i you hear about the hunter climbed through Morning Smile 1J7H Home Newspaper of Hills The fuUsiie paper reaching more than 13000 homes in Hills 1- Inn Johnson 12 Chris rosi finished the tnllre II kilometres of IhU vrar Both r tc wo llrjmplnn will receive funds Irom the walk which Did helped to sponsor mil or I In is or lull of 3d per kilometre This was he first walk lrls Over 200 on Millions walk III of limjnri Hi test bet the jcorgetuwn sue tun s i si rjr number of wrm It a in in hid hi i sume minijed Hit Siturdu morning wi ether Hurt wi iid Tin ilk is spun ilk 111 lltlU l Hilton si rid silt sum lit i l mid Iht liw lid hit nut invoked rs Hit in Hit walk but ioriilwn to I dropped out The md tin ii ilk mm in rs if w ilk iid funds rn from wilk finished will divided would n ho iht torgelown lilt lounges day I iuri nlt- number llu mil mike tin ilk is or li Tin eoreeiown use orinicrs in aw in for ir ilhv Sluwll iiistsinnikelthit ilxitr kil people Mil from oiii Johnson tours Shi starlet vtlkilhin Region alone on site F hinds off pending Kir Mr Met wis luiuln in on Iht o Hit ronioiiil public works tour official ribbon mill i I hi In ilrmnl night that the will slip in he tin region public Hubert Moore tmorgenc now on within six months with lis pi ins I run i Ho id Please no sidewalk Harold In want lawns en though pi d for Town Hob Austin slid hi would comment on tilt don I but would not be front to a rccom without furthir munition of tht locition ind intiu Hold of Milton are up in legal issue is possible I resource phni fir It winch would be lit ilv ro i subsidized the and II t up ill the the of Hal Ion produei The problem is it no knows whit kind of is Hit enirt Mid At leasi Hut m rud tint will sillily oil needs Mr indie I pits II ids hilptd to tin in tin first i mm r siid Soccer star general manager speakers for athlete dinner ihi Ihllon iridul to The star is nd ill if University of Drills hi ltd lussotccr It lo i geld in the 1J74 ilmc from unsut for United in ilu Scottish filling to nuke turn in returned home lo star for Ihi While highlights in for Hit 1 lo World up I in bilk him i iih Ins ft lis in Ihi Sup in Ins third mi mpetilion In Ins In In thru first eimjMlili in I In Last week for nominations Ibis is ln J si wk llinld will lot Hi if ird Mk of Hi minimis will 1 ii don June Ilu lommitttt will meet two rmiiirs nd 111 dm itwhuhthi will rti Ilu il It ink will Hi II s Hill on Jin I hi I irs on Solar alternate energy subject of seminar sun wml in I mil in rj itiu s Hints nil I It showing i film slit sum rid id 111 St ir I i I bus in istn ih r ol it lilm llunwill in il In I inol fir ill tin r 1 Ihi s ninth I p m I Itiu it linl ml on in l in ill a tor I ph sluili will ss so his list if finis mil p litis on displ i II I ilk nil he Parent responsibility favored in vandalism if nil pro in favor of It milestone lo msibli or pnu tint Ihi piruili in I sin of knew wrought Inn known the wire Ik to of the k of Ms III leKIShllll also notes and y thlldren are ms to of Ihert is no on the parents for even who moved support of resolution slid if si is pissod it is there will be more in issue of business 1 in id lliat if a mihl is identified attempt is in lo rttoier from the I irtnls the sum of mom for in nine casts out if len Hit is Christmas gift saves couple tin to his pirenls lurned out to be life He gave a smoke detector when took fire in James Street home filling house with smoke Were damn fortunate we hid one il s possible Ihe two of us he dtud now He mil his wife Kay were when ihe went of Mrs I hear It mil Mr he got to ihi neighbours The couple have had detector since March Our son Iaul gait us dels for I kept putting of delivering Mrs ill 1 got illcei Simpnun delivered it and happened tie here from Kingston on a visit when II up for us jus US l I find minding Mr Morrow ml region ilu to go die id ml tint issues are the eluek off but i on ringing I soniiiiuni w is wrong I d Inn spotted it sooner if I l the 1 got up to see what was wrong with it and 1 the smoke Then I went mil wakened wife Mr roid in Ins hire feci to gel months ago Hit suggested that it ring so long the is tie ol here I ihmk m going lo get detec ir loo 1 don know where i put it but I think it would be Idea I had this one in dining room 1 always If there was a fire It would start in kitchen ention In darn i the The Trust lost in to flamts rest of the from Mm decided to up smoking then ithkli tit World Km nil defended his in nil Sup e III winning mini In the SujMrstjrs to J I lH111 too tilKlut I 11 Ms 1974 helping It id to the rev up to tiki a position is elirti lor player person ml the i r s link in as a super with tin Tor Ho He wis dire r of pi i r personnel In from the He the Metros litre It is long Ins know how in issessing eterplivers His purchuhfi i is a Hi Hills Athlete of is I I It I will slsube a winner of the will reeeiu He ink rioh Tin two runnersup nil i it red Iht Mil Hi Ml f rletlDuffirin toe will ITS HOT hi Keeping cool is an effort S hi I ire thin tin long liohd weekend at leisl iisilon both of list week town In vendors did thriving ness peddling iris tbrough residenli it streets Hull si Ins walk hex in set up his in tot Inside Ins ihurund Irish box mil sold his ires to walkers is Hit pissed along Hon nt beginning of the hikt inironment Canada says of wiirm weather it the end of the month has jusi brought our Tin cold rainj weather at the ginning of the month resulted in in average three below normal for i I r have bun in degrees or tie du5 the rt h is been no ram since Miv I 1st car rim Mi 17 to our the degree mark and the was degrees above normal Mi was even llinn 1977 according re