THE HERALD April a 1KB Carter Captain Corcoran reRulrs audience with lalt of hi lift si Ihe skipper of the II Pinafore from of his during the opening night of the operetta middle school auditorium last week Crew members Including Dick with the patch await word of the arrival of Sir Joseph Porter to Impect the Acton middle school launches HAAS Pinafore MINN III lleralditaffwrllrr A very impressive effort is the only way lo McKenzn Smith middle operetta Inst wttk TheCilbort and Sullivan musical Pinafore has been abridged for use in schools but follows original plot and characters Captain Corcoran still has beautiful daughter Josephine whom he hopes to ace married to Sir Joseph Porter one of his Royal Navy stent or officers Josephine still prefers Ralph one of sailors on her father ship the Pinafore Dick betrays Josiphine plan elope with and still winds up the brig in inspire the right In wtr ind made ml iiiniginMllamvhoinK Mil a I iplai to of hm he is lold to use please when his men while Sir Joseph Porter alias Saxon was i perfect pompous naval of who cant see ho hi is Joel Pink is lick his fellow mill is loitly shi sang her to II while he was being ilr igcd iff in irons costumes iddtd really lo the mood and hi cast members seemed home m Ihclr trailing lowns and knee length lirceches The portion of the ship which wis built out from the stage did a lot to help the is who used it project pliyid over the sound system A record of si waves set the mood milk that i days as a baby she managed to mm up ind the captain and thus Josephine not suitable to marry so noble a personage as Sir Joseph but Ralph still finds her eligible Sir Joseph settles on one of his numerous cousin and Captain Corcoran who Is now a simple decides Buttercup would be a good match And still lives happily ever Nerves threatened to put damper on the whole for the opening were pretty staid The sailors passed around their pipes swabbed their decks rabbits for the firsl five minutes Then they seemtd to get the feel for putting on i show and begun to loosen up By the time they did their hornpipe they were grinning and clapping easily enough to Home school conference Hilton Home and I will be ring Ihi third Annual in it in Hilton board educilion it 050 fuelph line firms can I timid it Workshop ludirs will iniludi bo ird Gary Morton Regional Polici Km ind Hilton mediial of hi Joseph rl mi ml infnrmali in be hid hy MA AM J Kohon J Novak DT Georgetown Denture therapy Clinic Phone 8778974 2314 BLUE VALLEY MEATS Kennedy North Brampton More just WHOLESALE SPECIALS RETAIL SPECIALS Hinds of Beef 1 lb New Zealand Lamb Chops 139 lb Sides of Beef Fresh Chicken Legs 99 tttC Fronts of Beef Med Ground Beef New Zealand Spring Lamb Tender Chicken Breasts A 1 Hips of Beef I Ont Fresh Butt Chops I lb All Beef Cut Wrapped Free From Gr Al Red Brand Steer Beef Moats NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TO SERVE YOU BETTER End of Mont pee pee CHESTERFIELD CHESTERFIELD DAVENPORT SET SET SET Reg S T Reg SPECIAL Reg JpfdAI More Great Zeller Buys Throughout The Store 147 Bubble Bath Twinkffl 2 ffffi- 9 97 Fun on shades Dp YOU HAVE A CONVENIENT CHABQE ACCOUNT Credit Convenience at Zellera I Any of These Credit Cards Acceoted I IN THE GEORGETOWN MARKET PLAZA Open Monday to Friday til 9 pm Saturday til 6