Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 24, 1978, p. 11

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR a tale signifying nothing Till- lit HAM May 11 To the editor of The I too whs th article on the side side hid in nit thinks tin There no Georgetown fine beautiful situ sped or i some win for Mr John irliiu blacks m liunn on Ins to work I in not null tin slightest mil hi to mi slimy sp iripli mt in I in arenas or golf course in Ins liiruh ibl taught in there nothing mi hi o schools to that mokes town It Whit if his irmsmri lonR sum Indati in was iquott ik ill such iirfect sunt hind longed to hi told in idiot full sound Adonis in intum sum md and signifying I hi looks to Mood of tin hi The was disgraceful nil inllre lift in the and Story a mockery editor of on git wtllfed the issm in tin Star nth midi of idrgitown indils Hiipli I hurt on Hie should raised f ither or John whom loved deirk it surch would havi difftrtnl 1 ilh striihjhlM till will J if the hum of Mavalk Ins His mill A good humane man Proctor Silex The Law firm of Peter E Heslin B is pleased to announce that Jack Walinga BA LLB is now practising law at the firms offices at Guelph St Georgetown Automotive Parts Accessories Industrial Supplies Equipment Sales Service SALES LTD 8770143 8770144 RDWEEKOF PRIZES HANDLERS Carnation Coffee Mate lilt Mr Dnu of puiky FLORISTS 82 Mill St Georgetown 2495 SEE COMPLETE CONTEST DETAILS AT WITH OF CANADA SLEEVE OF FleischmannV Theres more than one way to Home Comfort 1 SOFT WATER For Pennies Gay Lea Fiesta Yogurt Raisin Bread Cake Mixes or POUCH Icing Mixes 7 POUCH PAHS setters ONLY ONE PACKAGE PER COUPON COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY MAY FEATURE PRICE LB WITHOUT THIS COUPON Soft Margarine 99 RiGATONI OR SPAGHETTI Pasta CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF A Day Depend on for firstclass automatic and Competitive prices Normal installation Included We II rent or sell Ask our convenient financing plan w y 2 CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING 7 off We install Lennox top quality central air conditioning and back it with expert servicing Our beattheheat special continues until May 31 y 3 INSULATE AND SAVE MONEY Keep heat where it belongs outside in summer inside in winter with proper insulation Well estimate and install blown attic insulation Ask us about CHIP the government rebate plan on the cost of insulation materials for homes built prior to In Goorgetown call Beryl Carter 877693 Bathroom Tissue Viva Paper Towels Lady Scott Bathroom Tissue Scott Family Napkins Cutritc Wax Paper Maxi Pails Regular Diapers Super Toddler Diapers Baby Fresh Wipes v Steaks CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF Cross Rib Roasts or Boneless Shoulder Roasts Cross Country Miph Suit Bscon StnvBMf Country Sausagts 1Z9 PUUN WITH MEAT OH WITH MUSHROOMS Ragu SpaghettiSauce JARV Valiant Drink Mix Crystals Style Com Tender Seedless Sultana Raisins 1 59 Zion Fig Bars Hostess Potato Chips Jet Puff White Light Bulbs Chun King Chinese Dinners Holiday Farms Sara Lee Layer Cakes PRICES EFFECTIVE WED MAY SAT I W s69 s99 PRODUCE OF U S A CANADA No 1 GRADE LB PRODUCE OF USA Bunch Carrots each Granny Smith Apples Cooking Onions m CO CANADA Cole Slaw 3i qq from IOlo uihileTabel unbronded products Quality Service and Value all at

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