Page Tilt IILRALD It 17 2000 attend antiNEC rally in Orangeville An estimated ptisans a Orangeville gave standing ovations to speakers who told tlicm their against the Commission whs just beginning Premier William in to attend tent letter by courier in winch he express the concern of Hie government tor the rights of rotepacrs Mr who was repri at the rally by Jack Johnson of Wellington Duffer Peel asked ratepayers to Ik patient and to await the results of a forthcoming According to Mr Davis let ttr is to report to the cabinet within the next tew da5 and final decisions a Philosophy thinking wrong bout tin iscirpniml will In tin Jtftisl Hurt represmt itives of llli The rntl of if f si men llitepiurs As al lh included contuse Ms of from Tiber Among Iht liters wen Mel Swarl MPP fcddu lime mil Ho Mr McKessock has duced i meml ers I ill in the tint limit Ihe oleontrtlol I The preliminary proposals of the Commission represent the basic thinking and of commission and is why concept is wrong says Shepherd of Shclburne Mr Shepherd aliwjerand the president of the Niagara Central responding to a recent report that Ivor Mulhn had said he would re duce size of the NEC planning The commission docsn hive to ehange the pi inning Bus trip to support MPPs bill if in I- si en llitipavers is a bus trip lo Queen s Ptrk r members of the puhlie lo he deh ile tin fc sc irpmtnl debate centres around a dueed by McKessock MPP 1 1 rev The bus Inp is at J public rilly sponsored by it Or Elaiowi Tickets tor Hie trip ire ling for ind are available from members of Mr addressed Wednesday residents lo attend the debate because he only of Ontario represent eon who live or have land on control rci said Mr Shepherd On ly the legislature on effect a change Mr Shepherd said com mission should have held pub lic meetings before drafting ibj preliminary proposals They iNE should have hid advance input and feed back from the residents he Mr was quoted by a Toronto nowspjper is saying he hid been getting pressure from ill sides lo reduce the area and Mr Shepherd tinned whether there would have been pressure to changes if the public hid been consulted before proposals were put According to Mr Shepherd most of involved is firming and Ihe people on the land ir livings from ire is that wints to designate or recreational use lb the planning as being with the fields Ihe people whom ike their living from the land and said this was clear demnnslntioii that local do lupine control be veiled in an appointed He sud ippainied bodies uldn be to under stand loeal problems responsive to the people it isn I accessible the I indowners he said Mr Shepherd charged that had failed to honor its mind to lake into account the of the Mr Shepherd group wants the eommission disbanded and d veil eontrol of the returned to local elected representatives The group has said that here arc already enough go departments to ad minister the escarpment with out creating i new bureau About ra1epacrs tended a rill of it Wed night BOOKS I IMI CHRISTIAN BOOKS RECORDS GIFTS George Si S Brompton On Phono BAHAI In the r sh people as people and ihe d signs God s rclli Come to Church ST GEORGES CHURCH A Q a lv si Sunday 30 Nursery Provided GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH Pastor Peter Ralph School m Even no Service t IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH SI Sunday May Sunday School J m HILLS PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Pallor J Sunday May Day Service it vice Dave MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown Kerr Pastor Wav Sunday Ej IE Sunday School Br JO M air fimily hid improve firm but Ibal win bung din Slit Iburne rsl lota eondilions llir III in 1-searp- They are If the llies Mr Sargent told the crowd that l per of ill in ilrtadv crown land thil tier of Ihi mint is in drey ind Unlet have no re present it ion be cause only four sent Ihe of drey and limn Mr irl Mid Ih favored preservation of mi lint it e or to lectrdinci lu Die pre The will not accept sit red i cleetcd IhkK Hit Mi igari mi says turd lo li owner id tilt right louse Ins for in purMist wis i to a building per mil as I eontrol bvluvvs lusoliso- I Hi Urol our the right to where the escarpment is ex posed about aeres In Mulmur Township there arc Provincial on the and on the Pine mem People have access the owners for skiing at Blue est If Mountains he says This III my other parks has inning A there leople can bike njoy scenery and Kill 129 ihe expropnule ind pirl i Trail There ranger with pnv il Shepherd Proposals only preliminary the I it iiHrl Hit