SI Georgetown Ontario 1 I I- r BOH Mil Second Mail Number An ounce of prevention Hi until nor tin region ml hi sit believe si Not judging Us list milt for it is pari of a It spre in southern llltll ll in their believe progrin is of moms Til It s Hi lb to sit III rt run efforts In control Hilton Bui then soft shown when p on buy vol results mil be ling rom discussions at rhetom hat region this subsidized In tin of is iksiRiufl rclut tin mosquito in sou tr Onl mil thereby reduce the gh sicdid feeding on i id llll IS might ill if mimssit llni in li ih tin mull ii is torth uud Motherhood issues Ik press is il I ibilltd social eonccrns is motherhood issues for example w to hi igainsl honestly hi or minion somi events on from 1977 ind suggests it is motherhood issues chest are not liter all Last September Ontario Premier illiom ted trad million to Japan i a rough reception Japincse in criticized or high Bravo flu by planning board in seeking rejection tlic Commission NFC for development permits for tonslruclion of to Milton hydro corridor In a blessing in disguise for tin Interested Citizens Croup It drift proposils of the C two weeks to indicate it i miy txisl between tin proposed and of Ihi commission protect tin Only time will answir the questions by this action of Hilton Hills will also Ontario Minister Reuben the breathing room he trny need lo conduct in indcpindint inquiry into the need and selection of corridor running through Hills lilt ministers recent remarks that the milter his gone loo fir down the roid to turn hick can etnvincc us lint the right move is being made Nor in the rtleiclanci seek in independent inquiry which the ICC has ilreidy stited it will support and that could be done within a short period of about four months We can only surmise that the government position is contingent upon its dread of being further in Us dealings with Out policies th i id was being poisoned its own mother milk virietv if dly hemic ds art not found in sueh is DDT tint whit ire no loose in our nvirui me had been lecuniuliting in wire tiling on the I Jtlitr irs wi iImiuI risks of I re i si is there s milk ilchis of newborn lives not of hum ins iby in infinls nutrition requirements but it with iter our lukn and In fie stud erttl Ihe likis wen collecting in fish and killing off seagulls Ihil fish Gulls hied on dumps id of fish win healthier ill sides unrip with lire it feeding no his vet in inufut lured it offers immunity against common illncssi issun t motion il will mi r that to higher lljs this must pun pe rfi e food is now iusi of our invironmt eould invmu for more pollution And not just the in wonderful wlio nig I us Minim is Norm in Webster them in The lobe and Mali in nil ins did too Whin Into bridge Nor ill issive a surprising number of in irfmn touts tilled or reluitinn of en vironmintil lo the tor poritions return to profilibli operations imty prtvaikd Hut the incuhnLs revealed lhat for some the only il motherhixxl issue is short term Looking through our files THIRTY The large cities near have in few monlhs ixpernnced outbreaks of measles A total of cases have been reported It was hardly lo be expected that the residents of County would escape epidemic of this disc In conversation with WO manager of the Hell Company or this district he advises thai plans of the company changing magneto telephone system and service to the dial or automatic type at Georgetown either in 1950 or early 1951 This is part of the Compiny construction program lo convert all magneto to either manuil common itlery or operation as fast as equipment manpower can be made during next tew years Hilton only in Canada so honored ecrlific ill for lis out standing fire pre at i ceremony in Oil i ChirlesS Mi rg m of the Nation il hire ition of Boston presented the certificate to ire Chief rW fire or the county ipe r Mills divis ion Ins m iiie i m irk ft itself in s dcty that is well worth being proud of The mill completed the yi ir withoul one lost time icctdent its employees or one half million iceideiit fret m hours In reeogmtion of this tin mill has presented t itliofitsimpluynswith i point pen Paper Mills Georgetown Division fret TINif Thirty will needed the Georgetown puhht sehool for tin opening of Ihi fill term Hubert reported to Ihe ird I weik Hi teachers for the new iddilions and istiatlierreplaecmtiils He idmiltedthil wis only guess At present wc have six applications ind he sud The survey to if GO commuter train service should be extended to the Georgetown irti is underway Under consideration it the is a new route in Ihe sh ipe of i Brampton and in the northwest and in the The success of Ihe GO train service now running along Lake Ontario shoreline his led to the Investigation of additional lines Pulling a switch on on old familiar song someone actually cut down the old Totem pole the one carved pointed and erected so proudly by the pupilw of Centennial school as their centennial project It was chopped down the night of Feb Undaunted the pupils intend to erect it again when ho weather Improves Time for walk Fox asked for autograph I- Bureau tins quiisy feeling in my h as I itched former gener Liberal pirly Itadtr or else i of slo jwrh ipsHnln perhaps in In modi si ill Hit lulled lie he d d m I sellhd close lo Iht door delimtis lo ire it him just he ins si ind at in tin While House itler first in low ilk on Ihe moon sspirkeld with ition mils