Tilt March 1878 EXPERT ON STAR TREK APPEARS ON QUIZ SHOW Car prizes and 4000 won by student By Herald Who tho character Ailli thi pointed cars In thi television tents Star Trek Howard 14 of Rill Georgetown angered eorrec My with Mr Spock his to winning a new and a number of other on the television qui show Paul won a new Skylark and on additional worth of missing on two questions at JIG According to rule of the though Paul had eorrtctly hi won Nil it the level I the 000 Then no riik with he question oven if you still tht pruts won I ml said Hut Mm element of risk is tided when trj or the Sic question because if you miss winnings only hide what you worn the hooks on the scries I went for the harder tilings like memorizing ship serial numbers Paul said I was a little surprised that ihcy ask mc Star dates Lore to acted as mail or by him quest I didn I get picked to go on was a boy on before anil I think they d put two ofuson question it seemed cosy Hut by the quest ion there is a Jump in difficult Thctuoquislionswh the prize were whit could be called trivia questions The first was Whit wis the specific iliou of Enterprise before it stop to let off at imm i Hydra IV Tin second of ship in the Tht said did if it of questions Mrs Howard Tht pioplt who work on the show rr nice Paul re a super lo work with if 1 ml pruts h mid within of Ihe urine of list In Inch In j issh n his prizes is provincial r he Mrs in tax In addition won a i i American girl paid almost the vehicle the car Paul on worth of footsie Rolls worth of Lav oris asmoke detector and worth of shoes Paul was excited whin the post office called and said the woffle iron had arrived Mrs Howard said That is the only prize he a really excited It was fun just lieing Paul said It was a fun thing to do III III in who suytsled that he should in The Quest and it wis who the lie ry of Star Trek ttt walchtd this man ins Trek I knew the answers to tin questions missed so wroli in isking In Paul hitd When potential contest write in ihtj must the wish to who write in asking ipinL it Television studios in Dm Mills shows ire taped in Can Ida it is s expensive to do hire in it is to do in United von to taping but you know if you rt isomis on Piul lit pripnrtdfor show w is of Slur reruns is could rt iihnt s inn of his Tin correct to first question is Star Ha 10 said I St- Bait but I kmw that w isi right I rattled by the second quest 1011 Thtr bit in tht the Ship I Iht tnttrprisi Paul said but inswir w is Polimkin saw ifltl wis the i sir number of Pi ttmkin ntvir shown or referrtd i 1 books ninth tut two diffire serial nun ft tht ship TlieHiv irdsl lilt show mil of qui stun hut Piul been ill rtitnllj pis tht si iki or and prliet thinks to hit knowledge of Star Trek trivia Board spending increases 54 Spending by board of education will be up per cent to for the 197B school year And although the actual mill rate won be known until March 16 when board has a special budget meeting on rev It is expected taxpayers to pay an extra per of assessment The board was told lay that the proposed budget will miet an allowable eight ptr cent increase Fred Arm chairman of the finoncc committee said reduced pro were the lent of a six pir cent increase in Ihe mill rale But an over levy of two mills in 1977 I lips cushion blow Mr lit well that incnased assessment if about five per cent will affect the Final mill rate the increased rose by per Mr said a in enrolment of approximately 1 100 elementary students in increase in aria xr pupil operating in ilcmtnl of 7 per cent ind in increase of 14 per cent in fringe amount will have signifitant effects the board costs III reminded that 1o reduic lures by result in s of only 1 I provinnal grants The tun of tin is r ion accounting or 74 per cent of the total or Of Mils sum is for of in antiu piled elementary pupils 515 991 fir instruction f in istimated students and jj fir in about train ally handicapped rclurded the average cost pupil Is down 27 per cent to 4 Operation and maintenance of the boards 110 acres of schools accounts for 10 per cent of total budget or J 10a Debt charges account for a fraction less of the total last hut because of the sinking of the Canadian dollar the is up v r Inst year tun total of 14102a Transportation losts are per of Ihe total or dutalional services also for a fractional in ereist over Inst year to total of 7I6 Business tost the board a slighter portion if the 197a budget but about 10 more thin in expenditures will ikt I per tent of the budget while will spent on other operal Ing expenses and 127 Is for spent in the nonoperating expenses panel up 56 per cent The board expects that it will and 44 CONCERT BAND BAND CONCERT Sunday March a p LEST PEARSON THEATRE Bramalea Civic Centre An entertaining eveninq of liaht instrumental and band music to suit all musical FREE ADMISSION Sponsored By Brampton Parks Ret Dejt The per pupil in it iry school is up 74 im 487 ir school Ihe per is up or 2 the CROSSWORD PUZZLE it Is lite 1 i i j s- Noutfortheprice of a Royal Doulton BunnyldnsGiftSet you can have a Bunnykins bath towel too Idqhi now it stores everywhere you I illiy pc r si Hoy fine luriiLtiinnyki Hurry s ire limited Barbers Jewellers St CANVASSERS GET TOGETHER r e Tom and eek to pick up their canvassing kits and ail Williams win imone iln group who enjoy a social hour to kick off their month or il St corgi church last for funds ORANGEVILLE AERIAL SERVICES- Owned and Operated by Ken Culver and Steve Peyton You deal personally with the specialist preparing your tax return at Block When you come into one our offices a trained tax expert will take the time to derstand your personal tax while preparing your return To dig for tht To try to save you money At Block we are income tax specialists HR BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE Canada Trust GEORGETOWN Main MILTON Mam St MAIN OFFICE BRAMPTON 80A Queen St General light Crane contracting Sign installation Steel erection For Further Information Call 9417924 ORANGEVILLE AERIAL SERVICES No Caledon St Alton Ont Share Your Health Blood is needed every 6 seconds THIS CLINIC IS SPONSORED BY THE OPTIMIST CLUB BE A RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR MONDAY MARCH at the HOLY CROSS CHURCH AUDITORIUM Mople Ave E HEALTHY aaos to AS and year old written content EACH time donate arc urgently needed togtuo Blood and HELP THE RED CROSS OBTAIN A SUFFICIENT SUPPLY OF BLOOD AVOID evening waiting periods HOUSEWIVES attend the clinic In the afternoon TRANSPORTATION and BABYSITTING at the clinic avallablo to donors If a ride Is needed phono Mrs Joan 2877 or Mrs Erica Thompson On clinic day or Mease make a note of CLINIC DAY MARCH on your calendar