Win McDonalds Gift Certificates and Watches Get your crayons and ell markers going to win Gift Certificates tor delicious food at McDonalds En tries will be judged on and each month there II be a draw for a unique Ronald McDonald Watch Enter as often as you like Send entry to The Herald 103 Mam St South Georgetown Ontario NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE McDonalds do it all for you JAYCETTES CHILDRENS PARADE Saturday 1 PM From Remembrance Park LAST WEEKS WINNERS KAREN ROBERT Cr can pick ii 3 Tilt MI Wednesday May I 1MB Page l YOUR WEEK AHEAD By AMIS Hi hi Mar mini li i mo May 1 it Willi imjlnsis mi with U in m ill rominu I tiriu in rt June 1 Jul is v II urn find In sh rmeb mil it will in ilif in bringing nd r things I ill Tiki idvintiie of invU Sept itMlf In I i ilvnJ hut is tin lik I linpriv mi in fin I pro Oct Nov I of mint- iriuki hi I Willi in tin ill Liu in run if Dec IS skills me jlil mil Ik overlooked hivi j fits of Iritndship mil Hon an Jim 18 import in to now Hut i livitii Hum i whin shine inditisvirv Feb import ml to u now indfiiuik iht hull of CROSSWORD PUZZLE Decay desert neighbor bbr locks MBOstop Towel word Sellout Hidden IS hero IT Painter Bonbtur old r it a f n i ft Whats he like By It ALI is Pierre Flliott in re illj uses p his recently published book in an to provide his He sheds but somehow falls of his of filling in nil the serious g in Ihc public s knowledge of prime minister for The il Times optrntion from The prime minister granted him one liour en counted stiff and rehtiv met oiler with potentuilly useful informilion to ale the hours into hfjih id Heme lol of in it Hi h create 111 Iht In Nov I the subjoel in tn light won I im tral in an election year lit I Tht puis tin in in thin the of nts tin l it eirried count Inrk into tin Hut til hi lo Ihr devtlopmtnl of sueli Iraits as iron iu ill tics coupled mill of spirit greatly to 1 iler itlnevtnunts into polities in when he was firsl elected w is fair Moreover candidate for iht I It in IWir irion he was retiring ItuiJwonski hrt down Trudtnus first 10 in office into four ni ycirs which culminated in the where the I into a minority government from a healthy majority try I rily government and fimlly l74 7fi Icthar git decline Nov 15 to the present the for unity fol lowing the Parti election r St There arc curious omissions in the look at the man most of all the lack of real examination of tin up of his in 1977 No out to set old wounds or hut the problems could not help but hive some influentt on man and some on his performance in office Docs make mlstnk It Studying dttislons on rnl or Icmsbolonthat runsoul and ii frmli cully to settle things or start again from in crisis situation hi Ister becomes crisply Performing arts school opens in fall A school or Performing Arts opens in September In downtown Georgetown under name Studio Williams Is tor of this school and will also be some courses She expects lo enlarge the course conjunction with the overall of school Born and reared in treat are Mrs Williams has had formal voice training there many years on concert and musi comedy and stage She has been a founding member three groups two of which art still going strong One in Montreal still thrives after twentytight years together w ilh The Abbey limited in neighbor which has just won three iwards after being nominited for in Association of Community Theatres Music ind Drama this year The lire administration Williams interest jl in and now will be into Studio with zest Production liehnnmcs is one of Mrs hams forte areas of achieve ment and she has produced shows for Georgetown I ittlt Thtatre and other groups in surrounding communities ind in a Bell Province Mrs Williams is an ardent supporter of Georgetown I Thtitre the Arts and Choral Society She is a soloist with Knox Presbyterian Church in idult advisor for Young Peoples group and numbers of the Womans Auxi Inry of that church is irtislie con ml for Studio and in with Mr turns Ml drama will be under the suptrvi Mr Nicholas He is will known in this lot is a director with Georgetown Lit ago he has greitly to growth and tntcrtain Mr Nicholas is also singer hiving awards in for many musical coined rules He also has i of iwartLs for his performance index is i director He has come before public of the television in Britain and has been fi itured on Canadian siou with his able rendition of with a brown Mr Nicholas formed on radio before Then the ill bis own If siunds more uri than most of the of future general mis docs I hot I nidi in rei so fir makes in in unfulfilled prime mini Ii illlioiih i it a failed one will nil rht judgment Livestock club meets The first meeting of the 4 II I Judging Club was hi Id on April meeting was opened with the elections of club officers as follows President Vice President Donna Stewart Secretary Heidi and Press Reporter La rl ha May The club leaders this year art Jeff Nurse and Ken McNabb Main Street North Acton Ontario 8533370 keenly enthusiastic resi dents of with a deep awareness