Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1978, p. 13

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Rev Ruggle CAS history written History of Children Aid in by Rug published by the Child Aid Society the Reg tonal Municipality of 1978 This page paperback by Re of Williams it a lime when the rtlaltonbhip between society her destitute children is under increasing public The booklet covers the ding the society Feb 19141 and the period proceeding il to about whin first Children Aid Society was founded in Toronto The name of the first president J M still lives on in- school name in Milton and besides a of him Mr copy of the mm of the first minute book wherein ire six objectives of the society And as well as the men and women who instrumental in the society beg nnings Mr is also sketched in roots of the issues that are full blown today Read ng reports of the icty s first inspector Charles Norton worked from 1914 to realized things haven changed much Among the inspector reports lifted by the Reverend for the book were An eight year old boy whose stepparents beat him and had left his body covered with bruises A fifteen who kept running away was examined at a hospital elm for feeble mindedness then aged as he took up a trade child whose mother was a drug fiend had home to lead a life was liken into care But although the life sketch in by these brief reports appears is a harsh one the society s pioneering it as mission and pinpointed what they thought were the causes of the The society second inspec tor William Stewart left his job as at the Acton public school to from to 1929 Mr who has been a member of the board of directors writes thai Stewart attributed neglect to unnatural parents who fail in their duty ignorant parents who do not know their duty and parents who are financial unable to care for their Those are but two examples of the work in the booklet which ends chapters with the growth of the society to this day Mr spent two years researching the society s files private correspondence local newspapers and conducted in in some cases as lale as November IT to put together history He has also published a book on Nor vol a booklet on St Albans church and has the history of Glen Williams coming tut soon his home for the past decade But this little history of children aid in would be a valuable addition to the library of anyone interested in history society govern and development Roads condition discussed Hills works commit tee members commended town road crews last week for their efforts after Mayor Tom Hill said roads in Hills were In better shape before the town took them over from the old township of Esqueslng If I was the people on the Line to Slderoad I be paying one penny of taxes Mayor Hill Its a bloody disgrace He added that the roods In the day of Township were In much better condition I vo heard that so many times I getting sick of it works chairman Pat McKeniio said I think are doing a terrific tab Tilt Wednesday June Page THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THRU SAT JUNE 10th 1978 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS AP FAMILY BRANDS SALE We pick the best So you can too BUY ASP BRANDS AND BE SURE Of WHAT YOU BUY Brands carry an unconditional guarantee of satisfaction AP is a Country Farm Pork Shop Pork Loin Quarters Cut Into A PORK lb CHOPS Loin End hops 2 Rib Chop Centre Cut Chops 1 10 CHOPS IN A PKG PORK LOIN ROASTS Rib Portion 33Albcut Tenderloin Portion SPARE RIBS MESH MINCED LOIN Ground Pork 108 Pork Chops Canada Packers Week at WIENERS MAPLE LEAF VAAIETIE SLICED LEAF COIL Bologna Polish Sausage 168 MAPLE LEAF SLICED VAR MAPLE LEAP SMOKED PICNIC STYLE Cooked Meats 118 Pork Shoulders 128 Brand SIDE BACON 78 BEEF A PORK COLE SLAW OR SHoms Burns Sausage Potato Salad SWIFT READY TO EAT VACHALVIS PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SLICED Hams sugar Beef Liver Frozen Meats Seafood FROZEN 1ft KO FROZEN GOLDEN MILLET Fish Portions 278 Chicken Wings FROZEN RAW FROZEN Scallops breaded Chicken i98 Taction Priced TOMATO JUICE Our Price 65 Chocolate Chip COOKIES AP PIZZA COFFEE RITE Action Our 179 Action Alt CROHN SHOESTRING STRAIGHT CRINKLE FROZEN LIQUID ACTION French Fries 59 Orange Juiceir79 AP Bleach AH PARTLY SKIMMED ACTION PRICED TIN FUSTIC REPRICED Mac Cheese 3- 89 Evap Milk 3- 100 Garbage BagSoVi88 QUICK COOKING ACTION FANCY ACTION 19FLOZTIN PLASTIC KITCHEN J AP Rice Apple Sauce 2 89 Garbage BagSo49 CHOICE AAP VARIETIES INCLUD1NO CHICKEN AlP LIQUID ACTION PLASTIC Tomatoes 2 99 Cat Food 99 Fabric Softener 79 PLAIN RIFFLE SALT AVINEOAR JANE PARKER ACTION PRICED I Potato Chips 79 Tea Bags woo 189 Pantyhose ROSE RELISHES 2ff GIANT 4 no GREEN r VEGETABLES Com 2o7Q HEINZ Baby Foods I 599 FLAKED WHITE DEEP SHOWN OR RED KIDNEY 100 IMmltu Starkist Tuna 119 Libbys Beans 69 Aim Toothpaste 79 VALIANT ACTION VARIETIES INCLUDING VARIETIES INCLUDING SEAFOOD Iced Tea Mix arl69 Canned Dinners 99 fender 75 APPLE RAISINSPICE BANANA NUT FRUIT JUICY RED FINK CHOCOLATE CHIP 1JOIFKQ WHITE YELLOW PUMPKIN VERY BERRY ACTION Snac Cake Mix 87 Paper Towelsss99 Crystals We pick the best Baked goods J We pick 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