dir imfamilar with Kin s recent in would concluded lint nig a t limine isn I d Whit in idt me fee a bil uncomfortable wis Ihe m inner in which Fox qualified for hern reception What bad d nit in short was sign another person urn lo i document woman with whom hi hid in affair gel in abortion A concerned citizen to Minister rude in spilled the lie ins and i lily offered his resign itiun from cabinet hi iccepted It The general eicpart the ise ind decided ifiiisi Proviiicn Attorney Hoy MiMurtry declaring that is lieinc ire like iny other individual delivered a pnge In Iht ligisl I tun lining why no further would be I There was evidence to sup pirl line or mon charges under Ihe Criminal Code sud the ilnsdoes I conclusively he question of whet her irgc should be hid He mentioned Hi il mm of goodeliirictcr had already suffered And despite the fact that id aire world that hi hid signed the name of the woman s husband to the document said it would lie diffiiult prove this he J i In would even it ox offered a This tier point mi wonder might be acquitted if he ish bad he lift it alone the An ling pom on ii iy lint Fox was Ih il rousing rettplion it the convention at least two one of them in Ottawa ran huge mle rvicws him cm hardly it s our w is thi theme of his rem irks one point he s nil I never considered iltolH in dlegil on my part but rilhrr Ipuig a pe in difficulty The most import ml in my mind is Hi it the re s more to life thin justice I id to tiki my responsibility Sudd it siimed whole country w is tire ilhliss lo know ex icily how 1r I ox fell how survived his great how he fill those hundreds letter in i Mint indmc and support and how be viewed process 1 is delighted hear Fox as i litre is more in life than strict justice it sometimes its more impi rtanl lo help i person in Bui musl to surprised that a consider it just a bit illegal lo is I listened to ihi ipplause in I In convention I kept thinking about lint uniinplivcd mm I court a few ve looking v as he was el ding toys from a depart store r Ins children Christmis Jo one Ihere was more to life lb in slnct justice I Had Ihe impres sion lhat no one what he thought Ih in enormous respect for Francis Fox bright and dedicated mdividinl who was fis emerging is ist mdout performer in the I rude He is difficult lo dislike But the op did nothing In soothe the as I to Ihe telcgitcs smother their newest hero with And when 1 s iw a couple of girls I ox or Ins 1 decided it Yesterday today and tomorrow lit Mill I 11 iy and tomorrow in we interpret words our Jives is re ill just iiitcrprt iIk bow wo interpret I our toil aa sin one life wilhout scirs of living ill gel hurl we ill i gni I t all have opportunity to learn from whatever KTitnccs tint losses our way Fin rsim tells us It sihewoundiilovsterlhii minds its shell with piarl We dl have opportunity to like sorrow in our lives and make genuine jh irl When life hands you lemon Icirn to make my s who pissed on j ir- if wisdom repelled so often old thai To THIS MM Energy rationing soon r iliiinuie s just i matter of tune s close lo the ft tier ministry of energy Within i couple of ye in di ins iy rationed in their use of e for heating lighting just is effectively as though were lieu issued iiion coupons says one well placed I itvi source on the use of seem inevitable most Cinidnns simply either don I tire energy conservation or ri fuse lo believe that energy crunch is re illy hen We winder if energy conservation tar gels nut without imposition of vast of controls mil establishment of yet inolher fcderit no doubt to supervise Inspect We believe there is another far more and for less costly Ihe most casual observation makes ilpitenlly clear tint the only people who lake energy conservation seriously are he ones who ire Ihe energy bills The homeowner is concerned his child are not The landlord is concerned his tin nits ire nol in r ire casts where or hydro fuel And so in lib ins may never git lo be conscious of thi need for energy conservation Hut it would lake very little lo m them cost If every household every ten every isiel business premise were to be responsible for its or their own energy consumption the cause of ion in Canada would be off to a flying start And it would be more practical more and fir less costly than any or rilinning Ottawa could devise St Standard Thats some increase Ihe F riser Inslltule of Vincouvtr will rtsicced reseirch establishment has recently a study I over the period 1901 to 1978 Its findings show that Canadians increase by per tent during the period and that now he pays in dollar terms per cent more taxes than It did in That s some increase And Its affect during the past decade alone has been to increise public sectors portion of gross national product to a record of more than per cent If this rate of increase continues eel and Appears that despite cautious reslralnl pronounced by government thai it will may well be on the road to Be a blood donor Then is no substitute for blood The same way a ear needs oil and gas lo drive he human body needs blood to function properly In cases where on accident causes loss of blood the survival of the Injured person depends on whether blood of type can be found and donnteel To ensure an adequate supply of blood blood products for all hospitals in the Canadian Red Cross Society operates Blood Donor Clinics oil across Canada In Ontario blood donations musl be