re is no Ihil in gi irinisvitn build hi public already is ess lo escarpment linn Township Hie Farmers harassed by NEC OFA aid be I ineiiKoin io presidtnt uilph Mr ill the in Witt of said he thought the bill wis i lot of nulling it left still feeding on lit Mr ills told tiling i fiord such of rights as iy He is one ol thin i dotn who lit wire concerned lis indivitluil rights cause mounts of land coming under Is mtmlHi in in mi lit i I iiud1 mil said Ontario Imi Hit would no longer In wirthy of our support if it rsl the proposals ID are loheomt i nil then I inner Mr s iImjIi lit lint people were asking irrners supply free Preliminary proposals I hi 1- irpment sum are just thai s lys Jack Johnson PC Welling ton Peel and landowners shoutdn be upset until goverumenl II is the final legislation Mr Johnson of than a speakers at Wed rally of Ihe Niagara ten Iral llalcpjyers was Ihe only govtrnmtiil lln of an estimated Some per said I woul I hive tin guLstoshow up at this milling Mr told the crowd win eh during the night had been giving standing ovations every speaker who criticized icrmncnl and Ihe general urns of NEC Mr slid he came lo Ihe to the con corn of Ihe government for Ihe problems of escirpment land lie said the preliminary pro wire published only so could gel the reaction i Ihepeopk to the proposals ind assured the ring con Ihe people would be liken into account before the final proposals were drilled Mr Johnson denied it Ihe preliminary proposals were hid iml ihty wire with lot il Inwn planning Sargent Ml I didn 1 Mr Johnson injustice and dictatorship as Ihe Mr Mr Sirtent told crowd Iht pro met his tmlrol of 1 l billion of I Ihe owners for their loss of rights Ile luing held i Moil people lose money it the race rack he haul if you live in the esc you don have to go to the races to gel cleaned or lose your he said Mr Sargent wis whin he called for abolition of and when he sug ilternative of a lomniission liberal MPP Ho of drey told meeting his private mem bill lo the powers of would mean bird fight in he legislature because only 10 members the legislature represent arias tint are by NfcC pi inning Soe additional stories pages 6 and Naturalists support need to control escarpment Single aid be it ilu of Ihe In Petition to disband NEC Mr the controls now being imposed would Inn lit I be rtlurned to municipalities within a ing work one the estimated WW persons thi vole of the formal of question period which Ihe speeches in un tied man said he had a succession NK voiced by hi asked why i hut spoken in favor of I HA president rd responded that NEC mm to the rally but I consented to attend Hatton Hills Pentecostal Assembly Pallor J Place- highway HALTON HILLS ONtAHIO DaleiTueiday May 16th Time pm PRACTICING Hetty Woods a dradt 11 student at Georgetown high school prictlces with the school band in preparation or an Arts which the school is presenting Wednesday and Thursday evenings Music irl J revue a show ore all the 5 DAY WAREHOUSE SALE COMPLETE STEREO FRONTLOAD SYSTEMS5 PIECES DOLBY DECK From 229 14 COLOR TV SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL AMP and AM Tuner matching speakers 289 Consoles from Watt RMS Per channel AM Receiver Special Now Only Turntables Magnetic Cartridge fro Big Savings on Cassette track tapes CONVERTERS Sale on Complete stock TVs Stereos Easy bank terms arranged by our store before to VJ check our LOW LOW PRICES W hill i MPP is Mr told support lor ile mem rallv bill to limit the of dij thai cent of he Niagara fc siarpnu nt was in two another lias tabled a petition in Ihe mo The member bill calling lor the ilnady llotierl lion of MPPil is lemt in tun bill provides for reduc eilled Hon from low controlled or tin disbindmK ind million further on the dn fcddu Sir ginl wouldhivi h current was reported is hi id letilion i divilopnicnl permit Aeiordine to the rt irnngid char Mr Sargent said Ilu peutim lired buses lo of mines ind strt Irom reMdenls drev ind ion undent miles is ex Bruce iounties nil CANADA TRUST FRANK CUZZUPE Happy Mothers Day From Frank Joe To enjoy the best shop the best Remember We offer a good variety of plants at competitive prices JOE SCIBILIA CHECK THE YELLOW TAGS FOR MORE INSTORE SPECIALS FOR MOTHERS DAT CHRYSANTHEMUMS Also A good assortment of Gloxinias Hydrangeas and tropical plants BC Extra Fancy Golden Delicious APPLES 49 lb lb bag ORANGES ASPARAGUS USA no 1 Mm Bunch I PEPSICOLA 10 cant 99 Georgetown fruit Market More about on page J ST We are Open Sundays 100 Yards East of the Former Store 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