May Fog FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES PRY Mrs J Fry are pita junct Jo Anno to Robert Ji Georgetown LA FRAMBOISE daughter Catherine to Lafrombolse son Mr anc Georgetown Wedd to lain The visit Centennial school a number of French exchange program has been such fun lint one of girls hope in try it again Claudia Wallers of Ste Quebec Urn year she may sign up again exchange program is made among older students Although she knew one of the who came Cente nnial on the exchange last year Claudia lays she enroll in Ihe program because she to make now friends She tikes Ontario and enjoed the Ontario Science Centre in particular although Ihe Eat Centre was something too she says rolling her I guess I like shop she grins Claudia spent the first six years of her life in Montreal in those days she was art a howc she lost hi r English and now she is kirn ing it She is interested in ihi political situ in her inee and predicts thii will take the next nwillni r 1 the ludenis in mueh the same manner that do in Ontario second schools Claudia of the difference in the Ontario Quebec school systems Claudia is in Shi studies French English Science History Mathematics Art Religion and Home Economics Her aim is do television ing and posbiblj reporting in fashions The school where she will study is near Oakville college has highest registration report issued by Ministry of Colleges and shows Sheridan Coll with the highest student registration in the province is of February 197B During the period from Nov ember up until 1 1978 16 part time students were registered In credit and noncredit courses offered through the Commun ily Services Division which provides studies in continuing ilmn retraining and training and leadership deve lopmenl The provincial total for all community colleges 136 for the same per lod Included in the figur were those students finish 60hour courses they began in fall said Dean of Community Services Don Hamilton In a breakdown by program area the report shows dan led the way with 1 students registered in training and development formerly called management development and training This figure represents about one third of the provincial lot In short program cate gory which accounts mainly for clerical and academic up grading Sheridan had lor enrolment of students Post secondary extension courses also had highest registration while Sheridan ranked third highest in the area of general Interest with 3 of a provincial total of Although final statistics have not been compiled for fiscal year Hamilton BOO students will have completed part lime at college between April 1077 and March 1978 The Community Services Division provides fall winter and springsummer program sessions at on and off campus locations in and Peel regions While enrolment is up in all ireasol the college says management and popuhr rid in is in I good for mdusln growth There ire in and for management training we ire meeting Ihem he Vic ire offering i wider varuly of credit mines to meel for those working toward the ESTATE SALE ESTATE SALE The contents of Glen Eire a area Country Estate will be offeree for sale Friday May 12 lnclude are many fine French English and Canadlar antique pieces brass beds Persian Oriental carpets oil paintings by Area anc Benezle listed artists art glass and bronze by Nercler Carrier Lallque and others some signed Tlftany studio pieces and a collection quality Art Deco and contemporary fur and BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 9020 SERVICES ALUMINUM 877 5383 WANTED TO LEASE WANTED TO LEASE bedroom home In Georgetown 1 year lease with option to purchase Close to schools a must Furnished or unfurnished Oc July 1st Please call Herb Spllzer Johnson Carney Ltd Realtor GARDEN EQUIPMENT BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Claud Is paired llh Jjnlcr of Jrnop or ihe exchange program which twins a Centennial middle school Mud ml from with student artier school in 1oy Quebec The trench arrived In and rrlurned home Sundae will them later this month Intern has more than doubled lost year when students arrived for Ihe In May 197 Exchange program fun for student Jims Lawn and Garden Equipmen Your Bolcn Dealer Todd Road Georgetown Discount on all Bolens Tractors and 8770911 or Media conference at Sheridan CUSTOM CARPENTRY SHOP CARPENTRY CO LTD 877 519833 the i in med llM md mill hi il CONSTEEL Recycling program urn wants coordinators Hie Arts Department in Hunt r Him fit- in eiltusnesuruv use 1 1 sk In 1 hi illh looking for eommuniH eo tin mil luuip out Hamilton i h iys li id we bounced in this area offering mini in areas of in and personal I These eerti can hi lo i full llficale additu credits The introduced new areas for such us pholoitriphy Last fall courses were offer at two new locations ihe Equipment School in Milton and the School and Design In Mhsisijugi which added the enrolment Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish NOW AVAILABLE Environment Ontario has prepared the 1978 Guide To Eating Ontario Sport Fish in three editions Southern Ontario Northern Ontario and Great Likes Each booklet contains a summary of Ontarios unique ishtcsting program Ministry MmV Mrt 0 of the Environment mi Hamilton the trail increase in enrolment to several factors Qu com ex fin I he said All our time instructors have ex knowledge find teach potential Sheridan provides i free compulsory 30hour teacher training program semes for all new par time ructors We must maintain quality of instruct inn which is just us important as quantity If you haven a good product you can sell it he said These factors together with the excellent organization and planning of campus team of administrators and prog ram directors have added enrolment picture at Sheridan said Ontario TO OBTAIN YOUR COPY OF THESE FREE BOOKLETS Phone write or drop in to any regional or district office of The OnUrio Ministry of the Environment The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources or The Ontario Ministry of Northern Affairs or complete and mail this coupon I INfOflMAtlON BRANCH I ONTARIO MINISTRY THE RONMINJ I US ST CLAIR WIST TORONTO ONTARIO I- 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I HOUSEAPT NO I l LLI I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I i LiiiiirnTirii CUSS SERVICES hills GUSS MIRROR 877 Horseshoeing Hot or Cold John Halko Graduate 8382828 Ttrri RADIATORS lWIWM1 ACTION Insulilwn When fin Cm See Wnlls Interior or Insulation ntth PHONE Brampton Monument Works lillihiilJlHlIH- HANDYMAN 877 LAWN MOWER REPAIRS 8779473 ANNS CARTAGE PIANO MOVERS CARPET CONTRACTORS CARPET CLINIC CUSTOM CARPET SERVICE 877 or 4280 IBARBER HENLEY LIILIImH TEDS DRIVING SCHOOL DUAL JACK BEER CALL 877 LENZ ELECTRIC 8773414 Robertson Electric CARNEY ELECTRIC DAVE WILLIAMS ELECTRICIAN CUSTOM IRONWORKS 8770623 HILLS AUCTION SALES I CALL FOR YOU YOU CALL FOR ME lb no SI JIMMY FORBES SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE INSTALLATION LOWEST MONTHLY COMPLETE LINE I WiRr Treilmcnl lor Homes SELF Silt or PHONE 8776242 STONE SUPPLIES HILLTOP STONE SUPPLY CO 8778587 Clares Precision Sharpening I I ACE iJiiimyM UPHOLSTERING H Bnggs HOME IMPROVEMENTS D J MASONRY CONST 853 3354 8531599 WOODWORK 877 877 9324 JAYNAR ROOFING LIMITED 853 PAINTING DECORATING MAURICE GRANGER PLUMBING HEATING Plumbing Heatin BILL GARBUTT GEORGETOWN DECORATING CENTRE PAINTS WALLPAPERS STORE HOURS Thurs rr BIO JO SERVICEMASTER 8771121 RENOVATING CONTRACTORS and C MASONRY CLAUDE SU HOME RENOVATIONS Construction Ltd LAFFERTY HOME RENOVATIONS QUALITY WORKMANSHIP REASONABLE RATES LESLAFFEHTTY 4080 Krluraf iWHliljiiIJ WEED PEST CONTROL BILL Wtd Control 877 TOP SOIL iULUDOZrR AND WORK BEDS 8771022 8771307 MARCUCCI SERVICES RLE 878 KING CITY PAVING ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ETC Work fullv guaranteed Free estimates Invited 4595500 Member of Business Bureau Customers Protection Bureau Your Name Before The Public Herald Service Ail