Hit IIMUIII May Pa Re 13 Bum boo afterwards New salons in Loft Bamboo Loft has added something or Us Inly customers on called Hit Hair Loll The hi- for business fur Hit first lime Thi minagir Judy Cook Ins hid of experience in Shi will assisted by will act as The Hair Loft is located rht oft The imboo tarries mi into The Loft with im boo in front of mirrors and under the dryirs 1 Hied of Loft is hnptnH tint customers will lata advantage of the opportunity she Slid I s mi ruidiys on rinrsdi to thin Police landlord agree on stations repairs Hilton Police Com mission has reached mint on flit repair needed to bring the Georgetown diiision building up to standard Point idmimslrator A rtporicd Thursday it hi bad had meeting Willi Ghdman owner of the build thai morning ind Mr iRreid to under lake the budding at his own expense building is in abject and and I would prefti mv dog not the night tht re- 1 Mr Munro slid It ting bloody will danpirnus lo life and Mr said that as of p m on May 17 he had Mr idm in respon in law or any danger due lo the stall of the building Shortly Mr Glad mm relumed from a trip to Honda and Mr Munro members of tie St iff to distuss Ihi maltir a result of meeting a of repairs was drawn up and Mr agreed lo undertake thim mediately They include the support and relevelling of he upstairs floors of the and ceiling in the Identifier Hon mug room ceil ing tiles on the main floor installation of cement floor in Hit in the storage insulation of the the of a leak in the rear half of the building El mil tin of sink f ill ir only ml blame Mr for trying it of is gel his Mr Mm William lloung said irt of the is lo ittribuled I off iters who the officer Ashgrove social notes Mrs I On members guided tour of Iht Ontario Mustuin lie ir so It in everyone an I of they ire doing and m past ind putting it on display saw log house buill in 1B30 which hive rtbuilt and as Ihur house in oil ill is An Old Tinit lit iiiolio inges I tht mind Lis it w is lirs rs reported on folk firsl board from County shop i grand son of the origin owner and new Hill which will promolt Institute work then drovt to home of Mrs Donaldson in for our milling Mrs It pre Ihi wnkend of wis I- or in July lys in Angus some of our umber will att hostess in it in ft I Hill it Mrs Cox and Mrs innouneidlhc bus would In June leaving in Ihi morning from illcrtst irking lol 0 mid ind the W I r iti son hour followed NOTICE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS OFFERS THE FOLLOWING SURPLUS ITEMS FOR SALE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER I Receiver Stereo with One Duplicator No One Offset No One Spirit Duplicator Adder Model22 Olivetti Calculator Model Two Gravely Mowers sell walk Two Electric Saunas These units were Pool Them are at the locations marked At Main SireaT South the Stall At the Works Yard on Tratotoar Road Location Main Street snulli 36 Main South Street Main Street Bids must bo In writing In a sealed envelope addressed Hslton Hills Main Street Georgetown marked Bid tor Surplus Equipment by IS noon June J 1B We the right to refuse bids on any or atl and reoffer at a later date by public auction other mean 3rd End of Month AMEM AMCM TDArir 8 TRACK CONSOLE STEREO AMFM 8 TRACK Regular CONSOLE STEREO Recordconsole AMFM 8TRACK 8 TRACK AMFM 8 TRACK RECORDCONSOLE recordentertainment STEREO