every week to meet the heeds of over 1E5 hospitals The Blood Donor Service is under supervision Specially trained nurses take ihe dona lions fallowing a review or the donors medical history Testing typing of blood is handled by skilled technologists hired specifically for that purpose and aided volunleers per of the people working blood local levels arc volunteers The need for blood Is not something that fades away like fashion It is continual and essential for the survival of the sick and Injured The Red Cross Is a vehicle trying to help meet needs of the community The Blood Transfusion Service depends entirely on awareness of the public that heir good will and generosity breeds tho voluntary donors who give freely and willing for benefit of their neighbour Attend your local clinic on Monday Holy Cross Church Auditorium and become good neighbour self ruction What ever happened the understanding that governments never create wealth within an economy Why profit become a dirty If it were for creation of jobs through private Investment the industrial base of this country would not have achieved its potential during the past 30 years With production now sitting at S3 per cent we can no longer allow profit to be a dirty word We need Investment and confidence in the economy whenever I run into a difficult situation its the ry first thing I ink of Hugh Pr Notes on and us lint there is better way to go Ihrough life besides being pulled through It streaming and kicking From even the tragic mil sorrowful experience we in learn Tragedy icts upon us as ire to steel wilh new onslaught we become slrungei and if we remem to always look for the pearl People who insist ou living Iheir lives in lock into a world promise hope stent so when wc only carry the or the joys of days past wi cheat ourselves lirnbly How often have you heard i widow or widower speak of how lift w is before the loss of a loved one Thev ik is though they will never know hey lock themselves into joy for today or promise or hope tomorrow To cut one self If from life ind to in the past is igie very me h indmeel life The differ nee between a happy out person depressed hurting one is how they life There is no migie for ippincss nil there is a system The system works because the happy person wants it to work on living its fullest and on making penrls out of whatever their way greatesl idv intake in yesterday is in the giving of for this is how we learn Our veslerdivs hold Ihe key for loday and but it is uplines to turn the key and used If wc don ive behind and unlock door to which always leads to tomorrow we ourselves in twilight world where ill is pasl and gone before wilh no promise of tod no hope for tomorrow There is group of who live only for tod Of course their personal is just is stunted as those who live past just hive selfish destructive Who lire- vvhogivcs ike whaiyoucan for we ill die tomorrow sums up their plnksiphv The person who lives for today seems to flounder is ship it sei without port in no of dropping an ijs it the mercy of life When bills mount up Ihey go out more nisi lluv never have to to tomorrow Toel barn from the pasl so Ihe iris of wisdom lined nasi experience They repeat Iheir mistikes goin round ind round on a lift reaching for Ihe brass ring quite m iking it To live for robs one of life a blessing the hope promise of tomorrow It is thit promise that survives in even our d irkesl hour The little on sowing seeds goes one or the rook ind one crow die ind one to grow is a good life lesson also Ifwephce ill our hopes ambitions on only tie it goi falls through lock ourselves into irembleel limes Today should ilw iys be sown with enough go lo allow for failure If we plant more 111 in one seed wc will be assured of it one grow list stale living is of course tomorrow Tomorrow people are the most of ill How many people have you met who their entire life centred around when I rctirt These people never lake a holiday they II have plenty of time for that when I retire They live lime no lime foi family no time or friends no time for living How Tor how many limes does it happen that an unscheduled heart attack or other tragedy comes long before the im of tomorrow Tomorrow people miss out on so much as time passes that they never get he chance to go back and make up for what they stole from today to pay a maybe tomorrow We never have a guarantee that tomorrow will come tomorrow will arrive but we have no guarantee we will be here to meet The life of the happy person Is lived to the fullest each day Yesterday Is not forgotten for the pearls of wisdom of experience are taken from It Tomorrow Is looked forward to with promise for the future of tomorrow is always laid today Our yesterdays arc single days piled one on top of the To live each day as though It were our very last milking every possible drop of happiness from it Can change the very direction of our entire lives If today was the last day there would be so much to do so many people to speak to so much arrange so many be spoken so many hurtful words to be held back There would be no time for pettiness no time for hurting no time for sitting staring at empty spaces Yesterday today and tomorrow To get hold of the reins and bolonce these throe- wild stallions one must live the goal to from the past to live or today and lo build and hope for Ijmorrow

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