77th District Wi meet LETTER TO EDITOR May 21 The Women a Institute District Annus wu hosted by Scotch Block in Bos May 10 1978 with the theme Strengthening the Family Unit Member of the executive and the convenor of the stand committees tor elected the meeting Mrs John McNubb Georgetown wai elected presi dent The position of vice- president remains unfilled Mrs Norton of Acton and Mrs Dons Lindsay of George town wire second and third vice presidents lively Mrs Andrews and Mrs It Parker both of Campbtltvilk were chosen Federated and Alternate Fed Mrs J of was elected public relation officer with Mrs Nellis as her assistant Mrs It Wilson of was elected with Mrs Ironside nomi as assistant secretary ten standing com to head commit Mrs Paul Henderson of Ion w is chosen to hud and in In Tin Joyed at a during reitistfj Hon Rev Hod extended a welcome lo the 130 women who attended Mrs Marj presided Miss opemngwiththiOdeindMar indued followed by the ratification of 15 Directors turrv I Mrs VilmiUilsonreidlhe ports In her address Mrs life is subject to stress pun in thm world A influincc is the said she women to wisdom strcnglli IwiKsIs eourigeind ill Ml home llu loinnmn the world Mrs thanks lo in help hospitality It J over two it term as Slit ilso trnnked ihe Resident replies to NEC stories In painting con in with Kim eoneirnidby enough Willi 17 mm t nisi w is hung to pij or this t i v ill expropriation of Ontario lit Mr Hi id lo ire going to reduce lontro 1 who sod Untitle art is thi an ds in going to Im ruluied rlu doisnotknnw how muihitwil i would hi Hi In a time of Cm in iJDlhr tin of o this money on foreign following fist i Mr how e in this pi in In pi in of the NFC it j when they how long are itonlinue now that is if this in Queens Park iur wl our ilictcd local wants to Lake away this voice This alone will unfairly our individual properly rights to be governed by locally elected government and replace it with an appointed At this lime I would urge that is as concerned to write to Mr McMollmand to their respective and voice their objections to this proposed act you for your time consideration 1 remain ours truly Ted Von Terra uppc fort There plates would be viihtJlcirnuid Mi veil r fit dustrii Mrs McMilhn the itizenship Mhtn Mrs i Vinsictsk of the new convenor of the I ir and Mrs of Mrs Jcs wis selected to Commit lei Mrs Mrs J will In id the Bursary and Scholarship committee Mrs Hunter wis selected as the Musical Festival and Mrs is elected miliums inch I isl brought lilies iKlpinlurm prisenled Mi by Iht JJnmi I t night Mrs June Andre See the signs of summer savings To enjoy the best shop the best SEE OUR SELECTION OF BOXED FLOWERS frank AND VEGETABLE PLANTS Featuring Tomato Plants jqe CHECK THE YELLOW TAGS FOR MORE INSTORE SPECIALS rd mix Mrs in tier nlat Mr in of Pale Safety Representative Coffee and cookies wi Hind for is I ill on nil Seventeen groups receive grants organizations in mined from the ployment for youths the receiving funds are 111 Hit lb i the luring don by theorgnnintion itsei groups Hilton Hills funds ihe TOMATO PLANTS 69 BOX USA BROCOLI Reg Bunt BANANAS 4For Lb I Reg 33 Lb Hostess g POTATO chips 77 Bottles COCACOLA i ml Bottles Georgetown fruit Market 140 GUELPH ST We are Open Sundays 100 Yards East of the Former Store 8778882 Saxe Stiphin P Saxi Limitid RiaHor 87722 1 TO 155 Prince Charles Are You Prepared land no hoy This super po Came Look Me Over Cluster llie and room ached JoMn Caton 170 Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario WendySaxe Stephen Saxe Limited Realtor rge Country Bungalow south Acton we have a three Robin Fischer