of the city of lifestyle the healthy this community and the close inter itlion between all aspects of tin they both look or w ird lo pulling down roots and Studio will hi of the growth lorgelown icuptcd be fire July 1st will benefit from a cent discount CI begin Sept These courses will be held it Knox in Church Mam and liurch Streets offering morning ind afternoon class in semester of lessons each Studio announces he beginning of the company year by promoting presentation of Jacques- Bret is Alive and Well and Living in Pans by Abbey Limited at the Sheridan Collide Tickets arc and bar ficibties begin at with cumin This is at be moving production which spans the many touching on joy pathos cynicism and humour Pleise call evenings or tickets tMUWII 1 A growth of this mignificent theatre which is i self supporl ing theatrical enterprise lit his produced miny pro due I ions acted as managir as well The Williams Nicholas It im look forward to lilent through new business venture did They wil be promoting due loping in com munily of Canadian composers and writers they will late interest in fine arts and handcrafts together with of drama md music within the realms of Nornic Studio Theatre season released The Georgetown Ire has set the dotes for performances of ltFJH The group has also decided bring curtain lime forward and next season all mances will begin Instead of ft first production will be of Bell which will run from October to Cinderella will bt on December 7 Ft and will be a m performance on Decern luwillbcheldal When Art Married will be presented on March and All Summer Long will be pre on April and Cinderella which is tin Christmas production for season has betn removed from the season lieket In the past there has been confusion caused by the uncertain of seats being used for this play by season ticket holders ANN LANDERS Dei police r in Sinli llirb but I II wager 1 am pestered by strangers in rcstaunnls as much as you art I often lit in uniform of course duly I can I count Ihe times I le interrupted by citizens who think an officer ode lime is perfect opportunity report i neighbor who is smoking mnrljuan i or impure the ihties of title on 19f2 people pull up i ind stlllc Jlcivcmy mi i go help him st When I sud no got mid I ilso expected to know the ski conditions at any given moment it Broken Valley Sorry I do not know of no police officer who I leave his mi itlohelpnpersonindislrcsi but please riadtrs ttnl i cop ili privacv while likt in i ludf being the puhlli can truthfully I don I pmlili m speak In rrsl don this in but nobody pulled up a Ann I hear Himself i Kennedy is inside story of lie book bothers mi Ann I In people s i the author smuggled by mi tin pit bunt interviewed I which is how ni Kennedy r ii inside sniff if this is I rut 1 in I Hit in ins units pit is this up for mt is sum as ilsoliit in Bridgeport did not a In fin never a tope lust and was ruing of lllioncr The are ill In a Ird I i written Ibis Success can be overlooked It SI it is And what do we need in life to make us feel I suppose wtiltb power and prestige have pi ice in tin emc things but possibly due to having born into Iheivirvdiy working world or maybe just In 1 worn in such things are of my realm do not for me form a tenons part of hie it is nut to imagine having just enough mom ifford it lonf dreamed of trip Thai perfect isy hoi id ever minute of which you have phoned a tunes during Ihc mundane hours of And who bis not envisioned the thrill of being a big loiter winner indrephcuj every of child battered worn oul furniture in one glorious spending spree Hi we r il the holiday is remain just a remote possibility mil lottery is not much more illusion is il tint makes us lo scramble li isicill I believe is Ihc commit of si tin i job through to end and saying I did tie of which 1 was ipable and savouring the silisfaeli 111 it knowledge il in Hit fitluif of well being limes of sh laughter summer sunset from a warm s knowing you helped a friend through a lime of trouble itching your children mature into people whose mpany you It is a moment of peace during a the piercing shrieks of Mom then i bug in my potatoes and Dad Ihcstcak I is being calmly enjoy Ihe lotal happiness of ill child in and nut of a deep mud puddle in nttimf simply he is not your child and whin the iffiee typewriter ribbon does no during thit I isl rush letter at two minutes before of Mother long son in sudden other You me it was next I ii wis in July Rilling uptight because she is making shop md il still I finished and the 1 1 is 11 of who No 1 Mi rM Mr till t It To pa II Welcome loihl club There Ik Ip Tht Key lo iniv with yi request i long to Ann I I Bo meet Ihesi two indid for lodm lent in form overnight man ii well worth von in Limb r AGRICULTURAL LIME SPREADER SERVICE CAMPBELLS LIME SERVICE IF YOU DONT HAVE 10 INCHES OF INSULATION IN YOUR ATTIC YOURE LOSING HEAT AND WASTING MONEY If home is like 90 of Canadian homes it not properly insulated This 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